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  1. While searching for another B!Roy I got a Ryoma this morning, but a +HP/-SPD one.. I have been wanting him for quite some time now, so despite his boons I want to try to make him work. Anyone has experience with and/or an opinion on bulding him with Heavy Blade 3 and Quick Riposte 3 (and some highcost special)? He should be decent on defense, kinda comparable to Ike. Or would a more standard Fury 3 / Vantage 3 build still be workable despite his -SPD? Now I'm at it; also have a 5* Seliph with +HP/-DEF in the waiting room. Really have no clue what to do with him; I feel like his DEF is his only redeeming quality, and getting -4 on DEF hits him pretty hard. Lastly, any suggestion for 5* Fae? I have both -ATK/+DEF and +HP/-ATK (yes, I'm swimming in hitpoints..), not really sure which combination is preferable.
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