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Posts posted by Myke

  1. That's just semantics, though.

    A- still interesting! I think following this logic we could say that 'farming' is harvesting in an efficient and stable manner, while 'grinding' is just playing the game naturally with the intent of gathering resources

  2. On paper, I loved most moves that Awakening did, including the dating sim aspect. It's cheesy and definitely not everyone's cup of tea, but I always liked the games that had dating sim aspects. However, I was disappointed by Awakening's marriage/kids aspect, and Fates' sounds worse. Many moons ago, there was this game called Phantasy Star III, and it featured a branching storyline where it branched off when you picked which girl the main character married, and it branched even further when the second generation kids got married. In the end it was an awful game, but I loved the idea and really wanted to see it in Awakening: The kids would be different people depending on who their parents were, rather than just have different hair colors.

    ....That being said, I understand that it would be insanely hard for the game designers to do that, especially for Morgan since anyone can be his/her mom/dad. However, I would have rather the developers cut down the options of the kids' parents and had more personalized dialogue for the fewer that were there. It's weird to me that Frederick and Henry have almost the exact same dialogue when talking to daughter Cynthia.

    The genderlocked classes never bothered me. Stuck in one class never really bothered me in FE. I tend not to change classes, other than promotions.

    A- this sounds like a challenge

  3. You'd be surprised how effective alternate ways of typing can be. Typing itself is quite illogical since you have to individually press each key which can be located pretty far from each other on a keyboard, as opposed to a system where each button (always accessible on a controller) can be one of several different letters depending on a toggle. I've seen a controller type keyboard that was measured against a normal keyboard and after an hour of practise the controller type appeared to be faster (something I was sceptical about at first but I reckon its true now). Of course it's also pretty irrelevant since if Maker Games do become the next big thing, narrative type games like RPGs that require a lot of text to be typed could easily make a keyboard extension be one of the norms for the console.

    B- there's these new mouse-keyboards that are all the rage

    (I'm a little behind and distracted, will edit in as I proceed)

  4. the sales numbers are deceptive - the more money these guys are making, the more the gaming community as a whole is beginning to feel abused. it is discussed openly, and everywhere, that the AAA console industry is fucking disgusting, and now all the giants are starting to show cracks. bad decision after bad decision is publicised and all stockholder confidence is waning away

    or can't for some reason

    I won't even begin to allude to economic crisis, because I don't know enough about it to explain it, but uh

    yeah this is a whole lot of fucking people being hurt. there's no justification for console exclusivity, except 'it keeps consoles in money'

  5. dog you're going to piss off a lot of people with that talk. you realise there are entire youtube channels devoted to running the games as efficiently as possible, right? that there are entire sub-forums on this very website dedicated to arguing for hours over statistics?

    those are not the core tools of engagement in fire emblem, those are your favourites

  6. @elieson: there's always a counter-culture and there's always a revolution ;)

    @everyone else: are we seriously still this attached to consoles? c'mon guys pack up the shrines and just remember the good times. it's time to move forward and start healing. the more you keep feeding this dying beast your money, the longer and more drawn out this is going to be

  7. it's just not going to happen. let's fast forward 100 years and say that digital download is the ruling paradigm (which we're pretty close to already); are people going to stop buying discs and cartridges for their collections? no. there's going to be a demand and a boutique market for them forever, basically.

    what we've got is fine. digital download is the most cost-effective way to do it, but if you want the fancy plastic box then you pay extra and you're responsible for making sure it doesn't end up in a landfill somewhere


    People say this for basically every example of technology.

    yes and you can still find artisan blacksmiths who will make you custom bolts for your horse-driven carriage

  8. see this is one of the things the game development community is trying to address: this idea of a universal concept of 'fun'

    the language we use when making games now is 'engagement'. different players are looking for different kinds of engagement at different times in their life. sometimes you want to just lose yourself in a new world and become so familiar with it it feels like your own. sometimes you want character drama. sometimes you want to outsmart an opponent and feel clever. all of these things are called 'fun' when people describe why they like them, but that's not very useful for nailing down what exactly they enjoyed and why

  9. I think it's basically that the two sides (we will entertain the idea that there are two sides) are blaming each other for there being elements in the game that they don't like. 'this isn't here for me, so it obviously must be here for those LTC/shipper guys'

    it's not a black and white thing, but that's what the argument is about I think. this thread has clearly demonstrated that everyone is uncomfortable about the same stuff, more or less

  10. every word you use in a sentence carries a thousand other associated words with it. constructing a sentence isn't about using the words that say what you want to say - it's about using the words that convey your idea correctly

    I lie almost constantly, by using technicalities and obfuscations that deliver to the other person's head exactly the thoughts I want them to be having

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