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Posts posted by Myke

  1. so they're all automatically guilty of pornographic fanservice!



    as in provided by a business, for money reasons.

    the fans do it because they are dirty little monkeys and noone can stop them :)

    EDIT: sorry I should complete my argument here and not just walk away from it satisfied I'm in a better position. still learning how to be a good person, aren't we all?

    what I'm getting at is the company very explicitly states what those modding agreements can and cannot do, and most will spell out that porn for porn's sake is out of the question

    (porn for marketing is another issue and they would rather not talk about it)

    I don't think it's unreasonable in this case. I mean, it's a discussion about preference between the two styles of games. It's not like anyone is saying they prefer them because they're from Japan or NA, they prefer them because they have differences that made them the distinct subgenres that they are.

    another language thing. if a jrpg is released in the west which is it? what do you call avatar in this situation?

  2. my idea: mobile base akin to the starcraft terran base when it is airborne

    special moves involve spawning defenders and normals activate guns and missiles and stuff on the ship that deal damage close range

    no idea for the final smash, maybe land and convert to a fully operative base and start spawning wicked troops that you can temporarily control?

    EDIT: OH OH downB to control sami and simultaneously make the group do an acrobatic escape move, she has good ranged attacks with a squad of guys and missiles and shit

    sideB to drive forward with max in a light tank and obviously do tanky melee moves

    upB to escape from above with andy and his gunship

    neutralB to uh, reset position and maybe do some barrier move? EDIT EDIT: no have it be different for all three, barrier for max, missile for sami, some ground-targeting attack with andy probably

  3. yeah but it wasn't just people standing on either side of a line depending on what their position on the argument was. everyone in the war had different motives, and much of the conflict was really about land, power, and resources. there were propaganda campaigns, assassinations, and betrayals leading up to the war for decades

  4. I prefer the third one :)

    I think the far cheek needs some AA work, there seems to be some banding? I don't really sprite anymore so I don't know exactly what I'm talking about

  5. the latter. just mastering the frame data for that one moveset so perfectly that even in poor matchups they still win 2-0

    Study the game and character(s) you use; learn the match-ups, and what to do (and not to do) against these characters.

    this, and studying your own behaviour, is key. it also helps to study other players and their playstyles to see what they do right and wrong

  6. 'fan-service' is provided by the developer. if the players themselves are making it, it's 'fan work'.

    Should western MMO RPGs count as a valid sub-genre for comparison here? Because if so then that just opens up so many more examples of the blatant, in your face kind of fanservice that gets lumped in with JRPGs all the time.

    don't even start. all the most egregious fanservice in the mmo industry comes from the east.

    anyway I'm going to join the reasonable people over in the corner where we play games based on their merit and not their region of origin

  7. fuckin ring wyrm man, replaying ff12. it's an optional high-rank hunt you can accept way too early and frustrate yourself banging your head against until level 30

    uh really though the only ones that really stuck with me were the first phantom fight in DMC1 (especially if you missed any blue orbs) and grilgan from lost odyssey (you literally just have to grind to level 12 to beat him but that is so fucking lame)

  8. the guy who said 'sexist content does not a sexist game make' hit it on the head, it's a matter of context and whether the issue is treated respectfully and so on. 'rape' is a scary word but as long as you're not swinging it around just to make people duck, it has a place in storytelling.

    and yeah earlier FE games used sexual violence as a cheap and easy way to create drama, but it's something many writers do when they're just starting out. the series is definitely stronger in that respect.

    is the pandering and waifu-ism comparable to that as an issue? I don't think so. I've only played awakening but for every nowi there's a sully, and for every scene sumia trips over something she gets a scene showing her more admirable traits. there's also content aimed at pandering to the female audience, with characters like yarne and chrom. stuff like the bride class seems like harmless fun to me, but it does seem like a massive oversight to have such disparity between the dlc classes.

    @non-consentual face rubbing stuff: this is interesting, not sure what it says about the whole thing actually

    @incest stuff: I have honestly never understood this taboo, but apparently there are people here who are really passionate about it! can anyone explain their feelings on this for a little perspective?

  9. it seems pretty clear to me that they're hedging their bets, trying to sell both versions of fire emblem at once and seeing which one holds water

    if it goes in a new direction that's okay with me, designers gotta explore. all my old favourites are still there and five-ten years from now the devs will swing back around and try to do a revival of the older concepts again

  10. Yaaay I wish I could watch this but I want to wait and play the whole thing through at once like normal and I swear I'm not just posting because I'm tired of not having a star next to this topic which makes it somewhat harder to track

    (you can just hit 'follow this topic' at the top of this page)

    Just donated, you better keep that damn real name to yourself.

    It's Nickt or nothing.

    We've got a spot reserved in the credits for you hun <3

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