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Everything posted by Myke

  1. try to promote magnus to druid and see for yourself ;o
  2. you need some way to communicate who is receiving those stat boosts after the B support
  3. whoops almost forgot to post EDIT: pf one minute late reference: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/352/4/8/league_of_legends__poppy_background_1080p_by_counterclockwork-d6ydvy1.png
  4. are you using a windows operating system? have you actually downloaded the .net and XNA frameworks? did you actually install them? have you extracted the immortal sword files from the .rar archive? are you running the correct executable file? give me something to work with here
  5. Myke

    #myke art

    click through for details about whatever catches your eye
  6. Myke


    I posted some concept art on my tumblr that illustrates the full scope of our design
  7. 2014 Indie Game Maker Contest In BOSS FIGHTER you FIGHT BOSSES! You are TINY and they are HUGE and that makes you MORTAL ENEMIES! BOSS FIGHTER is an attempt to take the hectic, unforgettable combat style of the so-called ‘Spectacle Fighter’ genre and pack it into a humble 2d format. Using jump cancels, dive kicks, and powerful charged uppercuts, overcome these insurmountable odds with style! Play our game! Hit the like buttons and spread the word!! Social media!!! This is our entry for the 2014 indie game maker contest and we would really appreciate your support (also it's tons of fun so you should go play it regardless)
  8. a little every day, friend. right this second we're discussing metrics for the completion rank as for the next release...
  9. Myke

    FEE3 2014

    I'll make my annual token offer to be a presenter and then flake out because I was busy finishing my 7x stuff
  10. also: bloodline specific skills think about it
  11. Myke

    #myke art

    I did a thing
  12. both look like they'd be super fun to murder people as >3 MU's axe arm kind of bothers me but that angle always looks off even in photos so nvm
  13. make motonari a tactician if it's my yukimura you wanted to use then okay but it's only the one frame, and I don't have time to sheet it any time soon. I'd like to, though, and probably some others while I'm at it, so hit me up if you're still in development later this year
  14. You can adjust the resolution from the options in the main menu All of this comes under 'it's not finished yet'
  15. you want a whole bunch of hills and forests around the edges of your mountains, it works sort of like AA
  16. it's a generic description implying that there are hundreds of pages and they are normally young - like abelia's social knight description getting her gender wrong since the vast majority of social knights are dudes
  17. The Eliminian faith was founded in Etruria and crept into Lycia and Bern with time. Sayings like this one are remnants from the early days, when pagan beliefs held: in more rural areas, like those surrounding Pherae, they still do. This one I have no excuse for x: depends on your definition of adorable
  18. B- trying new things is really healthy! the more styles you become familiar with, the more perspective you have B- keep practising
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