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Posts posted by Myke

  1. Hey, this game simply does not work on my computer :s i've downloaded everything i need, but i was really looking forward to it! :'( any help?

    are you using a windows operating system?

    have you actually downloaded the .net and XNA frameworks?

    did you actually install them?

    have you extracted the immortal sword files from the .rar archive?

    are you running the correct executable file?

    give me something to work with here

  2. a28f52306f.png



    In BOSS FIGHTER you FIGHT BOSSES! You are TINY and they are HUGE and that makes you MORTAL ENEMIES!

    BOSS FIGHTER is an attempt to take the hectic, unforgettable combat style of the so-called ‘Spectacle Fighter’ genre and pack it into a humble 2d format. Using jump cancels, dive kicks, and powerful charged uppercuts, overcome these insurmountable odds with style!

    Play our game! Hit the like buttons and spread the word!! Social media!!!

    This is our entry for the 2014 indie game maker contest and we would really appreciate your support :]

    (also it's tons of fun so you should go play it regardless)

  3. 'I have a dream.' That one day every person on this forum will control their own destiny. A forum of the truly free, dammit. A forum of action, not words, ruled by strength, not committee! Where the mods change to suit the individual, not the other way around. Where posting and justice are back where they belong: with people that aren't fucking morons! Where every man is free to think - to act - for himself! Fuck all these limp-dick mods and chickenshit posters. Fuck this 24-hour Internet spew of waifus and terrible opinions! Fuck Serenes pride! Fuck the forest! FUCK ALL OF IT! Serenes is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes a new Serenes will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive - free to post as they see fit, they'll make Serenes great again! ...In my new Serenes, people will post and argue for what they BELIEVE! Not for money. not for waifus! Not for what they're told is right. Every man will be free to fight his own flamewars!


    i lol'd

  4. make motonari a tactician

    if it's my yukimura you wanted to use then okay but it's only the one frame, and I don't have time to sheet it any time soon. I'd like to, though, and probably some others while I'm at it, so hit me up if you're still in development later this year

  5. I just started playing this, I can't find a way to full-screen it... Like, the full-screen symbol is grayed out.


    You can adjust the resolution from the options in the main menu

    A few comments on the preparation screen:

    1) On CH6, is it intended that we can't use the Angelic Robe before starting the map? I think we should have the option to.

    2) Currently you cannot take a sneak peak at vendors/armories (like in the GBA titles). Is this intended?

    3) The save option currently creates a map save, but I think it would be a better idea if saving overwrites the save from the map screen. This means all your preparation can be intact permanently, rather than being overwritten by another map save. But like other FEs, the pre-preparation cut-scenes and dialogue are kept in-tact when you restart, just that your changes are kept.

    Just thought I'd comment on it.

    All of this comes under 'it's not finished yet'

  6. amazing

    The existing ranking pars are something of a placeholder - estimates of where the numbers should sit based on our alpha runs. For the final version, we'd rather have something more precise: this is where you come in. With more data on the scores players are achieving, we can set the bars somewhere more appropriate.

    Obviously, we can't expect you to have recorded your scores without being told to beforehand, and you can't retrieve the data - but we can. Either email MyDocs/SavedGames/FE7x/1.sav to mail@bwdyeti.com or upload it to a hosting service and shoot us the link, and we'll do the rest. We would prefer that you have completed Chapter 6 first.
  7. Also, of course I don't have a script to go through so simply from the video, minor thing. "By the Sky, Uther."

    This is odd to come from Elberts mouth, since he isn't Sacaean and the whole Earth/Sky thing is theirs. On top of that they have a church, it's monotheistic, so "By the Gods" wouldn't work either, singular deity. "By Elimine/For Elimine's sake" may work, since she is a saint. Although it would be the equivalent of going "By Peter" when you actually think about it. "By God" is the only way to go if you want to keep the line the same, if you have problems with references to a deity in speech for... whatever reason, not sure why considering that actual FEs don't mind talking about Gods and Goddesses with the noun "God/Goddess" Then I would suggest altering the line entirely. "For pities sake, Uther." for example.

    The Eliminian faith was founded in Etruria and crept into Lycia and Bern with time. Sayings like this one are remnants from the early days, when pagan beliefs held: in more rural areas, like those surrounding Pherae, they still do.

    "and et cetera" is redundant, since et cetera already means "and other things".

    This one I have no excuse for x:

    Isadora turned out alright before the buff patch and i overused her because of her animation. .Speaking of Isadora and dodge tanks, do we get an adorable female who has over the top STR and DEF and HP and garbage speed and res?

    depends on your definition of adorable

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