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Posts posted by HyperMorian

  1. Kujura

    "... ... ...Right." Kujura wasn't exactly the first to ask, yet this time interrupted by the barging blue-haired maiden, who brought in urgent, preposterous news. He raises an eyebrow of disbelief, unsure if he should take her seriously for what that could possibly mean.


    He finally made his entry, shoes still wet, clueless of the situation. "Oi, where are they at? I'm ready to get brawling with my magical potency." His words expressing confidence, but his weary voice shows exhaustion than anything positive.

    "We've sorted that out already." Kujura twirls his yellow strand as he speaks from a distance. "It was neither troubling nor exciting, for the better and worse."

    Of course, being dragged into rescuing the blond archer stalled him well enough. But what's there to lose from being late where the others can still make do? None other than unspent time of rest, and incoming hunger.

    "M'kay, I think...I'll lounge around before going anywhere else." Lim is aware that he can't go on like this forever -- he just doesn't want to say it. There's not much to imply from his tone, more so when he can't bring himself to tell what he's currently feeling.


    Unlike most combatants that are still standing today, Vanessa doesn't look very good. Ending up face down; lance on her side, a light blue jewelry in her grasp, and a pegasus beside her. The last attack was comparable with her initial fall to an unknown continent, a frequent, hurtful experience any flier is in risk for flying carelessly.

    Anything she heard became ramblings, she couldn't tell whose voice is speaking to whom. The strain was too much for bracing an attack she's confident to take, but unaware of what property made Titania to shriek loudly. It's not going to be any better if she can't move either, so what can she do?

    "Oh? What's she doing there?" Lim points at Vanessa, downed to the floor and devoid of response. Kujura takes notice immediately, as if he's almost forgotten of her presence, stands up from the throne and the two quickly approaches her. While Lim isn't very concerned, Kujura can't really grin at her current condition.

    The Shogun turns to Lim, "I remember you got hit in the left arm, but now I couldn't see your wound anywhere. Lim, I'm certain there's somebody in here that could, now will you fetch them here?"

    "You mean that Simon person? Yeah, he's like, right there." Lim brandishes his finger at a priest looking man on the outer palace, then beckons him to come with aid.

  2. Kujura

    Emerging victorious, the Shogun moves the crushed figure to the side, letting it descend down the stairs by itself. The Darknut still lives, albeit barely, due to how the plate armor he dons now suffocating instead of protecting him. It won't be long enough until he runs out of air, or somebody is willing enough to hear his dying wishes.

    "I expected more, but I've grown weary of this mess." Kujura slowly climbs, before spinning himself to occupy the vacant throne. He certainly has seen these a lot while serving under Armoroad, but never the chance to sit on it. This is merely an occasional comfort.

    "We've wiped most of the malcontent, and I shall ask any of you questions that has been piquing my mind the whole time." He leaned on one hand, the other holding the sword planted on the red carpet. "I find some of you dressing funnier than some others. It makes no sense to me that every of you are any ordinary sort of a mercenary group. Pray tell, just who are you people, what goal does this group have, and why are we fighting? Answer these questions, so I can conclude what I'll do from here and out."

  3. A castaway? In here? Despite being uninformed for the most part, Kujura ended up developing a thought alike to Vanessa's. Further supported with stacking discrepancies, he can't be sure if what this Adol person said was anything convincing.

    But it simply isn't enough to be wary of. With a majority of people wielding their own weapons, if he were to be an enemy, why did he go through the trouble following from the rear, still unarmed? That reason alone is enough to digress the idea as he speaks up, "Hail, sir Adol. You call yourself an adventurer, do you not?"

    "Oh? Were you two acquaintances?" The Pegasus Knight slightly lowers her weapon in response, but not yet convinced of his explanation.

    "No, I don't believe so." He shakes his head, "But it's not out of place to say we're all strangers who, stripped of cause and reason, happened to stumble upon an occasion. What I can assure you is, this man and I are similar in a way, for I've heard the word 'adventurer' countless times, it goes without saying that we'll never point our weapon toward one of us. Besides, I think he's disproved his similarity with the other whom you might know. So, will you loosen up for this matter?"

    "I see, this was all a misunderstanding in my part..." She holds the lance high as she turns toward Adol, "I must apologize for my brash manner. It isn't rare for me to jump into conclusions, especially in a battlefield."

    "Right, it appears we're congruent now." The Shogun pulls out the big sword, dragging it across the red floor. "Now that you're here, we'll be needing your help in taking down the one over there. You did ask if we know anything about it, and I can confidently say that it's the leader of the monsters we've wiped out before. Its armor is definitely impervious with what we have now, but who knows, I can probably more than whittle it if I try bashing it down with this."

    Forward and onward to K3, Kujura comes face to face with the Darknut as he prepares the Armorslayer. But instead of going frontal, he skips his turn, taunting Darknut to make its move first.

    At the same time, Vanessa swaps into Javelin as she flies past toward D6 for some discovery time with the treasure chest to the left.

    Not further from where they are, Lim quickly takes his wet soles into M11. He can finally say goodbye with crossing the river twice for today.

  4. Having decided to spectate, the Shogun glanced around, seeing more people gaining their entry -- presumably part of a mercenary sort, and a somewhat unorganized for one. In said occasion, two redheaded men came, both carrying a sword, and they don't bear much of difference in appearance. The thing that comes in mind...

    "Hm? Is it just me, or am I seeing two Ravens?" He asked, but the voice wasn't his. It came from the knight who immediately took notice after the disintegrating figure exposed the oddity. As Vanessa never recalled seeing anyone else with a distinct hair color, she repeated herself, "Who might you be?" as she points her weapon toward the similar other.

  5. The Shogun remains steadfast for the moment he was struck by an elemental projectile. He clenches a stronger grip, insisting to pay the bearded creature a decisive blow that could spell its demise...

    "Hold it right there, sir. Let me handle that one." A rather calm voice came nearby, appearing to have halted Kujura in preparing a proper counterattack. He turns to answer the flight maiden, "You sound confident for somebody I barely knew. Tell me, is that an offer out of sincerity or pity?"

    "...None of the latter. I said so only because these indeed do nothing to me." Vanessa responds with a flat expression throughout, "But that's only if you wish to seek aid for your wound. So, how about it?"

    "...Alright, I trust you've some cards up in your sleeves." It didn't take long for him to make a choice as he saunters to K8, tossing out a key in which Vanessa caught, barely. "Also, here, I found this from breaking some bones just now. Take the point ahead and go wild for me."

    "Ah...! It's a key- I mean, it's an honor." It was unexpected of her to get caught off guard by a certain object she's been looking for in a shop she visited recently. But on the brighter side, this should let her open up what was inside these treasure chests that nagged her for too long. Now that they've come to a quick agreement, Vanessa maneuvers about to I6 to perform a backstab upon the Wizzrobe.

    ...And just beyond the river, Lim tries to cross the river once more at N15.

  6. Vanessa

    The incoming wyvern-riding enemy is defeated. Those who were slowed by the river, quickly and successfully intercepted the surprise attack. The conclusion puts her at ease, but knowing that the fight isn't yet finished, it's too early to get lax.

    "...Have my ability grown rust over time? To have missed an attack this close, I must train more." Unable to give a proper finish toward the bat creature, Vanessa draws herself back from where she remained still to briefly observe the vicinity once more in wait for the priest's aid in circumventing poison.

    Once done, the Pegasus Knight heads off inside the red-floored interior, encountering three different figures; one is a man she's seen but unsure of identity, the other two are otherworldly beings at the opposing side who made their advance. Instinctively, Vanessa holds her Iron Lance tight, dashing in toward L8 for a clear strike at the white-bearded spellcaster.


    The distinct steps of the two sends an audible intent for the Shogun who had prepared a forthcoming stance. But it's certainly not the only sound he's hearing, for a winged maiden have made a breakthrough to join the fray, things are taking a fair side for the day.

    Brandishing the sword on two arms, Kujura decided to give the weapon a try. Granted, with a preference primarily of anything light and swift, adapting to these weapons will take him a while. Though, if the blade he's been used to can't cut through skin, then it's as good as useless for anything dire.

    "This is nothing new... Just a sword with an odd design." He murmured, before charging in toward the skeleton at J8 with a heavy, horizontal swing.


    "Right, I think we're done here." The Singaporean man speaks up, having delivered a bolt of thunder at the clutch of seconds, he takes his move to N16 in order to resume his previous attempt in crossing the river. Being close to somebody he's reluctant to help, he grunts as he averts his sight.

  7. Lim

    "Hey, this doesn't feel too bad." Once his shoe sunk below the water surface, carefully, he slips in the other and starts moving forward to reach the other side.  Albeit hesitating from getting soaked for the second time, the attempt was quite successful if he say so himself, as it might be pointless to take a long detour once he saw the Shogun forcing his way through.

    "...Hmm, I suppose..." Though knowing what to do, he paused to turn his sight upon his surroundings for a moment. To the southwest, Liao is seen armed with a pole, visibly gaining strength to topple the weird jelly thing. Seems there's no need to worry and tamper his business, but it'll take a while for him to catch up, once he finished taking care of the gelatinous monster.

    To the east, is a clear coast and Matt staying idle. If he remembered correctly, that same person was the first to call him by name, and that's not something somebody can get away with. Particularly in a world where everyone are given weapons to fight, Lim could've gone and outright throw out a bolt to assert dominance. That should do him some justice, but does that count as being peevish?

    Indifferent, he averts his vision toward the higher mountains. But just as he did, a sizable presence comes swooping in, appearing to be mounted on a 'dragon' with a raised spear he recall seeing a lot in a Chinese monastery. The sight of it surprises him, but who is it trying to attack?


    Although the healing light helped to mitigate some, the poison somehow grew out stronger than she had anticipated. It'll take more than blades and poison to bring her down now, but now that she caught presence of a stronger foe several meters away, she's unsure if going upfront might be the best course of action.

    "Take caution, it's a Wyvern Rider." Warned Vanessa.

    "So basically, a stronger enemy." Being nearby, Lim chimed in. "And who'll be its target? Cause if it's going to be me, I'll simply astound 'em when they least expect it."

    Briefly observing around, Vanessa shakes her head, "I don't think so." Her grip tightening, a trickle flows from her straight-faced look, "From the way it moves, it appears to be going for Matt. He's in danger!"

    "Oh, that loser over there?" Unwilling to turn back, Lim shrugged nonchalantly, "All I'm seeing is a nobody who thinks he is better for his own good. Serves him right! I couldn't care less losing a dork over-- ow!" Spontaneously, Vanessa already had her long weapon reversed and thrust, jabbing the Singaporean man right in the tummy. Lim stepped back, responding with a grimace, "Hey, what was that for?!"

    "This ought to knock some senses in you." She retracts her weapon back, visibly upset. "I know nothing of any dispute you've had, but I must remind you that we're all allies. We'll help each other, and that's what we're about to do."

    "Ugh..." He squinted, "Can't he just like, take a hit, and have this man over here heal his ass while you and the others go beat up that thing down?"

    "That's not an easy task, even for us." She turned to face the castle, "It's difficult for our weapons to get through their strong scales, but they're vulnerable to your magic. Therefore, you should group up with him to defeat them quickly before they could wreak havoc among our ranks."

    "I see! Thanks Ms. Obvious!" Lim jeered, "Whatever, I'm going to put an end to that thing anyway." Having said that, Lim storms off from where he stood on back to the shore at M18. He opens the tome and strikes a gesture in attempt to bring a thunderbolt down to strike the Wyvern Rider in a joint attack.

    Despite reaching an agreement, she's not feeling content of his mannerisms. But what does that have to do with what's currently happening? Trying to not let her emotion get in the way, Vanessa decided that she shouldn't stay too passive, even with the poison currently afflicting Titania, by flying to L12 to attack the Keese with the Iron Lance.


    These strokes would've cut it into ribbons. What could be the reason to its sudden resilience? Kujura thought, as it somehow still managed to fly despite the attacks thrown out to simply bring it down right where it stayed still. There's nothing much to take either -- due to how harmless it actually was, he's uninterested in bothering to continue offense. The others can do whatever they wish from it, and believing that things are manageable, he decided to press forward.

    Sheathing his blade back to its sheath, he breaks his stance to a getaway at K10, being the first to breach inside the castle hall. The wide, red floored palace that housed three more unfamiliar, otherworldly figures in front of him, seemingly have taken notice of his breakthrough. The Shogun slowly moved his hand to his shoulder, grabbing hold of a sword with a peculiar wavy tip that he's been holding onto the first time he saw it after the separation. With the Armorslayer held low on two hands, he provoked the three to come forward.

  8. Kujura

    The bat creature just next to him eventually plummets down onto the shallow river he's attempting to cross. What squarely hit it wasn't what he was expecting; it's evident it wasn't the archer who did the deed, but a fellow axeman who has just brought down the enemy in one swift throw from the heights. Good riddance, that's one enemy taken care off. Not like there's an ongoing competition among them, right?

    No matter. Once his feet meet the riverside once more, Kujura quickly takes a stance while locking eyes at a similar monster. He momentarily sidesteps into the forest at M13, kicking off the tree trunk before pouncing at the Keese, blade in hand.


    He lets out a whistle of amazement, seeing his wound progressively closing in by the embrace of a glowing energy. There have been weirder things to be taken for granted, and while this is listed as one, it's probably one of the better things that could keep everyone going.

    "Whew, lad. Thought I'd suffer from this, but that's some cool stuff you could do." Lim says as he pats his own, formerly wounded arm, "Yep, thanks a lot. If there's a chance, maybe I should consider learning the ways of light sorcery too." Having said that, he chooses to take the dare to cross the river at K18.


    Beyond the riverside is a Pegasus Knight who managed to put a poor Pokémon to remain dormant. However, the fight took quite a toll for her to have her mount weakened by the stings that apparently secreted poison. It wasn't lethal, but going around recklessly might not be the best idea to keep with if she's not in the best shape.

    "It seems, I'll be needing help from you once more." She flies back to J17, waving her hand at Simon, requesting another aid.

  9. Vanessa

    "...hiss..." The weak sounding of the String Spit Pokémon is faint but audible to some. Being rash for charging in against a mounted 'prey' isn't something to be proud of, at least not when it could still put up a fight before either one of them goes down... is what it'd usually do before a Bug Catcher went to catch him to participate some contest. It wandered about, seeking desperately for an exit after something has separated them. Even worse, it's been its first week to linger inside a world so different, without anything actually edible to feed on, and now, it's facing against something it's not supposed to fight. Is it truly worth the attempt? It's not making quite a dent at all, maybe it's better to just surrender or make a run for it, or perhaps it could try to convince them that it was all a terrible misunderstanding. Will they grow some pity for physically hurting a famished Pokémon? Maybe that could work, but...

    Meanwhile, the Pegasus Knight tried getting a better look at the creature she's been giving retaliatory strikes at from a distance. It was a green spider, being smaller, but no bigger than what she's used to see. It appears to be making a weird gesture, raising its yellow forelegs over its head. Is it the immature kind or is this just a quirk from this land? She wasn't sure, though it looked very distinct from the gargantuan ones, there's no mistaking it, that if it attacked first before anyone did, then that monster itself is an enemy she won't hesitate to defeat. With a raised Iron Lance in hand and a face of mild disgust, Vanessa flies over the spider to H15 for a backstab.



    "Ow, ouch. Who would've known getting stabbed in the arm could sting this much?" He trudges over to K19 in attempt of seeking aid.


    Pitted near the hillside with a bowman and a bat creature, he learned that the way they discriminate their foe makes them look smarter than they look. But the way they charge in is still primitive. It's undeniable that they're sitting ducks now.

    "You'll handle this small fry." He says, taking a watery step on N15 to cross the river, abstaining from attacking.

  10. Vanessa

    "...Always remember to stay away from these kind of things, noted." Though victorious, the blown up remains of her felled foe isn't something she could overlook. Yes, getting dirty is as usual as most battles can get, and there are more important things to be taken care of than dealing with something trivial. But if keeping herself from being stained with anything other than blood is an option, she'd rather avoid it for an obvious reason.

    Deciding to keep up the momentum, she flies backwards from where she dealt with the gelatinous monster, to H18 as she prepares the rope of her Javelin to bait out the otherworldly creature she hasn't seen clearly yet.


    Bracing the unexpected riposte, Lim flinches as he looks up straight to where the lance-wielding creature takes his leave out of fear. It wasn't exactly a good move in hindsight.

    "Oh, goddammit." Holding the wound, Lim regains his bearings as soon he makes a stand from his spontaneous reactions in defense. "Get back here, you coward!"
    "Going for a frontal assault against a foe that big? Bold." Kujura chimed in from afar, being relatively calm in a dangerous yet manageable situation.

    "Man, you talk like you know everything, yet you're just standing there doing nothing." Lim replied, visibly unhappy, "At least lend us a hand or two to destroy them!"
    "Then you better pull back before you leave yourself open for your recklessness." The Shogun gestured at Lim, beckoning him to come nearer, "Don't be upset. We'll ensure they're not going anywhere so you could treat to your wounds."

    "...Alright, fine." He shrugged, "I'll back out for now, not like I've seen some magic that can really do some miracle on me."

    Playing it safe, Lim moves to O20 to get further from the enemies' reach.


    On the other hand, the Shogun makes his move to O16, blocking the view of the Keese in front of him with a blade unsheathed. "Come, which foe do you pick for a fight?"

  11. Vanessa

    Similar to a hawk and its prey, the Pegasus Knight launches herself to H16 for the second strike with Iron Lance.


    "Well, I'm going to show you how it's done." Lim sneaks into Q17 and makes a follow up attack on Moblin after Gimli does.


    "Oh? Let's see what you can do then. Don't get yourself killed now, heh." Kujura decides to standby to watch the result of their fight before moving along.

  12. With the newfound power and courage surrounding her temporarily, Vanessa recklessly makes her move to K14 to attack Chuchu with Iron Lance.

    Cautious with the stranger he encountered just now, Lim steps to N19.

    Still curious, the blond-haired man followed suit to the right side, toward M19.

  13. The Shogun's long and swift footsteps drag the fowls further from the fences of the village, but they cease chase once they've come to a border of their own. The thought sounds more likely, as there's a nary to be seen from his back but grasses. He must be quite a distance away if he already lost sight of them, making him slow down to get a moment to rest and observe, hidden beneath the natural cover of forestry of a mountain's foot.

    "...These people again. What could they be doing to gather in a place such as this?" His monologue goes only as far as the calm winds could carry, but his curious mind is better served with insight, by taking a further look upon what meets the eye with the other side of the river. His eyebrows furrowed, the sight itself simplifies things. "...Now I see. They brandish their weapon to fend off monsters, all is about to begin with a clash of might..."

    The flying knight shows up as soon as the white horse lands with her legs barely touching the green blades. She appears to be relieved, that they haven't gotten far and unhurt, and the fact that this is going to become another battlefield psyches her with strength. ...Was it because the potion she bought and drank earlier? She shrugs the thought and positions herself to make sure she gets to see everyone, that maybe such drink and caution might work to her favor.

    Meanwhile, the blond-haired man sees the unconventionality of the flying rider appearing before him. The vision and knowledge don't compute with each other, while beasts are indeed trained for exploration purposes in the distant land known as High Lagaard, he's clueless as to how she befriended an animal- no, a monster so massive that taming it is a preposterous idea. The bizarre reality expands upon the otherworldly monsters he saw initially, and knowing that, he has no reason to stay hidden and chooses to reveal himself.


    But of course, Lim makes his appearance at the same time he did, both bumping at each other. The Singaporean man fell down to a sit, while the Shogun didn't flinch and now is giving him an inquisitive stare. Adjusting his broken eyeglasses, he goes up and spontaneously says, "Oi! Watch where you go, mate!"
    "...Sorry, but I know nothing of those who pass through here." The Shogun says, "Care to provide me with a name to call?"

    "Man, you don't need to know me! I don't even know you! You looked like you're about to rob me off anyway!" Lim exclaims.
    "Tsk, fine." The Shogun's hands rims for the hilt of his sword, and such gesture only makes Lim nervous that he was serious about the idea. Amused by his reaction, he expresses his wry smile, "Scared, aren't you? Don't worry, this wasn't my intention at all." The blond-haired man relents the act then faces to the rest of the group, "I assume you're with them, correct? Tell them that I'll stick around for a while. Do that, and we're good, is that agreeable? Or should I-"

    "Alright, okay, just cut it short and tell me your name." Lim interrupted.
    "Kujura." He spitted out his name. "Now that I've done it, you'll do the-."
    "Lim, the name's Lim." Impatient, he makes his way toward the group, "Just go ahead and suit yourself."

    "Heh, sure thing."

    Lim is deployed at L22.

    Vanessa is deployed at K21.

    Kujura is deployed at K22.

  14. Kujura

    He had been walking for a while now, listening to talks he managed to understand with minimal interaction. He wasn't successful in finding a place he's looking for, but the information he's been getting is good enough to return favor of the trouble. The town is indeed big, lively, and full of cheerful people. There's not much shady things that he can see but one within the crowd, though he felt like he just hit something carelessly as he walk.

    "Gawk!" Apparently, he accidentally kicked a chicken. The white flightless bird runs out from his sight, as if cowering from fear of becoming subjects of violence. Moreover, he got witnesses giving him discomforting gazes straight at him, giving a sense that he should've been more careful. The guilt of showing such heinous act froze him up on the spot, but then the chicken came back to him, as if nothing happened between the two.

    Unsure, he reluctantly moved to pick up the chicken, giving it strokes of apology while having his sight turned toward the nearby townspeople. They fortunately relented, and looked away, but something feels even more odd. The chicken wasn't alone, there were many more and they grouped upon his metallic boots. What could this possibly mean? Knowing only little about caring animals, this doesn't help him at all, and he can't be doing this for too long.

    "...I didn't ask for this. Now move it!" Irritated by their ambiguous behavior, he carefully raises his foot and makes his move quickly from their clutches. The chickens followed suit in a swarm, later becoming faster and faster, up until where the shogun had no choice but to outrun them somehow.


    With her brand new weapon held with two, Vanessa makes her exit from the armory, steering to see where she left Titania to stay -- presumably where they got in here in the first place. There have been weirder things, but it's undeniable that it's quite serene to see what has been going around the town...

    "Hmm, wait a minute...!" However, the admittedly belated sight of a certain beast immediately alerted her of a dangerous presence. Its appearance being similar to those she used to fight against, but she's not certain if such creature derived from a source that has gone lost as the Demon King is no more. What's more, the people that tagged along are already on their move, with the addition of a mysterious golden-haired man bearing eastern features, and a swarm of chickens in tow. She's late, and to make it up, she makes her move as well to fetch her mount for a quick catch up.


    Some time later spent on laying flat on the slopes, Lim doesn't find himself wanting to wake up, being tired and all to take in what just happened moments ago. The breeze is cool and warm, something people might yearn after going through rough times, but not everyone could actually have. Those who lived in a bustling city only had a park to visit, but even then, they don't feel the exact same authenticity.

    "...ONE PUUUUNCH!!"

    Suddenly, a loud sound startled Lim enough to jump, putting him back on his senses. The heck was that just now? But that sounds familiar still...

    Oh, right. Realization hits him almost immediately with his hand meeting the pocket's insides in his pants, producing a vibrating rectangular device that also glows a picture of a cartoon girl. As it turns out, it was the alarm that made him wake up. But it's more weirder that it was unscathed -- nothing indicates it as wet, cracked, nor malfunctioning. The thought of it being no longer working got debunked, but without connection to a network and battery charging, its usage is simply limited.

    "Never have I thought I'd get woken up by this, again." He slides his thumb and closes it off, "But that's a relief. I won't be getting bored, for a while... Now I wonder where...never mind, got them." He says, watching the chase from afar. He slowly stands up and turns to those who are nearby, "I'm going to catch up with them. This ought to be interesting to me." Having said it, he slides down to follow them.

  15. Vanessa

    Looking dissastified, Vanessa takes another look upon what she just bought earlier. A potion that should come in handy, a white label wrapping its cylindrical shape with...an inscription she couldn't figure out. The words were too smudged for her to tell what it says, maybe she could've asked the shopkeeper what it actually does.

    Should I? Or shouldn't I? Tempted by curiosity, she swiftly plucks open the cap, taking a sniff on the visible opening that gives a distinctive odor, but not the sharp kind like alcohol. The moment of truth comes forth as she downs a gulp.

    "...!" And judging by how she squicked after ingesting the potion, it's apparent that Vanessa didn't find it appetizing in the slightest.

    'Wasted' 1× Defense Tonic.

    "I don't want to try these things anymore." Done with the drink, she finally takes her turn to the armory. It's easy to guess what her pick would turn out to be, but another problem arises, that she doesn't have enough money to purchase the weapon she's looking for. Good lord. They don't allow bargaining, do they? But at least...

    "I might not be able to afford that, but would you take this vulnerary along with the money I have as a payment?" She says, putting a sack of strong solution for wounds on the counter, as well as another sum of Rupees that sit beside the non-currency object she's offering to sell to the blacksmith.

    Sold Herb.

    Bought Javelin.

  16. Vanessa

    Aside from the general things they sell around these parts, unfortunately, she didn't find what she's looking for anywhere in the shop -- keys that makes short work of most locking mechanisms used and found almost everywhere, at least it was confirmed in Magvel. It makes her wonder, who could've manufactured them to be compatible with almost everything?

    "I'll...take this...thing." It might be disrespectful to some if they just come and go, her hand gesturing at a bottle with the cheapest price tag. She has never seen things like these before, though looking closely, they appear to be a medicine of some sort, coming in two contrasting colors. Next, she just needs to hand over a sum, hoping that it gets pawned in a fair quantity of such foreign currency, abundantly found through literal vandalism. She makes her leave afterwards, deciding that she might be needing one other thing within the armory, for herself.

    Bought 1× Defense Tonic.

  17. Lim

    "...Whoa." For somebody who has seen less greenery than the world he used to live in, Lim can't help himself but letting out a whistle of amazement. Minutes ago, things like wide plains and seawater started to get on his nerves. While this is basically the same in a way, it's more serene and cooler, in a way that he had forgotten what it means to deliver a Happy Meal for a starving family.

    "Gee, I think I'll stay here for a bit." Lim says as he rests his back upon the grassy slopes, "All that running makes me a little tired, and hungry. I could favor for some food to come soon, but I'm just not in the mood, not yet."


    The Pegasus Knight is nowhere to be found. Not in where the group would've been if they start out slow, and without her mount accompanying her, she must've taken quite a trip, if only it was that far for her to reach the village.

    Somewhere, Vanessa makes her visit to a shop favored by locals, holding the currency she was told to bring if she wants to buy something that could prove to be useful. Discounting provisions to keep everyone in shape, there's one particular thing that she needed to reveal things that she couldn't see, yet the very chest containing them mocked her to the very time she sets her foot inside, moving toward the counter and vendor.


    "...Unbelievable. What could this possibly mean?" The blade he holds eventually reunites back with its sheath -- a long and slender one, pointing downwards, but never meets the ground. Every steps he took rings a metallic noise that clashes with the stomped grasses, it's been a long way from where he ended up, out of the blue, unknowing of the reason why he is now standing at the sight of an unfamiliar civilization. The Shogun finds himself missing from the city of seas, better known as Armoroad, and though calm as ever, tries to discern the new zone that appears before him.

    However, something has caught his utmost attention. Among the townspeople whose pointed-ears are comparable to a race found in a certain land, there's a rendezvous of what he might describe as humans armed with weapons. Are they the city guards? The thought comes up, but doesn't seem likely, particularly with the way they are dressed differently one after another. Mercenaries? Adventurers? The answer remains unclear unless he finds it out by himself, but something else made him take a step to the back.

    "...Hmm?" His wariness almost never lets him down in many occasions, even outside from exploring the Labyrinth. Death is a punishment for carelessness, and many explorers he met during his duty got to experience how hellish it can be due to a simple but critical mistake. But for now, it isn't the atmosphere like what he's used to. It appears that he stumbled upon something, which he picks up curiously to inspect it. The color is red, almost gem-like in texture and shaped like a long hexagon. There doesn't seem to be anything weirder than how it was there, but there's no reason to loosen up, at least in a place where he knows little of its history. He had to make his move and learn what's his next move.

    First things first, is to gather intel from the people around the place. That simply means he either have to interact, or listen, in hopes that they at least know human speech that he goes to visit the loudest area possible. A pub might be the most fitting choice, but he has some time to figure out where it could possibly be, squirming around as his piercing eyes leer side by side constantly.

  18. Lim

    "...Pah, what a hassle." In spite of the raised chorus of agreement, Lim is the least enthusiastic. He goes on to elaborate his complain, "First, we have this good-for-nothing fainting on spot, then that girl comes in trying to attack Link, now there's this religious man praising her like some kind of savior, when all she did was causing unwanted harm were he didn't raise his shield. Sounds like we're carrying more trouble than it's worth, and it's just natural because in the end we're gonna die."

    He turns to direct himself toward the destination, soon to be visited by himself and the others. On hindsight, everything that has been said sounded too petty -- the whole conversation, the guessing game, the exaggerated act put up to express oneself's enjoyment, and the least of all, mistrust. It's all exasperating, and he could go on to describe every of it that he dislikes the most, but it might not be of good conscience to let that thought out of him, yet. Negativity is his own enemy for years, but it hasn't lifted away from his way of life.

    "...Forget what I said earlier." Reverting back to his less serious nature, he raises his voice, "Count me in, where do we go?"


    It didn't take a while for her to return back from her little investigative flight, for her to have landed effortlessly on the grassy plains next to the group. Nothing changed in her appearance, her usual level-headed tone remained the same, but the content of her report gives more than a sudden sense of urgency.

    "I've checked around the neighboring areas. I can conclude, that they're coming in larger numbers than previous, and they'll reach us within a moment's worth... We must make haste."

  19. Lim

    During what he would call 'unpleasant' being placed upon him, he stayed still, mouth clamped and arms crossed. While it's true, there's definitely a breathing piece of crap deserving a rightful smiting right a few meters ahead, he knew for a reason that this person...is definitely unpopular with girls, and he explicitly pitied him for failing miserably through the clicking of his tongue.

    Instead, he returns a mocking smirk along with a shrug, "Man, and here I thought I'd get lectured by some smarty-pants. Turns out he's just a brat who just lost his cool in a whim." His hand went rubbing his chin as his eyes are directed at Matt, "Yeah, we don't know everything in the works, but calling one with a slur out of the blue? Why, I bet you're not-"


    "This is a waste of time." Before Lim could finish, she interjected with a displeased tone, "Granted, we can temporarily rest at ease, but we mustn't stray from our main objective. We needn't to know his name, but his motive as to why he comes here. That explains more things than what we've been doing by now, and I'm certain that we're getting the same idea."

    As soon as she says that, she stands up to fetch the lance where she had put it, disinterested with the occurring mouthing between the two men. She reaches for where Titania is standing, climbs on the saddle and sets herself back on her mount. "I'm going to patrol around the perimeter. Chances are they still remain around the castle." With the wings of her Pegasus opening wide and flapping, she finds herself aloft and further from the group by taking the lead.

  20. Lim

    "So you see...me and my magic are simply inseparable reckon of force. Now that you've seen something worse than acupuncture done wrong, prepare yourself to feel...wait a minute."

    After a little while of letting his manic loose, Lim looks around, perplexed by the prospect of absence filling the air around him. The Archer he just zapped, the monsters appearing left and right, literally gone from sight. Is there something amiss to him? He tries to get another good look, spotting the crowd formed nearby the outer castle's walls. True, he's being left out, but that's not a problem because now he can use magic! ...Right? ...No crickets, but no time to waste either. He makes a run to approach the group, tome closed in hand, his mysterious garb fluttering in motion.


    Dismounted, she stands still not far from them, keeping watch of Titania grazing over the grasses sprouting tall within their sinking feet. She momentarily keeps herself to listen as to not disturb their queries upon the demi-human in green tunic; at one side, suspicious of his distinctive quirks, on the other, unsure of what he just did is of good will or a coincidence.

    But that's not the least of bizarre things she had seen, though it might be more of miraculous to some. The body that Raven carried along within the past turmoil, now wide awake, words coming out from his lips. She cannot vouch for certain if he was sleeping all this time, or was it being possessed by a curious spirit within the lands they are standing at.

    "Yo." A voice called out from the back, making her to lean to her back. It was Lim, looking more brighter than where the shipwreck took place. "Did you just see me rollin'?"
    "...? See what?" She asks.
    "What do you mean 'see what?!'" His voice raises, "You're missing out my flashy wizardly moves. Now I'm disappointed of your disinterest of my achievement. At least I deserve some honor!"
    "Ah, congratulations, good for you, I guess."

    Though her compliment is evidently forced, it gives a smile on his face. At least that's better than nothing, he thought, looking at the back of the group discussing with several new faces. But his focus is more directed toward the entity in green outfit, almost as if he recognized him, but unsure of where he had seen him last time.

    "That guy... Ah, right! You must be Zelda!" Lim shouts out loud, pointing his finger at him.

  21. Lim

    As electricity surrounds the tome in his sinister hand, his other hand raises a gesture, plummeting down to release a shock wave that fades afterwards. His appearance is no different, but the look within the broken lenses of his eyeglasses shows the firmness of his purpose. Of course, he is more than just proud to witness the grandeur of magic, he also gets to express how he loathes his former community by putting themselves to 'sleep' by his own hand.

    "Yes yes, that's right. That's very right. This power is gifted only to me and me alone. But now, it's not going to end just yet. Where did you run off into? Because I'm coming for you, and I mean it. I really MEAN it."

    Lim moves to D18 to perform a joint assault with Raven against the Archer.


    Aloft in the air, Vanessa caught glimpse of an Archer rushing in, his bow's string stretched and fitted with an arrow ready to be released. This could mean trouble should her Pegasus be shot by another arrow, just like in the past hour before they went to sail a shipwreck through the raging waves. But it doesn't interest her to flinch or feel ill of his presence, because obviously, she shouldn't be engaging these kind of enemies, yet.

    ...So it seems that I no longer needed to worry. But I must remain watchful and do my part. To start with...

    Her decision is made, but before so, she decides to give the Archer a little parting gift -- a taunt in the form of a wink, followed with a pull further from her former position because anything else than that would've been too overboard. Next, she maneuvers to J20, her target locked upon the unsuspecting Mage that comes creeping, lance in hand.

  22. Lim

    I can feel it. I can feel how nimble my legs could carry me. Hah, yes! I'm virtually untouchable! Even if admittedly my fingers got a little numb for casting these thunderbolts, I know that I'm more than capable to stand on my own! I might have underestimated this book for what it's worth, but this is simply the beginning. The cliche sounding power that awakens within me is now in my grasp. I seek to find a way to strengthen it, because honestly, what am I to do in a dull world where you either succeed or become nobody, when you are given a world to become anyone you want? This is the ideal world for people like me, and this is how I choose who I want to be.

    Lim has chosen to promote into a Mage.

  23. Vanessa

    Relieved but no less than bewildered, her furrowing gaze shifts toward where they are headed for in search of safety. A little moment to ponder of occurring oddities and coincidences, she goes on to recall their appearance being not too dissimilar compared to several few individuals that came along within the seafaring. Are they natives around these lands? She isn't too sure of that thought with their look of confusion filling their faces, though one of them gave a somewhat 'overjoyed' shriek, their responses are the same -- they have no idea where they are.

    There are many things she has yet to know, provided how sudden things are, combined with the fact she's taking part in a fight alongside those who are still standing. Maybe after this battle comes to an end, she will need to have somebody elaborate everything they know about this world, these cartoonish monsters, and the relation between these people. For now, she is left to wonder if there's any need to worry about the two men.

    ...Nah, that might not be necessary. After all, they're not the only ones who run with their clothes soaked. But what about this chest laying out of place? There might be something being kept inside. Somebody could make short work of these safes with Chest Keys or Lockpicks, but without them, forcing it to open through brute strength will take a while to do. That being known, it's prudent to keep her momentum and thus, she decides to get back on the lowered saddle and prepares for flight once more.

    With wings spread wide, she regroups back by moving to F18.

  24. Vanessa

    Wounds on the front and back, the unnamed swordsman has fallen victim to the blades of the two. Her grip tightens as she tugs the lance away, then she uses the duller point to swiftly knock him off to the softer bed of wet sands. There are curious things transpiring without explanation, and to inspect how is one of the better steps to take than wondering the unlikely. Preemptively, she nods at Raven in taking his place within the sandy perimeter as he advances to assist those in need.

    With that out of the way, danger isn't yet gone but lesser than ever. She dismounts from her flying steed, lance held in one hand to find two men, and a treasure chest.

    "Are you two alright?" She approaches in slowly, addressing them calmly awaiting for a response, "This place is unsafe. You must hide somewhere until this skirmish comes to a cease."


    "Score! Not even a chance! I am indeed strong and I pack a very powerful blow, hah!" The lightning attack must have been powerful to completely stop it on its track, and really, his newfound fondness of casting magic spurs him even more to find another enemy as his target practice. Initially, he intends to face back the butterfly creature that becomes his first, but seeing sight of the redheaded mercenary changes his course of plan to corner the one he sets his eyes on first -- the Archer that comes in looking for a fight.

    "Okay, look closely to one of my cool tricks." Belittling the importance of cover, Lim charges to C14 to zap the Archer on close range.

  25. Lim

    The damp trees covering him makes things easier for him to see, somewhat. The blinding light did little to his expectation, but what's weirder is the motion that he just did. Was that a lightning bolt just now? It can't be coming from the clouds within the downpour, for it to be dropping so suddenly--it has to be from the one who intentionally cast the magic. Upon realization, Lim finds himself grinning to the fact that he just needs to...yell as loud and angry as he can.

    "Hah! How do you like that?!" Lim boasted, looking oblivious and too full of his new experience with the so-called magic. He's sure that it was a direct hit, it should budge it down to its knees, if only it had them. But strangely, its behavior didn't change nor expecting a reaction after being struck by a streak of thunder. Could it be that it wasn't effective?

    Nonsense, a load of nonsense. Maybe it's stunned! Or maybe it's just disinterested with him and would rather go for another member of the group? His line of thought crossed off as the butterfly makes its move again to attack the other man. Clearly enough, it was the latter. His disappointment grows even more that maybe it's simply pointless to continue pursuing the flying creature.

    "Well, just you see." If that thing requires ten thunders to obliterate it, then it's just better to leave it to the others. He moves to E17, switching his initial target with the slime nearby instead.


    The riposte was expected, but it did too much to be called piddly. She withdraws the lance, planning to continue offense with another jab, though her sight shifts toward what are behind the two mercenaries--another two men of unknown origins, unarmed, confusion plastering their wet faces. Those who cannot fight should not stay around in a battlefield, that's the very first thing she thought, intending to warn them before things clear up like the skies above. But with a hostile figure in the way? Let's put that matter at a later time and have the second strike coming.

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