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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. @GuiltyLove I had Chill Speed on Phina so Roy would be debuffed and couldn't take advantage of his Bonus Doubler. Nice clear by the way. I like how the colorless archer was too busy using Harsh Command instead of focusing on your team.
  2. @daisy jane It's always amusing to see Micaiah throw out huge damage on almost everything she attacks. Norne and Myrrh were great as well. I'm still surprised they let Spendthrift Bow be inheritable since you can make some powerful builds with it. I quite enjoy seeing Flier teams since they are fun to build and they have great mobility.
  3. @GuiltyLove Another great flier team clear! Palla and Clair looked great as well as the rest of them.
  4. Messed up a little bit at the end by rallying in front of panic ploy but everything still panned out just fine.
  5. Another LHB down. I'm a little bit closer to finishing out 2018's Abyssal LHBs. Just got to beat Marth's, Lucina's and Eirika's at this point. @daisy jane That was a great clear. Not even red units could get past Myrhh's big defenses. Also nice choice of Ace Attorney music.
  6. Corrin could still end up being a dragon unit for their Legendary alt. I hope that doesn't happen though since I would prefer a tome or staff alt for them.
  7. Today I learned how fun it is to hit something hard with Wo Gun and Wrath. I was very tempted to just clear this with a nuke like FH!Delthea or Celica plus three dancers since I always struggle with Mythic Hero Battles but I managed to find a solution with my preferred team. @Maaka Bartre just stomped over Hel like it was no big deal. Nice job! @Diovani Bressan Nice clear. I think this is the first time I have seen Claude in one of your videos. @SatsumaFSoysoy Celica and Kagero do what they do best and cleared house. Nice clear! @Landmaster The Elises just shredded through Hel's army with some help from Mirabilis. Great clear! @GuiltyLove Nice flier team clear! Myrrh is an amazing tank unit. Mininerva and Valentian Catria are always great as well.
  8. So they finally added Hel as a summonable unit huh. I think that's all the Book 3 OCs now. Not looking forward to fighting another annoying axe unit in pvp mode but hopefully it looks like she will be easier to bait out on enemy phase than Surtr. Now I dread the day people can summon Freyja. Anyways colorless looks like the best color to me and would be the color I would go for but since I don't have orbs it will just the usual free summon and then bail.
  9. I feel like that is just the consequence of the Sky Trilogy being old games at this point (they were made all the way back in 2004-2007) and being the first set of games for the Trails series. Plus all the Trails games are really long and are kind of a slog to go through if you are trying to 100% them or at least trying to do as much as you can in a single playthrough. I'm thankful they added a turbo mode to the games since fighting random battles just to level up or grinding sepith gets boring after a while. I never really saw much replay value to bonding events since I could just save before using any points so I could technically watch all the events but to each their own. Really I only had to play Cold Steel 2 a second time just because there is a cutscene you can only see in NG+ and it is considered canon in Cold Steel 3.
  10. If there is one thing I don't like about Cold Steel it was Bonding Events since it locks character development behind optional events and more often than not it makes most characters look out of focus in the main story and Cold Steel has a large cast so...Especially since Trails in the Sky managed to give all of their main cast their moment to shine and grow at various parts in the story. Another thing I don't like about Bonding Points is that it leads to Rean feeling like an avatar character and it leads to shipping wars even though it is clear the developers and writers wanted Rean/Alisa to be the pairing for the story. Which I personally don't mind that pairing I just wish they didn't beat around bush about it. Anyways, I'm done ranting about Bonding Events. I wouldn't call any of the Cold Steel games my favorite (Sky the 3rd and Zero are my favorites) and I am still playing through Cold Steel 3 at the moment and despite its fault at times I still like the characters, music, world building and lore the games bring.
  11. I think it is a good game with an interesting story and well developed characters but I wouldn't call it my favorite FE game (Mystery of the Emblem, Sacred Stones and Awakening are still the trifecta for my favorite FE game). Honestly I still forget Three Houses is a Fire Emblem game at times since it deviates so much. While I don't really like the whole school setting of the first half of the game I'm ultimately fine with it as long as it doesn't become the new standard for the series. I want the next new mainline title to have a different setting while still taking good ideas from Three Houses and improving on them. Plus while I had fun the first two playthroughs it got boring playing the same first 11 chapters over and over again before you got to new material on the other routes. And the one thing that soured my opinion the most was its poorly implemented and rushed out DLC content that I'm glad I didn't spend $25 on since it leaves nothing but a stain on a otherwise good game. Personally, I kind of wish Three Houses was delayed until 2020 and be released as an anniversary title since 2019 seemed like it was still too soon since again the DLC seemed rushed out and even some things in the main game felt rushed at times. So fun game but I'm not afraid to nitpick the things I didn't like about it.
  12. Yep, pretty much. Most crafts have a large attack range to them so mob battles are kind of joke not to mention the main protagonist himself starts with a Master Quartz that involves gaining tons of CP. Also support crafts are better than support arts since some of them do multiple things and do to not need to wait from casting and again there is a character who has not one but two crafts that can restore a ton of CP.
  13. Yeah, looks like it. Mia probably won't even get a multiplier in round 1. Unfortunately I already foddered off Rhys to Lena but I will likely join his team anyways since I don't have any of these guys to use as a bonus unit regardless.
  14. In Cold Steel (at least 1 and 2) crafts are much more powerful and useful than arts compared to the Sky Trilogy. In a way they pretty much simplified the orbments in that what arts you can use is determined by the Master Quartz and certain rare quartz plus you can 'stack' quartz with similar effects on the same character (ex. Action 1, Action 2 and Action 3 can all be used together instead of only being able to use one of them). Plus the lines on each orbment pretty much exist to limit how many debuff and status inflicting quartz you can put on there.
  15. I will be on Team Feather Merc because I could care less about a swimsuit competition.
  16. For me, I will always consider Anna as best Fire Emblem girl. Always liked her character design and she had nice, modest outfits and while I understand not everyone liked it I always found her money quotes during critical hits to be funny to listen to. Also, if nothing else she felt realistic for a fictional character since she is just a merchant who is looking to have a successful business and just so happen to be capable of beaten the crap of of soldiers, monsters, etc. Other than Anna other ladies I would consider are Tiki (Awakening), Linde, L'Arachel, Marisa, Palla, Cordelia and Fiora as close contenders for Best Girl title
  17. Spent the last few days saving up orbs and tried again on the Archanean banner but I got pitybroken by Fiora (+Spd but -Atk for extra insult) this time. Sigh, the game really doesn't want me to have either gender of Kris it seems. Guess I will have to give up for now since I really should be saving up orbs for new characters and alts of my favorites instead of wasting them trying to get fodder skills. At the very least I am walking out with three copies of Julian and eight copies of Lena.
  18. @Landmaster Great clears. It's nice that it is finally possible to have a team of Blue Lion members in Heroes. @SatsumaFSoysoy I guess even Gharnef was unhappy with Eremiya that he hired a foreign assassin to be rid of her. Nice clear.
  19. Only characters from Archanea I wish to see at this point are Nyna, Gotoh, Wolf and turban Hardin along with Mythic Medeus. After that you pretty much have all the important or noticable characters besides Xane and maybe Midia.
  20. Only took me less than five minutes to figure out how to win against this map. Another easy GHB map.
  21. Not very threatening when she is using a staff instead of Meteor or Thoron like she did back in New Mystery. Infernal Map: Hard/Lunatic Map:
  22. Summoning the same unit eleven times with 700 orbs sounds pretty lucky. Congrats!
  23. Yep, I knew I used up all my good luck last month. I used all 400 of my orbs and didn't get any of the focus units at five stars. Wow, Kris really is a forgotten Hero huh. Instead I got Karla twice (I wanted Spurn fodder not Wrath fodder dangit), Fallen Male Corrin, Kiria, Perceval and Tibarn which I guess isn't too bad since all of them provide great fodder. I decided to spark Julian since I wanted him the most and at least I still managed to summon Norne and Klein twice each for merges as well as Lena five times as a four star unit. Looks like I'm passing on CYL4 since I'm probably going to be spending the next two weeks saving up orbs and keep trying to summon at least either gender of Kris.
  24. @DLNarshen It's madness that you managed to clear Abyssal with just Narcian. Good job!
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