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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Out of the legendary candidates who are known for wielding swords Sigurd, Byleth and even Itsuki are likely to use swords for their legendary alt. Alfonse is also kind of locked into swords if they decide to give the Askr trio legendary alts someday. Xander can kind of go either way since it is likely he will still use Siegfried to match Ryoma but there is also a chance he could be an axe unit and wield Bolverk (and be another opportunity to add an axe cav to the game). At least with Corrin there is a chance they could be a tome, staff or dragon unit for their legendary form since the Nohr/Hoshido Noble classes were able to use those weapons.
  2. That's a nice sprite of Anna! Though I don't know what her outfit is supposed to be based on or if it is just something original.
  3. So Seliph is the next legendary. Personally I never really had much of an opinion about him but it is nice that he can finally join Leif and Julia in the alt club plus we have another unit that can provide Distant Counter on legendary banners. Also it is one less obstacle for Marth and Chrom in CYL5. For the banner itself I'm just going to hope for a red or blue orb for my free pull. Red orb because I would like Time's Pulse fodder off of Sothis or blue for a chance to get L!Chrom. Not really much else to say.
  4. I don't know why but I kind of want to guess that the legendary will be someone no one is guessing. The only thing I am sure of is that it will be earth and/or wind season so the legendary should be one of those two elements.
  5. I would join Annette's team but she is the only one I don't have out of these eight. So I have no idea who I will end up joining. I might just feather merc my way through the entire gauntlet.
  6. Minerva is a fitting choice for getting Muspell garb. Hopefully the next one isn't a mage since we already have Sophia and Sanaki with Emblian clothing.
  7. Now, usually I don't pull on banners where multiple characters are sharing a focus color since it usually ends poorly for me but I have been feeling pretty lucky this month and I would like to get at least one merge on Phina. The temptation got to me and I went in with the 130 orbs I gathered the past three weeks and... Looks like luck is still on my side since I got her in 19 orbs with a +Spd nature to boot.
  8. I would like to see Phoenix Wright make it to Smash but if we are just looking at Capcom there is a ton of competition since Capcom has a lot of popular franchises to choose characters from.
  9. I think it said in the notifications that we wouldn't be able to collect the rewards until the next season starts, so tomorrow. Also, from what I saw on reddit the focus games for the next season is...
  10. I actually did try to solo this map with Galeforce on her but the axe cavalier keep being a problem. Galeforce Anna is fun to use in Mjolnir Strike and Aether Raids though.
  11. From Fire Emblem alone Ike, Lyn, Roy, Mia, Soren, Bernadetta and Veronica are all characters I never really cared for nor saw the appeal of. Can't say I really like characters who are mostly popular for having a fanservice design either such as Camilla, Tharja or Loki. Other popular characters I don't care too much about are Rosalina from Super Mario Bros, Ridley from Metroid and Shiek from the Legend of Zelda.
  12. My preferred way to play is to win using my favorite characters or use a theme team such as using a Fallen Hero team or a team of Anna and her alts (or as close as I can get it to)
  13. Huh, I suppose in a way Close Call and Repel does work as a good substitution to emulate Dragonskin.
  14. Yeah, Staff Anna could cover colorless and do magic damage plus could be a good support unit.
  15. Yeah that was neat especially since all three of them ended up being different colors. If a fourth Anna ever shows up hopefully she is either colorless or uses magic.
  16. Abyssal was tough but I somehow cleared it with a team of Eliwood, B!Lyn, B!Hector and Nino. Some skill inheritance was needed such as putting tactics skills on Eliwood and Lyn as well as Hector needing renewal to survive a round of combat as well as Drive Speed so Nino had just enough speed to nuke Ryoma.
  17. Finished merge projects #24 and #25, both of them ended up being sword wielding black knights with builds based around spamming their specials. I feel accomplished to have built up so many +10 units of characters that I like especially since I went from having no fully merged up units during the first two years of the game to this... Though eighty percent of them are red or blue units so hopefully while I am on the way to thirty I start seeing more of Barst, Sheena, Klein and Norne from my free summons so I can have more green and colorless merged units.
  18. Lucina will be my bonus unit until I get Rhys. Then I will use him until his HM maxes and then I will probably fodder his staff off to someone, maybe Elise could use his staff well. Sorcery Blade as a seal could be neat on some units. Still waiting to see if Guard ever gets made into a seal.
  19. All I needed was Anna to beat Takumi's and Hinoka's LHB map. Tiki, Cherche and Cordelia kind of just stood there and watched.
  20. Didn't get a blue orb for my free summer unit so I picked green and got Summer Tiki. Well, I can say I have all of Tiki's alts now and at least having Axe Valor fodder is better than nothing.
  21. They would probably do more wackier ideas than what I could think of with but here's I came up with. Barst and Bartre because of CHOP Hilda and Serra for the ultimate lazy pink twintail duo Selena (Fates) and Selena (Sacred Stones) because why not a duo with two people with the same name Cherche and Minerva for Minerva's reaction to a wyvern being named after her Tiki and Sothis as the green haired sleeping dragons duo Marth and Chrom Really any combinations of Anna such as Awakening and Fates Anna together or Awakening and Three Houses Anna since she is a different character in every game Not one I am hoping to see happen because of the chaos that would occur but Azura and Olivia because their harmonic skill would probably be some broken refreshing ability. Really any two dancers from different games would work.
  22. It took a few retries but I cleared the Julius map with L'Arachel, Halloween L'Arachel, Sacred Memories Eirika and Winter Eirika.
  23. This is why you don't bring Sully and Stahl to the Apotheosis map back in Awakening. Honestly the axe cavalier was the most problematic enemy on this map for me. @SatsumaFSoysoy How nice that all three of Altena's parents were there to watch her solo the map. @Maaka Another great one turn clear with the Bartre family. @Diovani Bressan Nice solo clear with Saizo. He cleared with 1 HP to spare.
  24. I guess for the free summon I will try and hope for a blue orb since it looks like the best color if you just want good fodder or a decent unit. Otherwise I am not sure which color I will go for, tough call between red and green.
  25. I wonder who the third unit will be on the TT banner since I only see Mia and Lute and everyone else is either a newcomer or was a grail unit.
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