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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Sorry, I'm sure the 51 clubhouse games is fun but I ended up spending my gaming money on getting Persona 4 Golden and Trails of Cold Steel 3 on Steam. But really, 2020 has kind of made the Switch (and consoles in general) dead to me since the games and DLC they have been releasing either doesn't look interesting to me or looks subpar at best. But hey, with my Switch collecting dust I have been filling up my PC library of games and have been introduced to several good game series like Zero Escape, Danganronpa and YS.
  2. Kana and the infantry archer gave me a little trouble but I cleared it with a flying team of Brave Micaiah, Altina, Elincia and Haar. Tomorrow will be easy since I can just throw my FH!Tiki out and watch everything die around her. Or maybe I will try to have some fun by sending the Whitewings out to betray their leader. I am curious to see what difficulty changes they are making for the Legendary Hero Battle challenge.
  3. I'm guessing it is okay to talk about the banner without spoiler tags now? (well Reddit is openly talking about it so...) Only thing I liked was that Joshua and Lute finally got alts but I don't need them since I already have a red bow unit I invested in nor do I really need a flying blue tome plus I just don't really like using summer seasonals in general. Selena gets to join the seasonal alt only club and who knows I almost want to joke that Jill will be stuck with that position on next month's summer seasonal banner. Not much to say on Rhys other than I hope he has a good weapon and skills to pass on to my other units.
  4. Saw that there was a banner with FH!Mareeta on it today so I figured I would spend the one hundred some orbs I managed to get this week. Only spent 60 orbs and got Shannan (he's becoming a common pitybreaker for me these days but at least he's one I welcome), Hilda (finally someone from Three Houses who is not a Black Eagles pitybreaker) and FH!Mareeta. Finally got that Flashing Blade 4 fodder I have been wanting for NY!Anna and she will get Null Follow Up as a bonus (Wary Fighter won't protect those armored units from Glacies now). And with that I'm back to saving up my orb stash unless we somehow get a fourth Anna this year or any of Nyna, Luthier, Tine or really any New Heroes banners with Mystery of the Emblem or Sacred Stones characters I might be interested in show up.
  5. Just thought of this but I wonder if we will ever get inheritable speed based equivalents of Draconic Aura/Bonfire/Iceberg and Dragon Fang/Ignis/Glacies? Since right now we only have unique versions that are attached to certain characters like Ayra, Shannon, a lot of Marth's recent alts, etc. Not sure what they would call them but maybe have the three charged version boost damage by 40% of the unit's speed and the four charge version boost damage by 70% of units speed.
  6. Heh, don't worry I'm not expecting my summoning luck to last much longer.
  7. If we get Narcian and Rudolf in August's banner then Est would get to show up with Duo Palla in October which would be funny since blue would have Whitewings for both of their slots.
  8. All the women from Awakening are apparently attracted to me this month because this was my free summon off the Close Def skill banner today. Now she has two merges on her.
  9. Oh wow, looks like I guessed almost everthing right on the Double Seasonal banner. Just didn't predict Conrad. I pretty much agree that the next one will have Valentines and Spring units plus NY!Anna plus whatever else to fill in that last colorless spot. August would probaby be too soon for Duo Micaiah so I guess they might pull out a year 3 seasonal like Spring Bruno.
  10. Like Tybrosion said, while I like Marth and do think he will get a resplendent alt someday it is getting kind of hard to say he isn't getting enough attention since he does have 5 alts in the game now which is the same number Hector, Ephraim, Chrom and Ike have. He actually has more than Roy, Alm and Eliwood and didn't need to win CYL to force an alt.
  11. Except we have gotten New Heroes banners in July. Last July we got the House Lords plus Byleth and the year before that we got an Awakening banner with Sumia, Maribelle, Olivia and Libra in July. It's just that in July they switch it around and have the seasonal banner near the beginning of the month and the New Heroes banner comes in the latter half of the month.
  12. Kind of figured there wouldn't be anything interesting going on. While that Form Skills banner might have Phina on it Eyvel is likely to join her on the banner so it is not really worth spending orbs trying to get merges. I'm actually more interested in spending what orbs I have on trying to get FH!Mareeta's Flashing Blade 4 on the 14th. Looking ahead but after that it looks like it is going to be pretty easy for me to start accumulating orbs again. Summer seasonals never interested me, the next New Heroes banner in late July is likely to be Tellius or Three Houses, Brave Heroes usually ends up being a rather dull event for me and depending on if the dancer banner is also coming in August that will be easy to ignore as well. Other than that looks like we are getting banner trailers on June 15th and July 5th for those who care.
  13. Now that Linde got resplendent art the only character I want to see get one is Awakening Tiki. I think she would look good in any theme plus I just would like to see older Tiki get something new after her younger self got a summer, legendary and a fallen alt. As for expectations any Lord released early on in Book 1 seems like fair game so Marth, Chrom, Lucina, Seliph (wouldn't it be funny if he got a resplendent alt before an actual alt), both Corrins, Eirika, Ephraim, Alm, and Celica as well as big name co-stars like Caeda, Lilina, Julia, Robin, and any of the Fates Royals are all likely to get one eventually.
  14. Guess my summoning luck hasn't completed been used up yet since this was my free summon today. Been trying for three years to get Bridal Cordelia (now if only I could get PA!Azura). Has less than ideal IVs (+HP/-Atk) but I kind of wanted her just for novelty at this point since I like Cordelia but I already built up other archers. Today has already been a good day so far. Linde is getting a resplendent art in the future and I free summoned Bridal Cordelia. I couldn't ask for anything else.
  15. I'm happy Linde is one of the first characters from Archanea to get a resplendent art, especially since I wasn't really a fan of her old art. Though sadly I probably still won't be using her much since I already have a +10 Tailtiu and FH!Delthea. Also kind of funny how both females who got Askr resplendent art are both voiced by the same english voice actor.
  16. Probably be a few hours before we know the next resplendent since the website will be updated at the next reset. Edit: Looks like Linde is our next Replendent Hero.
  17. Only Fire Emblem figma I would ever be interested in purchasing is Anna (preferably based on her Fates or Warriors design) and Awakening Tiki. Would also be interested in seeing Eliwood, Chrom, Dimitri, Azura, Celica, Linde, L'Arachel and Sothis.
  18. Only pair up Legendary I ever got was Alm since sniping for characters on Legendary banners is not fun nor is it a good investment for my orbs most of the time so I tend to skip them. So it's not like I would be bothered if Allegiance Battles suddenly became a bi-weekly event that is swapped around with a different new mode (unless that new mode ends up not being fun to play).
  19. I guess I can add my excitement to seeing Apotheosis Anna being added to Heroes and summoning enough copies to +10 her the first day her banner came out to my list of defining/memorable moments. I was happy to see they finally added a version of Anna from Awakening because it felt like IS finally took notice of all those votes I gave Anna the past few CYLs.
  20. Found some datamined information regarding the next set of LHB for June.
  21. @Landmaster It's not often I see a dancer be used to bait units out or not be equipped with Dance for that matter. Nice clear! Yeah, the Lull skill is new since one of the tickets from the Forging Bonds rerun last month gave me Dimitri and I figured Anna would like that skill for her Spendthrift Bow set more than the Sabotage skill so...(please don't hate me for it, I kind of didn't want to do it either since that was my first and only copy of him)
  22. Managed to sneak in a win on Abyssal difficulty last night before the event expired. Apparently the solution for me to clear this was Galeforce, Naga's Divine Fang.
  23. Gangrel's map was a little bit too easy especially with the newest addition to Team Anna. I'm surprised Gangrel didn't have instant specials since this wasn't an enemy reinforcement map. I guess people complained about it or something?
  24. Thanks! I already finished building her and posted it in the compedium thread. Yeah, spark system is the term that other gacha games use for a system similar to the free unit for doing 40 summons. I heard people saying it so much that I kinda started calling it that too.
  25. Thanks! I will probably be using her everywhere since I tend to play with just my favorites.
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