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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Thanks! In a way it all worked out since I just finished getting the tickets from FB and one of them gave me Mirabilis so now I got an Anima Mythic Hero.
  2. Finished building up the latest Anna so time to show her off!
  3. Thanks! Yeah, at this point wanting one more hopefully isn't asking for too much just so there is one of each color and I can have a team of just Anna. Maybe I will try rallying people to vote for her for CYL5. Congrats of getting Mirabilis! Sounds like you didn't have to spend too many orbs to get her. Thanks! Yeah, I went with +Spd since it was the superboon and I wanted to make sure Repel/Close Call still works against all those speedy sword units like Mareeta, Larcei, Shannan etc. Plus after talking with some folks I'm considering giving her Blue Flame plus the Flashing Blade seal since it would work well with her weapon and would proc more often.
  4. Thanks! I used all 1300 orbs I had saved up plus the spark system to ensure I got enough copies of her.
  5. Done...I really did end up spending all of my orbs for Anna but I am happy with the final result. Now it's time to level her up and give her a bunch of premium grade skills. Also got pitybroken by Hardin (twice in fact), Nils and Flying Nino along the way which is nice since they are all new for me. @Landmaster Congrats on summoning Say'ri and Mirabilis! At least you didn't forget to get the tickets from Forging Bonds before diving into the banner like I did.
  6. I've HM grinded just about every unit I obtained besides a few book 1 units I foddered off before grinding for HM was a thing. Even then I still find myself low on feathers since I'm bad at managing them with all the merges or the need to promote a unit to five stars just to fodder off certain skills.
  7. Finally managed to clear Infernal difficulty with a team of fliers consisting of Cherche, Palla, Catria and NY!Azura. Not going to bother with Abyssal since I didn't really have time to play Heroes much this past week. Congrats to everyone who managed to pull it off though!
  8. Speaking of the Meet the Heroes website I like how Anna's closely associated character is Tiki and it references their support conversation by saying Tiki was an unknown participant in Anna's business venture.
  9. Heh, thanks. With the sparking system and the 1300 orbs I saved up it should be enough I think. But yeah, blue and red seems to be the only good colors to pull on this banner and I will mostly be focused on blue but if I'm stuck pulling red and Mirabilis comes out I won't argue since I wanted to get Fortress Def/Res for Sothis anyways though then again I don't have an Anima elemental hero yet either. I wonder what this Anna's stats will end up being. Looking at her skills it looks like she is going to be fast like New Years Anna but maybe this one will trade res for more attack possibly? Depending on what her defense and resistance stats are like I'm probably going to switch most of her skills out to match my personal play style. Speaking of her skills Apotheosis Spear is literally what Noatun should have been isn't it.
  10. I'm kind of expecting him to be a dagger unit like he was in that Lost Lore event we had for Awakening last year. Maybe he will have Levin Dagger?
  11. Notifications says Gangrel is the upcoming GHB unit. I got 1300 orbs at the moment but I'm probably going to lose every last one of them trying to +10 her.
  12. Hahaha! They actually did it but went above and beyond my expectations and put Apotheosis Anna into Heroes. I was expecting Trickster Anna but this is just as good since now there is an Anna with a blue colored weapon. Now put the real playable Trickster Anna in next so I can have an Anna Emblem team. Forget the Mythic Banner, I'm going to throw all the orbs I have at this upcoming banner and hope I can +10 this Apotheosis Anna.
  13. My most memorable moments are probably... Summoning Young Tiki as my first five star unit Awakening Tiki being my first +10 merged unit The five times I reached Tier 21 in Arena The first Abyssal map I cleared being Ryoma's LHB map Finally reaching Tier 21 in Aether Raids a year after the mode came up Obtaining and building up characters like Eliwood, Raven and L'Arachel eventually led to me playing their games so I could learn more about the character Spending two years saving up orbs for Anna's first alt and then spending them all to +10 her once New Years Anna finally came out.
  14. I'm really expecting and hoping the next banner is Awakening since the next New Heroes banner afterwards isn't going to be until late July (about seven weeks I think because of summer seasonal drought). If the banner is Awakening I hope that game's version of Anna (preferably as a sword unit or at least a colorless dagger) is on the banner since she is the highest ranking character on CYL from Awakening not playable yet in Heroes. The rest can be whoever as long as there isn't any units sharing colors but a Gangrel GHB would be nice. While I hope the trailer is tonight I am kind of concerned that they might still hold it off until tomorrow and show it during maintenance while announcing anything else important for the next update. I still haven't done my free summon on the Mythic banner either because I'm waiting to see the new trailer and I know the Mythic banner will still be up when the new banner comes up but I still would rather know what's coming sooner rather than later.
  15. I wonder when the trailer for the next banner will go up. I'm hoping it goes up on Tuesday or Wednesday night since the game will be under maintenance for most of Thursday night for me and I would like to know who is on the next banner before deciding whether are not to spend some orbs on the mythic banner.
  16. It's looking likely that the legendary hero for June is going to be red. I believe it is going to be earth season in June so it doesn't look likely it is going to be Corrin or Xander so...maybe it is finally Seliph's time to get an alt. I actually wouldn't mind if it was him if only because him getting a legendary alt makes it more likely for Marth and Chrom to win CYL5 together Not really sure who else could be a red legendary hero besides Byleth. As for the likely Double Special Heroes banner coming in June I am predicting Red- Winter Zephiel and either New Years Hrid or New Years Gunnthra Blue- Winter Nino and either Winter Ephraim or New Years Duo Alfonse (depends if they are fine with putting two Duo heroes on the same banner) Green- Winter Sothis and New Years Lethe Colorless- Winter Duo Marth and New Years Selkie
  17. Pairs Link and Zelda (Legend of Zelda) Pit and Palutena (Kid Icarus) Alm and Celica (Fire Emblem) Byleth and Sothis (Fire Emblem) Shulk and Dunban (Xenoblade) Solo Anna (Fire Emblem) Azura (Fire Emblem) Samus (Metroid) Captain Falcon (F Zero) Little Mac (Punch Out) Bosses Ganon (Legend of Zelda) Hades (Kid Icarus) Ridley (Metroid) Thales (Fire Emblem) Berkut (Fire Emblem) Grima (Fire Emblem)
  18. FE 1/11- Merric FE 2/15- Delthea FE 3/12- Linde FE 4- Tailtiu FE 7- Erk FE 8- L'Arachel FE 13- Robin/Avatar FE 14- Elise FE 16 BL- Annette FE16 GD- Lysithea
  19. I hope it's Raven so that way all three of my main Galeforce units are garbed in Askr clothing. But honestly I am kind of hoping for Marth since Askr probably fits him best though I wouldn't mind a mage like Linde or Celica since so far all mages were put in Emblian clothing. Wouldn't mind seeing our first dragon resplendent either in which case I hope A!Tiki is the first one since I think even Bantu currently has a higher bst than her.
  20. I figured Mila was going to get in eventually. Everything but blue looks great to me but I'm still going to wait for the trailer for next week's new banner before deciding whether I want to actually spend some orbs on this banner.
  21. So Myrrh is the next Gen 2 unit to receive a refine so can L'Arachel or Marisa be the next character from Sacred Memories to get a refine? But really I'm hoping FH!Celica's Beloved Zofia is the next to receive a refine. It wasn't really that good back then and it and it looks even worse compared to the sword prf we see today. Nice to see Draug get a refine. Maybe I will actually build him now instead of using him as ward armor fodder. Hopefully Sheena is next month to round off the gen 1 armors who didn't have a prf.
  22. I would like to see icons for at least Marth, Anna and the Three Houses protagonists but considering they don't even have Pokemon icons I just don't see it happening especially since they can't even be bothered to have customization for background themes and stuff.
  23. I think I still have all of these characters except for Lif who I never summoned but I will be joining Sirius first since he is my favorite of the bunch.
  24. I don't think I saw the Latona staff on the list but I would still like to see a L'Arachel alt using it in Heroes assuming they are not saving it for Brave Eirika or even any of Natasha, Moulder, possibly even Artur. I still think Gotoh should be the one who wields Starlight in Heroes since he made the tome but considering they couldn't be bothered to have Bramimond use Apocalypse I'm kind of just expecting them to have Nyna (despite having no connection to Starlight) wield it at this point since she is one of the few notable missing characters from Archanea that could use magic. Aureola I could see going to Athos if they are not giving him some variant of Forblaze, Aurgelmir could go to Charlotte or Hans, Sword of Seiros will probably be used by Seiros herself or Brave Edelgard and I don't see Spear of Assal going to anyone but Seteth since Ferdinand didn't come with it.
  25. As for the next set I'm hoping for Fiora, Raven, Rath and Heath since I haven't seen any good cipher artwork of them that I liked yet. For the final set...eh, I would love to see one final card for Anna, doesn't matter which version of her they use but I'm assuming they would probably choose one from a recent game like Heroes or Three Houses.
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