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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. A Link to the Past is still my favorite Legend of Zelda game and one of my favorite games overall. It's one of the few games that I know all the ins and outs of plus I like trying to speed run the game and recently I have been enjoying playing an edited version of the game where the whole game is randomized. Megaman X1 is another game from the SNES era that I enjoy playing through every now and then and is fun to just speed through. I never that I would say a visual novel was one of my favorite games but Nine Hours Nine Persons Nine Doors really is one of my favorite games since I really enjoyed the story of that game, it had interesting characters and had puzzles that were fun to solve and figure out the answers too. Someone else also said this but I also want to state that the Trails series of games (Sky, Zero, Cold Steel) is also my favorites series of RPG games. Their games always has an interesting cast of characters and the world building for the series is just phenomenal. Falcom always has great music in their games as well. Now I like Persona 5 as much as everyone else but I would still say Persona 4 Golden is my favorite Persona game. I arguably still like the cast from Persona 4 more since they are more memorable to me since I played the game about twenty times now plus a lot of quality of life features that Persona 5 has came from Persona 4 Golden. I wanted to try to keep it to a minimum of my top 5 but I also wanted to point out Pokemon Stadium for being what I always wanted in an 'endgame' for a Pokemon game as well as the Megaman Battle Network series for the childhood memories and introducing me to the Megaman series and the finally an indie game called The Messenger for being my favorite 2D platformer/sidescolling game.
  2. I have been waiting for Sirius to show up as a focus unit for a while now since he was the only character I was missing from the Chosen Ones banner. Glad I was able to get him after spending 50 orbs. He came with a +Atk/-Spd nature which makes me kind of tempted to pull for another one but his base kit already gives him an extra 13 speed anyways so he might be fast enough regardless of the speed bane to double things. And with that I have now summoned and have all my favorites again in Heroes unless the June new heroes banner has a character I like on it.
  3. I would say Eliwood is my favorite lord. I liked his story the most and unpopular opinion here but I always found him to be a more interesting character than Lyn and Hector. I also like Chrom and Dimitri as well.
  4. It's funny you say Ismaire is the obligatory female banner seller when on the last Sacred Stones banner the sole female on the banner was the demote. Though then again I guess they were banking on Ephraim to carry the banner. But if we are talking about what we would like to see on the next Sacred Stones banner I want to see Gilliam as well and also Moulder, Natasha and Artur but I'm kind of expecting the next one to be a Grado themed banner with Selena, Duessel, Knoll and Natasha (so at least one character I like is likely to show up) with a Vigarde GHB.
  5. Looks like the suspend feature for Arena Assault is broken and isn't distributing points like it's supposed to. At least we are getting compensation orbs out of it. I will happily take more free orbs.
  6. It's fine. I know all too well what it's like waiting for certain characters to show up in heroes. I'm hoping Severa gets added sooner rather than later too (preferably as an axe or bow unit instead of yet another infantry sword unit).
  7. Sigh whatever, believe whatever you want. No need to get all hot and bothered about it. It would be great if both top 2 missing Awakening characters were put on the next banner together. I was merely trying to explain why that might not be the case.
  8. I did say 'probably' didn't I? As in it was nothing more than speculation on my part. And I only brought up the Morgan banner (which for the most part could be considered a gen 2 event since Gerome was tied to it) just so it couldn't be used as a counter to my claim since the two Awakening new heroes banners since then had one focus on gen 1 characters and the other focused on gen 2 characters.
  9. Fates is also the only game that they mix the parents and kids together for banners. For Awakening and Genealogy they have always used only entirely Gen 1 units or entirely Gen 2 units on their banners. The only time they didn't was when the Morgans were added with a Chrom alt (and even then Owain was probably supposed to be on that banner before getting moved to Brave Redux) Of course they can always break that pattern whenever they want but until then I going to be predicting the next Awakening banner will focus on gen 1 units, regardless of when Awakening actually gets a new heroes banner.
  10. Not sure how likely Severa will be considering last year they focused on the gen 2 units so the next one is more likely to feature units from the gen 1 cast instead. I think Severa is more likely to show up on a seasonal banner than a new heroes banner.
  11. I might be alone in thinking this but I'm liking that Awakening is looking like it will be the focus for the new heroes banner on June 5. There's still plenty of characters from that game that I would like to see get added to Heroes and summer is usually the time they get one. Awakening's Anna is long overdue based on how well she scores every year in CYL, it would be pretty fun to hear Gangrel and Vaike and there are still some characters that were relevant to the narrative such as Emmeryn, Basilio and Flavia left to add. Hopefully Tellius will get a proper new banner in late July once the Summer Seasonal drought is over (assuming it's not the June banner).
  12. Lol, I don't think I have ever found a reason to go for the two extra might over the extra speed or one of the defense stats. But yeah, I figured his weapon actually had 14 might.
  13. So I guess I will use Micaiah as my bonus unit until I get BB!Hinata. Then once the TT is over I'm giving his Huge Fan over to someone I use on a more regular basis like Anna, Haar or Gerome. Also, does Giant Fan really have 16 might? Usually inheritable weapons have a might of 14.
  14. We just got Genealogy characters in January though and Fallen Julia this month (though I wouldn't mind seeing their characters getting some seasonal alts). Awakening hasn't gotten anything for almost a year now outside of Legendary Chrom plus I am really curious to see if a certain character shows up on the next Awakening New Heroes banner.
  15. Nice to know I can almost always count on the seasonal banners being easy to skip over in favor of saving orbs for other banners. Seeing as Tellius has gotten two characters on the fallen heroes event and some characters on this bridal banner hopefully it means we are getting an Awakening banner on June 5th's New Heroes banner.
  16. Just finished two more +10 projects. This time I got two lance users from Valentia fully merged. Don't have enough blue flowers yet to give Clair the final stat boost. Really want to do Klein or Norne as my next +10 merge project but I need an excuse to pull colorless orbs first so I can hopefully summon enough copies of them.
  17. @Maaka Nice one turn clear! I'm surprised Bartre just barely managed to survive an Ignis from Grima. @BoaFerox That was a nice solo clear with Itsuki! @SatsumaFSoysoy I guess Grima and Corrin learned not to incur the wrath of the goddesses. Nice theme team clear! @Landmaster Looks like Nowi joins in on the fun this time. Nice clear!
  18. I free pulled Ayra on today's banner. Haven't decided yet whether to give her a merge or make her Swift Sparrow fodder yet.
  19. I figured Caeldori is more likely since she can easily ride off of Cordelia's popularity as another 'alt' since the rest of the missing Birthright kids are not really that well liked from my understanding. Yeah, Marcus would be nice since the guy was around to help both Eliwood and Roy on their adventures. Personally, I think all three members of the Askr Trio should get Legendary alts but due to the rules I limited it to one so I picked Anna because well...I'm biased towards her plus she needs the boost the most with a new variation of Noatun plus a personal skill for her (Sharena still needs a prf skill too since Alfonse has Open the Future).
  20. So what's the connection between Robin and Corrin other than the fact that they are both avatar characters who have gotten Fallen alts? Honestly, if they wanted a Bound Hero Battle with fallen characters they could have at least used characters who were from the same game such as Tiki and Hardin or maybe Celica and Berkut (speaking of which when is Beloved Zofia getting a refine?). Anyways, I used some of my favorite female characters who have become corrupted themselves to clear this one. Music is The Great Shadow Approaching from Trails of Cold Steel 2.
  21. I ended up skipping quite a few games since I never played them or just couldn't come up with anything for them. Shadow Dragon Nyna (Infantry Blue Tome) Julian (Infantry Red Dagger) Lena (Infantry Staff) Hardin (Cavalry Lance) TT Wolf (Cavalry Colorless Bow) GHB Jiol (Armored Lance) Echoes Luthier (Infantry Green Tome) Tatiana (Infantry Staff) Zeke (Cavalry Lance) Atlas (Infantry Axe) TT Kamui (Infantry Sword) GHB Deen (Infantry Sword) Mystery of the Emblem M!Kris (Infantry Axe) F!Kris (Armored Lance) Cecil (Cavalry Sword) Ryan (Infantry Bow) TT Marisha (Infantry Staff) GHB Eremiya (Infantry Red Tome) Genealogy of the Holy War (Skipped) Thracia 776 (Skipped) Binding Blade (Skipped) Blazing Blade Pent (Infantry Green Tome) Louise (Infantry Colorless Bow) Erk (Infantry Red Tome) Oswin (Armored Lance) TT Vaida (Flying Lance) GHB Limstella (Infantry Colorless Tome) Sacred Stones Gilliam (Armored Lance) Knoll (Infantry Red Tome) Colm (Infantry Green Dagger) Neimi (Infantry Colorless Bow) TT Artur (Infantry Blue Tome) GHB Selena (Cavalry Green Tome) Path of Radiance (Skipped) Radiant Dawn (Skipped Awakening Anna (Infantry Blue Dagger) Emmeryn (Infantry Staff) Basilio (Infantry Axe) Say'ri (Infantry Sword) TT Flavia (Infantry Axe) GHB Gangrel (Infantry Red Dagger) Fates Charlotte (Infantry Axe) Benny (Infantry Lance) Sophie (Cavalry Sword) Dwyer (Infantry Colorless Dagger) TT Shura (Infantry Colorless Bow) GHB Hans (Infantry Axe) Three Houses 1 Felix (Infantry Sword) Ingrid (Flying Lance) Dorothea (Infantry Blue Tome) Lorenz (Cavalry Axe) TT Dedue (Armored Axe) GHB Solon (Infantry Red Tome) Three Houses 2 Marianne (Flying Sword) Sylvain (Cavalry Lance) Ashe (Infantry Green Bow) Linhardt (Infantry Staff) TT Cyril (Flying Axe) GHB Lonato (Cavalry Lance) Thracia 776 2 (Skipped) Heroes (Skipped) Crossover (Skipped) CYL4 (Skipped) Awakening 2 Severa (Cavalry Colorless Bow) Inigo (Infantry Axe) Laurent (Infantry Red Tome) Noire (Infantry Blue Bow) TT Priam (Infantry Sword) GHB Validar (Infantry Red Tome) Fates 2 Orochi (Infantry Red Tome) Hayato (Infantry Green Tome) Kiragi (Infantry Colorless Bow) Caeldori (Flying Lance) TT Mozu (Infantry Lance) GHB Fuga (Infantry Axe) Mystery of the Emblem 2 Frey (Cavalry Lance) Midia (Cavalry Sword) Gotoh (Infantry Green Tome) Elice (Infantry Staff) TT Malice (Infantry Sword) GHB Samson (Infantry Sword) Blazing Sword 2 Lowen (Cavalry Sword) Marcus (Cavalry Axe) Isadora (Cavalry Lance) Harken (Infantry Axe) TT Dart (Infantry Axe) GHB Nergal (Infantry Red Tome) Three Houses 3 Rhea (Infantry Colorless Tome) Catherine (Infantry Sword) Shamir (Infantry Green Bow) Seteth (Flying Lance) TT Flayn (Infantry Staff) GHB Thales (Infantry Red Tome) Legendaries Dimitri (Infantry Lance) Claude (Flying Colorless Bow) Xander (Cavalry Axe) F!Corrin (Infantry Red Tome) L'Arachel (Cavlary Staff) Heroes Anna (Infantry Axe) Mythics Medeus (Armored Colorless Dragon) Mila (Armored Green Dragon) Athos (Infantry Red Tome) Seiros (Infantry Sword) Hel (Flying Axe) Anri (Infantry Sword)
  22. Cleared L!Lyn's LHB with Jugdral's most iconic character Reinhardt and his sister Olwen. Ethlyn was there too to provide support.
  23. Eh, I haven't seen anything too promising yet though I'm willing to reserve judgement until I see more of the game and what reviews say of it. Even then I'm not sure I want to pay $60 for it since Trails of Cold Steel 3 is just around the corner for a Switch release and will provide my RPG needs for several months. Even the 51 Clubhouse Games is a more interesting game to me at the moment than a Paper Mario game that may or may not be good.
  24. I never really had trouble getting to tier 25 on Grand Conquest. I get around just fine by getting perfect scores while playing on the second highest difficulty. Then again, I might be one of the few who doesn't auto battle the mode and borrows powerful units off my friend's list. But I understand that Grand Conquest isn't interesting for everyone.
  25. Today's challenge was harder than usual for me since I only have three Binding Blade units (Klein, Lilina and Cecilia) that I ever bothered to make builds for. Good thing I still had Spring Bartre with me since I slapped Renewal and the Quick Riposte seal and he watch him tank everything thrown at him while the rest picked everything else off.
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