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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. I'm surprised to see so many people say they dislike Grand Conquest. I thought it was one of the better game modes or at the very least I would prefer to play Grand Conquest every week than deal with the crap I see in Arena and Aether Cancer Raids every day.
  2. Kaze was the MVP for my run today. Just barely survived all the ranged attacks that were thrown at him while Elise healed him back up every turn. Saias LHB Eirika and Ephraim LHB Fallen Takumi LHB
  3. I don't think not being a playable unit is a mainline game is an issue if they are giving us NPCs like Rinea, Leila and Lilith in Heroes. Plus Nyna has always been in the top 200 range for CYL polls which isn't too bad for an Archanean character I think. It's just that Nagi was the one they chose as the popular female character to headline the last banner and Nyna is probably being saved to serve that role for the next one.
  4. Anna and NY!Anna took care of the Eirika and Ephraim map for me. Alfonse and Sharena just watched their commander do all the work.
  5. Except we got gen 2 characters on the last Awakening New Heroes banner so the next one is more likely to have gen 1 characters instead. Fates is the only one to mix in parents and kids on banners while Genealogy and Awakening focuses on one or the other generation of units. As for my prediction for the next Awakening banner...if we are just looking at the most wanted characters not yet in the game then I guess Anna (Colorless Dagger), Sayri (Sword), Emmeryn (Green Tome), Gangrel (Blue Dagger) and a Priam GHB would satisfy me. Interesting that the most wanted missing characters not in Heroes are characters (besides Say'ri but she is more associated with paralogue characters than the main cast anyways) recruited from Paralogue chapters in the middle/latter half of the game over characters gotten early on.
  6. Marth for swords and is the OG Lord. Represents the pre 3DS era Robin for tomes and the weapon durability mechanic. Represents the 3DS era. Anna for daggers and staves and has constant appearances throughout the series. Byleth brings in the rest of the weapon types with the moveset he already has. Represents the new era Three Houses has brought in.
  7. Should be Awakening or Tellius up next since they have gone the longest without a new banner at this point but personally I am hoping for Awakening because I am curious to see if they will finally add an Anna from a different game into Heroes and she is the most likely to the be the first due to her good CYL ranking for the past two years plus my personal bias towards Anna and Awakening. Really it will suck for fans of whichever game doesn't get pick because they will have to wait until the latter half of July for a chance on the next New Heroes banner because of the back to back summer seasonal banners. Makes me wish Fallen Heroes was saved for July instead so we could of had Tellius this month and Awakening next month so that way every game would of had a banner within the span of ten months and everyone can have their red heads (funny enough the most wanted character from Tellius and Awakening is a red headed female character, Anna for Awakening and Jill for Tellius).
  8. Takumi's wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. It was difficult but I enjoyed the challenge and used FH!Delthea, L!Alm, Lukas and V!Silque.
  9. According to this reddit post we will be getting over 300 orbs between now and early June. https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/ghg9yq/estimate_of_upcoming_orbs_based_on_the_202005/
  10. Nyna has a good chance to show up on the next Mystery of the Emblem banner since she has been in the top 5 most wanted characters from Archanea for some time now. Of course, that is assuming Kris isn't hogging all the spotlight to themselves or they introduce Nyna on a seasonal banner like Bridal or the dancing banner first.
  11. Sirius, Bernadetta and one of the red mages would make a good banner though I wouldn't even be mad if they snuck Dimitri in with Sirius if it's still too soon to rerun Bernadetta since I have neither of the lance cavs and Dimitri could pass his lull skill and death blow 4 onto someone else.
  12. I see a Heroes with Lull skills banner. Surely Sirius will be a focus unit on that banner right? New Heroes banner in June is coming a little bit earlier than usual and being on the fifth day of the month. I'm really hoping it's Awakening because otherwise I will most likely have to sit through seven weeks of summer seasonals before we get another New Heroes banner in late July.
  13. Yeah, they always seem to be stuck in their dance and infantry pulse role even though I have great builds for them. I just can never seem to find a good opportunity for them to fight something.
  14. Free summons and tickets got me nothing but my first Rath. Ah well, wasn't expecting much in the first place.
  15. Yeah, I haven't used any of the tickets for the seasonal banner so with that, the other tickets and the free summons I will basically be doing twenty two free summons on Sunday. I wonder if I will get anything good out of it.
  16. @Landmaster Impressive that Nowi took a hit and soften the mad king up so Elise could finish him off. Next month would be a good opportunity since what would be a better way to celebrate Anna's three birthdays in June than with a banner of just her from different games. But yeah, Team Anna is kind of limited in what it can do right now with just axe Anna and red bow Anna. Would be nice to have Trickster Anna as a sword or dagger along or Outlaw Anna as a different colored bow.
  17. A lot of Lords don't have an 8 bit accessory available yet. And Chrom is most likely going to get a Duo alt sometime in the future, probably with Emmeryn.
  18. Wasn't as difficult as I thought it was going to be. Cleared it on my first attempt with Team Anna. Music is Formidable Enemy from Zero no Kiseki.
  19. I have bought quite a few cards in the past. Cipher had lots of good art that it was hard to limit myself down to a top 20, especially since I liked the art that Anna, Eliwood, Eirika and Silas got on several of their cards.
  20. Haven't seen the four clerics of Archanea (Nyna, Elice, Maria and Lena) mentioned yet since all four of them were under mind control during the last chapter of Mystery of the Emblem. Guess I should mention Ninian too due to her brief possession during Blazing Blade. As for what I would like to see on next year's fallen heroes banner any of these would be fine with me. Nyna- Infantry blue tome Ninian- Infantry dragon of any color Gunther- Cavalry axe Chrom- Infantry Sword Scarlet- Flier Axe
  21. I would really like an Echoes version of Mystery of the Emblem since it is one of my favorite FE games and it nor New Mystery ever got an official western release. Plus their characters could always benefit from having new life breathed into them like the Valentian characters got. Really all they need to do is cut out almost half the roster (since a lot of characters were forgettable) and focus on the important and/or iconic characters to flesh out since SOV and Three Houses seems to have benefited from having a smaller cast of characters to work with. Plus to be perfectly honest I don't really care about Jugdral and Elibe.
  22. @Maaka That's one strong burly man right there. Congrats on Spring Bartre!
  23. Eh, I'm not really interested in this year's Fallen Heroes. I think I will just use my tickets on green and hope next month's new heroes banner has something more interesting. Maybe Ashnard will at least carry some good fodder skills.
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