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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. @mampfoid Congrats on finishing L!Celica! She looks quite powerful and is really speedy!
  2. Finally got around to summoning on the Archanean kids banner. Spent 400 orbs and got two copies of Merric, two copies of Caeda, one copy of the Whitewing Sisters and one 5 star copy of Marth and two 4 star copies of Marth. Pretty satisfied overall to have gotten everyone. Back to saving orbs in anticipation of what might come on June's New Heroes banner.
  3. Mario Luigi Peach Bowser Yoshi Link Zelda Ganondorf Pikachu Mewtwo Scizor Kirby King Dedede Donkey Kong King K Rool Samus Fox Wolf Captain Falcon Ness Marth Game and Watch Ice Climbers So for my roster I pretty much removed all the clone characters plus Jigglypuff and added more of the villians I felt were reasonable to appear at the time.
  4. I would say New Mystery, Sacred Stones or Awakening. Just about all my favorite characters are from one of these three games.
  5. Why, was that in the notifications or are they doing those double special heroes banner every month now or something?
  6. Ended up going to Merric's team. Looks like he is going to have the multiplier for the entire round and will still lose but I at least wanted to support him for one round and get plenty of chances to use flags on multipliers before going off to Nagi's team who is looking like is making it to round 2.
  7. 15 tickets for last years seasonal banner seems kind of excessive. Would have been nice if at least five of those tickets were for the legendary banner. Oh well, guess I get 16 chances for the picnic maids though I won't do it until I have all the tickets.
  8. I'm guessing the new mythic will be red or green this month. If it is red I am hoping for Medeus though Fomortiis would be neat to see and if it is green I would like to see Mila though Hel would be fine too just to get her out of the way. Assuming the Mythic isn't red it can probably be any of Valentian Catria, Christmas Zephiel or any of the Jugdral sword infantry units. For green I am expecting Winter Sothis to show up here and Osian will probably fill the remaining green spot if the new mythic isn't green. For colorless it would be great if Duo Marth showed up here since then all three colorless options would look great to me. If not then Eleanora will probably fill this spot. So my personal wish is for the banner to look like this so that way red, green and colorless all will look like great options for me. Red: L!Eliwood, Lif, New Mythic (Medeus) Blue: L!Ephraim, L!Lucina, L!Julia Green: L!Hector, W!Sothis, Osian Colorless: L!Alm, L!Leif, Duo Marth
  9. This map was kind of tricky with all the narrow hallways and ranged units hiding in the corners of the map. Eventually managed to clear it by making good use out of swap and galeforce. Music is Get Over the Barrier (Roaring Version) from Zero no Kiseki. @Maaka Nice one turn clear video! Surprised to see Bartre wipe out Edelgard in one shot. @Diovani Bressan Nice clear with Marth and Nowi! Edelgard's plan for conquest was thwarted by a bunch a children. @Landmaster Nice Elise team clear! I am always amused by armored units getting knocked out by a carrot. @SatsumaFSoysoy Nice clear using Celica! L!Celica sure looks like a powerful unit.
  10. Hey I can finally get Bridal Cordelia...but only as a combat manual. At least if I ever do summon one I will have a merge ready for her. Other than that there's nothing too exciting coming out of the new update that interests me other than the fact that they say the update is coming out on May 6 means the trailer for the next new heroes banner could come out on May 5.
  11. I see them trying to incorporate Velezark as the GHB unit somehow before using Validar as the Warriors rep. I'm not sure characters having a unique outfit because their base class was already using a promoted class so they kind of had to make something up is enough of a reason to include them on a Warriors banner. Besides, we all know they would just pick Camilla/Azura/Olivia instead of Frederick since they all also got unique promoted outfits.
  12. I think the reason why we didn't have a Warriors banner yet is because there wasn't enough OCs from that game to make a banner out of. Just three sword users and their version of Anna (who is also my favorite version of her with that nice outfit she has). Maybe if there is ever a FEW2 with more OCs that use a lance, axe and/or tome I could see a Warriors banner being released.
  13. Unless they wait until the last day on 5/7 to announce the next new heroes banner we should know what next week's new banner will be before then. I expect the trailer for the next new heroes banner to go up the same night the Legendary banner is scheduled to end so probably 5/6.
  14. @Landmaster Thanks! Congrats on finishing smol Marth!
  15. I can only assume that they are going to have those 5% Golden Week banners for the CYL characters again like last year and didn't want to run him twice in such a short time. But then that just brings up the question of why not put Sirius here instead since he hasn't appeared on any banner since his debut in September.
  16. I don't find Armored Stride that useful though. Especially in a tactics team where positioning units is going to be tricky to set up to get the benefits of both Armored Stride and tactic boosts. Plus if I'm using armors I would rather stick with an Armor Emblem team.
  17. Called it. I knew they would bring out a big name character for Golden Week. Pretty much guessed everything right too besides blue. But I don't really care about Edelgard since she doesn't really provide any useful fodder for me so the banner is a skip for me. One pull for a green orb and I'm out. Now I just need to focus on what will appear on the New Heroes banner next week and then I can finally decide how many orbs I should spend on the Archanean banner. Surprised B!Eliwood isn't here.
  18. Finished my second grail unit project who is also my second fully merged sword infantry unit and is also second best Sacred Stones girl. Hopefully someday she will get Shamshir or some other prf weapon.
  19. Because Archanea is a big deal in Japan as the OG game. Awakening and its Lords are in general well liked. Game recognition is just as important as character recognition. IS and Japan don't care about Tellius which is why you are not likely to see their characters in anything outside of Smash Bros. It's why Game Freak always falls back on the Gen 1 mons and characters and why Mario always references things from SMB1, SMB3 and SMW. Plus you know, a Japanese company is always going to try to appeal more to the Japanese than anyone else.
  20. I never said he wasn't. I'm just saying Chrom is popular in Japan as evident by the fact that they like to use Chrom for crossovers such as to highlight as an important appearance in Fire Emblem Warrior, Chrom was one of the characters used (alongside Lucina and Tiki) to crossover in Project X Zone 2, they had a crossover with Monster Hunter Frontier where Chrom's outfit and sword were options in that game and now Dragalia Lost as well. So yeah, their main crossover promotional characters seems to be Marth, Tiki, Chrom and Lucina most of the time which perfectly reflects in Dragalia Lost as the non-Heroes OC characters to appear are Marth last year and now Chrom and Tiki next year. So I guess that means we should expect Lucina next year.
  21. So basically they can also be blue. Interesting. Is there any legendary lance or tome they could possibly use or would they just make up something like Meister Lance and give them some prf skill like Leif got. Is she important? I wouldn't know since most of the time when I hear people talk about Tellius in general it's usually about Ike, Micaiah or the Black Knight.
  22. Almost finished with Trails from Zero. Once I'm done with that all I will have to play is Ao no Kiseki and then I will finally be all caught up one the lore and can play Cold Steel 3 when it comes out on Switch in July.
  23. Guess some people don't know that people in Japan like Chrom about as much as people in the West like Ike and Lyn. But yeah, I like Chrom and I like Tiki but even that is not enough to convince me to try out Dragalia Lost. Maybe if next year they have Heroes Anna I will try out the game but until then I will stick with playing just Heroes.
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