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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Green is looking nice with L!Celica and Nagi both confirmed. If the last green is Osian or the Legendary with good skills for inheritance it would be very tempting to pull just for that since every other color is looking like duds for me. Blue, green and colorless still look like they all have equal chances to have the new legendary. So who are our likely candidates for Legendary Heroes again? Is it Sigurd, Seliph, Micaiah, Corrin, Xander, Byleth, Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude and even Itsuki are options too right? And I guess if we really want to stretch it then maybe Caeda and Lilina are options too if they want another MotE or Binding Blade legendary. Don't know anything about Jugdral's or Tellius' characters so I don't know if Sigurd/Seliph can be anything other than red but I have heard people say Micaiah could be a colorless staff or tome. Corrin can technically be any color as a dragon or tome user and even be a staff user and I still like the idea of Nohrian King Xander wielding Bolverk. Byleth and Itsuki are unlikely here since I can't see their legendary form wielding anything other than swords but Dimitri, Edelgard and Claude are likely since Dimitri would be a lance unit, Edelgard as an axe unit and Claude as a bow unit of any color. So I guess the Legendary could likely be Micaiah (Colorless but could still be blue or green), Corrin (Blue, Green or Colorless), Xander (Green), Dimitri (Blue), Edelgard (Green), or Claude (Blue, Green or Colorless). Really only interested in seeing Legendary F!Corrin being something other than another dragon unit and Legendary Xander but it is probably not Corrin since the Legendary this time should be Fire or Wind element I think. Would like the trailer to come tonight but it's probably not coming until tomorrow night.
  2. Kind of conflicted between joining Nagi or Merric. Merric is obviously going to be the feather merc team but at the same time I have a +10 Nagi that I can send out to flex on the opponent's team. Maybe I will join Merric for the first round and if he goes down I can switch over to Nagi's team if she makes it to round 2. I guess I have a few more days to think it over before it starts.
  3. I kind of want May's New Heroes banner to be Awakening just because it would be a good opportunity to finally bring in that game's version of Anna into Heroes. I saved up enough orbs at this point to +10 her and she has been the most wanted (and my most wanted) non Three Houses character since CYL3 (just below the top 4 at 5th place overall) and CYL4 (dropped a bit because of TH characters but still sitting pretty in 15th) who is not yet in Heroes. Plus the next Awakening character is likely to focus on gen 1 characters which further increases the possibility that it is finally her time. But I also know that Tellius is also likely to be the focus for next month and honestly I kind of wouldn't mind. I know there are characters from those games that people have been waiting for and if nothing else a Tellius banner would be an easy skip for me so I can finally focus on spending some orbs trying to get Duo Palla, Merric and Caeda off the current special heroes banner.
  4. Yeah, he's kind of in a weird situation as the only Duo Hero to come from a New Heroes banner instead of a Special Heroes banner. Will be interesting if they put him on the Double Special or slap him on a Heroes with Draconic Aura, Blades, Lull or Odd Wave banner.
  5. I'm still waiting for the alt where Azura is riding dragon Corrin as a mounted breath unit. For that matter, make it the next Duo Hero.
  6. Haha, a complete armored dragon team would be cool to have. I almost run one myself with A!Tiki, L!Tiki, Nagi and FH!Tiki. But yeah, Idunn's prf will definitely be useful to destroy any annoying armor units.
  7. I suppose but FEH has already taken plenty of creative liberties like Annette using Crusher in her Academy Arc appearance, Fallen Celica using her Priestess outfit instead of her Princess appearance, Fallen Delthea using Death instead of some variant of Aura, etc. But really I'm fine with them giving Starlight to anyone from Archanea that could actually use tomes in those games and not shove it off on something like another Marth or Caeda alt. They have been pretty good at giving named weapons from Archanea to their canonical users but it's just that Starlight never had a canonical user (unless you count Linde using Starlight in Warriors for one of her specials as canonical) so really it is up for grabs for anyone.
  8. @mampfoid Congrats on pulling Mareeta and Ryoma. Been lucky with the red orbs lately huh. @Landmaster Congrats on free pulling Idunn. Plan on putting her on a armor or dragon team? It usually takes anywhere between 1500-2000 orbs to +10 a unit. Maybe if the Brave banner has both the free pick and the sparking system it might only take about 1100 orbs but having more saved up is always better.
  9. Assuming we will ever see folks like Wendell or Boah appear in Heroes. Though if we don't see a Linde or Merric alt wielding Starlight I can see them giving it to Gotoh as a Mythic Hero or even Nyna if she isn't a staff unit.
  10. Is wanting Awakening Anna and Fates Anna count as wanting an Anna alt despite IS counting them as separate characters on CYL? Otherwise this is also what I wish to see. L'Arachel wielding Latona as a staff cavalry Mage Knight Either Linde or Merric wielding Starlight as Sages/Bishops Mythic Hero Adult Tiki from Awakening's Future Past DLC Valentian Palla as a Falcon Knight from Echoes Colorless Tome Reinhardt to complete Reinhardt Emblem Any kind of alt for Cherche and Lonqu, preferably with them riding Griffons Another Heroes Anna alt on either the Bridal, Christmas or Valentines banner or maybe even a summonable promoted version of her as a 'Great Commander' wielding a new variant of Noatun.
  11. Didn't upgrade many healers to 5 stars but I did build Lissa, Sakura, Clarine and Lachesis up as 4 stars, merged them up to +10 and had them all inherit Pain+.
  12. @Landmaster Another nice Elise team clear. How fitting that OG Elise was the one to defeat OG Sakura.
  13. @BoaFerox Yeah, the moment I saw Spendthrift Bow I was like yep, I'm sticking that on Anna regardless of what it does even if it's just for jokes. Also, don't you mean Midori since she is the one who comes with Spendthrift Bow? Regardless, I hope you get her someday. Also, nice solo clear with Itsuki. He seems to be a popular and powerful grail unit considering I see him quite often in Arena. @SatsumaFSoysoy I guess even premium skills are not enough to help Ryoma. Interesting clear. Kronya just wrecked havoc on everyone's health and Takumi just had to swoop in and steal the final kill didn't he.
  14. Yeah, but they only said they would like to put Ike and Roy in a sequel. That doesn't necessarily mean we would get any other character from Binding Blade or the Tellius Duo games in a hypothetical FEW2 outside of those two.
  15. Looking back at my old post and considering I made it when Three Houses was still new and my thoughts has changed over time I would like to do a revision of what I expect FEW2 to be, but with my own wishes and expectations. Personally instead of making a new country and OC's I kind of wish they just use the Heroes OCs and Askr as the main location of the story since the structure is already there and provides an easy explanation for why all these characters are joining forces and interacting with each other. For the most part I expect all playable characters from FEW1(easy to port them over) to return and the new characters to mostly come from Three Houses (again, assuming it's running off the same engine the models are all there already) with a few additions from other games like the missing Elibe lords + Lilina, Alm, Ike, maybe Black Knight and Heroes characters too. Personal wish is to see more Archanean character since they kind of got the short end of the stick last time and still have plenty of iconic characters and weapons to use like Ogma (can bring Mercurius), Camus (with Gravidus), Jeorge (with Parthia) and Merric (and the wind tome Excalibur). Also wouldn't mind a few more Awakening character like Lonqu (since he was apparently passed over for Olivia last time) and Awakening's Tiki (yeah yeah another Tiki but at least we could have another dragonstone user with a new take on the Manakete moveset along with providing interesting support conversations with her younger self and Marth). I would like to see some characters use different weapons this time around so not everyone is a sword unit like change Rowan and Lianna to axe and lance respectively (like they were originally suppose to) and maybe change Lyn to bows (since Heroes love to associate Mulagir to her these days) So ideally I would like the roster to look something like this... FEW1 OCs (4) Rowan (Infantry Axe + Staff) Lianna (Infantry Lance + Staff) Darios (Infantry Sword + Staff) Anna (Infantry Bow with added staff this time since she strangely couldn't use them last time) Awakening (11) Chrom (Infantry Sword) Lucina (Infantry Sword) Robin (Infantry Tome) Lissa (Infantry Axe + Staff) Frederick (Cavalry Axe) Cordelia (Flying Lance + Staff) Owain (Infantry Sword) Tharja (Infantry Tome) Olivia (Infantry Sword) Lonqu (Infantry Sword) Tiki (Infantry Stone) Fates (12) Corrin (Infantry Sword + Staff) Azura (Infantry Lance) Xander (Cavalry Sword) Ryoma (Infantry Sword) Camilla (Flying Axe) Hinoka (Flying Lance + Staff) Leo (Cavalry Tome) Takumi (Infantry Bow) Elise (Cavalry Tome + Staff) Sakura (Infantry Bow + Staff) Niles (Infantry Bow + Staff) Oboro (Infantry Lance) Archanea (10) Marth (Infantry Sword) Caeda (Flying Lance + Staff) Tiki (Infantry Stone) Navarre (Infantry Sword) Minerva (Flying Axe) Linde (Infantry Tome + Staff) Ogma (Infantry Sword) Jeorge (Infantry Bow) Merric (Infantry Tome + Staff) Camus (Cavalry Lance) Elibe (5) Lyn (Infantry Bow) Eliwood (Cavalry Sword) Hector (Armored Axe) Roy (Infantry Sword) Lilina (Infantry Tome) Valentia (2) Alm (Infantry Sword) Celica (Infantry Sword+Staff) Tellius (2) Ike (Infantry Sword) Black Knight (Armored Sword) Three Houses (14) Byleth (Infantry Sword+Staff) Edelgard (Armored Axe) Hubert (Infantry Tome) Bernadetta (Cavalry Bow) Dimitri (Infantry Lance) Dedue (Armored Axe) Felix (Infantry Sword) Claude (Flying Bow) Hilda (Infantry Axe) Lysithea (Infantry Tome+Staff) Rhea (Infantry Sword+Staff) Seteth (Flying Lance) Sothis (Infantry Stone) Death Knight (Cavalry Lance) Heroes (5) Alfonse (Infantry Sword) Sharena (Infantry Lance) Anna (Infantry Axe) Veronica (Infantry Tome) Bruno (Cavalry Tome)
  16. Started with Caeda + three dragons on day 1 and now I switched over to Young Minerva + three dragons for the rest of the event. Young Minerva is actually quite good at surviving even when I leave the game on auto-pilot.
  17. @Maaka Thanks! That was another great one turn clear video with Bartre! @Diovani Bressan Thanks, I love finally being able to clear maps with my favorite character. Nice clear with new Merric. He looks really strong and reminds me that he was one of my MVP's back when I played the DS games.
  18. Did several clears of this map. Anna solo'd the map with the new bow I gave her. And here's my one turn clear. And I also cleared the map using just characters from Nohr.
  19. Not quite sure what I am going do in the final round of Rokkr Siege. I still never figured out who to use to deal with colorless Rokkr bosses. I been thinking of quading with Klein or maybe trying a raventome unit.
  20. Considering the banner is going to be up for an entire month I probably shouldn't be in a rush to summon on the banner even though I would like to get everyone. It would probably be best for me to wait until I see what is on the May 8th banner before splurging on the child banner. If it is something like Awakening I might have to change my plans to only summon for at least Palla but hopefully it will end up being something like Tellius instead so I can easy ignore it and get everyone on the Special Hero banner.
  21. Been waiting for seals like Sturdy Stance and Speed Tactics for quite some time now. Sturdy Stance will be great for one of my defense tanks my C!Eirika will appreciate Speed Tactics so she can boost all stats now my bladetome units. Minerva is looking really good for a free unit. Might even be able to make a Galeforce Flying team consisting of Caeda, Cordelia, Kid Minerva and one of Clair, Catria or just a dancer.
  22. Osian hasn't been rerun on any banner yet and even though Nagi has been rerun twice on normal banners I still think it might be possible they might throw her on the legendary banner since she has good fodder anyways even if you are not interested in the unit (Distant Counter, Special Fighter, even Dragon Valor). Of course, I'm still predicting green's lineup is going to be L!Celica, Osian, New Legendary Hero (specifically Edelgard or Xander with an axe).
  23. Somehow managed to clear L!Robin's map with Altina, B!Micaiah, Elincia and Haar. I appreciate the fact that Abyssal was actually Infernal in disguise since I probably would have struggled more with the map otherwise.
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