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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Everyone looks great. Kind of tempted to pull for at least the Whitewing Sisters. Also, it looks like Minerva is going to be our Tempest Trial freebie unit.
  2. I wonder if we will even get silhouettes since we already know two of the characters that are going to appear. I kind of hope they show us the trailer tonight instead if they are not planning to show it tomorrow.
  3. Cleared today's LHB with Raven and the Brave versions of Eliwood, Hector and Lyn. B!Hector tanked most of the units and B!Lyn and B!Eliwood cleaned up the remaining two units.
  4. Nice, Maribelle is a great choice. I still wish I can summon her someday (or she can pitybreak me if she wants to). I see, so Blazing Blade is next huh. At least it is not Binding Blade since I only have like three characters built from that game.
  5. Cleared Lyon's map with my Awakening harem team of beautiful women using A!Tiki, Cordelia, Cherche and Sumia. I know Friday is Tellius but I wonder which game it is going to be tomorrow. I'm guessing Fates or one of the Elibe games.
  6. My free summon session on the Special Heroes banner didn't give me any green orbs so I was stuck pulling red and the game only gave me a four star Roy. After debating on it I decided to risk the odds and started another summoning session and the single green orb there gave me who I was looking for. Really tempted to spend more orbs on the Double Special banner but I really should save orbs in case Sirius shows up on the Solo banner or if the May New Heroes banner has the Awakening character I have been waiting for.
  7. Use two of my favorite females from Sacred Stones in today's LHB. My team was L'Arachel, H!L'arachel, C!Eirika and Mage Eirika.
  8. I didn't have a Felicia (or a Jakob) trained up so I went with the next best thing and used Elise since she is the only royal who never opposes Corrin in any of the Fate's routes.
  9. I find it funny that they are treating the share and tweet event as a success and are giving us the maximum rewards even though we were nowhere close to passing the intended goal. Though I guess it doesn't help that were probably people like me who didn't even care enough to participate in the event but I will still happily take the 5 orbs and 150 Divine Codes.
  10. Of course they enforce Tellius units on the hardest LHB map. But oh yeah, Altina is a Tellius character isn't she and I just looked through my barracks and saw that I have Elincia, Haar and all of Micaiah's alts so I should be able to pull through it somehow if I focus on building a flying team. Fun times await me on Friday.
  11. Literally just swapped A!Tiki out for Y!Tiki on my dragon team and played the map like normal. So my team was Y!Tiki, L!Tiki, FH!Tiki and Nagi for full color coverage. It was easy this time but I'm not sure how it will go for the rest of them especially if there is a Tellius one since I only built up like one or two units from those games.
  12. @Landmaster Nice Elise Team clear. They can't defeat OG Elise that easily. @SatsumaFSoysoy Nice clear. It's not often I see Clarisse and the Lute being used in Heroes. @Maaka Nice one turn clear with Bartre! Yeah, Eilwood's resplendent art definitely looks great compared to his original art. Since I liked this map so much I went back and cleared it again except this time I used my four favorite characters from Fates.
  13. Just thought of something I find amusing...If the next Echoes banner ends up being something like Tatiana, Zeke, Luthier and Valentian Palla half the banner would be characters from Archanea and the other half would be characters from Valentia and it would also be a banner were half the characters were alts but I wouldn't mind since it would be alts of two characters I like.
  14. That's pretty much how I am imagining the next Awakening New Heroes banner looking like since it's likely to focus on gen 1 characters and all the top missing characters were not members of the Shepherds so I always fancied the banner possibly being called 'Allies of the Shepherds' or something similar. Though I will say despite being a Sage I think Emmeryn is more likely to be staff unit since it fits her personality better and Anna could end being a blue dagger unit if they give her something like Levin Dagger. I think Severa is likely to show up on a seasonal banner this year since it has been quite some time since an Awakening character has appeared on one and I am predicting they won't feature the OG versions of the remaining gen 2 Awakening kids until next year.
  15. Easy enough that I even managed to clear this map in one turn. Never gave him the chance to yelp out for reinforcements. Glad I got the opportunity to do a fast clear with a Galeforce team since I always wanted be able to do it at least once.
  16. Time to go up against everyone favorite tactician from Nohr, Iago! Also, this map has reinforcements which I don't think we had for quite some time for a GHB. Hard/Lunatic Map Infernal Map
  17. That's why I prefer this other person's top 5 missing characters list because it includes characters who had separate CYL entries like Brigid, Anna and Severa in the top 5 of their games instead of being shoved off to the side. Also, the dark background is much more easier on the eyes.
  18. I would very much like it if Nyna was on the next Archanea New Heroes banner but at the same time I wouldn't be surprised if the focus was the remaining members of the 7th Platoon. So basically M!Kris, F!Kris, Ryan and Cecil. They can even use Eremiya to fill in the GHB slot. Also don't see Felix being a GHB the next time Three Houses gets a new banner. He's likely to get the Shannon treatment more than anything else. They would probably make Solon, Thales or even a member of the church the next GHB before using a student for that role.
  19. Did my forty summons on the Fates banner and got Midori, Lilith and two copies of Kjelle (Didn't know she was a focus unit too). Went and used my free summon on Midori so I have two Spendthrift Bows so one can go to NY!Anna for memes and the other goes to Norne (once I get around to building her) since that bow probably works best with her.
  20. Anyways, there's so many interesting banners coming up that I might be interested in though many of them might also end up being skips for me. Double Special Heroes might have H!L'Arachel on it and Solo Skills banner might have Sirius on it but there's a chance I might not like whoever the other green unit on Double Special Heroes and Percival might tag along with Sirius on the Solo Skills banner. I'm also kind of hoping the New Heroes banner on 5/8 is Awakening but it might end up going to Tellius or even be something like Fallen Heroes. Mostly curious what ends up being on the 5/8 banner but it's going to be a long month wait for that.
  21. It's a banner where eight seasonal units (two of each color) are all put on a banner with I believe a 6% summon rate for five stars. We had them before in December and February. They usually do this when they don't plan on having seasonal units on Legendary banners.
  22. Nice to see Eliwood is next. I was hoping he would come sooner rather than later. I'm kind of relieved the fan-made rule of one character per game getting a resplendent art before getting a second or third is broken since I am kind of hoping characters like Lonqu, Cherche and A!Tiki get new artwork/outfits for them. Not sure who to expect next. If we go by the trend set so far Muspell is next so...maybe Celica? She would look nice in Muspell getup and would contrast her normal outfit. If it is Embla then I hope to see Linde.
  23. I wonder if the calendar is coming tonight. Would be nice to know what other banners we are getting this month so I can decide between summoning for Midori's Spendthrift Bow or see if Sirius might show up on a banner soon.
  24. If they are going to do another Double Seasonal Hero banner this month I wonder if they really will put 2019's Christmas units on there. They have put units from 2018 in these banners before so I could see something like this instead... Red: Dancer Ishtar, Duo Hector Blue: Dancer Berkut, Halloween llyana Green: Halloween L'Arachel, Halloween Kagero Colorless: Halloween Dozla, Christmas Eirika As for my guess for the next legendary banner lineup I'm guessing something like this... Red: Hrid, L!Marth, L!Ryoma Blue: Naga, B!Eliwood and either Forsyth or New Legendary Green: L!Celica, Osian, and either Nagi (I'm kind of iffy on Nagi since she has already been rerun twice on normal banners) or New Legendary Colorless: Eir, Larum and either Silque or New Legendary I think the new Legendary has a equal chance of being blue, green or colorless. I still think it is going to be a Lord character with the fire element (it will still be fire season at the end of the month) since they will probably want a big name character to sell well on Golden Week. Watch it be Edelgard because IS is clearly biased towards the Black Eagle house and everything checks out for her (open green slot, fire element matches well with her character, Golden Week hype). I think it is difficult to predict what is going to be on the banner since IS seems to always try to be as unpredictable as possible on these things (at least to me anyways).
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