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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Was hoping for a green orb on the Heroes Lead free summon so I had a chance for Distant Counter fodder but I ended up with four red orbs and 1 blue orbs. Decided to pull one of the red orbs and got M!Byleth so I ended up getting Distant Counter (plus Ruptured Sky) fodder anyways.
  2. Actually, only Midori has Close Foil that basically lets her counterattack against swords, lances, axes and beasts. Rinkah's skill is called Distant Foil and lets her counterattack against bows and daggers.
  3. We already have Celica as a green legendary pair up hero who is even coming back this month. But I wouldn't mind getting Bolverk wielding Xander this month as well. Fates will eventually get a pair up legendary hero since Xander and Corrin still haven't got legendary alts yet.
  4. I am almost half tempted to pull for Midori just so I can take Spendthrift Bow and put it on NY!Anna because it would fit her thematically. For a second I thought Rinkah and Midori had the same a-slot skill but then noticed one said distant and the other said close. And Iago is most likely the GHB unit. I was kind of hoping for Hans just for another infantry axe unit and not another red tome unit but I will enjoy beating the tar out of Iago all the same. Hopefully he at least offers some good skills to offer to my other units.
  5. Now that I think about it I think the next Legendary is going to have the fire element since it is still going to be fire season at the end of the month. I don't think Micaiah has an affinity to the fire element so my guess there might be wrong. Xander I could see be fire element if they want to have Nohr represented by fire but really I just see any Fates legendary defaulting to water element since Hosido's rep and Valla's rep were both water element and it would be weird to me to see Nohr's rep be anything but water. But as of late I feel like IS just slaps whatever element on the Legendary Heroes. I actually kind of wish we were getting a Mythic Hero this month instead because it would have been a good time to bring Medeus into the game to coincide with the 30th anniversary.
  6. Here's a calendar of when the Legendary/Mythic heroes will return that I found on reddit. Considering the Mythic banner had the brave versions of Alm, Micaiah and Camilla I'm guessing we will see Brave Eliwood on April's Legendary banner. I would really like it if green had Nagi and H!L'Arachel to accompany L!Celica. New Legendary Hero looks like it could be blue, green or colorless. Have no idea who it could be but it will probably be some high profile lord since Golden Week will be going on in Japan while the banner is available. Watch it be another bow user since 2018 had Lyn as a green bow and 2019 had Alm as a colorless bow.. I would just guess a Three Houses Lord will be next but it is still probably too soon to give one of them a Legendary alt just yet so I am just going to guess Micaiah is coming next.
  7. That reminds me. I still have not summoned Bridelia yet. I have been unlucky with her every year. I don't even know if Bridelia has aged well in the current meta like OG Cordelia still is.
  8. Never knew Cynthia and Sigrun were male characters.
  9. As for my thoughts on the channel itself it was about what I expected. Standard demotions in April and a bunch of maps that hands out goodies to celebrate the series anniversary. Norne is looking like a good merge project now (and will help in providing Reposition) and maybe I can finally summon Mercedes without worrying about her being a pitybreaker. I was surprised they already announced what the banner for the latter half of April will be. I wonder who else will show up on the banner with Marth and Caeda. I assume other iconic characters from Archanea will be units for the banner so i guess we could see Tiki, Navarre, Minerva, turban Hardin, maybe even Nyna? The guaranteed five star after forty summon is a nice new feature. I was correct in assuming Fates was the next New Heroes banner. Nobody I'm interested in is on it but I know some people have been waiting for Rinkah, Lilith and Forrest to be added to Heroes for quite some time now. Oh well, now I have more time to save orbs for when Awakening get its New Heroes banner which could happen next month (if Tellius isn't getting the New Heroes banner in May). So yeah, I think we had a good Feh Channel this time around. At least I no longer have to listen to Feh sounding like she is talking to a bunch of preschoolers anymore.
  10. I actually wouldn't mind if Hans was the GHB since it would give me the opportunity to beat the crap out of him all over again. But watch it be Scarlet as yet another generic lance flier instead.
  11. Lots of good Trails information coming out recently. Looking forward to CS4 coming out to the west next year. Though I haven't played CS3 yet (my only option is to play it on Switch though the port for that isn't coming until the end of June) but I have been enjoying playing the fan translation for Trails from Zero.
  12. Finally found a solution to Abyssal difficulty that worked for me. I spent almost two days trying different things out (tried with a flier team, a tanky dragon team and tried making FH!Delthea nuke everything but no dice) and after talking to some friends on Discord I was able to clear it with a Brave Bow NY!Anna build. @Diovani Bressan Nice flying team there! Shame Catria wasn't there with her sisters. @SatsumaFSoysoy That's a well balanced team. It was fun watching Cordelia rip into all of her opponents. @Landmaster I never knew Sophia could be such a sturdy unit until I watched your video.
  13. They will probably just do the usual and drop the 4/5 star units into the 3/4 star pool. Not sure if they are going to snap the 5 star exclusive units from Book 2 out of newer banner but I am going to assume it won't happen. Maybe there will be one other surprise but one of the things I am hoping for is to have Mjolnir Strike be a weekly thing instead of having it sporadically appear whenever. I could see a proper FEH Channel coming anytime between tonight or Monday night.
  14. I would say my favorites from Fates are Kaze, Silas, Anna, Elise and Azura.
  15. Free pulled S!Xander today so I guess I'm going to start on his team. If he loses I'll jump to any of the Whitewing Sisters that are still around.
  16. As someone who likes retro styled games I loved this short little video and all the 8 bit sprites shown. I wonder if they have anything else planned for the series anniversary.
  17. I lean more towards male Byleth. I like his design more plus I usually pick male in games where you decide the protagonist's gender.
  18. Free summon on this week's revival banner gave me Kjelle. Guess someone is getting Bold Fighter or maybe even Barrier Lance.
  19. I'm glad I didn't spend twenty-five for the DLC because from the youtube videos I watched of it it looks as rushed as the main game which as a result caused it to be underwhelming and not worth the price (ps: not saying the main game was bad, just the DLC). Really, it looks like the DLC just has features that they didn't have time to implement in the main game.
  20. As for my thoughts Bramimond is an interesting choice for a Mythic Hero, even more so the first colorless tome unit. I like that he is the first Mythic Hero from Elibe. Still the banner is a skip for me. I have almost no interest in any of the characters on the banner outside of getting FB4 off of Thrasir. I'm more interested in saving orbs in anticipation for what we get on the New Heroes banner next month.
  21. My favorite male winners were Eliwood, Dimitri and Hector. My favorite female winners were Celica and Lysithea. Though I actually didn't vote for any of them in the actual CYL events.
  22. I'm liking the look of Resplendent Azura's art and outfit. I guess all of those Azura's I fought yesterday in Arena Assault was hinting towards this huh. Now please give her base form a prf weapon and refine to go with her resplendent form next month.
  23. Assuming we are sticking to just year 1 units. Askr- Linde, Azura and Catria Embla- Raven, Lonqu and Reinhardt Nifl- Tailtiu, Lukas and Awakening Tiki Muspell- Eliwood, Celica and Palla
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