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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Didn't take too long. Just have NY!Anna and FH!Delthea take turns sniping something and then retreat back to the safe zone.
  2. Blazing Blade: 7.5/10 - Not exactly a bad game. It's good for beginners but when I got around to playing I already finished playing several other Fire Emblem games so it didn't give me that magical feeling it gave those whose first game was this. At least it has one of my favorite lords in it (Eliwood). Sacred Stones: 9/10 - My favorite of the GBA games. Had lots of interesting side characters that I liked. Shadow Dragon: 9.5/10 - I might be one of the few who actually like the simplicity this game gives. Plus I love retro games and the original cast of characters at least looked interesting to me. Really the only reason I didn't give it a 10 is because it was made for the DS which unfortunately resulted in it having those ugly looking battle sprites New Mystery of the Emblem: 9.5/10 - Avatar worship aside I think this game might even be better than Shadow Dragon (definitely involves more strategy than having Caeda gut everything with Wing Spear). Really liked how the avatar creation was implemented and I wished other Fire Emblem games with avatar creation had something similar (just tone down the need to have everyone praising me for every little thing I do please). Also, bad looking sprites still prevents me from giving the game a perfect 10. Awakening: 9.5/10 - My favorite of the 3DS Fire Emblem games. Had a colorful cast of characters and I always find myself bringing my 3DS out sometimes and doing a quick run through the game. Really the only thing I disliked was same turn moving reinforcements which ends up with getting someone killed sometimes. Fates Conquest: 9/10 - Yeah, the story for this one was not great. However, it was the first Fire Emblem I played so I will always remember it for that at least. It also has great gameplay and map design. Fates: Birthright: 6/10 - Choosing to play it after Conquest was probably not a good idea due to much more simple the maps and objectives were. Having my least favorite cast of characters doesn't help it either. Fates: Revelations: 5.5/10 - Felt like Birthright 2.0 with worse map design seeing how many of the early recruits on the map were the Birthright exclusive characters. Echoes: 8.5/10 - Has one of my favorite cast of characters and I liked their design but I really hate the grinding this game kind of expects you to do. Also didn't like characters only being able to hold one item at a time. It felt like a case of sticking too close to the original worked against it. Heroes: 9.5/10 - Really edging on being one of my favorite Fire Emblem games despite being a mobile game. But hey, I like the simplicity design of the game and being able to use just about every character in the series is what draws me to it. I just wish it didn't have the gacha mechanic tied to it. Warriors: 8/10 - I think it was a good game and I enjoyed every minute of the 500+ hours I spent on the game but the PR for the game pre-release was very bad and the roster could have been a little bit better. Three Houses: 7/10 - Great game with a great cast of character and story. However, what holds it back to me is the need to play all four routes to get the full story and playing through the same twelve chapters every single time is such a slog and even the latter half for three of the four routes feels too similar to each other. Also, some of their decisions for DLC left a sour taste in my mouth hence the seven out of ten (wave 4 could still change that though I doubt it).
  3. Ah, so they are doing another one of those double special heroes banners again. Makes sense considering there isn't much room on the legendary banner this month. Also, I'm always happy to see two New Heroes banners. I already which game is getting this month's New Heroes banner will be but hopefully next month will be Three Houses since I know people have been waiting quite some time now for that game to get another banner. Tellius would be fine too so people can get Jill and while I would be happy if it is Awakening I'm hoping that game doesn't get a new heroes banner until at least May so I get a few more months to stock up on more orbs. Every other banner looks easy for me to skip.
  4. Makes me wish that Divine Code feature was coming out this month instead of making people wait until March but it seems pushing the FEH Pass into people's faces was a much higher priority to them. Divine Codes is looking like a great way to get merges, remove terrible banes as well as getting high tier skills without having to use orbs to fish them out of banners. Though I already imagine they are going to offset it by making it cost a lot of codes for a single manual of a character.
  5. I don't think they do any announcements on Saturday whether it's banner trailers, monthly calendars etc. I think it has something to do with it being Sunday in Japan at that time and everyone over there is enjoying their day off. I don't expect the calendar to come up until tomorrow night or even Monday night. Sounds like you really like Azura. I mean, I do too but I kind of gave up on her Performing Arts variant (even though it is my favorite design for her) and settled for her OG, Legendary and New Years variants instead. Though I can't deny that it still frustrates me somewhat when I look at the Hero Catalog and see that I have all her alts except the PA one that is blackened out. But yes, what it all comes down to regarding summoning for characters is luck because it is all random anyways no matter what percentages you throw in my face.
  6. Regardless, the difference between summoning a five star focus unit between different types of banners is so negligible it really doesn't make much of a difference in the long run regardless of how many units are on the baaner and what color they are. However, if Phina shows up on a banner with another red unit I will probably skip it, superstitions be damned. I already have ten other dancers in my barracks to choose from to do the basic function of a refresher unit. Not having her isn't going to bother me too much plus stocking up on orbs for other characters is always nice.
  7. Yeah, tell that to the nine copies of PA!Inigo and zero copies of PA!Azura I pulled over the last three years. I would like to believe color sharing actually increases your chances of getting the unit you want but every single time I tried pulling on a banner with units that color share it never ends well for me so I just don't bother with those kinds of banners anymore. I would actually rather pull on a four unit banner with all different colors than a three unit banner where two units are the same color.
  8. Only rerun banners I'm looking forward to are ones with Phina and/or Sirius on them. Seems like Sirius can show up on a Solo or Lull skills banner but it seems like Phina's only chance is for a Form skills banner which I'm not sure I would pull on it since Eyvel would most likely be color sharing with her. Though I guess I could always hope Phina shows up on a Voting Gauntlet banner someday and isn't color sharing with red there. Other than that I'm mostly just saving orbs at the moment and waiting for Awakening to get a New Heroes banner. Though really I'm pretty much at the point where I don't really have a need to spend orbs on banners anymore because while I would like to get characters like Phina and Sirius I don't really need them for anything. They would just be nice to have.
  9. There, did what I could to help ensure L!Leif stays in top 8 after seeing midterm results.
  10. Waited until today to use my tickets on the Hero Fest banner. Last ticket gave me B!Eliwood with a +Atk/-Spd nature. Cool, now I have to decide between merging him with the one I already have or if I should fodder his Swift Sparrow 3 and Rally skill off to someone else. I have so many characters who would like Swift Sparrow 3 after all.
  11. I used to have only FH!Delthea clear these Abyssal challenges by herself but recently I gave her a new friend to help out. Someday I would like to be able to clear these Abyssal Challenges without dancers but for now I'm just happy to have gotten the golden explorer hat before the event expired.
  12. Finally beat this one after letting it sit uncleared after all this time. Just never had a strong bow unit that could deal with all those pegasus knights and mage units until NY!Anna came along.
  13. Silque is looking like she is going to be an amazing support unit. Will probably swap out Martyr for something else like Physic but she is definitely worth investing in. Even Atk Wave and Close Guard are also good seals to upgrade right away. TT team will be the usual dragons + freebie unit
  14. Decided I'm going to toss the rest of my votes towards L!Leif. Don't have him yet and he looks like an amazing unit to use in most game modes with those exclusive skills of his. Would be a shame if he was bumped out of top 8 by Alfonse or Idunn because people are trying to push Edelgard out.
  15. Might have already said it once in this thread but I think the winners for CYL5 will be Marth and Chrom for men and F!Byleth and Eirika for women though that can change for a multitude of reasons. Marth and F!Byleth are the only two I am confident who will win next year. People are upset Marth haven't won CYL yet and most of his big competition are out of the way now except for Chrom and the Jugdral Lords. It also looks like Marth isn't getting any new alts this year (until IS proves me wrong) so that might help his chances for CYL even if it just a little bit. For F!Byleth since the House Lords all won this year I could see those voters moving on to her next year and even then she's really popular even if people like me don't like to admit it. I think her spot is secured even if she gets an alt this year. If Bernadetta gets in this year (or any Three Houses character not F!Byleth for that matter) I can see her dropping out of top 5. Chrom and Eirika should get second place next year but I can easily see them getting new alts between now and before CYL4 starts and possibly mucking up people's decision to rally for them. It's possible for Chrom to get a Legendary and/or Duo alt and I can easily see Eirika getting a Duo alt with Seth/Tana/L'Arachel on a seasonal banner or the next Sacred Stones New Heroes banner. If Chrom gets an alt I could see Sigurd or Seliph sneaking their way into top 2 unless they also get Legendary/Seasonal alts this year. Book 5 OCs of both genders are also something to consider for CYL5. So yeah, Marth/Chrom/F!Byleth/Eirika is pretty much my prediction though if you want my personal CYL5 wish the winners would be Marth/Chrom/Eirika/Anna (part of the reason I wanted Anna to win was to have a non Lord/major character win CYL for once but Lysithea already beat her to that).
  16. Wait wait wait a moment here, this is not how I envision the midterm results to look like. B!Veronica and Warding Breath fodder L!Ike so close to the top 10...really people? Also, I wonder if the people voting for the Three Houses Lords realize this isn't a popularity contest because I do not like seeing Edelgard in sixth place at the moment. I mean I know you can do some crazy stuff with galeforce on her but do people really want her that badly despite Edelgard being in the permanent summoning pool (I would know she exist there since I got pitybroken by her twice last year) plus she doesn't even have that good of skills for fodder. She's going to be the new L!Lyn at this rate. Other than Edelgard I'm content with the other seven units currently in the top 8. Altina would let me deploy two Astra Mythics during that season, Sothis and Lif can help reduce lift loss or at the very least has good skills I can fodder, Alm and Lief are powerful bow units, W!Sothis is a monster tank unit and also has good fodder and another merge for L!Azura never hurts plus I still prefer L!Azura over Peony anyways. I voted for L!Alm today. Not sure if I should give the rest of my votes to him or L!Lief to ensure they stay in the top 8 or if I should give some votes to Duo Alfonse, Idunn or even Surtr in an attempt to boot Edelgard out.
  17. Not sure if all of them will show up this year but these are the ones I would like to see show up in Heroes. Nyna (Infantry Blue Tome) Julian (Infantry Dagger) Lena (Infantry Staff) Wolf (Cavalry Bow) Luthier (Infantry Green Tome) Tine (Infantry Blue Tome) Heath (Flier Lance) Athos (Infantry Red Tome) Oswin (Armored Lance) Gilliam (Armored Axe) Syrene (Flier Sword) Awakening Anna (Infantry Sword or Dagger) Fates Anna (Infantry Bow) Three Houses Anna (Cavalry Dagger) Seteth (Flier Lance) Ingrid (Flier Lance) Annette (Infantry Green Tome) Ferdinand (Cavalry Axe) Ashe (Infantry Bow) Felix (Infantry Sword) Out of these twenty the ones who would make me want to spend orbs would be Nyna and any of Awakening/Fates/Three Houses Anna. Maybe Ingrid and Seteth as well depending on their stats and base skillset.
  18. Never said being ninth was a bad thing. I just find it funny that she was ninth for females in CYL4 and now she ninth most tap Hero in the game. Now I'm almost expecting NY!Anna to get ninth place in A Hero Arises next.
  19. Everyone must like to hear what Tiki says since she is in the top 20 three times. I know I contribute to that since one of Tiki's alt always seems to be on my home screen and wants to hand me daily feathers everyday. Also, seems like this year Anna is going to be in 9th place on everything
  20. I think I will be giving all my votes to Legendary and Mythic heroes. Trying to get them on those 8% banners almost never ends well for me. Gave my first vote to L!Celica. Haven't figure how I'm going to use the rest of my votes just yet but I'm thinking of giving some to L!Alm and L!Eliwood as well. I might toss a vote to L!Leif as well since he is seems to be a cool unit to use. So maybe I will do something like two for Celica, two for Alm, two for Eliwood and the last will go to Leif. I guess it will depend if we have midterms results or not.
  21. So what are the odds of getting the unit you actually want on the Seasonal Heroes Free Summon? I don't think I ever felt so lucky before in my life because... I wanted H!L'Arachel because she has one of the coolest seasonal outfits in the game in my opinion and I didn't get her last October and I actually got her as my free summon! She has +Res/-HP nature which will work well enough. Now I don't have to wait until rerun banner in October or try fighting the odds against pitybreakers if she showed up on a Legendary Banner. Third Anniversary is looking great for me so far!
  22. Anniversary Channel is tomorrow huh? Time to keep expectations in check because the only thing I'm looking forward to is free orbs.
  23. Eh, not like the +3 Res helps Eirika much either but really Gleipnir and Ivaldi need updated effects or at the very least get rid of the conditional HP requirements and just put Swift Sparrow on their weapons instead.
  24. Her Rapier is definitely an interesting weapon and I even have a Nailah ready to sacrifice in the event I ever do get Phina though even if there is a Form skills banner coming up I don't know how many orbs I'm willing to spend to try and get her considering Eyvel will probably be color sharing with her and I know how my luck tend to go in those situations.
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