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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. I wonder if the reason we didn't get so many seasonal heroes this month is because they are planning to have another one of those Double Special Heroes focus banner again for the anniversary. I also question if we will get Petra in February's Legendary banner because I'm predicting we might get a Heroes with Form skills in February that has Petra, Phina and Eyvel on it and no I'm not just saying that just because I want to see Phina show up on a banner again because I didn't get her several months ago. Legendary could be any color but I doubt it will be red again. Other than that, looking at the graph again Celica comes back in April huh? I would really like it if H!L'Arachel came back on that banner with Celica and then I would be tempted to pull green trying to get one or both of them
  2. Not sure what is with my luck when I pick red as my free summon color on Mythic Banners. Back in August I got Sothis as my free summon when I chose red, in November I pick red again and got Altina as my free summon and this month I picked red yet again and got... F!Byleth this time. Not sure what I'm going to do with her though. She has a good nature (+Atk/-HP) but I don't know if I want to train up another sword infantry. I have more than plenty of those already plus Byleth has nice fodder in Ruptured Sky, Fury 4, Wrath and Even Attack Wave that several of my other units would like to have. At the very least I will get the flowers and feathers out of her first before I decide what her fate will be. Congrats on getting Lif in one circle's worth of summoning! You plan on using him or is he just Distant Counter fodder for you?
  3. I'm prepared to possibly get the lowest score here.
  4. Oh nice to see F!Morgan get a new weapon. I might consider it if it is something interesting. Hopefully Ivaldi and Beloved Zofia eventually get refines.
  5. Honestly I wish the FE reps in Smash looked something like this... Marth- Sword moveset. Represents the Lord class. Robin- Tomes and weapon durability representation. Represent the Mage class. Byleth- Keep his Sword/Lance/Axe/Bow moveset since you had the freedom to use any weapon you wanted in that game. Represent Avatars I guess? even though I have Robin and Corrin here as well. Anna- Rounds out the weapon types used in FE by using Daggers and Staves in her moveset. Represents the Trickster class (and by extension the thief and cleric classes) Either Tiki or Corrin- Would prefer Tiki if Sakurai and crew could ever get figure out a good moveset for her but since Tiki is probably better off as a Assist Trophy I guess Corrin is the best option for Manakete representation because at least the moveset Smash already gave them is different (even if they are the most hated of the bunch). Azura- Brings in a lance and can also have water manipulation as part of her moveset. Also is a good representative for the Dancer class. There, six completely different and unique movesets for Smash based on the Fire Emblem series.
  6. Done. Hopefully I made it clear to IS about who I want to see on the next Awakening New Heroes banner. As for winners hopefully Dimitri is still in first at the end of all this, wouldn't be upset if Marth or Chrom somehow kicked Claude out of second place and I hope either Lysithea or F!Byleth is in second place on the female side as I would rather see one of them get a brave alt instead of Bernadetta.
  7. Ironically enough I have six of the eight units here (never summoned Tibarn and I used to have Keaton a few weeks ago but he's been foddered off) despite the fact I dislike beast units. Not sure who I'm supporting yet but I'm probably going to feather merc my way through this one.
  8. I was so close to jumping two ranks this time except my score of 796 just barely makes me 70 ranks short of being in the top 10 percent. Oh well, after this round is over I will have gather 300 Divine Codes to use on...whatever they will be used for.
  9. Went and picked FH!Celica and FH!Delthea as one of my pairs and sent them to go burn down Zofia Castle up Fear Mountain because clearly that is where a couple of witches would be hanging out. For my other pairs I guess I will do something random like Lukas and Clair as one pair and normal Delthea and...Kliff I guess since they are my two favorite characters from Echoes.
  10. If that somehow happens I wonder if people will be more negative about the Mythic being yet another Tiki alt or if people will be more negative towards the idea of a TMS character taking up a precious 'Mythic Hero slot' (or both). Personally I would rather have A!Tiki from 'The Future's Past' DLC in Awakening as a Mythic Hero instead of TMS Tiki but that just might be because even I'm tired of seeing alts of young Tiki and wish that if there must be another Tiki alt it should be based on her Awakening self next time.
  11. Wow, surprised to see midterm results are up already though can we really call them midterms with only two days worth of voting? Maybe we will have another 'midterm result' on the fourth or fifth day. Seems like most people were correct in assuming that Three Houses was going to have a strong presence this year (I wish Ingrid and Annette were on this list though since they are the two females I care about the most from Three Houses). Though what I am happy to see is Anna still being in the top 10 this year! Hopefully she stays there or even better gets bumped up to at least top 5 before this is over because I would really like IS to take notice and put her on the next Awakening New Heroes banner that comes out especially since it should be a banner with gen 1 units next. Other than that I wish for the best for Marth and Lysithea fans even though the rest of my votes are still going to Anna. I was mostly just joking around about how several fathers in the series was a mounted unit (Alm's, Seliph's, Leif's, Roy's, even Byleth's and Alfonse's). I'm well aware that not every lord's father was a cavalier.
  12. Guess it is best to assume every Lord's father was a cavalry unit.
  13. Only moved up one rank to Tier 15 this time. Hopefully we will learn what these Divine Codes are for soon so maybe I will actually start caring more about this mode.
  14. They can have him take Caeda's Wing Spear and ride a Dracoknight (or even a Pegasus if they wanted to). That or put him in a Bishop outfit and use a staff to model him after his sister. Would have also suggested his father but I don't remember if we saw what he looked like.
  15. Are you asking which Anna you should to vote for if you want one of them to get a high rank because most people I have talked to said they were voting for Awakening Anna.
  16. Same thing I did last year, all my votes are going to Awakening Anna. Not really concerned who wins as I am more interested in sending a message to IS that I want Anna's variants from the other games in Heroes. Plus I would love to have an Anna Emblem team some time before the lifespan of this game ends. I would be happy if Anna is still in the top 20 this year.
  17. Not just here, I have seen people wishing for those kinds of characters just about everywhere and it is sad to see people call foul about their absent but really characters like Bandana Dee and Dixie Kong fit better as base roster additions because it makes more sense business wise to sell protagonists (whether they are first or third party) of highly acclaimed games or recent games than supporting members of first party games. Also thanks, I don't have high expectations of any characters on my list getting in but I at least tried to be realistic of who could be a DLC character this time around out of the long list of characters I like.
  18. Personally, I'm satisfied with getting Joker and Byleth in the first DLC fighter pass. They can add whoever they want and I wouldn't care but I guess if they wanted me to spend more money on Ultimate seeing any of these characters would get me excited. Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney KOS-MOS from Xenosaga Ragna from Blazblue Nightmare from Soulcaliber Ezio from Assassin Creed Either Estelle or Rean from Falcom's Trails series As for an actual prediction I think we will get at least one first party character in the season 2 pass but I doubt it will be a third rate character like Dixie Kong, Bandana Dee, etc. like people are wishing for.
  19. Hmmm...I might have deleted them by accident when I was cleaning through my imgur gallery the other day. Oh well, here's FH!Tiki and Cherche again. Edit: Realized the links to most of my older merged units are gone now so I will just reupload them all in a spoiler tag. Edited: All units have been updated to what they look like on 6/15/2020.
  20. I always vote for my favorites but I never vote for Lords since they always score high and get tons of alts in Heroes anyways so I feel like my votes would be wasted on them. I'm more interested in raising awareness to IS of which of my favorites should get in the game/get alts than which character gets a specisl outfit.
  21. Cleared the recent Chain Challenge with two nukers, one physical (Iceberg spamming NY!Anna) and one magical (brazen boosted FH!Delthea), with two dancing supporters backing them up.
  22. Ingrid: Has great stats when recruited later on and is the one I always use as my Falcon Knight. Felix: Is a great unit for early-mid game. Even in late game he does a good job as an Assassin. Sylvain/Ferdinand: Both are great characters with great personal skills and having Swift Strikes. Dorothea: I prefer offensive units and stacking multiple roles on units so someone who can throw Meteor and heal with Physic is great for me to use even if her Physic isn't as effective as Mercedes/Marianne/Linhardt. Lysithea: Always liked the female glass cannon mage type of characters. Lorenz: Pretty much only recruit him to give Thyrsus to Lysithea. Ashe: One of my favorites but I can't deny that on routes outside the Blue Lions I only recruit him for the Boots For the most part I always try to recruit the majority of the Blue Lions members since they are my favorite group of characters.
  23. I mean, February 1 is still early February. I'm just saying it's very unlikely we are having a FEH Channel this week.
  24. I don't think we will get a Feh Channel until early next month around the anniversary. We still might get an announcement on the notification board tonight or some time this week for when voting for CYL4 begins.
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