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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Thanks! Personally I don't really care about Fortune Bow since I want to use Anna as an offensive unit plus I'm not really into Sabotage skills but I don't know, maybe I will also try making a support build for her that uses it and annoy people in Aether Raids with it. Congrats on Hana. Looks pretty similar to a Lonqu build I'm working on. I don't really see too many people use Hana besides like the one random person on my friend's list who has her as a lead unit.
  2. My recent summoning splurge from a couple days ago allowed me to finish some merge projects I have been wanting to do for quite some time. First up though is my pride and joy NY!Anna! Edited: Compendium hasn't gotten this far yet so I have updated my builds to what they currently look like in 6/15/2020. Run all different kinds of sets on her but my favorite is this one where she spams Glacies all day long. Also have a more supportive set where she debuffs everything with Fortune Bow and Sabotage Atk. Next up is Caeda. Now I can have a fully merged flying team consisting of Caeda, Catria, Cordelia and Cherche. Didn't really give her anything too special outside of Distant Counter though I have been thinking about giving her Galeforce since I have seen some people give her that skill. And finally I have the first Lord character I merged to +10 and is actually one of my favorites Lords...Eliwood! Seen so many people run Blazing Durandal+Galeforce skillsets that I kind of wanted to do it as well and cheapest way to do that was to do it on Eliwood since I don't have B!Roy. I also didn't have a red unit running Galeforce yet so...I was happy to invest a bunch of skills onto him.
  3. The last demote with a prf weapon was Mordecai if you want to beast units. Otherwise Ares back in 2018. Edit: Dang, got Kaze'd.
  4. It's looks pretty obvious that Altena is the demote since she only has Sturdy Stance and Brash Assault. No way are they dropping Pulse Smoke into the four star pool. Which is I am okay with since even though I haven't played the Jugdral games Altena looks like the coolest character out of the bunch that are on this banner.
  5. Wow, starting to see the difference needed to go up the tiers now. A score of 750 won't even move me up a single tier. Fiddled around a bit with my team composition and got a score of 752 now which is enough to go up to tier 11 and is good enough for me. Though I guess I'm going to have to start considering teaching some of my units those Rally Up skills if I want to score any higher.
  6. Considering IS likes to upload the banner trailers on the same night as the final round of Voting Gauntlets tonight seems very likely for the New Heroes banner to go up. I think the next update should be tomorrow as well since they usually do the early month update sooner (but really I just want those 10 free apology orbs and see what Cordelia's new weapon does). Also starting to wonder if we are getting two New Heroes banners this month considered there are google achievements for Chapters 3 and 4 already up. Wouldn't mind them shelving Hot Springs and hopefully we never see it again in favor of more new characters being added to the game.
  7. Haha, thanks! I spent last year trying really hard to save up enough orbs to +10 whatever Anna's first alt was going to be because of course I want to invest everything I had in my number one favorite Fire Emblem character and I'm happy to have accomplished it all in one go. Also, not going to lie but seeing Oliver with Celica's hair gave me quite a spook for a moment. Still looks great though! L!Celica seems like she's a strong unit and I probably would have tried to get her too but Anna took priority. Congrats on getting halfway there on the L!Celica merges. Hope you get more merges of her in April! Congrats on Thrasir, Edelgard and Dimitri as well!
  8. Maybe I exaggerated a bit when I said every other month but I am expecting plenty of Three Houses content to get into Heroes this year. Yeah the roster for Three Houses was small but I wonder how many people have considered that IS can basically use each student character twice since they have a pre-timeskip and post-timeskip appearance they can use for Three Houses New Heroes banner. On Dimitri bits, yeah he's probably going to get plenty of alts if his popularity is anything to go by. But as far as his base version is concerned he is just Death Blow 4 fodder if I ever come across him since I really don't need another lance cavalier on my team.
  9. Mercedes is not spectacular either if all she can do is the same Pain/Gravity build any other staff unit can use and provide less than ideal fodder skills or at very least I haven't heard anyone who was happy to have gotten pitybroken by her.
  10. Ah, I see. But yeah, having to choose between +Atk or +Spd for any unit is a hard choice. Personally, I always go for the superboon just to have that extra stat point since any atk or spd needed can be gained from the rest of the skillset and whatever support skills my ally units have.
  11. We will probably at least get all the students in some shape or form in Heroes by the end of the year and I wouldn't be surprised if every other month had a Three Houses banner. Personally, as much as I like Three Houses I'm kind of apathetic towards any of them coming to Heroes because if I wanted to play with Three Houses characters I would just play Three Houses. Or at the very least I wouldn't be spending orbs for them. Besides, characters I like such as Ashe and Ignatz will probably get dumped into the 3/4 star pool anyways. That said I hope the next Blue Lions character ends up being good whether its Luin wielding Ingrid, Lance of Ruin Sylvain, Crusher Annette or Felix incorporating Aegis Shield in his skillset in some shape or form since Dimitri seems to be just another Lance cavalier and Mercedes is just new Mist.
  12. Thanks! You use +Spd too huh. Glad to hear you like using her.
  13. @daisy jane So, my experience with Renewed Spirit... I start off with this, 1836 orbs... Got my first Anna 53 orbs in... and ended like this... 1616 orbs spent. But that's fine because I still managed to get this in the end! Waited three years to merge Anna or an alt of her and I'm happy I finally got the chance to do so. Already merged her and gave her flowers, just have to level her up and grind SP. Also managed to pull enough copies of Caeda, Palla, Lonqu and Eliwood along the way to +10 all of them as well (once I have the feathers to do so anyways). But dang I thought I wasn't going to be able to do it. I heard horror stories about red being a hellish color to pull on and being an infamous color for pitybreaking people easily but my god I wasn't expecting to get pitybroken twenty-two times today! Here's a list of characters who annoyed me today pitybreakers I gotten... Oh yeah, while I'm at it one of the tickets for the other banners managed to net me this... My third New Years Azura so now she is up to +2 merges which is very nice. So yeah, spent nearly my entire orb stack but I'm walking out with a +10 Anna and a free Azura so I'm pretty satisfied. Got to stock up for the next Anna alt now.
  14. Aww, Chrom's out. Guess I'm hopping over to the Adrestrian Empire for the final round. I'm not going to see many multipliers there am I?
  15. @daisy jane Congrats on the free Olivia. Did you merge her with your other one?
  16. I think at the very least we will see the core members of each faction from Three Houses. So maybe something like... Byleth (Sword) Edelgard (Axe) Dimitri (Lance) Claude (Bow) Hubert (Magic) Dedue (Axe) Hilda (Axe) Rhea (Sword) Seteth (Lance) Death Knight (Lance) And depending on how big they want the roster to be they might add an additional popular character or two from each house (like Dorothea for BE, Felix for BL, Lysithea from GD for example) though I expect additional house members to be DLC or something.
  17. Of course Cordelia gets a prf weapon a couple months after I gave her a Slaying Lance. Still interested in seeing what her new weapon does though.
  18. There's still Tempest Trials to grind SP out of since it will be up by then and bonus units gets extra SP out of it or at least I think do anyways.
  19. I'm waiting until Sunday when I have all the tickets and then I'm going all out on red orbs. Even though I really want to get it over with right now I feel like I have better luck when I let a few days go by before summoning on a banner with characters I want on it.
  20. @Landmaster Congrats on getting Alfonse/Sharena, especially on that free summon, along with Shiro and Gunnthra as well!
  21. Didn't know we were getting a bunch of summoning tickets for the New Years banner. Kind of wish they didn't make us log in on five different days to get all the tickets for the newest banner though. Oh well, not going to like it but I guess I will wait until Sunday before jumping all in on red orbs because you never know if those tickets will give you a five star.
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