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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. There's that Swift Sparrow seal. There's going to be a lot of competition over who gets it un my army. No questioning who I'm going to use as a bonus unit this time around.
  2. Gotta support Chrom's team first and if he goes down I still have Walhart, Marth and Edelgard (hopes it doesn't comes down to me supporting her) for bonus point units.
  3. I would prefer New Heroes banners over a Hot Spring seasonal as well but I just wouldn't be surprised if they tried again with characters that would be better received (Three Houses characters in more modest clothing compared to Fates royals wearing nothing but bath towels).
  4. Yeah, after this it's back to saving orbs for the next Anna alt though characters like Nyna and Valentian Palla would tempt me.
  5. Hmmm...maybe, I do have Fury 4 fodder since I don't use Greil and could also give her a Brazen skill in the seal slot. I could go for a double fury build or a double brazen build. Though considering I have so much premium skills saved for this occasion I have been theorybuilding something like...Slaying Bow, Iceberg, Atk/Spd Solo, Special Spiral, Odd or Even Attack Wave and then the Swift Sparrow Seal (when it comes out) and watch her Iceberg everything.
  6. Hot Springs banner was on January 23, around the time voting for CYL was going on. Honestly, if we get another Hot Spring seasonal in January I'm kind of expecting it to be based on the sauna from Three Houses this time around.
  7. Hmmm...can't help but notice Anna's base skillset is kind of lackluster compared to the other three though that just might be due to me never using Sabotaging skills before. I wonder if she should keep Fortune Bow or if I should go for a more offensive build and give Anna a Slaying/Short Bow or even a Waxcandle Bow instead. Sigh...gonna be a long week for me of waiting for the banner to come out.
  8. Banner trailer for New Years is out now.
  9. I wonder if we are going to get another one of banners with just Special Heroes in January. If we do I could see P!Lukas, BB!Sigrun, and S!Wolt showing up there. I almost want to predict that we will get all of CYL3's Brave Heroes on the Mythic Banner in a similar vein we got the Three Houses Lords on Celica's banner since there is room for all of them assuming the new Mythic is red or colorless. Mythic seems like it could be red or colorless this time around. As for characters who I would like to see be the Mythic this time around that could be red or colorless...Anri (Sword), Medeus (Red or Colorless Dragon), Roland (Sword) and Athos (Red Tome) would all be nice to see.
  10. Are we talking about CYL4 voting now? I'm guessing male winners will be any of Marth/Dimitri/Claude while females will be Edelgard and...whoever else. Who will take the other female spot seems much more muddier and not clear this time around. As for me all my votes are still going to Awakening Anna because technically (if we go by IS's logic and rules) she is a different character from Heroes Anna and is still not playable in Heroes since they passed up on Farfetched Heroes this year. And who knows, maybe this is a foolish thought but now that Heroes Anna got an alt maybe all the people who voted Heroes Anna last year (whether on purpose or because of the split vote confusion) will all vote for Awakening Anna this year and boost her up to second place. Also, who doesn't want Brave Awakening Anna dressing up as Apotheosis Anna and breaking the game even further with her 190 BST and a busted skillset? But really I just want Anna Emblem to be possible before the app gets shut down.
  11. Yeah, I'll let you know what my pulls ends up being.
  12. @daisy jane Congrats on the free Celica with a good boon! Hopes she serves you well. @Landmaster Congrats on getting Celica, Dimitri and the other 5 stars you pulled! Sothis must have blessed your summoning luck for the Legendary banner.
  13. Free summons and tickets on the banners gave me eleven 3-star units with no worthwhile skills and one 4-star Cordelia. It's about what I expected FEH to give me for Christmas. At the very least I can fodder Cordelia's Galeforce and give it to Eliwood. Oh well, people already spoiled me that next week's banner will have the real prize I'm looking for so I'm not going to bother with Celica's banner and save my orbs for later.
  14. AHHHHH!!! This isn't a joke right, is this really happening, are we starting off 2020 with an Anna alt, with good art at that? I have been waiting three years for an Anna alt that could be summoned and merged. Time to kiss my orb stash goodbye because I doubt I will have any orbs left once I'm done since I am going to summon enough copies to +10 her no matter what. Can't wait for next week to come!
  15. My wish for a Celica alt that wasn't red finally came true. Green would be the color I pull for since I would really like to have L!Celica but I have no need for Thrasir or Edelgard so I will just do a free pull and wait until the next time L!Celica shows up on a Legendary banner with more desirable units.
  16. @Alexmender Looks like I wasn't the only one who finished merging FH!Delthea today though I find it funny how we both use the exact same skillset for her. Double brazen does work really well for her since that is what I use to clear Legendary Hero Battles. Congrats on finishing merging her. @Landmaster will be happy seeing people posting their +10 Delthea builds today. Anyways, here's my FH!Delthea. Edited: Updated since first post.
  17. Looks like IS will be handing out 10 free orbs because of an issue with the description on Igrene's Guardian Bow. Well, I don't have Igrene nor have I ever seen one but I will never say no to free orbs.
  18. Clearly the New Years alts will go to Hel, Eir, Lif and Thrasir with Gustav as our TT unit. But on a more serious note I'm guessing Awakening or Three Houses will get New Years this year though I do wonder if they might split it among different games or have the characters all be from a single game.
  19. I hate the argument of when someone says their most wanted character 'deserves' to be playable because of whatever arbitrary reasons they come up with. No one 'deserves' to be playable in Smash. I also hate the idea of 'too many swordfighters in Smash' when there are just as many or more characters fighting with their bare hands. Really, a more sound argument should be 'I don't like how several swordfighters have similar looking movesets'.
  20. Managed to finish a couple more merge projects. Did some of my favorite male units this time around. Next is FH!Delthea who should be done by Friday (and will be the fourth blue tome unit I will merge to +10). I really should focus on a red unit after that since A!Tiki is still the only red unit I merged to +10 after all this time.
  21. Getting all caught up on Trails. Cold Steel 3 will be out on Switch early next year and the fan translation for Trails of Zero will likely be out by then as well so I can get up to speed on Crossbell stuff. Going to start playing through the Assassin's Creed games. Didn't get around to playing much of it but hopefully I will play more of and beat Octopath Traveler sometime next year.
  22. Only answer I will accept is Anna, preferably with a moveset revolving around swapping weapons.
  23. Free summon on the Double Seasonal banner gave me my first Norne. Free summon on the Thracia banner gave me Mareeta. Wow, unfortunately she has the worst nature (+Def/-Spd) so she is Atk/Spd Solo fodder as far as I'm concerned. Tickets gave me nothing worthwhile. Oh well, still happy with the free Norne and Mareeta I got.
  24. Happy to see Sothis and Marth getting alts. Probably won't be spending orbs for them though since I literally +10 Nagi a few weeks ago so I don't need another green armored dragon and while I like Marth I don't really want to spend orbs for him at the moment. So yeah, liked the units they picked for the banner but I would rather save orbs to spend for other future characters.
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