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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Surprised to see the silhouettes coming out tonight. I figured they would have came tomorrow. Hopefully they are not all armored units again. Regardless, I don't really care which characters they picked as I'm probably skipping the banner anyways. I would rather save orbs and have a big stash ready for next year's New Heroes banners.
  2. Considering S!Ursula just showed on a surprise banner I'm starting to think the Legendary could be colorless. It's too soon for Dancer Nephenee but I guess the Legendary could still be green if they pick Claude or B!Camilla to fill the colorless spot.
  3. Looks like I will finally be able to finish merging my FH!Delthea on the 20th when her GHB returns. Also hoping those two Tempest Trials have some good seals since it has been some time since I upgraded any of them.
  4. Surprised the calendar for December hasn't gone up. I guess the calendars are being snapped out of existence just like Farfetched Heroes. Though for those curious someone on reddit was able to figure out some of the events happening this month by datamining upcoming quests. I placed them in a spoilers box just in case.
  5. @mampfoid Wow, three five-stars in summoning sessions, that's some great luck right there. Congrats!
  6. Hmmm...I guess no one datamined the multiplier schedule for this Forging Bond event huh? I like knowing when the 2x multipliers are so I don't have to check my phone every hour.
  7. For my list some will probably only have one character because my only interaction with them was from Heroes instead of actually playing the game they came from. Shadow Dragon: Linde and Merric Gaiden/Echoes: Delthea and Kliff New/Mystery of the Emblem: Sirius and Phina Genealogy: Tailitu Thracia: Reinhardt Binding Blade: Klein Blazing Sword: Eliwood and Fiora Sacred Stones: L'Arachel and Joshua Awakening: Owain and Anna Fates: Kaze and Azura Three Houses: Dimitri and Annette Overall: Anna and Kliff
  8. I'm kind of convinced we aren't getting a third Farfetched banner. Sure it can still happen in January but, I don't know, I think they are moving past those kinds of banners. I guess they didn't want to start scraping characters ranked down in the eighties when they can just make them the stars on game specific banners I suppose? Oh well, I guess if I want an Anna that can be merged in the game I have to do what I did last year and throw all my votes for her for CYL4. Brave Anna for CYL4 it is I suppose. For Jill, I'm not too worried about her since she is very likely to show up on the next Tellius banner and since Year 2 and Year 3 both had New Heroes banners be Tellius focused in January...
  9. This Decade Persona 5 (PS3) The Messenger (Switch) Sonic Mania (Switch) Shovel Knight (Switch) Mario Kart 8 (Switch) Super Smash Bros Ultimate (Switch) Pokken Tournament (Switch) Trails of Cold Steel 1+2 (PS3) Fire Emblem Heroes (Android) Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii) Honorable Mentions: Mario Maker (Wii U/Switch), Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS), Fire Emblem Three Houses (Switch) and the Blazblue series (PS3/Switch) All Time Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2 (N64) Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES) Megaman X1 (SNES) Super Mario World (SNES) Super Metroid (SNES) Final Fantasy VI (SNES) Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Genesis) Persona 4 Golden (PS Vita) Persona 5 (PS3) The Messenger (Switch) Honorable Mentions: Paper Mario: 1000 Year Door (GC), Earthbound (SNES) and Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (GBA)
  10. Wow, Cold Steel 3 is coming to Switch? That's great since recently I have been contemplating between buying a PS4 just to play CS3 or waiting for the PS5 to come out so I could buy and play other PS4/PS5 games. Now I don't have to spend a ton of money doing either since I will be able to buy CS3 for Switch. Hopefully it's also a sign that other Trails game will someday be ported to Switch as well because I would love to have the whole series on one console.
  11. I'm guessing they really are holding off on the Feh Channel presentation until Tuesday or Wednesday. Makes sense I guess that they probably want to hold it off until the Mythic banner is almost over before showing the new shiny units coming out on Friday. Any final predictions before then? I'm guessing the bulk of it will be about Book 4 and whoever our new free OC character will be along with a tease for what the New Heroes banner will be on Friday though really the banner could be anything at this point (Farfetched, Book 3 OCs, just a regular banner who knows). I also guess there will either be a new mode introduced or they will make changes to an already existing PvP mode (Arena/Arena Assault/Aether Raids) for better or worse. Maybe they will also do something like last year and introduce a new weapon type such as gauntlets from Three Houses and say new units will start appearing with them either this month or in January.
  12. If we are just talking about units released in 2019 the characters whose artwork I liked the best were L!Eliwood, L!Alm, Hilda, FH!Delthea, Phina and V!Catria.
  13. I think they were just assuming it's coming on Tuesday. Really though the Feh Channel could happen anytime this week before Friday.
  14. Whew, finally cleared Abyssal on this one after spending a few hours on it. Had to use Celica, replace her Fury skill for a Brazen skill and teach her Dragon Fang just so she could one shot Sothis. Those golden glasses are mine now.
  15. I don't think I have ever seen anyone suggest L'Arachel as a Legendary Hero though I suppose she was somewhat involved in Sacred Stones' plot. I would definitely welcome it though and would get excited over it happening. We also don't have the Latona staff in Heroes yet either so...
  16. Thanks! Yeah, I still like using dragons despite all the anti-dragon weapons they have been releasing this year. Thankfully I don't see dragonslaying weapons as often as I would expect. @Namero Congrats on that Naga! Looks like a very speedy tank.
  17. Hey, you stole my thread that I totally didn't steal from @Johann. JK. Anyways, well uh, I guess at this point who the Legendary/Mythic Hero can be really is unpredictable at this point. I'm guessing the Legendary will be Fire element because it will be fire season in December. As for the color they can be blue, green or colorless. I kind of want to guess and say the Legendary will be Celica because she thematically fits the Fire element If she comes with Seraphim she could be blue or green or if you want to stretch it be green and wield Celica's Gale but really I would like to see a Celica alt that isn't red and this looks like a good opportunity for it. Not to mention she will come with her Regain outfit. But really it could be anyone but I am going to assume green is going to be the color for the Legendary this month. Green candidates that I can think of are Xander with Bolverk, Edelgard (probably still too soon for her), Book 4 OC (probably unlikely since I am predicting the Book 4 OC is going to be a Duo Hero released on a Hero Fest banner when Book 4 launches) and again Celica with a green tome. While I am at it blue candidates are Chrom with a lance, Dimitri and Celica again. Colorless candidates are Elincia and Micaiah (both as staff units) and Claude. As for the other units on the banner I think we will see P!Lukas and one of BB!Pent/BB!Tanith for blue, S!Wolt for green and S!Ursula for colorless. So this is what I am thinking... Red: L!Ike, L!Roy, Hrid Blue: Naga, P!Lukas, BB!Pent/BB!Tanith Green: Thrasir, S!Wolt, New Legendary Colorless: L!Robin, Eir, S!Ursula So it really didn't change from the preliminary guess I made on the other thread. On a unrelated note it looks like H!L'Arachel is coming on the January or February banner but looking at who the other green units are for that month I think I would rather wait till next year to try for her. I don't really want to get pitybroken by Yune, Lyn or Gunnthra.
  18. @mampfoid Thanks! It looks like you got a nice haul off the Mythic banner. Congrats!
  19. Already showed her off in the official pull thread but the Distant Counter banner allowed me to fully merge Nagi so her she is! And with that I have a dragon of each color fully merged now (and they all just happen to be from Archanea/Ylisse). Also managed to pull enough copies of Raven while fishing for Nagi to fully merge him as well but I will wait until I summon a unit with Galeforce (and have enough feathers) before posting him on here. So yeah, the next unit I +10 should be either Raven or FH!Delthea, just depends on whether I find Galeforce fodder or Delthea's GHB rerun happens first.
  20. Haven't spent any orbs since the Archanean banner but since it looks like Anna isn't getting an alt any time soon I figured I would take this opportunity to +10 Nagi because who knows when I will get the chance to summon her again. 900 orbs later and after getting pitybroken by B!Micaiah, Edelgard, B!Ephraim, Tana, and Nailah (all great pitybrakers by the way they are all new for me) along the way I completed this... Oh, and as for my free summon on the Mythic Banner... Ha, you wouldn't give me Naga after spending tons of orbs but you will give the girl whose game I have never played for free? Well, at least now I can score better during Astra season now so I guess that's a plus.
  21. Forgot that there was another VG happening soon though seeing Ike show up in yet another is about as tiring as seeing Camilla and Tharja being in almost every single one. Anyways, I'm going Team Barst for Archanean representation.
  22. I agree. If there is a character I like I try to pull characters I like on their debut banner because while it may be better to wait for them to show up on a three unit banner there is always the chance they end up color sharing with another unit (which usually ends with me pulling the wrong focus unit in that case). Though I still think Legendary/Mythic banners will reach a point where it only features Legendary, Mythic, Duo and seasonal units because like @Othin mentioned units in the normal summoning pool can return on just about any other banner. FH!Berkut was already skipped over for Kjelle back on the September Mythic Hero banner. I think he is just going to share the same fate as green tome Olwen and several other red units and just won't ever be on a Legendary/Mythic banner. Plus he has already been rerun at least twice already I believe on other banners already and can always show up on a Heroes with 'Stance skills' or 'Wave skills' banner in the future. If anything I think Dimitri is more likely to show up as the next non-seasonal unit on a Legendary/Mythic banner.
  23. Really thought I knew who the Mythic Hero was going to be this but once again IS goes out of their way to make I'm wrong. Oh well, I was really close though thinking it was going to be a sword wielding astra hero. As for a preliminary for next month's Legendary Hero banner I'm thinking it might look something like this. Red: L!Ike, L!Roy, Hrid Blue: Naga, P!Lukas, BB!Pent or BB!Tanith Green: Thrasir, S!Wolt, New Legendary Colorless: L!Robin, Eir, S!Ursula I really think we are getting to the point where they will just stop putting units from the normal summoning pool on Legendary/Mythic banners.
  24. Huh, I was expecting an Astra Blessed sword wielder but I didn't think this would happen. Plan is still to free pull red and then bail out of the banner. I'm really more interested in what the dataminers have to say about a certain quest in tomorrow's update.
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