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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Was simple enough. Decided to do something random and threw a bunch of infantry blue tome units out there and it worked out just fine. Poor Kliff didn't get to do anything but hide in the bushes and watch the girls do all the work.
  2. You mean in the final hour if your team is at a disadvantage? It's 12.0.
  3. Kind of strange they are starting on refines for Book 2 characters (still waiting on Cordelia) unless they are just giving special treatment to Kana. Still, if Book 2 is on the table now I want refines for L'Arachel's Ivaldi and SM!Eirika's Gleipnir. Oh, and Marisa needs a new weapon like Shamsir or something.
  4. My main point was that I don't think Farfetched will be in December. Yeah, there probably will be another banner to kick off Book 4 but who knows if it will be a New Heroes banner or an event like Hero Fest to show off the new OC ally. I really wonder what other kind of banner they would save Awakening Anna for if she isn't on Farfetched. An Awakening banner? I think it's too soon for another Awakening banner even if it is for characters like Say'ri, Flavia, and Basilio. Seasonal alt first? I think it would be weird to have Awakening Anna debut on a seasonal banner when Heroes Anna is right there. Or my favorite suggestion the fabled all Anna banner with her incarnations from Awakening, Fates, Three Houses and Archanea (bonus if she is a Duo Hero with Jake) all together though I don't know how likely that is.
  5. Actually, I think @Humanoid forgot about BB!Tanith so really the seasonal for February will be either BB!Tanith or BB!Pent. S!Lyn probably won't be on a Legendary banner until April or May. I also think any of Fjorm/L!Julia/L!Tiki are likely to come back in February instead of Dimitri or Petra so I think blue in February could be two Legendary Heroes plus one of the Bridal Blessings unit.
  6. I would rather save my flags for the next two rounds since I prefer to spend them on hours when my team is at a disadvantage so my overall score is higher.
  7. So is L'Arachel never going to get a multiplier this round? Just looked at the score predictor and it seems L'Arachel is going to curbstomp Dozla the entire time. Guess I don't have to worry about playing VG for the rest of today or tomorrow since I already collected all the rewards for this round.
  8. I don't see them moving Farfetched to December since that month is already a seasonal only month with Christmas and New Years. Nope, it really is either IS got smart for once about giving away surprises or the females chosen really are Jill and one of Severa or even OG Louise (despite the fact I think her seasonal alt counts her as already being in the game).
  9. Oh, I just knew someone was going to bring that up here eventually, especially after I just had a field day about it over on reddit.
  10. Who knows. Trailer could be Sunday, Monday or Tuesday but there is also the possibility that next week's banner is just a normal New Heroes banner to close out Book 3 and Farfetched Heroes will be later in November.
  11. Went and started a thread for November's Mythic banner. Further discussions and speculations can go here.
  12. Time for another speculation thread for November though I'm not sure if there is much to speculate on when it is kind of obvious who the Mythic Hero will be along with the fact we already know half the units returning this time around. Anyways... Returning Legendary/Mythic Heroes Red: L!Marth, Sothis Blue: L!Tiki, L!Julia, Fjorm Green: L!Lyn Colorless: Duma Seasonals P!Flora: If the Mythic isn't red then P!Flora is really the only option this month. Though if P!Flora doesn't show up this month she won't appear until January. S!Laevatein: Next green seasonal in line. BB!Fjorm: Next colorless unit in line. S!Gunnthra: I think it's unlikely to happen but they did put two red seasonals on the last Legendary Banner so who knows. Depends how fast they want to burn through their colorless seasonals I guess. Normal Heroes I think we will eventually reach a point where units in the normal summoning pool will cease to show up on Legendary/Mythic banner so I might just stop adding them to the prediction list eventually at least for red color units anyways (maybe even blue as well since blue is starting to get crowded at times as well). Yarne: Next green unit in line. Edelgard: Could show up on the next banner if they decide to skip over Yarne for whatever reason (they have skipped over green units before in the past). B!Micaiah: Really just a filler option assuming the Mythic isn't green and they don't want to put Yarne or Edelgard on the banner. Hel: Yes, that's right. Assuming they have no intention of making Hel a Mythic Hero I can see them doing a similar situation like with M!Byleth first being on a Mythic Hero banner and then being put in the normal summoning pool later. Claude: Assuming the Mythic isn't colorless and they don't put two colorless seasonals on the banner Claude is next in line. B!Camilla: Again, just another filler option. Mythic Hero Candidates Heh, I will be more surprised if the Mythic Hero isn't one of Lif or Hel. Kind of leaning more on Lif than Hel since Lif could be an Astra elemental Mythic and we do need more offensive Mythic Heroes. Though I can also see a scenario where both Lif and Hel show up on the Mythic banner (whether Hel is a Mythic or normal hero) as a way to send off Book 3 and get all their OCs out of the way so they can focus on Book 4 characters. Still, the other Mythic Heroes candidates are still on the table as well so we could still see any of Medeus, Mila, Fomortiis, Ashera, and Anankos. My Predictions Kind of switched it up a bit from what I initially predicted from the previous thread but I'm also going under the assumption that we end up with two new Mythic Heroes this month. Red: L!Marth, Sothis, Lif (New Mythic Hero) Blue: L!Tiki, L!Julia, Fjorm Green: L!Lyn, S!Laevatein, Hel (Mythic or not) Colorless: Duma, BB!Fjorm, Claude Anyways, as always anyone got any hopes or predictions for November's Mythic banner?
  13. Was on Palla's team for the first two rounds and now Catria yanked me away for the final round. Would have liked the idea of being on Palla's team the whole way through but I'm fine with how things ended up.
  14. Took several attempts but I managed to clear Abyssal difficulty with FH!Delthea and her three support allies.
  15. @mampfoid Congrats on getting three five-star units off the Legendary banner, especially that +Atk nature on L!Leif! For FH!Tiki I think more speed is more important that attack since it allows her to tank better if she isn't getting doubled by enemies with a high speed stat.
  16. Don't have any Halloween seasonals so I guess I'm joining L'Arachel since she is the only one I like out of this bunch. If she loses I guess I'm turning into a feather mercenary for the rest of it.
  17. I mean, we got four seasonals units this month when we usually only get three on a legendary banner. Might be they threw an extra seasonal this month since next month is going to be crowded for slots and we already know there will be at least eight Legendary/Mythic Heroes. Also, I'm not sure they will skip down to Summer Seasonals yet when we still have Picnic and Bridal seasonals to go through. Granted all but BB!Fjorm are red and blue and there is no room for them in November's banner since I am pretty confident Lif is going to take the remaining red spot. Though if we do get a Summer Seasonal it will probably just be S!Laevatein. I'm keeping my prediction of Claude before S!Gunnthra though unless November has a 'Units with Lull skills' banner next month. Though there is a part of me that thinks maybe, just maybe, we will get both Lif and Hel as Mythic Heroes next month as a way to wrap up Book 3
  18. So I thought the Legendary would be colorless...but we ended up with Leif instead of one the potential females. I guess the five people who voted for Leif in the poll are happy. We also ended up with two red seasonals this month but I guess I can see why they did that since it's possible the next Mythic Hero is red S!Palla wouldn't have come until January if they that is what happen. Also, red is a hard color to find room for units. As for a preliminary for next month's Mythic Hero banner... Red: L!Marth, Sothis, P!Flora or New Mythic (probably Lif) Blue: L!Tiki, L!Julia, Fjorm Green: L!Lyn, Yarne, B!Ephraim or New Mythic (probably Hel) Colorless: Duma, BB!Fjorm, Claude
  19. Thankfully the Legendary is no one I care about though I suppose Jugdral have something to be happy about. I'm happy I can ignore the banner since while colorless would be the color I would focus on I already have a +10 FH!Tiki and the rest of the colors have units I don't really want or need. Now I can continue to save orbs for Farfetched Heroes.
  20. Happy to see they are keeping the weekly revival banners going. It might still be possible for me to +10 my favorites from Book 1 like Linde and Celica. Might be a good opportunity to pick up good fodder like Close and Distant Counter as well.
  21. Sorry to hear about that. That really sucks. I'm guessing you never found it?
  22. For Jertiza I'm guessing swords, lances and riding will be his proficiencies and faith, authority and something random like axes, bows or flying will be his weaknesses. Anna is trickier to guess since they could make her proficiencies and weaknesses anything but considering every game besides Warriors gave her a different weapon type to use (Swords in Awakening, Bows in Fates, Axes in Heroes) I could see them making her good in lances or reason since Anna only used lances as an NPC and we haven't had an Anna who starts in a magical class yet despite having good magic growths in the 3DS games. Don't know about weaknesses but who knows maybe she will be like Byleth and have no weaknesses. Personally I would like her to be good in any of lances, bows, reason, riding and flying so it would be easier to put her in the more powerful classes.
  23. Sure... Fire Emblem Three Houses- Noble outifts of Edelgard/Dimitri/Claude or generic officer academy uniforms Megaman- Megaman X (Gunner) and Megaman EXE costumes return Ace Attorney- Apollo Justice, Athena Cykes and Miles Edgeworth outfits and wigs
  24. Heh, I will...in December when her GHB returns. Also, nice Infernal clear with Elise by the way. I thought it was funny seeing HS!Elise lobbing a carrot at her enemies.
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