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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Since it seems like they are putting up trailers four days in advance now we are probably getting the trailer tomorrow night. I kind of want to say that the legendary will be Celica with all the Valentia events going on as of late but I wouldn't be surprised to see Chrom, Xander or Micaiah showing up instead.
  2. FH!Delthea vs Conrad...A battle between GHB units from Echoes and their support allies! That said, this was another one of those Grand Hero Battles that was kind of on the easier side.
  3. Guess we are using any trio of characters now as reps for Grand Conquest now since that they used the majority of Lords for that mode (though I don't remember if Marth or Archanea itself were ever repped in Grand Conquest). I like all the Whitewing Sisters though so I don't care whose team I end up on.
  4. Yeah, I believe Lonqu is one of the better fathers for Brady since it helps fix his low speed growth. I think I remember having Lonqu as Brady's father in one of my previous playthroughs and Brady ended up being a good Sage
  5. You can always swing a Rapier at a horse unit since Rapier are strong against cavalry and armors but yeah in later chapters its better to fight armors with magic due to their high defense and lower res. Yeah, special classes like Villager and Manaketes can go straight into promoted classes at level 30 (though I wouldn't wait until level 30 to change Donnel into another class because that is just wasted weapon experience since Donnel doesn't use lances in any of his other available classes) but also any unit that is at least level 10 in a promoted class can second seal into another promoted class. If you try to use a second seal on a promoted class that is below level 10 you are stuck with non-promoted classes as options. It's kind of similar to non-promoted classes needing to be on level 10 to use a Master Seal except for promoted classes they need to be at least level 10 so they can use Second Seals to go to other promoted classes though it is better to wait until level 15 in promoted classes to pick up the skill and then change to another class.
  6. I guess that depends on whether you want Lucina to use Parallel Falchion and Rapiers since she can use Parallel Falchion in any class that lets you use swords but Rapiers can only be used by Lords/Great Lords. I usually have her end in Great Lord (even if it just for the unique class aesthetics) or Paladin. Looks right except you can just use a Second Seal to go from Berserker to Sorcerer without having to go back down to Dark Mage and wasting another Master Seal.
  7. You will get Lucina at the end of Chapter 13. Robin probably won't get Galeforce by then without some grinding for it but Lucina will have access to every class (besides male exclusive classes) so you can just have Lucina become a Dark Flier and learn Galeforce herself. I recommend just having Robin pass down Veteran so Lucina can gain levels faster. Might I recommend this page from Sereneforest? It provides charts for all children and show what classes they inherit from their parents and what skills they can only get through inheritance. You can buy second seals from the Chapter 16 shop after completing it. Before then you only get a few from enemies or villages or get lucky to buy one from random Anna merchants I would change classes as soon as you get all the skills you want out of them. Unlike other Fire Emblem games you can level up almost infinitely in this game so there really isn't any reason to level a class up to 20 before changing classes. Just know that you must reach at least level 10 in a class before changing to another one. I think there are only a few units who can use that setup since you need Vengeance from Sorcerer, Wrath from Berserker and Vantage from Myrmidon. The only characters who can gain access to all those classes are Inigo and Owain if Olivia/Lissa marries Libra or Henry. M!Morgan is also a strong candidate because he will have access to all three classes regardless of who his father is. I personally just use Anna as my Trickster on all my playthroughs since she comes ready as a Trickster and can hold her own especially when using Levin Swords. Late game I usually switch her over to Sage so she is basically a 'Mage Trickster' since I am usually out of Levin Swords by then and her magic stat will probably be much higher than her strength. However, the disadvantages to using Anna is that while she is good at dodging most attacks she has poor HP and Def so she can't take too many hits when an attack does land through. She also doesn't really have many good support options so she doesn't really get to benefit much from pair up and support bonuses. Other than her I reckon Owain, Inigo and Severa would probably be better Tricksters late game if you are not planning on using them as galeforce powerhouses since they will start with a C rank in swords so they will be able to use Steel/Levin Swords right away. They will need Henry, Gaius, Lonqu, Kellam or Vaike as a father to get access to the Trickster class. I suppose M!Morgan and Lucina would also be good Tricksters but you would probably want to use them as your main offensive units over a utility role.
  8. I was just thinking I needed more green units and then the new banner today decided to give me this for free today... Got one of my favorites from Three Houses with a good nature to boot too (+Spd/-HP). Would love to try pulling more of her for merges but my orbs must be saved for next month.
  9. Talk about lucky getting three 5-stars in one summoning session. Congrats!
  10. It has been a while since I did a run of Awakening but uh...let's see what I can help with. Marriage/Children: Personally I have never bother much with children units after my second playthrough since you don't really need them to beat the main campaign (though you will need them if you plan on doing the Future Past and Apotheosis DLC maps). I think it is easy enough to beat Hard/Classic with just gen 1 units if you just focus on building 10-12 of them (though I suppose if you did that your only good Galeforce users would be Sumia, Cordelia, F!Robin and potentially Lucina). I don't think there really is any must have children/marriages outside of things like Chrom being paired with F!Robin, Sumia, Olivia or Maribelle if you want Lucina to have access to Galeforce. Same for Nah, Kjelle and Noire if you want them to have Galeforce their moms will have to marry M!Robin, Gaius or Donnel so the Pegasus Knight classline gets passed down to them. Yes, mothers have to at least have access to the Dark Flier class to learn Galeforce since they learn the skill at level 15 in that class. If you want the child unit to have access to Galeforce right away without having to go through Dark Flier themselves you have to make sure before you start their Paralogue chapter that Galeforce is equipped to the mother at the bottom of the list since children units inherits whatever skill is equipped on the bottom of their parent's equipped skills (and male child units like Owain and Brady can only get Galeforce through inheritance this way). I recommend Robin/Chrom since Lucina will have access to almost every class this way and Morgan will can get Rightful King (won't get Aether sadly). Yes, Nah can still activate Galeforce while as a Manakete. I mentioned it already but I if you want another Galeforce user I recommend pairing Gauis with Tharja or Sully since the class line he usually passes down (Fighter/Berserker/Hero) gets changed to the Pegasus class line for Noire and Kjelle. The rest can probably be paired up however you wish. I personally recommend Donnel/Nowi since Nah will gain access to Galeforce, Armsthrift (to help conserve Dragonstone usage) and Sol (to help tank better). Also, (sorry if I said this too much) Gaius can also allow Nah/Kjelle/Noire to learn Galeforce. I recommend Gaius marries Tharja so Noire has a better max stats mod. Also, Yarne, Laurent and Gerome can never get access to Galeforce (despite Yarne having the skill naturally in Heroes). You absolutely want to pass Aptitude down to whoever Donnel's kid is for the increased stat growths. Males with the Fighter or Barbarian class lines (like Vaike) can pass Axefaire, Rally Strength and Counter to their daughters Errr...I would say at least once to reset you character's level so they can continue to level up and gain stats. Also, if you want more skills you will have to change classes especially if you want your children units to learn specific skills. Example: If you want Owain (or even Lissa herself) to get Galeforce Lissa will have to reclass to Dark Flier at some point and get to level 15 to learn the skill. When you start a child unit's paralogue chapter they will inherit whatever skill is currently equipped on the bottom of their parent's equipped skill. So if you want them to have a specific skill you have to make sure to switch the parent's skills around to make sure the skill you want the child unit to have is on the bottom before starting the chapter (and I forget all the time so I am constantly exiting the chapter and reorganizing the skills around). For Lucina you have to make sure her mother has the right skill equipped on the bottom before Ch.13 (Lucina always inherits Aether from Chrom even if he hasn't learned it yet). Skills/Second Seals Honestly, just Galeforce, Armsthrift (to help conserve weapon usage), Lifetaker (for your offensive or Galeforce units) and Sol/Renewal (for your tanking units). Maybe a proc skill like Astra and Luna would also be nice to have. Any other skill would just be nice to have if you happen to come across it while playing naturally. Having a powerful skillset only really matter if you are doing something like the Apotheosis DLC map. Weapons/Items Personally I get by just fine with Iron/Steel/Silver along with Javelins/Hand Axes and effective weapons like Hammers/Horseslayers and the like since things like Brave weapons can only be easily gotten late game and stronger 1-2 range weapons like Short Axe and Tomahawk are hard to come by without summoning the legacy spotpass characters teams to the overworld. Personally I think every mage who is not Robin ends up weak in this game unless you reclass them to Dark Mages so they can use weapons like Nosferatsu, Mire and Waste or use a broken setup like Nosferatsu/Vengeance/Vantage/Wrath. I don't remember if the Warp staff is in this game but I don't think it is so sadly no. Healers If they are in the Trickster class they can be great utility units and open doors and lockpick chests without the need for keys. Personally I like my healing units to be in classes with good movement like Valkyrie for Maribelle or reclassed Lissa or Trickster for characters like Anna. Having a high magic stat is also important since the range for those staves like Physic and Rescue are determined by their Magic stat divided by two. Anyways, I hope this helps and you have fun playing the game.
  11. I'm really liking all the accessories this time around. I prefer getting more helmets over silly ribbons, pins and stuff you would expect on seasonal units.
  12. @Landmaster Congrats on the +5 Elise along with the Faye and Nailah!
  13. Meanwhile I managed to climb my way back up to 1600 orbs while ignoring temptations like Nagi merges, Halloween L'Arachel and Valentia Catria all so I can blow all those orbs next month on the Farfetched Heroes banner (assuming Anna is on it).
  14. I was mostly trying to make a joke about what a coincidence it was.
  15. Can we assume there is a pattern that at least one character will always be skipped over Farfetched every year since Micaiah was skipped year 1, Selkie was skipped during year 2 and Lif (assuming he isn't coming out until next month's Mythic Banner) won't be on this year's Farfetched banner.
  16. I suppose some kind of pattern is getting broken on this Farfetched banner whether it is the '3 units only on Farfetched banners like previous years' or 'New Heroes banners in 2019 all having four units on the banners pattern'. Honestly it makes no difference to me if there is gender split on Farfetched or if it is the top units not in the game even if they all happen to be female as long as Anna is on the banner. It's not like IS ever made a specific guideline as to who qualifies for Farfetched Heroes (correct me if I'm wrong) other than they must be the top ranked characters on CYL who are not playable in Heroes which like you said worked out the first two years but this year there are at least five females who ranked higher than the first plausible male candidate. If there is backlash over it is probably because I believe there is a certain expectation among people that since Farfetched Heroes is another CYL banner that it must pick the top 2 male and female characters to mirror the way the 'winners' of CYL was decided and if those expectations aren't met people will be prone to voice their displeasure over it. Just the usual fanfare when people think that the female characters are given special preference in this game. It will certainly be interesting to see who IS ends up picking this year.
  17. Can you believe that I heard people still thinking it was Silque anyways despite the red border or that it was Python as a red bow despite the character in the image having eyelashes that are reserved for women in Heroes?
  18. Cormag would be the fourth male unit but I don't see two different Farfetched Heroes banners happening.
  19. Just realized that the character in the google achievement leak was most likely Catria. So people who we were getting a Valentian banner were right for the wrong reason since they probably thought it was Silque.
  20. So with Conrad being added as a GHB soon he is out of the running for Farfetched Heroes. So now it looks like, assuming we ignore Lif and characters with seasonal alts, we are getting Awakening Anna, Jill, Nils and Shinon unless we are getting another New Heroes based on Awakening, Tellius or Blazing Sword before then which is actually possible. Though since it looks like we are getting a five units every banner now I wonder if they might do that for Farfetched as well. I kind of doubt it but if we did then we could see Awakening Anna, Jill, Severa, Nils, Shinon and Rath (and hey Awakening, Blazing Sword and Tellius would all coincidentally get two units each) with Anna, Jill, Nils and Shinon on the banner and one of Severa/Rath being the 3-4 star unit and the other being the GHB/TT freebie unit. Personally I still expect it to be a three unit banner of Anna, Jill and Nils with Shinon being the freebie unit though I did hear an interesting theory on reddit that we might get all females instead for Farfetched since there are several females that are not in the game that scored higher than Conrad, Nils and the others in which case we would get Awakening Anna, Jill, Severa and Rinkah (Fates Anna would just barely miss it) but I think having all females for Farfetched would just cause backlash.
  21. So, they are doing reveal trailers four days in advance now? Also, the Valentian versions of the Whitewings Sisters are possibilities for Heroes now? Personally, I am okay with this because I always kind of liked seeing alts of popular characters on New Heroes banners. I liked how Catria mentioned going to several different countries in her intro quote though technically Catria shouldn't be using a sword here since Falcon Knights from Valentia didn't use swords. Oh well, I will take a sword flier over another lance flier. Still, as much as I like Valentia this banner is a pass for me especially with Farfetched 3.0 right on the horizon. With Conrad being a GHB here I guess that means Shinon is next in line to show up on Farfetched Heroes assuming Lif and Bruno are out of the running. Kind of sucks for Conrad fans though since if he was on Farfetched he would probably have been a good unit but here he is probably going to end up being another generic lance cavalier.
  22. Uh, I wasn't talking about Smash Bros; I'm talking about a traditional fighting game with just FE characters. Of course we would see characters using lances, axes, bows and magic but I wouldn't be surprised if half the roster was still using swords.
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