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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Sure but the majority of the roster would probably still be using swords since that is what most of the important characters use.
  2. Honestly I just don't care enough about Jugdral, Elibe or Tellius to see remakes of those game so I would prefer seeing the next entry being a new game in a new setting even if they have to spend three years of development to make the world building as great as Three Houses'. That said I wouldn't mind another remake of Shadow Dragon/Mystery of the Emblem since I love those games and would like to see those games more fleshed out, added support conversations, fully voiced acted, etc. though I don't realistically seeing them doing it any time soon. I think someone else already mentioned it but I also like the idea of a Fire Emblem spinoff fighting game made by Arc System.
  3. My only wish is that Anna can be recruited early and has proficiencies in all the good areas such as Lance, Axe, Bow, Flying, Authority. If they want to sell her as paid DLC at least try to make her look like a good unit. Though if we look at her growth rates from previous games she will probably have high Speed and Luck, average Attack, Skill and Res and poor HP and Def. As for the rest I don't really care about but hopefully they all end up being interesting characters. Though I will say I will be disappointed if Jeritza doesn't have good proficiencies in Lances and Riding.
  4. Actually Leif, Quan and Micaiah also have Drive Attack and are all still in the regular summoning pool though they are all 5 star exclusive.
  5. You mean, what if we are getting a new Legendary Hero plus Mythic Hero Lif this month? I guess that could happen if they wanted to make a big out of it. As for why October has 6 and November has 8 Sothis was supposed to come back in October but has since been moved to November. I could see the reason why they did that was they want Lif (or whoever the new Legendary Hero is if they are red) to come this month and had to move Sothis over to next month.
  6. I guess they could still make Lif a Legendary Hero this month but I feel like they would want the Book 3 OCs to all be Mythic Heroes since Legendaries have for the most part been cast aside (outside of the Pair Up mechanic for Allegiance Battles). I'm starting to think Lif (or Hel) will be the Mythic Hero in November and Hel (or Lif) will be the Mythic Hero for January. That or for another outside-the-box idea they could give us Lif and Hel as Mythic Heroes next month if they wanted to get the Book 3 OCs out of the way before moving on to Book 4 characters.
  7. Looks like I'm running a cavalry team and will have an easy time running TT on autopilot. Once I get the feathers and flowers out of Rolf his Odd Speed Wave is getting handed over to Ayra since she would love that skill.
  8. L'Arachel in Sacred Stones. Sure I could probably use Natasha or Moulder as my healing unit but I'm willing to spend 30 minutes in Chapter 14 buying Barrier staves from the secret shop and having L'Arachel spam them so she can gain levels and catch up to the rest of the group. Marisa too for that matter since there is an Arena in the chapter you recruit her and it doesn't take that long for her to gain levels there. Would Cherche count as a bad unit in Awakening? She come a little bit before midgame and its possible to get a 'better' Wyvern Rider if you use a second seal on Panne or Lonqu but I always use Cherche as Wyvern Rider alongside Lonqu.
  9. Probably not since they don't want too many events going on at once. They will most likely rotate every month between Hall of Fame/Grand Conquest and Lost Lore/Rokkr Siege.
  10. Back-to-back New Heroes banners huh. Now that's what I like to see. I wonder if the November 6 banner will be just a regular New Heroes banner to finish Book 3 off or will it be Farfetched Heroes. Personally I think they will finish Book 3 off first and the second banner in November will also be a New Heroes banner for Farfetched Heroes. Farfetched is almost here and I can't wait to see who they have chosen for that. Good thing every other banner on the calendar looks easy to skip. Also, lol at that Alm and Faye BHB. Can we expect that banner to be Alm, B!Alm and Faye for the banner?
  11. Yeah, if you have Lachesis or Athena in the game you can look at their character profile and is she is credited as Christina Valenzuela.
  12. Christina Vee is the voice for Lachesis and Athena in Heroes though.
  13. Everyone else: "I got a 5-star unit with my free summon/tickets." Me: "I got 3-star rocks." Oh well, I need to save orbs for other banners anyways. The real treat is probably coming next month.
  14. I don't think we will get the calendar until later today/tonight or it will come in a day or two.
  15. So it's not just me. Hopefully there will be enough of an uproar over it that they give us compensation orbs for it.
  16. So, unless I am doing something wrong I guess I am screwed out of the 1 orb from the 'Build a Field' quest since I made the field yesterday. That's kind of stupid.
  17. Kind of relieved and disappointed that L'Arachel's base skillset is lackluster since it means I don't have to feel tempted to pull for her right now but at the same time I would figure they would try to give her a uh...I don't know...more powerful or appealing base kit. Though in the event I do get her I would technically have a green version of Celica/FH!Delthea since Fury is on her weapon and then I can have Brazen skills in her A-Slot and Seal slot.
  18. I could easily list 50 characters since since this franchise has so many interesting characters but if I must stick to 15 then... Anna (Awakening/Fates/Heroes/Warriors/Three Houses) Tiki (Archanea/Awakening) Owain (Awakening) Kliff (Echoes) L'Arachel (Sacred Stones) Linde (Archanea) Silas (Fates) Kaze (Fates) Marisa (Sacred Stones) Palla (Archanea) Boey (Echoes) Delthea (Echoes) Cordelia (Awakening) Chrom (Awakening) Eliwood (Blazing Sword)
  19. Time to update my list... Old List... New List... A- Ashe (Three Houses) B- Beck (Archanea) C- Cormag (Sacred Stones) D- Dorothea (Three Houses) E- Erk (Blazing Sword) F- Ferdinand (Three Houses) G- Gilliam (Sacred Stones) H- Heath (Blazing Sword) I- Ignatz and Ingrid (Three Houses) J- Julian (Archanea) K- Kent (Blazing Sword) L- Lena (Archanea) and Lysithea (Three Houses) M- Medeus (Archanea) N- Nyna (Archanea) O- Oswin (Blazing Sword) P- Percy (Fates) Q R- Rath (Blazing Sword) S- Seteth and Sylvain (Three Houses) T- Tatiana (Echoes) U V- Valbar (Echoes) W- Wolf (Archanea) X- Xane (Archanea) Y Z- Zeke (Echoes)
  20. That's nice to know. If I was actually going to summon she would be nice to have since I don't really use that many green tome units.
  21. Saw gardening and dining hall and immediately thought of Three Houses. Was wondering when L'Arachel was getting an alt. Hopefully she is not another blue tome unit even though I'm not going to try pulling for her on the Halloween banner. I will just hope for the best by the tickets. Other than that I am really only interested in the free orbs we are getting from the events though I don't have a twitter account to do that questionnaire event.
  22. Managed to get my revenge on this map after not being able to figure it out back in June. Got that golden knightpiece accessory. FH!Delthea continues to be my solution to this Abyssal challenges.
  23. Felt tempted to pull on the Archanea banner to get a merge for Nagi to remove that Res bane. Spent around 75 orbs and got another Nagi so that bane is gone now but now Phina and Sirius tempt me. Can't try summoning them for now since Farfetched is so close.
  24. Yeah, I had to make Delthea get boosts from her tome, the double brazens, get Gray Waved and have someone with Drive Attack and Drive Speed stand nearby so she had enough attack and could double. I also need Glacies to go off during combat.
  25. Finally cleared one of these Abyssal challenges without having to resort to guides. Got my FH!Delthea built up and watched as she rained Death down on Thrasir's army.
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