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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. So, it's possible the next New Heroes banner could be Archanean characters based on this... From what little I could make out the green hair and hair ornament makes me think we are getting yet another Tiki alt (don't tempt me to pull for another one IS) but what if it is actually Nagi since she also wears a similar ornament? Personally we don't need another Tiki alt and I would love to see Nagi added to Heroes since then we would have pretty much everyone related to Naga in Heroes. Either way, the idea the next banner will have Archanean characters excites me since we haven't had an Archanean focused banner since May/June? 2017 and it means we could have a banner with Nagi, Nyna, Wolf and turban Hardin on it.
  2. So, dancing is everything now? That said, I like Ishtar's and Reinhardt's art here. All we need now is a colorless Reinhardt alt to make a perfectly balanced Reinhardt Emblem team. I'm almost tempted to try and pull for them because they seem strong for refresher units thanks to their brave tomes but I must save orbs for Farfetched Heroes next month.
  3. Expectations Talking about many games we already know coming out in the fall and winter seasons like Luigi's Mansion 3, Daemon X Machina and Link's Awakening. Maybe some new Pokémon Sword and Shield information because I don't think they really talked about that game much compared to Sun/Moon. One brand new game and a remake for an old game that hasn't been announced yet. I could see them trying one last time to convince people to buy Dragon Quest 11 before it comes out later month because they are seriously trying hard to advertise Dragon Quest to people outside Japan (at least here in the United States anyways) My wants Smash Ultimate DLC- Apparently DLC character number 4 has already been leaked (by Nintendo themselves no less) and I want to see if that actually comes true. FE Three Houses DLC- The second wave of DLC for this game is suppose to release by the end of October so I can see them dedicating a minute or two talking about it. I think it is just extra auxiliary maps and bonus items but who knows they might throw something else in there. Mario Maker 2- New update that adds a new game style. Hoping for Super Mario Bros 2 style. Cyber Shadow- I haven't heard Yacht Club talk about this game in a while and I believe it is suppose to come out some time late this year. Nintendo likes to throw indie games into their directs so it could potentially show up here. More information on that Persona Warriors style game (I think it's was called Persona 5 Scramble or something). On a related note and while I am not interested in it information on SMT 5. More collection games from Capcom. At this point I just want a second Ace Attorney compilation (with Apollo Justice, Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice) and a Megaman Battle Network collection (with online capabilities but that is just a pipedream) New Paper Mario game that plays in the style of the first two or if nothing else a HD remake of The 1000 Year Door would satisfy me. Mario Kart 9 announcement since I feel like a new Mario Kart installment is bound to come in the next year or two. Better yet, just drop the Mario Kart part and rename it Nintendo Kart with characters being from several of Nintendo's properties since Mario Kart 8 was kind of heading in that direction anyways. So yeah I am really only interested in DLC and updates to games I already have, Mario games plus third party stuff.
  4. So, very likely Berkut and Rinea huh. Hopefully the rest of the banner will be characters I won't care about so I can continue to save orbs for October. Also, assuming Rinea does show up on this Special Heroes banner hopefully it means she will be ineligible for Farfetched Heroes.
  5. Having recently finished one of the routes of Three Houses there are plenty of characters from that game that I would like to see in Heroes though I doubt I would spend orbs if any of them were to come out any time soon since there are still some non-Three Houses character that I am saving orbs for (already had to pass on Dimitri and Hilda). As for who I want to see... Black Eagles: Ferdinand Blue Lions: Any of them really since I like everyone from Blue Lions but if I had to choose then Ashe or Ingrid Golden Deer: Lysithea (and her prf weapon should be Dark Spikes Τ) and Ignatz Serios Church: Seteth, Flayn and Shamir
  6. Blyeth: "Allow me to demonstrate!", "No hesitation!" and "Here's something to believe in!" Ashe: "In the name of justice!" Hilda: "You're making me work!" Lysithea: "You're in my way" Seteth: "You shall not survive!" Shamir: "Going for the kill!"
  7. Only finished Blue Lions route so far and almost every paired ending I got surprised me (yes, even Blyeth since I clicked ??? by accident when I intended to stay single) since I wasn't sure how paired ending worked in this game. So I got... Caspar/Shamir- Was the first paired ending to show up in my ending and I wasn't expecting these two to have an ending together. I actually like that there are non-romantic paired endings in this game. Ignatz/Mercedes- Forgot these two even had an A support with each other considering I was trying to get Ignatz to be with Ingrid. Seteth/Hilda- Another non romantic ending and is probably one of my favorites. Felix/Dorothea- Was trying to get Felix to get together with Annette (since she is one the few people Felix is actually nice to) but I liked Felix support chain with Dorothea as well so I am okay with this one. Ashe/Annette- I always headcanoned these two as Blyeth's favorite pupils since they seemed to be the kind of people who would get along quite well with their teacher (especially since I spent a lot of my free days activities with these two) so it was amusing to see them paired up together. Sylvain/Ingrid- Seriously thought Sylvain was going to end up alone but at least he ended up with someone who would truly like and understand him (plus the whole childhood friendship thing). Dimitri/Flayn- Wasn't sure if he was even going to end up with someone but I guess I got the tall man, tiny girl pairing and at least Dimitri got a happy ending. Blyeth/Sothis- Wasn't even trying to pair myself with anyone but I do think it is kind of funny that Dimitri and Blyeth both ended up marrying important religious figures. I'm probably going to keep myself single in future playthrough unless they add new characters/S-supports in the future DLC packs. Catherine, Gilbert, Lysithea, Ferdinand and Dedue all ended up alone. I was surprised Ferdinand ended up alone since it seemed like there were at least three different girls interested in him. I kind of like and don't like that paired endings in Three Houses seem to be random.
  8. I ended up making Annette my dancer in my first playthrough. At the time of the dancing event she was the weak link of team (she had a good magic stat but with low speed she couldn't double anything and she was pretty frail with her low HP and Defense) plus I couldn't think of a good late game class for her so I just made her go all support and be a Dancer for the dancing and rallying skills. Once I start the other routes I am thinking of trying Ignatz or Flayn for Golden Deer and Linhardt on Black Eagle.
  9. I would say it is a tie between Echoes and Three Houses for my favorite cast of character. It helps that those two games are fully voiced which makes the characters more enjoyable than just reading a textbox. I would say Archanea is a distant third since I tend to like the OG casts in video games. Least favorite is easily Tellius. I don't really like half-human/half-beast type of characters and the rest of the cast (outside of a few like Haar and Jill) just seemed uninteresting to me.
  10. I picked Eliwood as my freebie and skipped the banner. Micaiah is kind of interesting and I don't have a green flier yet but I would rather pull for her later on a different banner with better odds. Plus I want to save orbs for other banners coming out later this year.
  11. @mampfoid Congrats on getting two Myrrhs and getting the CYL3 heroes!
  12. @mcsilas Thanks! I liked your Black Knight themed team video. Especially at the end when Black Knight's quote came up when he attacked the remaining enemy. That's sad to hear. Though, I am also in the same position since I also only have Alm to score well with for AB and there are people on my friend's list with good builds for Fallen Corrin and Legendary Robin that I would like to use. Oh well, there is always Rivals Domain and Grand Conquest (though who knows when the next Grand Conquest event will happen).
  13. Do you mean personal wants or realistic idea? Realistically, as far as the story mode is concerned I believe it will more or less be like FEW1 with very basic storytelling (Heroes from other worlds comes together to help the new OC character/s defeat the big bad and an evil dragon) and designed as a tutorial of sorts. The other modes will be where the real challenges are at and I believe the support conversations will be just as good if not better than FEW1. As for the roster I believe the cast from last game will be returning but as for newcomers I see characters from Three Houses and even Heroes being the main stars this time but there will also be the main lords from the older games since I think this time IS will at least try to please all their fans. As for the Three Houses characters they will probably base their outfit and personality on their pre-timeskip selves but there will be an option to unlock their post-timskip outfits in some shape or form. So I can see the roster looking like this. Returning FEW1- Rowan/Lianna/Darios (Sword), Anna (Bow) Shadow Dragon- Marth (Sword), Caeda (Lance), Tiki (Dragonstone), Navarre (Sword), Linde (Magic), Minerva (Axe) Awakening- Chrom/Lucina (Sword), Robin/Tharja (Magic), Lissa (Axe), Frederick (Axe), Cordelia (Lance), Owain (Sword), Olivia (Sword) Fates- Corrin (Sword), Azura (Lance), Xander (Sword), Camilla (Axe), Leo/Elise (Magic), Ryoma (Sword), Hinoka (Lance), Takumi/Sakura/Niles (Bow), Oboro (Lance) Blazing Sword- Lyn (Sword) Echoes- Celica (Sword) Newcomers FEW2- 1-3 new OC characters Three Houses- Blyeth (Sword), Edelgard (Axe), Hubert (Magic), Dimitri (Lance), Dedue (Axe), Claude (Bow), Hilda (Axe) maybe Sothis ??? (maybe using dragonstones since Heroes considers her a dragon) Note: I have not finished any of the routes for this game yet so I am basically going off of what I know so far and seems plausible Heroes- Alfonse (Sword), Sharena (Lance), Anna (Axe), Fjorm (Lance), Eir (Sword but her moveset will revolve around using it as a dagger), Veronica (Magic) Reinhardt (Magic) Tellius- Ike (Sword) for Base Game with Micaiah (Magic), Elincia (Sword) and Black Knight (Sword) as a DLC pack Elibe- Roy (Sword) for Base Game and with Hector (Axe), Eliwood (Sword) and Lilina(Magic) as a DLC pack Echoes- Alm (Sword) So around 20 new characters which is about the same as FEW1 had for base roster. And yes, realistically outside of Reinhardt for memes I don't think anyone from Jugdral would be repped for FEW2 unless there was a remake happening around the same time. I also think Sacred Stones would be skipped over but if not then I only see Eirika and Ephraim coming. Personal Wants (that is most likely not going to happen) Shadow Dragon- Merric (Magic), Draug (Sword), Gordin (Bow), Ogma (Sword), Cain (Sword), Abel (Lance), Palla/Catria/Est (Lance), Camus (Lance) Echoes- Boey/Mae/Delthea (Magic), Saber/Gray (Sword), Lukas (Lance) Sacred Stones- L'Arachel (Magic), Innes (Bow), Tana (Lance), Joshua (Sword) New Bosses FEW2- New OC villain, new OC final boss dragon Tellius- Black Knight (Sword) Elibe- Narcian (Axe) Heroes- Surtr (Axe) Three Houses- Death Knight (Lance) As for other modes...I am not sure. History mode would probably come back and they might add 1-2 new modes but otherwise I don't have much to say about it.
  14. I sent Palla and Catria out together for sister bonding time. I don't know who I will send after that. Maybe Caeda with Tiki or Marth with Merric.
  15. This GHB wasn't too bad. Defeated the Death Knight army with my own team of evil deathbringers (Both of the Grimas, FH!Tiki and FH!Delthea). Really wish I had more time to play Three Houses itself so I wouldn't have to worry about spoilers. @mampfoid Nice one turn clear with B!Roy taking out the units on the right and FH!Tiki destroying everything else.
  16. Really? I never played Radiant Dawn so I wouldn't have known Micaiah has three outfits. But I don't know, I don't think using the outfit used for her Brave alt (which I am assuming is her endgame outfit) means there won't be a Legendary Micaiah since IS wouldn't waste an opportunity to cash in on that.
  17. For that matter if we are just talking about alts in general Reinhardt and Olwen both wear the exact same thing for their alt, and all the Fallen Heroes characters sans Hardin are in the exact same outfits as their normal selves so IS isn't really shy from using the same outfit on popular characters as long as they sell.
  18. I don't think there is anything stopping them from reusing the same outfit for Legendary Micaiah or at the very least a similar looking outfit since Lucina is in her Great Lord outfit for both her Brave and Legendary versions. The only difference I see is that Yune probably won't be in Legendary Micaiah's artwork.
  19. Free summon and the tickets gave me these two units for free... Would of liked to have gotten Hilda instead but I guess I will take these two. I suppose Petra could be useful for fighting beast units in Arena Assault and maybe P!Leo would like Lugh's Gronnserpent tome. Anyways, at least I am walking out of this with two free five stars and no orbs spent. I can wait for Hilda to show up on some other banner.
  20. So we are getting a Tempest Trial to go along with CYL3 instead of Forging Bonds huh...interesting. Though personally I don't think we are getting a new freebie unit from the Tempest Trial event since we already got Kronya and Death Knight as the freebie units this month. If anything we will probably just get two more copies of Masked 'Marth' again though personally I would rather get stuff like Grails/Divine Dew/Dragonflowers/etc. from this month's Tempest Trial. Looks like next month is starting off with a new seasonal banner, probably a new dancer banner. Looks like my orbs will be safe for a while.
  21. @mampfoid Thanks. It didn't take as many orbs as I thought it would and I was lucky to have not gotten any pitybreakers. Thankfully I won't have to wait that much longer for Farfetched since it should come around in about two months and I am hoping some characters I like get put on that banner.
  22. I was planning on having a huge pile of orbs saved up for this year's Farfetched Heroes banner but seeing FH!Tiki on that 5% Hero Fest banner was too good to pass up and after spending 900 orbs I got my first 5 star exclusive +10 unit. Also managed to do this when sniping colorless orbs were not an option. So I got my first 5 star exclusive and my first green unit at max merges today. I'm kind of sad I have around 800 orbs now but there is still time to build up my orb stack before Farfetched Heroes 3.0 rolls around.
  23. Yeah, it would have been nice if they had all the retainers on one banner.
  24. Another Three Houses banner huh. Well, at least it will be easy for me to skip even though Hilda's art and skillset looks great. I will probably just spend my tickets on green and bail out. I would rather spend orbs on the Hero Fest banner right now. Mercedes looks like the most likely to demote here looking at her skillset (if they are willing to drop Aether Raid skills now) because of course Blue Lions are going to get shafted the most. I'm guessing they are saving Dedue for when gauntlets weapons get added to Heroes.
  25. Cleared all the difficulties by throwing my Tiki army at them. I might even try to do a 1 turn clear with FH!Tiki if I can pull it off and have time for it.
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