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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. I haven't seen anyone post a topic for the recent GHB so I guess I'll make one myself. I don't make topics often so hopefully I haven't missed anything. Map: (Infernal) Infernal Units/Stats/Skills
  2. Free summon on Countering Skills banner gave a B!Ike...Ok, CYL isn't here yet Ike so calm down. But on the bright side hey, I have Steady Breath fodder again.
  3. They actually did green tome Micaiah. I'm surprised they decided to make up a weapon for Eliwood to reference Ninian instead of giving him one of the other legendary weapons like they did with Hector and Lyn. Disappointed that Alm joins Celica's fate of being another infantry sword unit that I don't need more of. Don't really care about Camilla other than she will probably be the 'FTP' choice people use in their guides due to the fact she is colorless. Eliwood and Micaiah are probably my favorite of the bunch. I will probably pick Eliwood as my free pick and skip the banner though I wouldn't mind if Micaiah pitybrakes me someday. Other than that yeah more orbs from anniversary events and Lost Lore seems like all it does is hand out free stuff which I won't say no to free stuff.
  4. I can't believe my luck today. Decided to spend 75 more orbs on a whim and it gave me L!Marth, L!Alm, L!Azura, Greil and my third Sothis. What is this? I never pulled this many 5 star units off a banner with less than 200 orbs before. I guess I should worship Sothis/Serios/whoever is the god of Three Houses from now on. I should definitely stop pulling though because I don't want to dip below 1500 orbs.
  5. 100 orbs gave me Distant Defense 4 fodder Caineghis and two of these girls on a thone... Well, I finally have a defensive Mythic Hero for Aether Raids. I got one with +Spd/-Def and the other had +Def/-Atk and since I think +Spd is her better nature I'll keep that one and merge the other one to remove the bane. Too bad I haven't gotten far in Three Houses yet so I don't know too much about her story. I don't know who I want to fodder Caineghis off to for Distant Defense 4. Maybe Kaze or Black Knight will like it. I'm kind of tempted to jump back in and keep trying for L!Alm since I would like to have him but I really need to keep saving orbs for Farfetched Heroes.
  6. Mythic banner is looking great this time around. Blue is kind of a dud for me but colorless and red is fantastic since I would like to get L!Alm, L!Marth, Sothis and Distant Defense 4 fodder and I wouldn't mind getting a second copy of Eir for Aether Raids and more merges for M!Blyeth. Green is not bad either with L!Hector and Fury 4 fodder on it with just L!Lyn being a stain on it. So priority is pretty much Colorless>Red>Green>Blue.
  7. Thanks! Honestly I use Cordelia and Catria more than Sumia since they are merged up but Sumia is one of my favorite units to use anytime I feel like playing through Awakening. I at least have her built up to use in modes like Arena Assault and Rival Domains/Grand Conquest. But yeah unless you like her there are plenty of other options for flying lance units since Sumia is locked behind 5 stars and isn't getting a prf weapon anytime soon.
  8. Guess I'm feather mercing my way through this VG since I don't really like the theme or the characters in this one. Won't get any bonus points since I have none of the characters (due to all of them being 5 star locked) but I think I will start with Wolt and see where I end up.
  9. I would switch Incineroar out for literally any other Pokémon (like Eevee/Blaziken/Sceptile/Decidueye/Lycanroc), swap out Ken for Zero (from Megaman X), turn Dark Samus back into an Assist Trophy and make Knuckles playable and while I am okay with Dragon Quest's Hero being in Smash if I could have another Final Fantasy character (like Terra/Cecil/Warrior of Light) instead I would trade the Dragon Quest rep out for another Final Fantasy character.
  10. Didn't really wanted to spend too many orbs on the Close Defense banner since colorless on the next Mythic banner looks good to pull on but who knows when Sumia will be on another banner. Thankfully Sumia showed up after spending 75 orbs and now and can merge her on my other one to get rid of that defense superbane.
  11. Nah, I think I will pass. To be perfectly honest I think I would be interesting to not taking advantage of the support system or playing matchmaker to make the game harder and more challenging for myself. Plus I'm not really into the whole shipping and the fluff that comes with it anymore in Fire Emblem games these days. If there really is a 4th path in the game I probably won't be doing it since I am only planning on playing the game once and only doing one path since from what I heard this game is 80+ hours long and I just don't have a lot of free time anymore these days to play super long RPGs like that. That doesn't make it any less creepy to me.
  12. No one for all three routes since I think it is wrong to get in a romantic relationship with someone who is supposed to be considered my student. Blyeth will just have to remain single on my playthrough and focus more on saving the country.
  13. I can see the next new heroes banner being Three Houses or CYL3 Braves. Personally hoping CYL3 is coming early though since that might mean Farfetched Heroes will come earlier in October as well. I have no idea who they would put on the next Three Houses banner though since I am not familiar with any of the non Avatar/Lord characters.
  14. It's hard for me to be excited for a banner with characters from a game I haven't played yet (or even out yet for that matter). Easy skip for me but at least all of them have good skill fodder if I end up getting pitybroken by any of them someday, especially F!Blyeth with her having Wrath and Even Atk Wave and finally bringing Fury 4 into the main summoning pool. So I guess both male and female Blyeth are going to be wielding the same prf weapon and be infantry sword units huh?
  15. @LordFrigid Thanks. And wow, first double Caedas and then just a single Caeda to deal with all of them. Haha, I guess in a way you could say Tiki got mad at her (potential) daughter and some other kid who looked like her got dragged into it as well. I don't think they ever did anything special for characters who got third place (and no, I don't think L!Marth was a consolation prize for Marth last year since he was getting a legendary alt anyways). I think it is more likely that Anna's Awakening incarnation will show up on Farfetched Heroes 3 since she did get 5th place overall and is technically not in the game yet.
  16. I think it would make since if the first Three Houses banner had M!Blyeth (Sword), Edelgard (Axe), Dimitri (Lance) and Claude (Colorless Bow) with F!Blyeth being the GHB unit (and she will state that this is just a training session. Not sure if the early New Heroes banner in early August will also be Three Houses. Part of me thinks CYL3 Brave Heroes will be moved up earlier this year but if not I will just predict it will be nothing but Black Eagle members.
  17. @mampfoid @LordFrigid @Alexmender @Landmaster Nice clears everyone. Tried Infernal difficulty again and this time A!Tiki takes care of everything herself with support from Azura/s (and Olivia kind of just watches). Just had to switch her refine to boost res instead of def so she survives a hit from Morgan's Iceberg. Could have been anyone who had reposition but I figured why not use my favorite character from Fire Emblem when the opportunity comes around.
  18. While I do think there is a possibility that there could be DLC characters added into the game outside of the Fighter Pass they wouldn't release them for free. That's too much easy money for Nintendo to pass up. Even Piranha Plant costs $6.99 if you didn't get the free download code within a specific timespan in the early months of the game. Plus, even if they were somehow free people would still complain it wasn't Dixie Kong/Bandana Dee/Impa/whoever regardless.
  19. Finally got around to recording videos of my Infernal clears. Overall I thought this BHB was easy. Didn't really have a theme to go along with the video but I am glad I figured out how to beat Infernal after a couple attempts. Just needed a bow cavalry to knock out F!Morgan right away and have A!Tiki tank everything else. Would have liked to have A!Tiki solo it but F!Morgan kind of makes that hard to do.
  20. Came up with more skillsets, this time for Archanean characters. Nyna Hardin (Shadow Dragon) Wolf
  21. Guess I'm building Fiora since I could use another sword flier. Though I don't know how useful her weapon will be. I might just give her a slaying edge and watch her spam Moonbow every other attack.
  22. Haha, I see. I am kind of conservative with my grails since there are so many free units I would like to merge so I am willing to wait if I know there are free copies to get later down the line. Yeah, I did have a stack of grails ready to get her to at least +9 but a couple weeks ago I really needed a high merged green unit to score well in Allegiance Battles and nobody on my friend's list had a good green unit to pair up with at the time so I decided to use my grails on Haar and got him up to +9 since he was going to be my merge project after Delthea anyways. So now I only have Delthea up to +4 (soon to be +5 in two weeks) and I guess I will have both Haar and Delthea be at +10 by the end of the year.
  23. Unlikely to happen even though Anna is pretty much the only Nintendo character I want to see playable in Smash at this point. She would definitely be more unique than all the other Fire Emblem characters currently in Smash combined though sadly Sakurai pretty much only picks main/playable protagonists and Anna is just a background character for the most part. Though I suppose there is her Heroes incarnation (hey look an axe moveset) where she is 'somewhat' of a major character but faces competition from Alfonse, Veronica and Fjorm in terms for a Fire Emblem Heroes rep.
  24. @Landmaster Congrats on fully merging F!Delthea! I'm guessing you didn't want to wait until November to get another free copy from her GHB revival? She looks great with double brazens since I am also planning on a similar build though if I did the math right it will take me until December before I have enough Grails to +10 her.
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