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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Personally don't really care about The Hero and Banjo Kazooie. The Hero's moveset does look interesting but I'm not paying twelve dollars for these two characters. I do see why these two characters were picked though. Dragon Quest is insanely popular in Japan and Banjo Kazooie is popular to westerners who were kids in the late 90's and had a N64. So I do think they were good picks for Smash since both had history with Nintendo but they are not for me.
  2. @Jotari So I can pick a new unit to add to the list and vote for right? Since I added Silas to the list a long time ago and voted for Cynthia but they are both in the game now. If I could add another character to the list I would like to recommend Cormag since I don't think I saw him on the list.
  3. Fallen Hero Male Robin, Leon, Henry and Boey are also potential candidates since they have Ignis as well though I am guessing the banner will be FHY!Tiki, FHM!Robin and B!Hector. Edit: Got Kaze'd.
  4. Hey, we finally have a BHB featuring Marth and Caeda. Took them long enough. Also, looks like we are having back to back Summer Seasonal banners. How much should I bet that the New Hero banner in July was moved to later that month to coincide with Three Houses release date? Oh well makes it easy enough for me to skip most of June's and July's banners outside of the revival banners.
  5. Pretty bold statement but I think if a new Capcom rep is coming a character from Resident Evil, Ace Attorney, Monster Hunter and even Okami all have good chances. Like the person above said, Dante is looking unlikely based on what the Devil May Cry director said.
  6. I would trade you one of mine if I could but hopefully she will come to you someday.
  7. Only two characters left. At this point I am predicting a Capcom and Bandai Namco rep, preferably Phoenix Wright from Capcom (would make a nice reveal at TGS) and Nightmare/Siegfried from Soulcalibur.
  8. Free summon tickets gave me YT!Olivia. Okay, I guess this is an Awakening themed banner and all but I would have preferred a gen 3 unit for more dragonflowers. I guess she will be merged with the other two I already have or will become Chill Speed fodder. @Landmaster Congrats on getting your daughter-in-law and the other five star units you pulled!
  9. In no particular order... Super Mario Maker 2 Trails of Cold Steel 3 Astral Chain- Looks interesting. Not sure if I will actually get though. Final Fantasy VII Remake- Haven't beaten the original but the remake looks interesting. Tales of Arise- Haven't played a Tales game since Xillia but this new one looks somewhat good so far. No More Heroes- Thinking about getting into this series since I heard several people say good things about it. Fire Emblem Three Houses- Haven't heard Tara Platt (I think it was her voice) in anything for a long time. Sounds like Claude is our next friendship speech giving Lord. Probably going to avoid him. Coulnd't comprehend anything in the E3 trailer though because everything was moving too fast. Pokémon Sword/Shield
  10. I kind of figured Dragon Quest was going to be put in Smash considering how big a franchise it is in Japan. Wasn't expecting more than one character though and they all share the same slot. Kind of wish they did that Marth and all of his moveset clones from Fire Emblem so there wouldn't be so much backlash for that series. As for Banjo don't really have much to say about him. Never played his game so I don't really care about him. At least it wasn't Steve from Minecraft. So yeah, both characters are a pass for me since I haven't played any of their games. At least their fans will be happy and I get to save twelve dollars. It's looking like its only going to be third party characters for the season pass what with Atlus/Sega, Square and Microsoft/Rare all getting characters so far. I'm guessing Capcom and Bandai Namco will both get another rep for the last two.
  11. Anna from Awakening should be considered for Farfetched Heroes because she is not the same Anna we have in Heroes. They are two complete seperate people especially if CYL went out of their way to split all her votes. It's almost like saying should Arthur from FE4 not be consider for Farfetched Heroes just because Arthur from FE15 already being in the game. Plus they put Owain in Brave Redux despite already being in the game as Odin.
  12. I was mostly talking about seasonals but now that you mention it do their promoted selves look any different? I haven't used them since my first playthrough of Conquest but from what I remember I don't think their promoted forms looked any different. Edit: Also, I see you are Little Miss Nah now, nice.
  13. That's what I mean. Now that IS went through their popular beast characters I think they are more likely to just add seasonal variants and make different colors for them then added the unpopular ones. Wouldn't be surprised to see Selkie and Velouria alts before the end of the year.
  14. I pretty much always join my favorites unless it is like the last VG where I don't like or know the characters that well in which I join the team that looks like will always have multipliers and provided I actually have the unit for the small extra bonus.
  15. Are you sure about that? There's nothing really stopping them from making seasonal alts of the 3DS beast characters.
  16. Update is already out huh, cool. I can start grinding feathers tonight instead of waiting until tomorrow. Gotta have those feathers ready for F!Delthea next month.
  17. @LordFrigid Thanks! Also doh I misread their effects. But still, a measly +3 for Atk/Spd which requires your opponent to be at full HP is kind of weak for a legendary weapon especially since we now have inheritable seasonal weapons that give Swift Sparrow with no extra requirements.
  18. So the color I aim for my free pulls each week will be... Week 1 has been kind to me since I got two copies of Linde within 100 orbs and one of them had a +spd nature so I am happy about that.
  19. I was waiting for more helmet and glasses accessories. Both sunglasses are definitely going to look great on Owain and L'Arachel. As for the Forging Bonds event I am going the guess Alfonse, Sharena and the Awakening kids are going to talk about their parents and relate to each other over how they all lost a parent to evil forces (Hel and Grima).
  20. Thanks! Could have sworn all of my images were embed. Thanks! I always thought weapons and skills that revolve around your HP being full was always too messy to manage. Whenever IS gets around to doing Gen 2 units hopefully L'Arachel and SM!Eirika get better effects for their weapons and Marisa gets a prf weapon.
  21. @mampfoid @LordFrigid @Alexmender @Raven @Johann @Astellius @Momentai~ @Landmaster @Tybrosion Hope you all don't mind me notifying you about my merged units. It has been awhile since I fully merged anyone but the recent banner with Linde allowed me to +10 the best girl from Sacred Stones. It's L'Arachel, my favorite blue tome cavalry unit I use when I don't feel like using Reinhardt. Didn't really like Ivaldi so I gave her the basic -blade/fury/desperation skillset. Haven't really decided if I want to give her those last two dragonflower points since I don't know if she really needs the extra point for def and res. Also have an update for some of my other units since I gave them dragonflowers and/or switched some of their skills around.
  22. Finally, two years later... I got one of my favorite characters from Shadow Dragon...twice even within 100 orbs! One has +Atk/-Def and the other is +Spd/-Atk. Will probably keep the +Spd nature one and merge to remove that -Atk bane. Also got three copies of L'Arachel so now I can finally +10 her. Now that I got Linde I pretty much have everyone I want that is already in the game. Hopefully IS doesn't bait me with anything else and I can go back to saving orbs for Farfetched Heroes.
  23. Kind of surprised they showed the trailer tonight but I guess they wanted to get the reveal out of the way before E3 stuff happens. Figured Awakening got the banner this time since it has been almost a year since their last New Heroes banner. Most likely the last banner with new characters from older games before Three Houses takes over the New Heroes banners. Kind of happy yet concerned to see Cynthia, the only gen 2 Awakening kid I liked besides Owain and F!Morgan. Happy I don't have to spend orbs for her yet Cynthia will most likely be decent at best as a unit. I also don't really have a need for yet another lance flier either. Wonder if Milla Maxwell Minae Noji will voice her again or if they will get someone else? So yeah, banner is a skip for me since I would rather spend orbs trying to get Linde on her revival banner next week. Also kind of glad that Awakening Anna wasn't here as a GHB unit because it makes it look more likely she will show up on Farfetched Heroes later this year
  24. That's...interesting considering Bartre was the smaller team from my understanding.
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