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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. So, Bartre won? I'm on his team and got the 500 extra feathers. I wasn't around for the final hour of the round but did Pent not the final multiplier?
  2. Tough call as I like both the Pegasus and Wyvern classes several characters I like tend to be from one of those two classes (sometimes both). I voted for Wyverns though since I tend to find them more useful in the FE games I played besides Awakening (because of Galeforce and Pair Up) and Echoes (where Wyverns are not a playable class).
  3. Hero Merit is going up to 6000 now huh? I just got done grinding HM out of all the characters I own and now it looks like I'm diving back into it. Won't say no to more easy feathers though since I am always low from merging characters. Weekly banners sound awesome. 4% rates is tempting me to get merges for Celica, Hector and Delthea. I would also like to get my first Linde since I still don't have her after two years of playing the game but I already know she is going to keep avoiding me isn't she? Would like for it to be a permanent thing. Rokkr battles seems interesting. Won't say no to another event that hands out useful rewards.
  4. Can I have the raven instead of the monkey, rabbit and whatever Sobble is suppose to be as a starter instead since I usually box the starters anyways. Corviknight is probably going to be my favorite new Pokémon from Gen 8. Also, I liked how they gave Raichu loads of attention even if it was to show off their new Dynamax feature which I am not sure how I feel about since the giant Pokemon battling each other looks ridiculous to me. Now I see why that Godzilla comment was made in the Pokémon Conference last week. Rival is still too friendly for my liking and still pick the starter weak against yours (which really doesn't matter too much to me since I never use my starters anymore these days) so he will probably be forgotten too long. Surprised they showed off the Champion already. Let me guess his ace Pokemon is going to be Dynamax Charizard or maybe even go beyond that and have Dynamax Mega Charizard X right? The way they said Leon was never defeated makes me think we are going to have an Alder situation from the Unova games where by the time we get to the Pokémon League someone else will have already defeated Leon and he will be relegated to a postgame bonus boss. Just a theory I have right now anyways.
  5. Ethlyn is out. Not sure where I will be moving to. Probably Karla I guess since I have her even though I don't like her unless Bartre won on the other side.
  6. I will pretty much do the games I have played. Archanea: Wolf (Cavalry Red Bow), Hardin (Cavalry Lance), Nyna (Infantry Blue Tome) Nagi (Infantry Green Stone), GHB: Gotoh (Infantry Red Tome) Gaiden/Echoes: Deen (Infantry Sword), Zeke (Cavalry Lance), Luthier (Infantry Green Tome), Tatiana (Infantry Staff), GHB: Rinea (Flying Red Tome) Blazing Sword: Fiora (Flying Sword), Heath (Flying Lance), Erk (Infantry Red Tome), Rath (Cavalry Colorless Bow), GHB: Sonia (Infantry Green Tome) Sacred Stones: Gerik (Infantry Sword), Cormag (Flying Lance), Ross (Infantry Axe), Natasha (Infantry Staff) GHB: Selena (Cavalry Blue Tome) Awakening: A!Anna (Infantry Sword), Kellam (Armored Lance), Vaike (Infantry Axe), Emmeryn (Infantry Staff), GHB: Gangrel (Infantry Sword) Fates: Nyx (Infantry Red Tome), Benny (Armored Lance), Charlotte (Infantry Axe), F!Anna (Infantry Colorless Bow), GHB: Hans (Infantry Axe)
  7. I have no idea whose team I will join since I don't know any of these characters. I have Bartre, Sigurd, BB!Louise, Karla and Ethlyn but I might go the feather merc route and joining Bartre or Ethlyn since they are looking like the less popular teams.
  8. Surprised to see no mention of Chrom because he seems like an easy guess for a pair up Legendary. He would probably be wind (since I am predicting Xander to be the water pair up legendary) to match his daughter's element. We also don't have his unsealed Falchion yet in the game even though I would prefer him wielding a lance instead.
  9. Blue orbs were shy for me. Spend around 250 orbs and Naga hasn't show up. Oh well, guess I'm staying in Tier 20. Only got 1 copy each of B!Hector and L!Tiki. At least L!Tiki's bane is gone now and B!Hector is now my highest merged 5 star exclusive unit with +5 merges. He's halfway there to being my first 5-star exclusive +10 unit. Kind of tempted to dive back in but I don't want to go below 1000 orbs so I think I will call it quits on this banner and hope better things come in the future.
  10. It's interesting that it says Naga is from Mystery of the Emblem and Awakening despite the design obviously being influenced by Awakening. Though I haven't played Mystery of the Emblem so I wouldn't know if she does make an appearance or not in that game. Also, we finally get to see what Naga looks like when transforming into a dragon. Anyways, blue is looking amazing for me with B!Hector, L!Tiki, and Naga all on it. I could get another L!Tiki to get rid of her bane, B!Hector could get up to +5 merges and Naga could potentially help me get into Tier 21 in Aether Raids. Might dip a fair amount of orbs on this banner depending on whether or not the wording for defeat a foe with Anna changes for June's monthly quest. Also need to make sure I have a hefty amount of orbs ready for L!Alm's return in July.
  11. I expect more slots to be made for more Legendary Heroes. IS already made four more slots when people only expected 12 Legendary Heroes and there are still plenty of Lords/Plot relevant characters for to choose from. Also, Three Houses alone is bringing in at least 5 more potential Legendary Heroes candidates which makes me think at least one more set will be made. I picked Celica, Chrom, Xander, Micaiah as expected future Legendaries but really I believe all Lords+Xander will eventually get a Legendary alt. As for who I want...Celica (please don't be red), Chrom (again, please don't just give him Falchion again) and Eliwood.
  12. S: Cherche, Cormag A: Haar, Jill B: Beruka, Percy, Gerome, Heath C: Minerva, Scarlet D: Altena, Eda, Dean, Milady, Zeiss, Vaida E: Michalis, Camilla
  13. There are way too many I want to play and beat and I doubt I will get through them all before Mario Maker 2 comes out.
  14. Currently playing Final Fantasy 4 and Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword. Honestly feel pretty 'eh' about both of them though. Main problem with FF4 is the random encounter rate is obnoxious and I hate how it can happen every one or two steps I make. Also doesn't help that I played FF6 before this one and 6 is just the superior SNES RPG game in my eyes. I'm about halfway through Eliwood's tale right now in Blazing Sword but the experience has just been kind of plain to me. It's not a bad game by all means but again, it might be because I am used to playing the 3DS games plus I played Sacred Stones before starting this one and Sacred Stones felt like a more enjoyable experience for me. In terms of battle usefulness Hector has been awesome to use, I wish Eliwood was more useful since he is not that good in combat and Lyn gets to be the new Benchlord in my eyes because there is no way I am deploying a sword unit who only has a defense stat of 2. I am planning to finish both of these games some time this week and then moving on to FF7 and Octopath Traveler and try to beat both of them before Mario Maker 2 come out because I will probably be playing little else once that game releases.
  15. Free summon on Bridal banner gave me 4-star L'Arachel which funny enough was exactly what I was hoping for. Just need one more and I can +10 her.
  16. Oh yeah, that's right. I forgot about him. He's kind of forgettable though since he only shows up on a seasonal banner once per year and I never see him in any of the pvp modes. But there was no way I was going to go out of my way wasting orbs on a character I don't really care about, especially not on a seasonal alt. At least BB!Louise and B!Lyn (if you choose her) are free.
  17. Didn't know we were getting a free colorless bow cavalry unit. Great, hopefully Louise has good base stats and skills so I can finally retire B!Lyn. I was getting tired of having to use Lyn because she was the only bow cavalry unit in the game for the longest time.
  18. I don't think Louise getting a bridal alt will exclude her from being on Farfetched Heroes since this alt was probably planned some time before the CYL 3 voting event. The only way I see Louise not being in the next farfetched banner is if there is a Blazing Sword banner with her on it coming out some time before or shortly after November. My guess for farfetched now is Awakening Anna, Louise and Conrad with freebie Nils but I guess it is always possible they might change it up this year and make it all females with Awakening Anna, Louise, Jill and free Rinea since they are technically the highest voted characters who don't have their...default appearance in the game. Did IS ever said Farfetched Heroes had to have two males and females for the event or was that just something we the fans assume? I mean sure it worked out well the first two times since we had popular males not in the game in the top 50 but for CYL 3 we have a ton of females not in the game who ranked high (at least 12 of them in the top 100) and the most popular male not in the game (who isn't a Heroes OC) is Conrad at rank 80. I am definitely curious how they are going to go about it this year and daresay I am more excited for the Farfetched Heroes banner than I am CYL3 Brave Heroes.
  19. Here goes... S- Shadow Dragon, Sacred Stones A- Fates: Conquest (Would be S if the story was a 'little bit' better), Awakening, Echoes: Shadow of Valentia B- Blazing Sword, Fates: Birthright C- New/Mystery of the Emblem (Might get bumped up after I play a fan translation of it), Fates: Revelation D- Binding Blade, Genealogy of the Holy War E- Thracia 776, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn
  20. Ha, I thought I clicked the wrong video at first because I didn't know who the first three characters were and then I groaned when I saw Fjorm. Seriously, are they going to start giving her tons of alts now? Well, at least if there is one thing I can count on from IS it's that they make it easy for me skip seasonal banners. Still, I am wondering if IS is testing the waters by putting a bunch of new characters on a seasonal banner to see how people would react and if they will still spend orbs on this.
  21. As usual I can't tell who these characters are by looking at their shadows. I am surprised by the people who are able to correctly guess these things. Still, just by looking at these silhouettes they look like characters I don't care about so I am already expecting the rest of the banner to be disappointing. Oh well, I already spent more orbs than I wanted to on Hero Fest and the Fallen Heroes banners so I wouldn't mind an excuse to save orbs again plus I am more interested in what the June 11 New Heroes banner is going to be.
  22. I never really bought into that tutorial excuse they came up with. It always looked to me like they just wanted to save development time instead of going out of their way to make two more unique movesets. It would have made more sense to me if Rowan, Lianna and Darios (even if it was just for the early levels) used different weapons and were the team you used for the first few chapters before encountering the Awakening crew. That way you got a chance to try out a sword, lance and axe moveset while at the same time showing how the Weapon Triangle mechanic works early on instead of waiting until Lissa joins to show how it works. Instead Rowan and Lianna are just another forgettable pair of sword lords. Yeah, I really feel like they should have put Alm in to go along with Celica because she really looks out of place without him here. I would have been fine if Alm just used Chrom's moveset if it got him into the game. But personally I feel like the team who made both Warriors games for Nintendo are just biased towards picking females for their playable roster.
  23. My opinion of the game is pretty much the same as it was back then, a very fun Fire Emblem spinoff game that made a few questionable decisions. I guess I will start with the bad before I say good stuff. First of all the sword plaque the franchise is usually known for crops up into the game and I believe half the roster uses sword which isn't good when you consider the Weapon Triangle plays a part in the gameplay. I feel like people would have accepted Rowan and Lianna more if they used something else besides swords. Speaking of too much of the same weapon type the we didn't really need three evil sorcerers on the villain's side. Only Gharnef or Validar should of been chosen and the other villains could have been Michalis (could be a Camilla clone like Minerva end up being), Gangrel (could have been a Ryoma clone) and/or Hans (would of love to beat up this douche). Roster choices could have been a little better as well. I would have traded Niles and Oboro out for two more Archanean reps if I could. Archanea really got shafted when it came to reps. Alm also should have been the Gaiden/Echoes rep instead of Celica since from a personality perspective Alm would be more likely to tear through hundreds of soldiers compared to the pacifist Celica. Also would have traded Lyn out for Hector as the Blazing Sword rep but that is more of a personal thing and I understand why Lyn was chosen. One final complaint I have is that I wish the battlegrounds were taken directly from locations used from the main games because most of the backgrounds just look generic and boring. Still despite the game's glaring flaws it was an enjoyable game for me. Sunk around 400 hours into the game completing all the main game and DLC contents besides the achievement for getting a character's level to 150 but there is no way I was going to waste time grinding a character's level that high. The closest I got was Anna sitting at Lv.130 and rest are in the LV.110-115 area. History mode was great as well and was such a fun time sink. Yeah, they only focused on three games but I actually liked they did that since it meant we got more playable characters in different classes and the roster would have looks boring to me if it was just Lords which is kind of the problem I have with Fire Emblem's representation in Smash Bros (plus the too many sword problem would still exist). Gameplay was fun, pair up was a fun mechanic since I could switch between two characters on the fly. Most of my favorites were in the game (sorry for those whose favorite didn't make the cut) so it was fun beating every one up with Anna, Linde, Owain, Chrom and especially Lissa with her fun moveset. Just about everyone's moveset was fun to use (and yes that includes even Corrin's moveset). Most of the supports were good and fun to listen to. It was great to hear full on voice acting to go along with the supports. I really enjoyed most of Anna's and Owain's support conversations. So yeah, great game held back by some development decisions and a seemingly smaller budget compared to Nintendo's other warriors game but I still think Fire Emblem Warriors is superior to Hyrule Warriors gameplay wise.
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