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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Still if some of the bonus units for the next Tempest Trials would have non-seasonals on it the calendar would have said there was a Tempest Trial banner coming some time before it. I don't remember a time they haven't. In a sense, the 2017 and 2018 Bridal rerun are most likely the Tempest Trial banners since some of the bonus units are most likely going to be picked from those two banners. And it would be especially devilish for them to pick say B!Charlotte and B!Lyn as bonus units but not B!Caeda and B!Cordelia. Hence my disappointment since I dislike using seasonal units plus it kind of creates the scenario of having to choose between spending orbs for limited time five star exclusive units or dragging around the freebie unit for my Tempest Trial runs. Great, and guess who is most likely not to have any of the bride units. Here's hoping Groom Marth comes back as a bonus unit.
  2. Meanwhile I got put on Corrin's team for round 1 which fits me I guess since I am fine with being on any one of these character's team. Though where is the fourth option where IS makes me play Smash Bros instead of Grand Conquest?
  3. Just realized something. All the bonus units for the next Tempest Trial event are going to be all brides isn't it since there isn't a banner associated with Tempest Trials on the calendar? Oh great, guess I am going to end using whoever the freebie unit is aren't I? Hopefully the freebie isn't someone I dislike too much.
  4. Yeah, that makes sense. I couldn't decide if Acrobat should be used for slot A, B or C.
  5. Going with my usual predictions...Would like for it to be an Archanea banner but it will probably end up being Blazing Sword or Awakening since those two games still have plenty of popular characters left to add. I don't think we are getting Three Houses or Tellius in June. I think they will wait until at least July at the earliest, August otherwise before pouring out Three Houses banners and I am going to predict another Tellius banner with Jill on it won't come until after CYL3 Brave banner, so after August essentially. I also don't think we are getting an Echoes banner in June either. Seems like they would have done it this month if they were going to get one but instead we only got alts of characters already in the game.
  6. Pretty interesting direct. Wish they didn't spend the first three minutes talking about things you could do in the first game but overall I liked what I saw. Really liked the Dry Bones equivalent of the goomba shoe, being able to drive a kart and seeing Boom Boom. Seeing that empty space next to 3D World makes me hope they are adding in a Super Mario Bros 2 option into the game. Maybe even Mario Land as well. Really like the new custom music they are adding for the new backdrops and night stages. 100 man challenge also seemed to have been replaced by a Survivor Challenge. Guess we will see if that ends up being better or worse. Was hoping to see more powerups added like the Frog and Hammer Suits but oh well. Also, unless I missed hearing it I'm hoping there is a local multiplayer option as well. Guess I am getting the $70.00 option with the 12 month subscription because this is the game that is finally going to get me to buy their subscription program. Hopefully we hear more about Mario Maker 2 during Nintendo's Treehouse segment at E3. Really excited since this is the game I am most excited to play this year.
  7. I think I will give this a try. Recently been thinking about what stats and skills IS would give the other Anna incarnations if they were added to Heroes after seeing custom sprites of them on Deviantart the other day. Awakening Anna Fates Anna Apotheosis Anna Might think up some skillsets for some Archanean units next.
  8. Atk/Res Link is on Adrift Camilla and Valentines Titania though I don't know if P!Lukas has enough res to take advantage of it.
  9. Nintendo wise, really all I am hoping to see is Mario Maker 2, more Three Houses information and Smash Ultimate DLC. Mario Maker 2 is easily going to be my favorite game for 2019 and I am just waiting to hear more about it. Can't wait to see all the amazing levels and troll levels people come up with. Still not really sold on Three Houses yet since I am still on the fence about the art style and the whole academy thing. As for Smash Ultimate DLC I am actually predicting they will announce two DLC fighters this time around. The first will be a first party character announced at the beginning of the Direct and will be available to download later that day and the other will be a third party announced at the very end of the Direct but won't be available until September/October. Oh yeah, Pokémon Sword/Shield is also coming out this year so Treehouse will probably show off gameplay of those games too like they do every year. For non-Nintendo stuff I wonder if Atlus will reveal more information about Persona 5 Scramble. Igarashi might also try one more push for Bloodstained before it released because it is coming out sometime after E3. Yacht Game's Cyber Shadow also looked like a really interesting platforming game and I hope to see more of it soon. So really what I want to see are: Super Mario Maker 2 FE: Three Houses Smash Ultimate DLC Pokémon Sword/Shield Persona 5 Scramble Cyber Shadow Bloodstained Ritual of the Night
  10. Don't really see a problem with Corrin's and Tiki's alts. Technically this is F!Corrin's and Y!Tiki's fourth alt which is not as bad as Camilla's seventh/eighth alt. IS probably considers male/female Corrin and young/older Tiki as separate characters plus as someone probably mentioned already as long as alts sell well IS will keep doing them regardless of online reactions.
  11. As much as I would like to see Bridal Anna come this month sadly I don't see it happening if we go under the assumption that we will know an Anna alt is coming when they change the monthly quest from 'Defeat a foe with Anna' to 'Defeat a foe with Anna: Commander'. I would like to be proven wrong though since there is little else that is going to make me spend orbs on the Bridal Banner otherwise. As for who else I would like to see on the Bridal banner I guess Cherche since she is a popular Awakening character who has yet to receive an alt. Groom Eliwood or Nils would be nice as well to go along with last year's Bridal Ninian. Also still waiting on that Bridal Eirika alt for Heroes but a Bridal L'Arachel alt would pique my interest as well. As long as we get nothing controversial like last year I don't really care who is on it. Which means we are totally getting Bridal Yglr this year aren't we? Predicting something along the lines of... Bridal Cherche Bridal L'Arachel Bridal Ishtar Groom Eliwood
  12. Megaman Battle Network. I feel like it was underappreciated because it was a RPG instead of another platformer like the Classic and X series. I was always addicted to its unique battle setup. Trails of series (Trails in the Sky and Trails of Cold Steel) is at a close second with its wonderful world building and interesting characters. Persona is at a distant third with my favorites from that being P4 and P5. Shout outs of specific titles from other series I like are Paper Mario: 1000 Year Door, Earthbound and Final Fantasy 6.
  13. Guess I will make a list as well since I have been playing some of the older games as of late so I know more faces especially now. A- A!Anna (Awakening) and F!Anna (Fates) B- Brady (Awakening) C- Cormag (Sacred Stones) and Cynthia (Awakening) D- Deen (Echoes) and Duessel (Sacred Stones) E- Erk (Blazing Sword) F- Fiora (Blazing Sword) G H- Hardin FE1 (Archanea) I J- Julian (Archanea) K- Kent (Blazing Sword) L- Lena (Archanea) and Luthier (Echoes) M- Medeus (Archanea) N- Nyna (Archanea) and Nagi (Archanea) O- Oswin (Blazing Sword) P- Percy (Fates) Q R- Rath (Blazing Sword) S- Sedgar (Archanea) T- Tatiana (Echoes) U V- Valbar (Echoes) W- Wolf (Archanea) X- Xane (Archanea) Y Z- Zeke (Echoes)
  14. Interesting build you made for her. I have been thinking about trying a double Brazen build as well. Nice touch giving her Winga of Mercy. I see what you were going for there.
  15. Wrapped this one up really quickly. Did Hard and Lunatic with a team of Tiki (Adult), Tiki (Young), Tiki (Legendary) and Tiki (Fallen). Had to do Infernal with my usual flier team of Cherche, Cordelia, NY!Azura and Kinishi Hinoka. Now I have to patiently wait for F!Delthea to get added to the grail shop and her GHB revival for more copies of her.
  16. Looks like I wasn't the only one to rush out to get F!Delthea and build her up. Except I will be doing the opposite of what you are doing and spending grails on Delthea before Haar gets them. Kind of wish F!Delthea didn't have so much HP. She will need Fury 4 if you want her to get into Desperation range without relying on taking damage from an enemy attack. Hopefully it gets added to the permanent summoning pool someday since for right now it is stuck on a seasonal unit or better yet just make a Fury 3 seal instead so I don't have to fish for tier 4 skills. Well, I guess I am waiting till July before she is getting anymore merges since I think it takes two months for units to get added to the grail shop.
  17. Spent all my summoning tickets and got nothing good or useful out of it. Had to start digging into my orb reserves and after about 80 orbs I got one of the possessed dragon girls... Tiki came with +Def/-Spd and is the one I mostly wanted to get. Not the ideal nature for her so I spent 70 more orbs before another one came with a +Def/-HP. Okay, she really wants a defense boon but at least the speed bane is gone. Unfortunately Corrin didn't show up and I don't really want to spend orbs to try and get her yet. Might try again depending on what Bridal Heroes and the Mythic Hero are this month or I might wait until Corrin shows up again on a different banner. Down to 1250 orbs now. This month has already done a good job of making me spend 250 orbs on the Brave and Fallen Heroes banners. Kind of hoping nothing else I want comes out this month. Still glad I was able to get Tiki though. Now there needs to be a green dragonstone Tiki so I can just make a dragon team with nothing but Tiki with all the colors. Mythic Future Past A!Tiki when IS? Now I wait for F!Delthea's GHB to come out tomorrow so I can get her.
  18. Looks like another standard month with the events occurring the usual sequence. Bridal banner will probably be a skip for me since I doubt any female character I like will be on it. I am interested in which game gets focused on the 6/11 New Heroes banner since it is very likely to be the last banner to add new characters from older games for a while before Three Houses and Summer Seasonals take over.
  19. Gods, I really hope it is not a serpent tome. I doubt she would even have good defensive stats to take advantage of it. Also hoping she's not bringing another variant of Aura either because I already have plenty of blue tomes and I prefer it when alts are different colors from the original. A prf tome related to warping would be cool since it will be fun seeing her just jumping in and nuking things with her high attack stat. Honestly hoping for red since that makes the most since to me but we will see. Delthea won't be game breaking but will still probably be a good unit since IS tends to make freebie units good if they are female like with Aversa, HS!Camilla and S!Loki.
  20. I'm so tempted to pull for F!Corrin's and Y!Tiki's possessed alts here even though I would like to continue saving orbs. They both have great looking art here. Hopefully the free summon tickets will get me Tiki at least. Also, all we need now is a red F!Corrin so we can make a team of her which each color. Also, freebie Possessed Delthea, nice. I was wondering if they were going to do that. Hopefully she has great art and skills too despite being a GHB unit. I will seriously halt aiming for Haar and Marisa to make Delthea my +10 grail project in the event she is a great unit.
  21. I think I remember seeing your B!Lucina once. She had Slaying Lance to help proc Galeforce sooner right? Now that I look at it Yglr's nature she has +Spd/-Def. But that won't save her from being foddered off to Eirika for Speed Tactics. Don't really like Ylgr enough to use her.
  22. Finally decided to use all my summoning tickets at once. Went all in on blue and 20 tickets later plus 100 orbs spent got me four B!Hectors, one B!Lucina, one B!Lyn because I had to pull colorless and ugh Yglr. All of them got good natures too. B!Lucina had +Spd and a merge with the one I already have will get rid of her -Def bane. B!Lyn had +Atk so I can make a Brave Bow build with her now. I can get rid of B!Hector's -HP bane but now I am kind of tempted to pull more so I can round him out to +5 merges. Yglr I can care less about. The only question is whether I should fodder Sorcery Blade or Speed Tactics off her.
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