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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Multipliers finally came back. Might as well spend the last 800 now than regret it later. Doesn't matter to me who wins I'm just glad to be after to be on Tiki's team for the final round.
  2. I used to want to +10 Tome Celica and currently have her at +3 but I had awful luck trying to pull her on the last few banners she has been on. Not to mention IS doesn't feel like demoting her and actually made it harder to get her so I have kind of been feeling discouraged to pursue any further. But there is actually another character (Awakening's Anna) that I feel like merging to +10 and if I am right in my assumption she will come out on the next farfetched heroes banner. Even got 1450 orbs saved up and will likely have more when that banner comes out.
  3. Do we really need two seasonal banners dedicated to characters wearing nothing but swimsuits? Would be nice if they at least change one of them to be themed after something else. Surely there is more to summer than going to the beach.
  4. @mampfoid Congrats on your first +10 five star exclusive unit. I know you have been waiting a long time for B!Roy to show up again on a banner. You even got him up to max power with flowers and summoner support. Don't know if I will ever +10 a five star exclusive unit.
  5. Jeezs, thanks for the 80 lift reduction today. It's not like I wanted to reach Tier 21 or anything. Maybe I should reject your friend request. Just kidding, I accepted it. And with that I have 99 people on my friend's list now. Only got one space open now before I have to start deleting people who either don't play the game anymore or put awful units as their leads. Yeah, I am kind of hoping they only have one Three Houses banner with just Byleth, Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude with the rest being sprinkled out every other month but I wouldn't be surprised if there three consecutive banners dedicated for each house and a fourth one with both of Beleth's genders, Jeralt and Sothis on it.
  6. Meanwhile... Here I am sitting with 1442 orbs but it's not like IS has given me any reason to summon on any banners since January. Okay maybe L!Alm is kind of tempting but I would rather wait until July since he will be on a banner with Eir but by then I will probably have over 2000 orbs since I could care less about Summer Seasonals and the very probable Three Houses banners. Though I might spend some orbs for another copy of B!Hector so I can get rid of his bane though I am still waiting to gather up all the summoning tickets before I do that.
  7. Demise from LoZ: Skyward Sword. Don't really hate him, just really found his boss battle really disappointing. For someone who is suppose to be the origin of all of Hyrule's trouble I expected him to have a pretty tough boss fight. Instead he goes down in less than three minutes if you know what you are doing, even on hard mode. Ghirahim and even the Imprisoned are much harder boss fights than Demise. Kusumi-no-Okami from Persona 4 Golden. The boss version of a certain character I already didn't like. Also forces you use break skills on the Persona of both yours and yours allies since the boss reflects all attacks otherwise. Launch Octopus from Megaman X1. Both his stage and the boss himself are difficult and the weapon he is suppose to be weak to isn't that good to use on him since he spits out crap to block it.
  8. Either Decidueye or Blaziken instead of Incineroar and Azura over Corrin. Also Knuckles, Zero and Alucard since I like them more than Sonic, Megaman and Simon and are just as well known as the protagonists of their home series but eh, they are in as assist trophies so I am mostly satisfied with the roles given to them for Smash. Also Eevee.
  9. Decided to just Delthea's team and my first match gave me two red allies (a Selena and Black Knight) to fight two blues (Catria and a freaking L!Ephraim) and a razzle dazzle Ethlyn. Yep, I'm off to a good start alright.
  10. Tried Allegiance Battles again today. Just realized there is a bonus for knocking out colorless with colorless units. Managed to get my battle score up to 853 and with Quest and Friend bonus my overall score is 904 now. Probably as high as I am going to get it without Roy or Alm.
  11. She probably doesn't need a refine but I would like to see Cordelia get one. If Cherche can get a prf despite not really needing one than Cordelia should get one too whether it's Lance Amiti or something else unique. Don't really want to spend feathers to give her Slaying or Firesweep Lance and Brave Lance is starting to show its age at times. Otherwise I would like to start seeing some staff prfs, specifically for Elise, Sakura and Lissa. Marisa is another unit I want to see get a prf weapons but I don't think they are going to start on gen 2 units yet. Other units I could see getting a prf are Boey, Mae, F!Corrin and Frederick.
  12. Does that really matter though? You can still be playable but not be present in the story mode portion. For example Adachi is a playable character in Persona 4 Dancing All Night despite having nothing to do with the game's story and for Musou games Lyn and Celica are playable in Fire Emblem Warriors but you can't unlock them until you do other things well after story mode is finished. I could see Atlus maybe wanting at least one character from Persona 3/4 in order to entice fans of those games to buy Scramble.
  13. Champion Blue (Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow): Always the one boss fight that stood out to me ever since I was a kid. Its the final fight for the title of Pokémon Champion against that smug guy who mocks you and always seems to be one step ahead and when you beat for the last time you finally put a dent in his pride which is just so satisfying. Doopliss (Paper Mario: 1000 Year Door) since you are basically fighting yourself and your own team members. Blind the Thief (Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past) because you spend half of the dungeon escorting the boss to the dungeon and he is actually a challenging especially if you enter his dungeon early. Boom Boom (Super Mario Bros 3) Easiest boss ever. Seriously, he dies from three fireballs and it amuses me every time. Draygon (Super Metroid) due to the alternative method of defeating the boss. Shadow Mitsuo (Persona 4) Interesting boss concept with tons of references to older Shin Megami Tensei games and classic RPGs. Even the music got remixed in Golden to sound more retro.
  14. I also liked the Fates design. Warrior's design was good too. Don't see why Karen Strassman wouldn't reprise her role for Anna since she voiced four different Anna's now. We don't know if she is a playable unit yet but I think it is very likely since she has been playable in every FE game since Awakening. I think her hair color for this game is supposed to reference the lighter shade of red hair she had from the older games (Archanea/Jugdral games ).
  15. This mode seemed fun at first but then I realized that scoring is based the same as Arena so the majority of the top scorers are going to Whales. Basically need +10 high BST armors, Legendary Roy/Alm paired up with someone plua another high BST unit paired up unit in the fourth slot and i have none of those things so I'm screwed. Not sure what unit people on my friends list would want but I have it set to A!Tiki for now since she can tank hits easily.
  16. Just looked at the Legendary Banner and Mordecai did dropped down to 4 stars.
  17. We also had a Persona game titled Persona 4 Arena yet there were characters from Persona 3 in it. Yet, if what everyone else is saying about a small roster ends up being true I can see it just being the Phantom Thieves plus Akechi (since the Japanese seem to love him), new girl from P5R and at least one or two OC characters added just for this game. Maybe the twin wardens as well. I can still see at least the Protagonists from Persona 3 and 4 being added in as secret characters you unlock for beating story mode or as DLC.
  18. Huh, I just recently figured out that the Anna badge on Sereneforest's profile section changes from Awakening Anna to Heroes Anna if you change your allegiance to Order of Heroes. Neat little secret. Wouldn't have known if I wasn't fumbling around on my profile page.
  19. Hmmm...can't decided between Tiki and Delthea. Might go with Delthea first since she is likely to get more multipliers in the first round and if she gets knocked out I can go over to Tiki's side if she is still around.
  20. Still waiting for another banner based on Archanea (might eventually get to the point where fans will have to force one out of IS). Valentia is also due for another banner despite all of my favorites from that game already being in Heroes though I don't want to say it will be May's banner because of patterns fans come up with that IS tend to break. Blazing Blade and Awakening could also happen since there are plenty of popular characters from those games left to be added and I could see those two games getting a banner in May, June or July before Three Houses come out and take over everything. So... Want: Archanea Expecting: Awakening, Blazing Blade, Echoes Could Happen: Sacred Stones
  21. Hosidan Summer Elincia is a green dagger though. We are just missing red bow.
  22. Thought Alm's turn to get a Legendary alt was coming soon but part of me did think it this month was going to end up being Celica or Micaiah. Glad those fears turned out to be untrue. I am kind of tempted to pull colorless just for Alm and more Christmas Eirika merges but Legendary banners are a crapshoot for me so I think I will pass this time. There are other characters I would rather save orbs for. @Gregster101 is probably pleased to see Legendary Alm.
  23. @Azure in a Roundabout You mean being able to play Persona 3 Portable on PS Vita? Yeah, PS Vita can play most PSP games but you have to buy them digitally off Playstation Store.
  24. 100 feathers and IS calls it a day. If we are lucky we might get daily summon banners except with a twist where every orb is golden so we won't know color it truly is. Legendary Banner will also be filled with nothing but golden orbs so you can be 'truly excited' what unit pops up. Though seriously 50 orbs plus reruns of previous banners, daily challenge maps that rewards orbs/divine dew/heroic grails would be nice. A Hero Fest banner would be cool too but I don't know if they will do one with the Legendary banner coming right around the corner.
  25. Thought I was done with Warrior games after finishing FE Warriors several months ago but it looks like Persona 5 Scramble is going to drag me back into another 500 hour long game. And it is on Switch too, nice. Hopefully there are playable characters outside the Persona 5 bunch, at least from Persona 4 and Persona 3.
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