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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Team placement was Black Knight/Black Knight/Sanaki for me. Would have liked to have been on Black Knight's team all three rounds or put on Micaiah's team at least once but oh well. Next time Grand Conquest comes around the theme will probably be based on Ylisse so it will most likely be Chrom, M!Robin and Lucina as the team leaders.
  2. Really, that was fast! Must be in the notifications already and I just didn't look.
  3. Ack, Palla and Marisa are both on this banner? While that is very tempting to me I am going to have to resist the temptation and pass on this banner. Seeing alts for Palla and Marisa is great and all but I would have preferred something different besides seeing them both in rabbit costumes plus did Marisa really need to be flying lance unit when we already have more than plenty of those? Marisa's quote did make me chuckle though. As for the others...I could care less about Bruno and Veronica. At least people who wanted Bruno finally get a chance to get him even though I bet they weren't expecting him to first show up in a seasonal banner. As for Loki even though she will most likely be the TT freebie unit I could less about her since the most I will get out of her is 5000 HM feathers, 40 blue dragonflowers and foddering whatever good skills she has off to another unit. So, next year's spring seasonal will have Est perhaps? Maybe she will bring Abel or Minerva with her. Watch as Hel, Lif, Thrasir, and Gustav get added to the summoning pool along with getting seasonal alts by the end of the year. But seriously, I am personally kind of glad Anna wasn't on this year's spring seasonal banner because I would prefer seeing her on one of the more appropriately dressed seasonals like Winter/Christmas, Valentines or even the Bridal banner since Spring gets wasted on rabbit costumes. Plus she did scored 15th (and technically 5th, 66th, and 129th) on CYL3 so hopefully IS noticed that and start planning to make an alt for her for latter 2019/early 2020 or even better yet just put Awakening Anna on this year's farfetched banner.
  4. Sword: Awakening!Anna (since apparently IS considers each game's Anna as a different person) Lance: Cormag (Sacred Stones) Axe: Haar/Jill (Path of Radiance) I feel like you can't have one without the other. Bow: Wolf/Sedgar (Shadow Dragon) They could be like Sue and end up as a red or blue cavalier archer if IS still doesn't want to add another colorless cavalier archer. Dagger: Julian (Shadow Dragon) Red Tome: Gotoh (Shadow Dragon) Blue Tome: Nyna (Shadow Dragon) Green Tome: Luthier (Echoes: Shadows of Valentia) Staff: Lena (Shadow Dragon) Breath: Nagi (Shadow Dragon) Preferably as a green breath unit. Beast: Don't care for Beast units So yeah, I'm kind of hoping for a new Archanea banner soon since it has been almost two years now since Marth's games got a dedicated New Heroes banner. Plus I'm kind of bias towards it at the moment since I recently played and really enjoyed Shadow Dragon.
  5. I think it would be cool if going with the school theme that Anna is one of the teachers in the academy. Still hoping she is still an optional unit you can recruit like in the other recent games and watch as the Paralogue chapter you recruit her on once again involve saving her from two Brigand brothers. Wonder what weapon she would wield this time since the only weapons she hasn't used in her base class is lances, daggers and tomes but if she has the thief class line again I could see daggers being her main weapon this time around. But yeah, Anna probably won't have much of a role outside being a optional playable unit/cameos she normally gets.
  6. Summon Tickets got me Keaton and Idunn for free! Unfortunately they both have -Atk flaws. Oh well, Sonya would really like Keaton's Special Spiral especially with the refine her weapon recently got. Not sure what is the best skill to fodder off of Idunn though since Fort. Def/Res 3, Vengeful Fighter and Ward Dragon and Bonfire are all good skills but I guess I could still keep her to fight Surtr and other annoying armor units in Arena Assault even with an Atk flaw.
  7. I keep forgetting Easter is late April this year. Still, as much as I would like to keep seeing 'New Heroes' banners it wouldn't surprise me if they decided to make up some kind of new seasonal banner for March like they with the Hot Springs banner back in January.
  8. I wasn't really able to pay much attention during the last few hours. I just knew that Morgan was only getting even numbered multipliers and probably needed at least 6 billion points to tank the final hour in case Soren's team planned to go all out with their flags on the 7.5 multiplier.
  9. Nothing in this banner looks interesting to me see I will just take the free pull and move on. Next banner is most likely Spring Seasonal 3.0 which also be easy to ignore so it seems like I get to spend another month stockpiling on orbs.
  10. Huh, Morgan managed to shrug off a 7.5 multiplier and win anyways? Things were looking pretty shaky towards the end. I'm happy to see Best Daughter win since I was on her team since the beginning and it helps make up for her loss against Lilina back in the Fathers vs. Daughters Gauntlet plus I really didn't really want to see Soren win. I am also glad I was able to spend all of my flags on multiplier hours for once. Usually I have to spend at least 400 flags on non-multiplier hours.
  11. I think I have you on my friends list. I can change my lead to Cherche if it helps. She only has 5 merges on her though so I don't know how likely it is for her to show up. The thing I find frustrating is that I am on Morgan's team as well but I keep getting someone's Nephenee. Sure, I get that Nephenee is probably that person's favorite character since she is fully merged and has premium skills on her which makes me not want to immediately delete them off my friend's list but it doesn't help when I am mostly going up against green units, B!Lyns and B!Veronicas. Though has it ever been figured out how who gets picked on your friend's list for VG matches? I have about 95 people on my friends list but for the last five or six Voting Gauntlets I have only seen @Alexmender's Eirika, another person with Draug, and the previously mentioned Nephenee someone else has. Sometimes I also see someone's B!Ike/Lewyn as well.
  12. Yeah, I will take a free Alm thank you game! That will put my Alm up to 2 merges now and I get to continue to stockpile my orbs. Is it bad to think that I think this free pull is thousand times better than the Anniversary summons?
  13. I have 239/349 heroes. 189 heroes at 5000 HM And to be perfectly honest I don't think I even use 75 percent of them for actual battles. I find it easy to just grind HM off of them from Rivals Domain while playing a RPG game or while watching youtube videos. Afterwards the majority of them sit in the barracks and do nothing, get turned into a combat manual or there skills get foddered off onto someone I do commonly use. 7 heroes between 1001 and 4999 HM 30 heroes between 1 and 1000 HM 14 heroes at 0 HM but that is just because I either haven't grinded HM out of them yet or they were foddered off before I got into HM grinding.
  14. Meanwhile I still got over 1000 flags on me. Hoping Lewyn's team puts up more of a fight so Morgan's team has more multipliers to spend flags on
  15. I like how my rank was around 88,000 the entire time on Morgan's team (I was sleeping through her first multiplier) but after getting her second multiplier before the end I jumped up to rank 2241. Glad I was able to increase my feather income before round 1 ended for all the suffering I had to endure during it just because my team was 'stronger' the entire time.
  16. Excited that Dark Aura and Dark Excalibur are getting refinements since those weapons are pretty outdated by today's standards. Happy to see Klein get his own prf weapon now since I always wondered if he would get one. Hopefully Delthea, Sonya and Klein all get good effect on their weapons.
  17. Lord Favorite: Chrom (Awakening) Runner Up: Alm (Echoes) Least Favorite: Ike (Tellius) Avatar Abstain Villager/Trainee/Noble Favorite: Kliff (Echoes) Runner Up: Atlas (Echoes) Least Favorite: Faye (Echoes) Cavalier Favorite: Silas (Fates) Runner Up: Camus (Archanea) Least Favorite: Peri (Fates) Knight Favorite: Valbar (Echoes) Runner Up: Draug (Archanea) Least Favorite: Effie (Fates) Myrmidon/Samurai Favorite: Owain (Awakening) Runner Up: Lonqu (Awakening) Least Favorite: Mia (Tellius) Mercenary Favorite: Raven (Blazing Blade) Runner Up: Saber (Echoes) Least Favorite Soleil (Fates) Fighter/Oni Savage Favorite: Barst (Archanea) Runner Up: Vaike (Awakening) Least Favorite: Charlotte (Fates) Pirate/Bandit Abstain Soldier/Spear Fighter Favorite: Lukas (Echoes) Runner Up: Nephenee (Tellius) Least Favorite: Shiro (Fates) Archer (also includes Ballistician and Apothecary) Favorite: Klein (Binding Blade) Runner Up: Takumi (Fates) Least Favorite: Setsuna (Fates) Nomad/Bow Knight Favorite: Wolf (Archanea) Runner Up: Sedgar (Archanea) Least Favorite: Astrid (Tellius) Mage/Diviner Favorite: Linde (Archanea) Runner Up: Boey (Echoes) Least Favorite: Soren (Tellius) Dark Mage/Shaman Favorite: Leo (Fates) Runner Up: Ophelia (Fates) Least Favorite: Tharja (Awakening) Priest/Cleric Favorite: Lissa (Awakening) Runner Up: Sakura (Fates) Least Favorite: Azama (Fates) Troubadour Favorite: L'Arachel (Sacred Stones) Runner Up: Elise (Fates) Least Favorite: Priscilla (Blazing Blade) Thief (includes rogues, ninjas, butlers, and maids) Favorite: Anna (Awakening/Fates) Runner Up: Kaze (Fates) Least Favorite: Sothe (Tellius) Pegasus Knight Favorite: Palla (Archanea) Runner Up: Sumia (Awakening) Least Favorite: Aversa (Awakening) Wyvern Rider Favorite: Cherche (Awakening) Runner Up: Haar (Tellius) Least Favorite: Camilla (Fates) Manakete (also includes Xane) Favorite: Tiki (Archanea/Awakening) Runner Up: Nagi (Archanea) Least Favorite: Fae (Binding Blade) Beast/Laguz (Royal) Abstain Beast/Laguz (Non-Royal) Abstain Dancer (includes Bards, Singers, and Herons) Favorite: Azura (Fates) Runner Up: Olivia (Awakening) Least Favorite: Lene (Genealogy)
  18. I am somewhat optimistic for Sword and Shield. First off, the first thing I thought of when I heard the titles were called Sword and Shield was Aegislash, he better be an obtainable Pokémon in this region. Galar region looks somewhat like the Kalos region to me which isn't a bad thing but it is at least refreshing to me after having the main games having a more tropical feel back to back with Hoenn remakes and the Alolan games. The playable trainers look interesting too since it looks like we are going back to being teenagers and will most likely be customizable again. Hopefully customization is more like X/Y and Sun/Moon then the Let's Go game. Seems like we are going back to gyms as well which is fine with me since island challenges and totem battles were pretty meh to me since they were either too easy or battles dragged out too long unless you one shot the boss with a z-move and also were pretty unbalanced with the whole two enemies versus your one Pokémon. Starters are also pretty meh to me but I stopped caring about starter Pokemon after Emerald. For some reason the eighth gen Pokémon's design make me think of the beta designs for the Johto Pokémon so unless one of them have an awesome looking final evolution I'm probably going to box my starter as soon as I can. Also not expecting that many 'new' Pokémon since even number generation tend to have less new ones but I also wonder if we will get new evolutions for older Pokémon, like Eevee for example, or new regional variants like the Alolan forms. So yeah, Galar region itself looks great but I could care less about the starter Pokémon themselves.
  19. Playing through and beating Shadow Dragon, the first non-3DS Fire Emblem game I'm playing. Been slowly going through it though since I haven't had much time to play it though since I have been busy doing other things.
  20. Ah, I see. Both are good options. Felicia is good at knocking out mages and I am also thinking of doing her as a merge project someday and I know LordFrigid made a good build for Jeorge.
  21. Wow, F!Morgan is in another VG already? Guess I'm fighting for her again and then watch her lose in the finals again. Also surprised to see none of the Robins here despite the theme for this Voting Gauntlet being perfect for them. Oh well, nice to see some new faces here regardless.
  22. Colorless huh, got any idea who you might go for? Honestly I think most colorless units are niche units besides the ones who are locked behind 5 stars or unless there is a character you like that is a colorless unit.
  23. And L!Lyn ended up being my free pull after all although somehow I just knew I would end up with her anyways (and I thought Eirika was the girl who stalks me the most in this game but Lyn is starting to be just as bad). And just like every other 5 star I pull she is also +HP/-Def. Even though I would have been happy with Azura or Duma in hindsight Lyn might not be the worst after all since at least she brings a Wind blessing plus if I really want to off her she has both Desperation 3 and Speed Tactics which is nice. Now that I think about it Myrrh might have been the worst for me to get since she has no worthwhile fodder that I want nor do I really need a red armor dragon so strangely enough I am content with getting Lyn even if I am tired of seeing her popping up in my face all the time in both Heroes and Smash Bros.
  24. Wow, if that whole sound bit thing is true that would be an amazing way to 'cheat' through the golden orb masks. Not going to get my hopes up for it though. Even if it is true knowing me I would still screw it up somehow and end up with Lyn anyways.
  25. @mampfoid Late response but I just noticed that's a beautiful Caeda you got there. I guess you have a fully merged flying unit for all the colors now besides colorless huh?
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