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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Would like to see the Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages and Season get remade since those two are some of my favorite Zelda games and there is a slim chance that the third canceled game could come with it but since Capcom helped with development of the games I don't know if there would be any issues with remaking them. Also would like to see the Super Mario Land games including the one where you play as Wario since I never played those games.
  2. Favorite 3DS FE game with Fates route split is Conquest, no questions asked. Sure the story sucked but out of all the 3DS games it is the most challenging yet fun game and has great replay value. Also, I just find the Nohrians more interesting than the boring and bland Hoshidans. If we don't count Fates as different games I would say Awakening is second best. However, I will say that Shadows of Valentia has my favorite cast of characters so the game does at least have that going for it. Really though I like all three games even though they all have their ups and downs.
  3. I would like to see Rayquaza returns as boss. He would be an easy Pokémon boss to bring back since he was a boss in Brawl. Also, he would definitely have a phase where Rayquaza Mega Evolves. As for the other I guess Kraid from Metroid. Since Ridley is playable now Kraid is probably the next most iconic boss from the Metroid series. They even have a model for him in Smash already since he is in the background for Brinstar Depths.
  4. Always would have liked to see them do a FE spinoff doing a different type of RPG style like a turn based RPG for example while still while still keeping some of the series core mechanics like class changing/promotion and weapon durability. A 2D fighting game with just Fire Emblem characters would also be cool to see and unlike Smash we would hopefully get some non-lord fighters wielding other weapons besides swords.
  5. Nice to see a Fates banner that doesn't cause people to become very salty or bring the worst out of them. Still, I could care less about beast units so this banner is easy to ignore and I can continue stocking up orbs. Next month should also be very easy for me to save orbs since the only new banners will be that Binding Blade banner and Spring 2019 seasonal. Was surprised they decided to put the all of Fates beast characters together on one banner and not spread them out considering IS's love of Fates. Figured they would of had a Hoshidan banner with Kaden and Selkie earlier in the year and a Nohrian banner with Keaton and Velouria later this year. Though I guess beasts are still the hot new thing right now and if CYL means anything people have been wanting the 3DS beasts plus it gets them out of the way now.
  6. Late reaction to the recent direct but for the most part I thought it was great although I do think there was an excessive amount of rpgs and anime styled games. Decided to put my thoughts in a spoiler tag since it is rather long. Short story the games that interested me was Mario Maker 2, Yoshi's Crafted World, Bloodstained, FE Three Houses, Daemon X Machina, Astral Chains, and Link's Awakening. All in all I'm happy with this direct. Has been a while since I enjoyed a normal direct though that might be because they weren't shoving Splatoon and ARMS in my face and trying to convince people to play online and buy a subscription.
  7. I actually considered mentioning Jirachi as well but then we wouldn't have a game now would we?
  8. Results were half expected and half surprising. I suspected L!Azura and Duma winning their respective colors but I was surpised H!Myrhh beating out all those red legendaries and L!Lyn winning out over all those green armors. Oh well, in a way I am kind of relieved since now I can ignore the banner and continue saving up orbs.
  9. Pokémon Trainer...I guess they just happen to conveniently have a Legendary Pokémon they don't use for fighting on them to help them escape? Maybe have Giratina/Arceus send them into the Distortion World, Solgaleo/Lunala hide them in the Ultra Wormhole or even have Celebi teleport them into the future after Galeem was done destroying everything I guess.
  10. Pulled a red orb for 2018 Seasonals and got Hoshidan Summer Micaiah. Quite happy I pulled someone good over what I got from 2017 seasonals
  11. 2018 Seasonal Anniversary gave me Hoshidan Summer Micaiah. Definitely a better anniversary gift over what 2017 Seasonals gave me though it is kind of funny that both my free seasonal pulls were alts of the CYL3 female winners. I am glad I decided to change my mind at the last minute to pick red instead of blue since I looked at the options for red and that color seemed to have better units/fodder for me. I keep hearing people saying Dancer Micaiah is good so maybe I'll train her up and use her in Aether Raids or if nothing else Arena Assault. I don't have any wings of mercy fodder to give her right now though. Free pull for the other two banners was 3 stars Marth and 4 stars Roy. Nice Smash reference game.
  12. SOV (Alm's Side) SOV (Celica's Side) Awakening Fates (Nohr) Fates (Hoshido) Paralogue Banner featuring Anna from different games Bridal Seasonal Valentian Christmas
  13. Since everyone else is sharing... Was going to give my last two picks to L!Robin but after thinking about it I figured someone like Duma is going to win colorless anyways so I switched over to L!Eirika instead to help her win red. Regardless of who wins I just hope all four units are good either as a unit or for fodder.
  14. No new merge projects (Eirika and Cherche are half way there though with both sitting at +5) but I decided to update two of my units that were already +10 since they got prf weapons later on and I didn't have the dew to upgrade them till recently. Plus the new merge/flaw removal system was added so their stats are slighter higher now though I might have to do more updates if I decide to use dragonflowers on some of my +10 units. Anyways for now here is the new and improved Tailtiu with her her Tome of Thoron (and a Brazen seal for more attack power) and Catria with her Whitewing Lance!
  15. L!Hector since he is a great axe armor unit. Plus next month we will be able to pass on 4 skills when inheriting skills so you can fodder distant counter and vengeful fighter to somone if you don't want to use him. Plus this is probably the only time you will ever see Legendary/Mythic heroes on a banner that are not sharing colors with another unit so its a good time to get them if you were constantly screwed over before.
  16. Hmmm...I wonder if they are going to show halfway results like they do for CYL. Today is probably the day they would do such a thing. Though then again voting only lasts five days so it makes since they might not bother with it this time.
  17. And Owain won, good. I was hoping for either him or Cherche to win the whole thing. Too bad VG are the one of the least interesting modes most people are talking about the Tellius seasonal banner instead.
  18. The easiest skip for me. Tellius fans have something to be happy about I guess. Ike also got another alt now so hopefully now I can stop hearing complaints about how other males like Hector and Chrom have more alts than him and it will die down now. I'll just take my free V!Titania and be on my way. Hopefully she has some good skills on her. Hopefully all banners from now until September/October are this easy for me to ignore because I wish to conserve orbs. Also, Fury 4 is a thing. Figured it was coming eventually but it is much tamer than some of the tier 4 skills that came before it.
  19. Mainly voting for L!Eirika for red and L!Hector for green since I have neither of them yet and Legendary/Mythic banners are a crapshoot for me to summon on. Also voting for L!Robin as while I do have one I would like another one just to get rid of her speed flaw. Not voting for blue be fine with L!Azura, L!Tiki or L!Lucina winning that color. The only one of these three blue units I don't have is L!Lucina.
  20. This is what my Alm looks like. He is a great Player Phase unit. Nothing too fancy, I just slap a bunch of budget skills on him and I get by just fine. Death Blow and Attack +3 helps boost Alm's attack as much as possible since his refined Falchion has a brave weapon effect when he is at full health. I gave him Renewal 2 instead of Renewal 3 since refined Falchion already gives Renewal 3 and healing 10 HP almost every turn is better than healing 20 HP every 2 turns at least to me anyways. Though what Alm really wants for his B-skill is Mythic Boost 3 since it pretty much cancels out the 5 HP recoil damage per attack so if you have an extra Eir you are not using you might want to consider that. C-Skill slot, assist skill and special skill can be whatever works best for you. Hopes this helps.
  21. Yesterday's free summon was a 4 star Roderick. Today the app crashed before my free summon was completed but once I was able to open it back up a 5 star Deirdre was there in my current summoning session. Neat, unfortunately though I don't really need her so she's probably going to get foddered off to pass Quick Riposte 3 to someone. @Landmaster Nice 5 stars you summoned. Alm is my favorite of the Falchion users. Mine also has a speed flaw but he gets by just fine since his refine lets him attack twice anyways. Kinshi Hinoka is also fun to use.
  22. Darn, Cherche lost. Wasn't expecting Corrin to hold on to the multiplier for the last four hours. Was hoping for Cherche vs Owain because I wouldn't mind either one winning. Oh well, I guess Cherche is still best mom for being the only one to make it to round 2. Though on the bright side I'm joining Owain for the finals even though it will probably be too crowded on that side. Will probably switch Catria out now for either Kaze or Tailtiu as my lead.
  23. Elincia for me I guess. Never played the game she was from so I didn't really think much about her until she pitybroke me towards the end of 2017 when I was going for someone (though I don't remember exactly who I think it was H!Nowi maybe?) I decided to try and use her since her prf weapon was basically a better brave sword, she had the perfect nature (+Atk/-Def) and the only other sword fliers were Palla and Caeda and both of them were not really good at the time since neither of them had prf weapons yet. I am glad I have her now since even though Wing Sword Caeda is also fun to use I find myself still using Elincia more since I use a team of her, Cherche, Cordelia and NY!Azura to clear the majority of the game's challenges. A!Tiki (another green haired lady) is another unit I didn't think much of until I decided to try build one myself since I heard from several people that she was an easy to build and merge tank. Though what's funny is that A!Tiki replaced her younger self in my core team (Y!Tiki was the first 5 star unit I got on day one and was used to clear early game content). She was the first unit I fully merged to +10 after IS made changes to breath weapons with refines and to this day she is probably still my favorite unit to use in Heroes. She is used in my Arena team plus I use her in dragon teams when my flier team can't clear certain challenges. She also help me take down L!Ryoma's Abyssal challenge which was the only Abyssal challenge I managed to beat so far without FTP guides. And finally L'Arachel (yet another green haired lady) who I also didn't know because I haven't played the game she came from. Although unlike Elincia I was interested in L'Arachel since she seemed to have a personality similar to Owain (plus being voiced by Carrie Keranen is another plus) though I didn't try pulling for her in her debut banner because she was the obvious demote and I got her naturally later on as a 4 star unit. She is the star of my Cavalry Team B (which is usually her plus the rest of the cavalry units I have that are not Xander, Reinhardt, Cecilia and B!Lyn since they are Cavalry Team A) when I don't feel like using Reinhardt (I handed her a Blarblade and just watch her annihilate everything) though I mostly use her when grinding things like Forging Bonds and Tempest Trials.
  24. This was pretty much my expression when I pulled green only to see S!Camilla greet me. And once again I am denied PA!Azura because you know there is no such thing as having too much Camilla in Fire Emblem Heroes right?
  25. Decided to do some of my free summons today. Maria and Minerva banner gave me 4 star Marth, Duma banner got me 4 star Draug, 2017 seasonals anniversary denies me the chance to get PA!Azura once again and gave me S!Camilla instead (Gah, even the game is trying to shove Camilla on me at this point) and the Link banner gave me a 3 star F!Corrin. Got determined to pull Sumia so I ended up spending 170 more orbs on the Link banner and eventually got her with a +Spd/-Def nature. Great, now they just need to put Awakening Anna in the Heroes so I can pull her and then I can have all six of my favorite women from Awakening in the game. I still have 417 orbs on me but I am hoping to avoid the temptation of pulling on future banners and save up about 2000 orbs by the time Brave Heroes and Farfetched/Brave Redux come around.
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