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Everything posted by NSSKG151

  1. Ah, Halo 3. I remember having a blast playing multiple runs of co-op campaign with my brother in this game. I also remember Master Chief's death scream always making me laugh for some reason.
  2. 1. Do Dragonstones come in Iron/Steel/Silver variations? 2. Do you think we are more likely to see other shapeshifting characters like Wolfskins/Kitsune/etc. or will they do something similar to Hyrule Warriors and just put in Adult Tiki from Awakening? 3. Is 4 the maximum amount of characters you can bring into a map?
  3. 1. Do Dragonstones come in Iron/Steel/Silver variations? 2. Do you think we are more likely to see other shapeshifting characters like Wolfskins/Kitsune/etc. or will they do something similar to Hyrule Warriors and just put in Adult Tiki from Awakening? 3. Is 4 the maximum amount of characters you can bring into a map?
  4. I would say my favorite class is Mercenary/Hero. I always preferred them over Myrmidon/Swordmaster due to all their stats being average/above average. Also, I just like the design of the class.
  5. FE 3/12: Linde and Palla, with special mentions to Catria FE13: Owain and Chrom FE14: Leo and Elise, with special mentions to Silas and Kaze FE 2/15: Boey and Kliff, with special mentions to Delthea Whole Series: Anna
  6. Well, I made my decision. I decided to support F!Corrin. My Heroes ID is 8264658470 with B.Lyn set as my leader at the moment . Anyone on Team F!Corrin who wants to add me can feel free to do so.
  7. Hello everyone, I am NSSKG151. I have been a lurker on this place for quite some time now before deciding to finally make an account. It's nice to meet you all.
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