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Posts posted by Pengaius

  1. My game virginity went to Mario and the 6 gold coins, on my dads OG gameboy. 

    My first video game love, was definitely Pokemon Red version, could never catch Taurus or Kangaskan though. 

    First console, was the regular game boy, but the first home console was the PS1, I played read ran into the wall of Spyro Gateway to Glimmer for like a minute and a half. 

    First FE was the awakening demo off the e shop, and Awakening was my first Fire Emblem love. 

    My first FE waifu was Lissa, with Gaius as the husbando. 

    Never really played any MMORPGs, unless you count the only *real* game I've ever played on PC Roblox

    Speaking of PC, my first PC game was some weird educational maths space shooter thing that was on all the school computers. 

    The first game I ever hated was Ishido: the way of stones for the gameboy, because 4 year old me back in 05 couldn't figure out how it worked and it made me angry (I still have no idea how to play it)

    Honestly, I can hardly remember a time when video games weren't in my life, cuz I lived a mile out from the nearest town (which to a kid growing up was in the middle of nowhere) so I never really had many friends aside from some of the kids in and around the area, meaning I spent almost all my time playing away on ye olde gameboy. 

  2. 20 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    I'm uncertain how mad I should be at you for this.

    Ehhhehhehh, uh..., he might, take some of them out by accident...maybe?



    More masc, gotcha, if you need a real Buffdude McGee, I can sort that as well, but I think this might be a bit better than the Ninowil in the meantime. 


  3. 1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    having received a mistaken report from Pengaius that he was actually a brilliant strategist.

    In my defence, I assumed that “responsible for the total annihilation of a Serenian battalion" meant he defeated them in battle, not ordered them to their deaths. 

  4. @JCartwright, If your still looking for a portrait, I'd like to offer this one (its in low resolution cause SF won't let me post large pics, but I can send the high(er) quality version over Discord onto you or Sire). It's a very basic Nino over Wil. Since you didn't specify any gender, went for a more andro Lewyn (based on your profile pic) in basic combat gear. I can redo to be more masculine or more feminine if you want. 


  5. 4 hours ago, Emperor Hardin said:

    Bow Fighters in general

    Ehh, the movement starred bow fighter has a pretty good magic growth, so they make for a decent counter to mages, and chip damage is nice to have around, the other bow fighter ain't great, but still scrolls can make most units viable if used right. 

    Some mechanics Brightbow forgot to mention are the stars, they are;

    • Movement Stars every time a unit makes an action they have a chance to move again of (5 x number of leadership stars)% 
    • Leadership Stars for every leadership star a unit has they grant their allies an extra 3 hit and avoid



  6. 4 hours ago, Fates-Blade said:

    Also I have to disagree with Pengaius, you can rake EXP with the Arena for Finn, and Finn can become extremely powerful if you give him lot's of scrolls,

    • First of all Finn isn't the Jeigan, Eyvel is considered to be Thracia's Jagen. 
    • Second, the only way to reliably arena train a character is to abuse savestates, which straight up kills most of the strategic elements to the game and gives the player way more gold than they need. 
    • Third, ANY UNIT CAN BECOME POWERFUL IF YOU GIVE THEM ENOUGH SCROLLS (except the 3 I mentioned earlier)

    Also as a note on what Reality said about capture AI, the enemy will always capture a unit if they can, to abuse this put an unarmed character near the enemy (Lara is good for this as she has low enough con that most enemies can capture her) and they will capture that unit without combat and attempt to leave the map. Also, the enemy will trade all of the units items off of them if they have any. 

    Another AI behaviour that you can exploit is enemy Trade/Shop AI, which causes enemies who lose their weapons, to trade an  extra weapon (if they can wield it) off of another enemy (this can be used to trick enemies into taking weapons off of bosses, to make them easier or used to get an uncapturable units gear, if you can capture the first enemy) or if no item can be traded to them, they will go to a shop and buy a weapon, with their unlimited gold (this can be exploited by stealing an enemies weapon, and then stealing everything they buy from the shop, as they only buy 1 weapon at a time). But this makes the game significantly easier, so maybe save it for a second play through. 

  7. People claim that Thracia is a lot harder than it actually is, and to a new player it can be very confusing but it probably the most fun you'll have once you get into the swing of it. While there are a few Kaga-traps along the way, most of the games events are laid out plain for you through pre-chapter dialogue, or in battle conversations. For units, almost everybody can become good thanks to the crusader scrolls, the only units who are actually irredeemable for combat are the Jeigan, theif no.2 and Bargain. Yes certain characters are outright better than others, but nobody is ever completely obsolete (except the Jeigan) as you might have to train a few teams due to stamina limitations. Capturing, while useful, is not something to go overboard on, most enemies have trash weapons, but you should grab a couple of their things if you can, as buying new weapons is very expensive. Don't be afraid to use the prf weapons, they all have good durability and you get the hammerne staff fairly early in the game. 

    I'd recommend against playing Elite mode first time, unless you want to get a better feel for the combat or units, as you can only play the game for the first time once, and some of the frustration is part of Thracia's charm. 

    Good luck and have fun with Thracia. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Hawkwing said:

    - Are there any dangers I should know about from playing with a possibly swollen battery?


    Swollen batteries can be in danger of combustion, or if heavily (and I mean heavily) strained may explode. 

    1 hour ago, Hawkwing said:

    - Could I keep using this one until I replace it, or should I throw it out? 


    That battery is dangerous and you do not want it anywhere near you, contact your local battery disposal service to see about safely getting rid of it at your earliest convenience. 

    1 hour ago, Hawkwing said:

    - Would it even be worthwhile to replace the battery, or am I better off just getting a new 3DS?

    While it is a relatively easy job replacing a 3ds battery, buying an unlicensed battery is almost as dangerous (possibly more so ) as using a  damaged battery, if you want to replace the battery (in the case that the 3ds holds sentimental value) buy a secondhand 3ds with a good battery and scrap it for its battery, although it would be a lot easier and safer to just get a brand new one, as you will not likely have any system issues with it. 

    1 hour ago, Hawkwing said:

    Are there any specific things may have caused this issue (like the surrounding temperature or how long I kept it charged and so on) or is it just a result of my 3DS being nearly 8 years old?

    Age is a factor, but leaving it charged for very long periods of time, exposing the system to high temperatures or liquids, and general careless tossing and roughly placing the 3ds can all damage the battery, due to how close it is to the outside of the device, I reccomend buying a soft 3ds case for the device, and keeping the device in the case when not charging or in use. If you are very concerned about charging for too long , you may want to “half-charge" the device and sacrifice session playtime for overall longevity of the device, however this shouldn't be an issue as long as the 3ds is not plugged in for more than 10 hours at a time. Also of note, make sure to boot the system up every 3-4 days to ensure that it is always running smoothly (well as smooth as a 3ds can run). 

  9. 3 hours ago, Sire said:

    Can you reupload this in a .PNG format? I'm wondering if the JPEG file ruined the image, or if the image just looks like that.

    No, that is what it looks like, however I think this version looks a lot less MS paint. If anybody particularly cares it's just Leila with a photoshopped Lyn ponytail. 




  10. @Lysithea I have designed a portrait (as best I could) for you, you do not have to use it, you may supply any other 96x96 jpeg or png file of your choice, it does not have to be in the GBA style. 

    If anybody else is struggling with a portrait I would be more than happy to help you to the best of my ability. 

    See attached image for the portrait. 


  11. 17 hours ago, NinjaMonkey said:

    I can't do the portrait, so I'll pass on this.

    It doesn't need to be a portrait, in any style for any fe game, it can be any 96x96 image, most people went with a GBA style portrait solely because there are a lot of tools for them, but as long as it's a 96x96 image it's ok

  12. Attention all SF users, @AnonymousSpeed needs your help, to bring chaos and true freedom into the land of Serenia, and achieve that EPIC Victory Royale. Applicants must be willing to join an evil organisation and have some degree of combat experience. 

    Apply at https://forums.serenesforest.net/index.php?/topic/89679-tears-of-serenia-character-recruitment/#comments to take part in the Chaos or if you want to stop Anons army. 



  13. 20 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Son of a-- well, how about I tell you it almost did happen? Some days back, I was coming back home from a particularly tiring day, when I dozed off behind the wheel for a second. While entering a roundabout. With another car coming my way.

    Thank goodness the guy was driving slowly and was able to stop. I managed to come back to my senses and hit the brakes, but it was much too late. Had the other man not reacted in time, it would've been a direct hit on my side of the car.

    There you go, now you must be much too disturbed to keep laughing at the car crash joke! I have won! I've beaten the car crash joke!

    ...I don't feel so good about it, actually. Biggest scare I had in a while. Oh, well. These things happen, I guess.

    Heehee car

    20 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Pnjod8g8 o

    Tomorrow, Tomorrow he'll have no Tomorrow, Tomorrow is only a life awaaaay. 

    Uh GG low death count Ruben

  14. On 10/17/2019 at 4:40 AM, XRay said:

    but Pokémon monsters are generally cuter.

    Bruh, no, behold peak adorable (btw this thing eventually digivolves into Crescemon, one of the hot waifu digimon in the top image, speaking of the top image why the fudge are Lopmon (brown rabbit thing) and Gatomon (the literal cat) on the waifus image, Renamon I understand (because furries) but why the straight up animals?)



  15. Might as well throw my hat in the ring

    Character Name: Pengaius

    Forum Name: Pengaius

    Character Class: Ranger

    Affiliation: Antagonist (like an enemy general who's hyped up a little and shows up from time to time so the villain has somebody to deliver exposition to, e.g Valter, Petrine, Death Knight (the way he's intended to be portrayed, not ooh! free dark seal)

    Stage: Late Game

    Notable features High defense stats

    Other, Likes butter and is somewhat honourable, but is wholly devoted to the antagonists mission, fights for personal freedom. 




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