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Posts posted by Pengaius

  1. TWSITD are evil cult, for sake of an evil cult, they are in the story to act as the big bads for part 1, so that there is a plot, while still allowing for each lord to have their own story that isn't “destroy evil cult" until evil cult need to die. As characters, they absolutely suck, but they were never intended to be characters, just a framing device to give the actual characters, character motivation.  In the various part 2s Thales, is there so that the player can resolve some plot threads before the final boss fight.

    I'd compare TWS to Nuibaba, background evil to give the player stuff to do, so the plot doesn't get rushed. Having just enough characterisation to be a relevant enemy, while still being able to give insight into the mentality of more prominent figures, (Nuibaba is to Berkut, what TWSITD are to Byleth and Edelgard and to a lesser extent, Dimitri and Claude) 

  2. Unless you have a physical copy of Radiant Dawn, I'd advise to just not play it, the difficulty settings are mistranslated and the game is a b-star-star-star-ch to emulate on anything that is not a proper gaming PC. 

    Also a few gripes (from what I've read and seen in let's plays and the like)

    • The story isn't that great as it almost totally relies on the player having played PoR (which you have so it's not as big an issue, but the story doesn't really stand by itself) 
    • Dawn Brigade are horrible units, Greil Mercs destroy every map
    • the whole act 2 is literally filler
    • Act 3 has you jarringly switch perspectives every few maps, making you wait to use stat boosters and you might forget about them. 
    • The Laguz Royals make almost all of your trained units worthless. 
    • You gotta beat the game a bunch of times to get the *real* ending

    tldr: don't waste 60+ hours of your life on that game.

  3. Currently crying my way through a Pokemon white Nuzlocke, I swear this game had a way less severe level curve at the start. 

    Have already lost Snivy, Panpour, Munna and like 3 Patrat, but I absolutely destroyed Lenora with just audino taking literally no damage (attract + secret power, paralysis on both Herdier and watchog) 


    Almost finished Fe4, then I'm onto the OG Archanea trilogy, then Binding Blade, and I'll borrow 3 houses from a buddy and then I'm done. (I'm probably never gonna touch the Tellius games) 

  4. 6 hours ago, XRay said:

    Safety procedures such as requiring mandatory training, annual mental health checkups, no drinking and shooting, unload guns when not in use, etc. are fine.

    I've always thought that a mandatory annual reassessment for the gun liscense would be a good idea, a physical (eyesight, reaction, overactive nerves) and psychiatric review, for each and every gun you own would be a good idea, as well as a general gun safety assessment per annum (guns are secured, guns are in proper working order (won't backfire or spontaneously burst) etc.) would be a good idea. I support the right to arms, but only if it's used responsibly. 

  5. 5 hours ago, KnightOfNohr said:



    5 hours ago, KnightOfNohr said:

    I've been pronouncing it wrong all my life and will probably continue to do so

    Y-you've pronounced it mim-ree-don or mim-r-eye-don? How, it seems so unnatural. 

    4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

    One poor suicidal young fool trying to save his younger sister, killed by another poor suicidal young fool trying to save his younger sister.

    What was it all for, what was achieved, can dreams only be built by crushing the dreams of others? To save just one, why must many be lost? What a pointless world this is. 

  6. 11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    7trdluad o

    Oh no! Now he'll just be Sant Rubeno!

    4 hours ago, BrightBow said:

    Carla and Bahanuk were bumping uglies for 18 years? Having it spelled out like this does make it feel a bit strange how they seemingly never produced a child together. At least as far as I am aware. Hard to say with this cast.


    Carla could have just used magic to not get pregnant/deal with the results, or it's also possible that she just used magic to make him pass out and just get away with a “you were great in bed last night" the following morning, that or extra Gerxel child soldiers. 

    1. What is it you enjoy about literature
    2. What is appealing to you in music (rhythm, vocals, fast/slow etc.)
    3. What game used you love but don't anymore. 
    4. What game used you hate but don't anymore. 
    5. If somebody was given 12 hours in the Philippians, to spend recreationally, where would you recommend they go. 
  7. 7 hours ago, KnightOfNohr said:

    James has (thankfully) not decided to carry on the grand old tradition of FE12 Let's Plays by gaining a decent amount of Magic.

    That's how it starts, *'nam flashbacks* that's always how it starts. 

    7 hours ago, KnightOfNohr said:


    Seeing Marth use the rapier, is wreaking havoc on my inner hoarder. 

    5 hours ago, KnightOfNohr said:

    Oh, right. The infinite chest key.

    The infinite chest key of “permanently clogging up the inventory"

    Y'think he just bashes open the chests with it, or it uses magic to undo the locks, but only very specific locks. 

    Well good luck, I hope everyone survives. Now I can make up for being unable to pun all the deaths if Rube's new mystery run!

  8. 2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Except for the part where Julia, despite being awful, kicks Arkis out of the park in every way.

    Statistically, yes, as a meme no. Also movement, but hey at least he doesn't have to go to the swamp. 

    2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
    Ci6abust o

    E7ffcz4a oBut ever since those fiends of Gerxel invaded the Shrine, it's become a den for monsters.

    Oh no pollution! (But seriously how and why did the cult recreate Shrek's home, is he the true identity of their god or something? Are they shitposters?)

  9. While it's certainly a huge hindrance, it's not impossible, the game gives you enough chest keys and door keys on enemies, up until you can buy them and Lara can pick locks if you need to, (she cant steal for crap). 

    It makes chapters more tedious than they need to be, but once you get Parne and Lara is able to dance Lifis' absence is no longer worth noting. 

  10. 4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Turn 1- Move everybody out of Uhai's range, except someone who can survive a round against him and bait him into the open. Move Athos towards the upper left room.

    Turn 2- Kill Uhai. He might be fast, but being range 2-locked, you can safely kill him and his Snipers up close. Have Athos block the entrance to Kenneth's upper left room, use a Pure Water or Barrier Staff to make him even more resistant to magic if you can. Equip Athos with Luna, if you don't have it, Aureola will do. Athos should be able to safely clear this room in two turns at most.

    Turn 3- The door to Brendan's center left room opens. There are only two units here, if can't kill them both right away, or bait them with a dodgy sword unit, then just let them walk out and kill them both on Turn 4. Neither is equipped with a ranged weapon by default, so snipe them with bows and magic first if you want.

    Turn 4- It's Darin's center right room which opens. Since neither carries any ranged weapon, as long as you have somebody who can survive one hit, you can block them in the narrow doorway.

    Turn 5- Ursula and Jerme's lower left room opens. Ursula has Excalibur, which isn't effective against fliers here. Jerme has a Runesword, which deals magic damage that heals him from afar, and physical damage up close. Someone with really good Res is good here, as long as Jerme can't kill them.

    Turn 6- Linus and Lloyd's upper right room finally opens. Lloyd is very strong and fast, and the two brothers, as long as they are within three spaces of each other, give each each other stat boosts. If you have Light Rune, use it to block the room's entrance for several turns, you can then safely snipe Lloyd over the walls and bait Linus into using his Tomahawk. If you have a Sleep or Berserk staff, give it to Athos or another staff user with high Magic and try using it on Linus. He'll be harmless for a while if he is put to Sleep, and if Berserked, he might injure Lloyd, who can definitely kill him. If you don't have either a Light Rune or Sleep/Berserk, then just let them come out and concentrate all your firepower on them, starting with ranged units.


    Once all the Morphs are killed, Nergal's room opens up to the north. With him are a Sage and Druid, the Druid has Berserk, so make sure you have a Restore staff or two, and that your units are close enough that you can cure the ailment right away. Generals will start reinforcing in the south and Druids in the north once Nergal's room is opened. Nergal himself can be safely killed with Athos, use Luna if you have it, or Aureola if you don't.


    Once Nergal is dead and you encounter the final boss, check the range of all the magic users at the edges of the map and move all your units out of their ranges and the boss's (who doesn't move). Then, send Athos with Luna or Aureola to fight the final boss. If you don't have Physics staffs to heal him, then use other staffs and then use mounted units to move the healers out of harm's way. Or, give Athos Elixirs and have him heal himself on the player phase, only attacking the final boss on counterattacks on the enemy phase. Athos can thus slay the final boss in a couple turns as long as his HP stays full.


    If you recruited Renault in the prior chapter, you should have the Fortify staff. This will heal everyone for the user's Magic + 10 within a radius equal to half the user's Magic. So with 20 Magic, that means 10 spaces in all directions. This should often, if not always, heal most or all allies on the map. Use Fortify if you have a lot of units all injured at once.

    Since Nils is forced deployment, if you want to bait an enemy, consider using any remaining uses of Ninis's Grace. That gives +10 Def and Res for one turn.

    Basically this. 

    Although if you want my personal strategy, just plop somebody with super high defense with 1-3 elixirs and a ranged weapon on the entrance to Uhai's corridor so that only 1 can attack, send athos to the top left room with a Nosferatu or forblaze and when he's done have him rush the bottom left room (don't let Jerme attack in melee, yeet a forblaze at him) and silence Ursula. Send Hector or Hawkeye with a hammer to the middle right room, a good sword user (preferably not lyn, as she will go down if hit) to the middle left room. Everybody else should wait about 7 tiles away from the door of the top right room, and when the reed bros come out, just yeet everything at them (Linus first if possible). A horse killing weapon isn't a bad idea against Uhai but ideally you'll kill him with a 1-2 range weapon. 

    Don’t  bother trying to get the S-rank weapons on units who can use them, as the majority of those weapons are too heavy to even consider being picket up (the regal blade is an exception however) Yeet Athos/Lucius with aureola and Durandal/Armads at Nergal, and he drops like a bag of flour, that is to say he makes a mess of the floor. 

    For the final boss just put Armads-Hector or Forblaze-Athos in front of him and heal constantly and you'll win in 6-7ish turns. 

    Note: the final boss always deals exactly 37 damage, no more, no less. 

    Congratulations you have beaten Fe7, now you can play Hector mode, with more enemies, chapters and overall more difficulty, yaaay. 

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