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Posts posted by Lucario666

  1. 3 hours ago, NoirCore said:

    Fates and the localization being sub-par is not an unpopular opinion, though, so I don't think that counts. Treehouse also isn't exactly "a poison to Nintendo" in spite of one game.

    Xenoblade X, Bravely Second, that one DBZ 3DS game, TMS #FE, Fatal Frame 5, and all the exclusive games Europe got that we didn't get all say hi.

  2. Just now, Jedi said:

    Because I could care less about FE plots and 2 of the 3 games play really well.

    You do realize the stories are a HUGE reason to even play FE to begin with right? 

  3. So, a question to all of you, why did you buy this game? You do realize since you all bought the ENG version of the game, that Nintendo is going to have Treehouse localize FE switch now right? And don't use Echoes as an excuse, considering that Treehouse is already localize FE Switch as we speak. 

  4. So, out of all localization companies, who would you rather have localize this new game? NoA, 8-4, or some other company that hasn't touched the series yet?

    My ranking for the companies I'd prefer are as follows from best to worst:

    1. Some other company (as long as they don't f*** with the fans and are competent)

    2. 8-4

    3. Some other company (one that'll probably f*** the fans a little like the P5 controversy a while back) 

    4. NoA/Treehouse


    EDIT 10/31/2017: 

    I should also mention this, I don't know much about the P5 controversy from a while back other than there was controversy to begin with. I usually don't keep up with the spin offs and focus mainly on mainline SMT games. 

  5. On 10/28/2017 at 6:33 AM, Etrurian emperor said:

    I don't have any. We know nothing of the game asides from that it exist so its hard for me to feel anything concrete on the matter expect that they should really work on the story and villains this time around. 

    We do have that "leak" posted here on the forums a little while back. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, The Geek said:

    Yeah there's no evidence currently that Echoes was a flop.  Sure it didn't sell as well as Awakening or Fates, but it still sold well.  As for Fates being a "critical failure" I have no idea what you're talking about, since all three versions of Fates got fairly high scores from professional reviews and most of the complaints about it come from a vocal minority within the fandom.  Sure most people agree that Fates' story is hot garbage, but I think the majority of people still think that it's a good game.

    When I say critical failure, I mean more and more of the fanbase is starting to hate Fates. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, Zasplach said:

    I'm loathe to respond to something that is flamebait, but eh why not?

    So let me start with this.  I'm nostalgic, in fact if something is old I tend to give it greater value just because it has history, I'm so nostalgic that I idealize time periods where I'd literally have had zero chance of surviving in my current health.  So start with that baseline.

    Giving a carte blanche statement that Fates is a critical failure is unfair.  Were there elements of the game that I don't love? Yeah, it isn't my favorite FE game, it probably isn't type 5, but it's still a Fire Emblem and most of the core elements are there.  All of us  who really enjoy the older set of games, whether that's the Tellius saga or the GBA era or even the SNES era, have to come to some grip that things change and everything in life has to change and evolve.  If you want to point out elements of the game you find less than appealing, for me it's the self-insert playing a central role in the plot and the child characters, go right ahead.  But to say they are appealing to more people isn't a flaw, it is the very nature of capitalism and in terms of profitability a good thing, a thing that is required for more Fire Emblem games to be made.  Who knows what the new game will look like, keep an 'open mind', maybe they'll go throwback, maybe they'll do the Fates thing, or maybe they'll come out of left field and do something completely new.  But if enjoy the series, at least go in with idea that they have made 15 'good' games, games that you probably enjoyed a majority of.  So don't lose your temper over something that hasn't happened yet.

    I don't mind the idea of change, what I do mind are changes that are for the worse. The older games would've been more popular/sold more if NoA didn't do a terrible job marketing them outside of Japan. I am keeping an open mind, as I've said, I'm buying it used. Also, what makes you think I'm losing my temper? 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Thane said:

    1) vgchartz is unreliable.

    2) Just because it sold less doesn't mean it's a flop according to Nintendo, like I said. It sold through around 80% of its shipments in its first week in Japan.

    How is it unreliable? 

    It sold through 80% because they didn't ship many copies to stores. They weren't confident it would sell so that's why. 

    5 minutes ago, Thane said:

    Open minded fans preemptively assume the next installment will be bad without a shred of news?

    I said I would give it a chance, I just said I was getting it used. 

    5 minutes ago, Thane said:

    And vice versa. 

    Besides, why would they opt to make less money? 

    Because appealing to the people who actually plays these games works a lot better in the long run? 

    5 minutes ago, Thane said:

    And then look how different Echoes was. 

    I'll stop responding to you now because you're clearly just doing this for shits and giggles.

    How am I doing this just for shits and giggles? 

    "That doesn't explain how Fates was a critical failure. Please, in your own words tell me how Fates failed, critically. Also parroting that VGCharts isn't all that reliable."

    Okay, how about the fact that the main characters were all idiots, ESPECIALLY Corrin, the children mechanic was forced and had no purpose being there, the story in conquest and revelations being shit, the poor english voice acting, the god awful localization, too much casualization, pheonix mode, removal of any challenge, etc. Need I say more? 



  9. 1 minute ago, Thane said:

    We have no reason to believe Echoes was a flop in the eyes of Nintendo or Intelligent Systems. 

    http://www.vgchartz.com/game/154085/fire-emblem-echoes-shadows-of-valentia/ Now compare this to the sales of Fates and Awakening. 

    1 minute ago, Thane said:

    You're making a childish post with no real basis in our current knowledge of our game and you won't even explain your reasoning? Besides, most people here agree that Conquest has stellar gameplay.

    I didn't bother explaining why Fates was terrible because it's pretty much common knowledge amongst open minded FE fans at this point and I don't feel like typing a gigantic text wall. 

    2 minutes ago, Thane said:

    I'm flabbergasted by this comment. Even if we go by your logic, their "pandering to normies" increases the amount of money they make.

    Just because something is popular doesn't mean it's automatically good. 


    3 minutes ago, Thane said:


    You're doing anything but. My suggestion is that you relax, wait for news and make an informed decision later.

    Like I said, I don't have any news, but I do have history and facts on my side, and the history of Fates' success is what's going to influence the game. Just take a look at how Awakening influenced Fates and see how that turned out. 


    2 minutes ago, Florete said:

    Good for you. But I do wonder: What timeline are you from?

    What do you mean? 

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