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Everything posted by Hippoman

  1. ATTN: SpyKitty has just sent me a message with a list of his picks from most to least preferred because he will be gone from Serenes for a while, so I'll draft for him. He wants Lena.
  2. Is this the game where you have to go through all the trouble of talking to some thief like 3 times on 3 different maps, then she joins you and sucks?
  3. Ohhhhh boy. Berserk Druids... I remember the days of rushing Priscilla halfway across the map just to realize I took the wrong stave, and Heath is about to fly around murdering everyone around him. Good times... And by routes, do you mean there is a physical choice of which character to follow? I tried to read up without spoilering myself, all I know is not to use Orson spoiler wise. But branching promotions sounds like fun, and I'm pretty pumped for this one now. Alright, thanks everyone! Any general tips I should know?
  4. And it will be the last English FE I haven't played through. I know it has sort of a...stigma about it for being easy and...uh...not FireEmblemy, but it's 10 dollars and well I'm interested. I've done some research, but there are a few things I'd like to ask Serenes members who have played the game. 1. Seth is my Jeigan, right? Except, he's the best unit in the game? How is he compared to Titania. 2. Father and Son and Ghost Ship. These names keep coming up when people are talking about difficulty in this game. Are these like the Cog of Destiny/Elincia's Gambit/Victory or Death of this game, those incredibly annoying chapters that come up and blindside you?
  5. They do reuse the hair braiding one in FE12 with Navarre and Feena. And, I must admit, I enjoyed Lowen getting bitch slapped by Marcus.
  6. Hmm...we'll wait until about noon tomorrow, and if he hasn't picked, we'll just skip over him for now and let him get 2 picks later.
  7. OK, so my question is, is this game worth driving 75 miles to buy?
  8. It's noted in the thread in the first post.

  9. It's noted in the thread in the first post.

  10. FE7 is still my favorite, but I've never played FE8. In fact, outside of 2,4,5, and 6 (if Shadow Dragon and New Mystery count for 1 and 3) it's one of the few I haven't played. From what I can see, people are complaining it's too easy due to this Tower Of Valni, which is basically (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), an always accessible grinding spot to battle monsters. But you never HAVE to visit the tower, do you? This game actually looks interesting to me, and I remember (though it was a few years back) Amelia being hyped up as the best character in the game... Is she like Nino or Est or something, and has thus died out with the wave of low turncount runs? Basically, I'm saying that I actually really want to play ths one, regardless of easyness or whatever.
  11. Wendell and Navarre Spy's turn again.
  12. My turn Integrity. What's up with that, What's up with that?
  13. Your turn to pick in the draft

  14. Your turn to pick in the draft

  15. My fault, i meant to type your name Furetchen. Anyhow, Quint, you're up..
  16. And you're right Quint and Furetchen, up to P4 is fine if you don't plan on drafting Jeigan. 13th, your turn again.
  17. It's your turn to pick 2 units in the FE11 draft

  18. Quint, drafts aren't done yet XD. Youu have 10 more units to get. And yeah, Convoy/Trading is ok for everyone.
  19. It's your turn to draft BTW

  20. It's your turn to draft BTW

  21. You're right, I'll change that, which brings us down to 54 units, which means someone is going to have 10 units instead of 11 (Probably me). Whoever gets the last pick gets tiebraker priority. And yes, Eleven dice rolls. I'm all over the place today
  22. the Random Reclass Roundup draft tournament is officially underway.

  23. It's your turn to pick in the Random Reclass draft

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