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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. 460,000 feathers here, and 10,000 more coming from the TT. My +6 Cherche and +7 Caeda are both ready to be brought to +10. I'm waiting to see all of the info on the Wing Sword for Caeda to see if I want to change her nature. And Cherche, I'm just too lazy to get around to finishing her. Part of me wants to just keep saving them up to see how high I can get it, and the other part of me wants to drop over 200,000 feathers to +10 and fully build a Sakura or maybe Serra. If Basilikos is really good, I do have 11 Ravens sitting in my barracks... I really can't wait for this update to happen.
  2. Is it just me or is Gunntra's B-skill kinda broken? She has been absolutely tearing shit up in these TTs with it, and any time I face her in the Arena it's like she puts one of my units in "timeout" until I can kill her. It can be a real pain when I need that character to counter another dangerous threat. Final push for 200k begins today. My current score of 156,692 is only good for rank #589 as of right now. It is stupid how competitive this TT is. I feel like at least 175k would be needed to stay in the top 1000. They really need to expand the rewards for the crazy people like myself. Reward the people who are willing to put this much effort into it.
  3. Any reason why you picked the worst of the bunch? As far as building him goes, you might want to wait until whenever the Askr trio finally gets to upgrade their weapons. In the meantime, a low investment build of Swordbreaker and repo/draw back should work just fine.
  4. I believe they had a +Spd refine or none at all. Even still, 10 damage is nothing from the most threatening enemy on the map. Even if there is no fortification tile, I have spur and rally support so he can handle axes anyway. The only enemy that poses even a slight threat is Windsweep Amelia. And that is why I run a red unit.
  5. It's great when Marisa will run toward a green like Arthur, and then Fjorm or Lancina will reposition her behind them, and then die on the enemy phase because Emerald Axe and Lancebreaker. Healers at the very least should prioritize healing over attacking. My Bride Lyn will run off by herself to attack something while one of her teammates is in the single digits. And then she will get surrounded and killed on the Enemy phase. Not even Miracle is enough to bail her out.
  6. Since you plan on going to +10 and will probably have a team of +10s you should know that there aren't many mages in the +10 meta. A +Res Berkut's Lance and +Res nature would only really help against dragons. I run Steady Breath, QR, Threaten Atk (Atk smoke would be best) Close Defense seal with Bonfire on a +Def/-Spd Lukas with a Def refined Slaying Lance. This build allows him to win every match-up against Swords, Lances, and even Axes. Bows and daggers just tink off him allowing you to finish them on the Player Phase. With a Defense tile he can reach an effective Defense stat of well over 80, which is basically invincibility against physical attackers. I've seen Moonbows from high Atk Axes do 0 damage. TA 3 Minerva - 0 damage. When I go into an Arena battle and I see all physical attackers and defense tiles, I just march Lukas forward and have everyone else stay back. I don't even need to check enemy stats. It is just a brain dead stupidly easy win. Personally, I prefer to have a hyper-specialized Defensive tank Lukas, and then build the rest of my team around him to deal with the mages and Green Dragons. I feel that the Berkut's Lance build is better suited for other Lance users. If you have a specific team composition in mind though, don't let me persuade you away from that. @Vaximillian sadly I haven't gotten around to playing Echoes yet so I don't know what options there are for Celica. All I know is that she can use swords.
  7. I can say from experience that +10 Lukas is quite good when built right and he will not disappoint. My guess is that Surtr will abandon her at some point when she fails to get the job done and she will become a character to sympathize with. I would bet my entire life savings that none of those will happen. Ephraim on a horse with Reginleif makes a lot of sense. Veronica will most likely stay green. It seems that Hector's only logical choice is Swords at this point. Which leaves colorless to Celica. A super OP staff would be a welcomed addition, imo. A lot of people think that Ephraim will have Garm because of the new Eirika, but Garm!Ephraim would come from a similar banner and would have most likely been planned already. The CYL Ephraim very well could be our 3rd Ephraim in the game. People just want the bad guys to be playable. When they saw that she was like 5th or 6th at the halfway point, lots of people apparently jumped on that bandwagon.
  8. IKR? Even if it was just literally mashing all over the screen with zero skill involved. As long as it was filled with all of their roaring and lots of chomping sounds, I feel like it would be better than the rhythm game.
  9. Mine doesn't even last 2 hours with the brightness all the way down. It will die on standby in 8-10 hours. I really need to get a new one, but I spend too much on heroes. Hopefully we will get a slow stretch where I won't want to do many summons. Score of 60,088 is good for rank #476 right now. I hope to be between 70-80k by the end of the day. There was a severe drop-off after I hit 50k. It seems lots of people went for the quick rush to get all the rewards and are now going much more slowly.
  10. LOL, instead of the rhythm game they should have made a mode where all of the loli dragons ate their enemies. "Hungry Hungry Lolis"
  11. Yeah, but that is only 1000 more to gain. If this was SS based I would have had like 5-6 units all below 500.
  12. I feel like they need to make sense in some way. The first one had a theme where they all emulated their fathers and they were weapons they could use in their games. Hector is the big question mark here for me. Who is going to be the colorless one of the bunch?
  13. I feel ya. My phone is basically plugged in 24/7 unless I leave the house. I have a 6 foot (2 meter) extension cord so that I'm not forced to be right next to a wall. Man, all of you who hit 50k already. All you need to do is average like half of that per day and top 1000 is pretty likely. Unless the competitiveness of this TT hits an absurd all time high. I topped off Spring Xander and Ayra since they already had 3000 HM. Fjorm and Bride Lyn will be maxing out at the same time, and PA!Azura will be able to take over the 40% role after them. Marisa is just as great as Joshua was for his, but I won't be +1-ing her. Brave Lucina is nice with the Drive Def seal. I wish a lot of my bonus units didn't already have 3000 HM.
  14. Veronica is meh to me. I feel like she was going to get in eventually. Now they have to come up with a whole different version of her. Possibly non-infantry seeing as all of the 1st CYL characters were big departures from their vanilla selves. I am really excited about Celica and Ephraim. I voted for Ephraim after I saw he was in the top 2 at the half way point. Hector I like, but didn't really want a CYL version. So like the 1st CYL, there will probably be 1 unit of each color. I'm predicting Celica with a sword. Ephraim on a horse with a Lance. Veronica with a green tome, probably non-infantry. Hector as our 1st Armored dagger unit?
  15. Ok, that ice on the final map is really misleading. We should all complain in the feedback and maybe we can get 5 free orbs or something. LOL, Enemy Lyn just did 100 damage with an Astra proc to my TA Cecilia.
  16. What the hell, here I was getting Myrrh and the others ready thinking it was going to be SS related. Now I need to make up teams and all of that stuff. Ugh, at least they are all good bonus units. The new seals are fine. Poison strike shenanigans can be cool. And drives are a bit under rated. I wonder what the upgrade cost will be for it.
  17. I swear, Radiant Aether had better be locked to Vanguard Ike.
  18. LOL, they had to put Ike on a Defense tile to survive the Black Luna.
  19. V!ike loses 1 HP and 1 Spd but gains 1Atk and 3 DEF and 3 RES. With +Res nature He will have very nice magical bulk. Plus, Dragons are so meta right now, Warding breath is going to shake everything up.
  20. Her or Linde. I missed out on my opportunity to get more Elises last month and Linde is the one unit I still don't have.
  21. Well I know @Anacybele is going to be extremely happy. I don't care at all about the tap game. I just really hope there are no rewards or quests for it. Free orbs and 5* units are always nice. But I was hoping there would be a little bit more.
  22. Anna says "You might catch a glimpse of me in this episode!" New Askr trio weapon upgrades? Or some way to finally promote them? Or maybe an alternate Anna is the next Legendary hero??
  23. Wow, Jeorge was my very first 5* unit. And I got quite a few Cordelias when I was still F2P. I didn't pull any Ravens, Ogmas, or Peris until after they swapped the 3* and 4* appearance rates. I'm still convinced that certain characters have higher odds of appearing on certain days.
  24. Here we are almost a full year in. Are there any OG units that you guys just haven't managed to pull in your entire time of playing? Maybe it is a more common unit who is available at 4* as well as 5*. Maybe a 3* or 4* unit that just seems to have evaded you? After finally getting Y!Tiki about a month ago the only unit that has been here since the very beginning that I haven't gotten is Linde. During the Mages VG I pulled quite a bit trying for her and I got two 5* Nowis instead which led to me promoting a good boon/bane Nowi and going all in on her until I got my 1st 5*+10 unit. Even now, Linde still has an amazing stat spread despite all of the powercreeping that has happened. And with the Dark Aura upgrade she received she is only better than ever. I'm a medium sized whale so I'm quite surprised by how many non-focus blues I have gotten and yet still no Linde. As far as Non-seasonal units go, Saber is the only other unit that has been around for awhile that I have yet to get. Mia never came to me on her banner, but it hasn't been too long since she came, and New Eirika will be gotten in time to use her for the TT. I've pulled two 5* and like 20 4* Reinhardts and still don't have one with +Atk.
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