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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Holy shit, I have been grinding like crazy and I finally broke the top 1000. 137,761 is rank #999 People are going nuts for the top 1000 in this TT. At the current rate it is going to take quite a bit more than 20k per day to stay in the top 1000. For normal TTs, 20k per day is way more than enough.
  2. 90,547 is rank #2287 right now. After an extremely poor start, I am now much more motivated to grind. Vanilla Camilla with the 3 bonus flyers has been doing well. Hinoka will be reaching 4k HM soon so I can start using other units after that.
  3. When I signed up here I originally wanted Tibarn but it was already taken. I can support rallying behind Tibarn. Both he and Ranulf would be nice to see. I would rather see Laguz and other beasts introduced with a massive update that adds a whole bunch of 3* and 4* units as well, all at once.
  4. Ah, thanks. Why couldn't the english also be that way? I kinda like it like that.
  5. I want this so badly. I hoped for Myrrh on the 1st SS banner. She is so needed. Dragons in general are way too scarce, and Fae can't keep going on as the only green dragon. I'm hoping Myrrh gets the special unit boosted BST as well.
  6. Dark Excalibur and Dark Aura exist so I could see him being any color, but red seems to be the likely choice. Built-in CC would be amazing. Boosted BST with an extremely low Spd stat would also be cool for him. Like a powercreeped Sophia/Henry.
  7. As other have mentioned, Bold Fighter with Quick Riposte is going to make some units extremely difficult to deal with. In the almost entirely physical melee meta of the land of +10's, +Def/-Res - Steady Breath - Bold Fighter - Quick Riposte - Zelgius is going to be an absolute nightmare to deal with. Pretty much anything but TA Nowi is going to have to eat a Black Luna unless they run Guard. I can see Guard getting used quite a bit more just to deal with that build. Quick Riposte is so good for a seal, and Def Ploy is pretty great too.
  8. Not gonna sugar coat anything here. Your tier list is absolutely terrible, and it shows that you lack knowledge and experience with this game. Check out some LTC playthroughs and some drafts of this game. You can learn a lot.
  9. More than 200k for the top 1000 has been pretty normal for the past few TTs. The scores have been inflating a bit with each one though. I really hate how there is always a heavy push on the last day. Last TT pushed me out of the top 1000 when I thought I was safe. Yesterday I was around rank 300. Before doing my 3x runs today I had fallen all the way to rank 700. I had to build a super team tonight to auto-battle Lunatic 7 so that I can ensure myself a top 1000 finish. +10 Nowi with Summoner support and TT bonuses has so much stats.
  10. Lol, my cousin was one of the people getting slammed though a table in the videos that were shown on Sportscenter. The Bills v Jags game was really weird for me. I wasn't nearly as stressed out as I thought I would be, probably because there weren't many scores in the game. Even though I expected to lose the game, it was a bit depressing in the end because it felt like the Bills were in control of the game right up until the Jags touchdown. The Jags Defense was really impressive, but I think these two teams were a lot closer than people thought. The Bills definitely had some plays to be made that ultimately ended with dropped balls, undisciplined penalties, slight overthrows, dropped interceptions, and the unfortunate playcalling that led to the field goal as opposed to the touchdown they should have gotten had they just run the ball a few times from the 1 yard line. Doug Marrone is still a disgustingly conservative coach (shout out to that 22 yard punt), and Blake Bortles is quite awful at throwing a football. I could throw a football that cuts through the wind since I was 14. There is no excuse for an NFL Quarterback to not be able to throw in windy conditions. this
  11. How are your scores so low? Just doing the 3 runs per day for the daily rewards should get you to 50k no problem. Add in the fact that TTs are an extremely efficient form of leveling and SP farming, 5-7k per day should be extremely easy to manage. Even with only 20% units. I will be ending tonight between 190-200k.
  12. On Team Lissa, I went up against an Olivia, Azura, and NY!Azura once. I seriously think that people try to troll their own team sometimes. Personally, I will never set a dancer as my lead unit because they are only good when you build a team around them, and I don't like screwing people over.
  13. Nowi is actually pretty fantastic. After getting two non-focus 5* versions of her, I decided to begin the process of promoting 4*s and merging her up to 5* +10. I run a jack-of-all-trades build on her with a +Res forge - Rally Def/Res - Aether - TA3 - Bowbreaker 3 - Spur Def/Res 2 - and either Atk ploy seal or panic ploy seal. With an S-supported unit who runs Rally Def/Res she can do just about anything aside from taking on greens. She deletes all reds, handles all bows, and can even tank Reinhardts and other blues. And with her Rally and Spur Def/Res she can provide excellent support for any situation.
  14. Y'all need to take a look at who is ranked #2 on Team Lissa. It's fucking hilarious. #38 is pretty cool too.
  15. You might want to get your eyes checked then. The ball is 100% touching the ground in that still. Lol, this is hilarious - http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/bills-fans-donate-andy-daltons-charitable-foundation/story?id=52153148 Apparently Bills fans have donated over $300,000 to Andy Dalton's Charity with most of the donations being in $17 increments. Is it just me or is this week going by extremely slow?
  16. My point was simply that he secured the catch before he crossed the line. "Securing the ball all the way through going to the ground" only applies when the momentum of making the catch brings you to the ground. The Steelers player caught the ball, pulled the tip of the ball into his chest, then turned and dove to reach the ball over the goal line. He established himself as a runner, therefore the ball coming out when he hits the ground shouldn't matter. Like I said, I only saw a couple replays right before the Bills and Patriots game. I never saw the play in full speed or from multiple angles. But from what I saw, I immediately thought that it should have been ruled a TD. edit - After watching it some more, I see that he was falling to the ground while making the catch. Dummy should have just held the ball tighter... I must have gotten some other play stuck in my head that I am mixing together with this one.
  17. Idk, I only saw those replays a couple times a week later, but it looked like a good catch to me. He caught it while facing the Qb, pulled it into his body for a split second while turning towards the endzone, and then he dove across the line. Looked like a "football move" to me. After pulling the ball to his chest he should have "become a runner" and then at that point the second the ball crossed the line the play is over. Touchdown. You wanna talk about some real bullshit though, Kelvin Benjamin's TD getting called back was crap. Call on the field was a touchdown and there certainly wasn't any conclusive evidence to overturn the call. That's because Robert Kraft was negotiating with the refs about how much money it would take to get the refs to overturn it. Same thing happened when Kelvin Benjamin's catch got overturned.
  18. Well Chrom will have the multiplier for the rest of round 1. If anyone has all of their flags saved still you could easily make the top 50 if you plan out your spending. Holy crap, there is actually a chance for Chrom to pull out a win.
  19. 17 straight seasons missing the playoffs is a big deal for the fans of a sports team. For me, it has been 13 seasons since I started following football. After watching a 9-7 team win the Superbowl, a plethora of 8-8 teams make the playoffs, and even a 7-9 team get a home game and win in the playoffs, I finally get to watch my 1st ever game with the Bills in the playoffs. We could lose 49-0 and it wouldn't matter. As far as opponents go, the Jaguars are probably the best team for us to go up against. They won only 1 more game than we did and their schedule was one of the easiest of any team. There should be a surprising number of Bills fans at the game so the home crowd advantage won't be so great for the Jags. And the most important factor is that the Jags have two people associated with them named Doug Marrone and Blake Bortles. Marrone is a poor coach and Bortles didn't suddenly become good this year. Kudos to the Jags for having a good season and snapping their own playoff drought, but I'm still not sold on them. I think they just captured lightning in a bottle like the Raiders did last year. Not to put a damper on them but they will have to go against a healthy Andrew Luck and Deshaun Watson twice each next year. Seeing the playoff match-up graphic on my TV screen with the Bills on it literally put tears in my eyes.
  20. Big talk from a fan of a team with a 3 year playoff drought. At this point you would love a 1st round exit wouldn't you. sorry I had to Real talk though, I don't even know how to feel right now. Could some of you perennial playoff fans explain this stuff to me? For the first time in my life I was rooting for the Bengals and holy shit was that last drive intense. "4th and 12" will forever be referenced among Bills fans from now on.
  21. Nice, I have a lot of options with Rhajat, Olwen, Sophia, and Genny as bonus units.
  22. A little over 95k through 5 days. That's more than 19k per day and hopefully I can pick up that pace on my days off. Seriously? There is a VG coming soon?
  23. I'm afraid you just had terrible luck with them. I have yet to do many pulls on this one, but the last banner got me 6 Bride Caedas, 5 or 6 Fjorms and 0 Spring Xanders. You could say that I just had good luck, but I planned to stop pulling blues once I got a Caeda and Xander and stupid Xander never came. Now I have to hope(?) he comes back again in the future.
  24. Wow, I usually don't mix those up. I guess I should be going to sleep now.
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