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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Well the only unit I really want here is Azura for the flying dancer. The others look a bit underwhelming. I really hope I don't need to spend too many orbs to get them all. The other banners are calling for my orbs as well.
  2. These winter units are stupidly good with the TT boosts. My goal is to maintain a 20K per day pace but I have severely fallen off of that pace as of late. My phone's battery life has taken a shit so I can't even auto-battle while doing other things for too long without having to plug it in. It will take a little more than 15k per day to make the cut for top 1000. 17.5k per day should be plenty, but I want 20k to give myself a nice cushion so I can coast through the last couple days. At the beginning of the last TT I spent flags to bring my Lukas to 5* +10 which brought me down to 50k. I haven't spent any since and I am now closing in on 300k feathers. And if I continue to gain them the same as last time I should hit 400k by the end of this TT. Now I just need to figure out what to spend them on.
  3. You're definitely right. I fought Whistle's defense team once and it showed a different unit than the one it shows on the AA leaderboard.
  4. So, I just noticed that while doing auto-battle runs, my armors will group together on turn 1 on the maps that they are separated on to get armor march on all of them. Have they always acted this intelligently?
  5. I'm kinda pissed that I just pulled like hell on the Amelia + Tana bound hero banner for a +10 Amelia. I have every one of these except for Gunthra. Getting more Elises or Bride Lyns would be really nice though and I really like all of the red units so I will probably pull a bunch on this but not nearly as much as the last one. 5 days. Just like the last one.
  6. Threaten Spd and Iote's shield were surprising enough, but Heavy blade really shocked me. It's only a matter of time before some impressive builds emerge that can utilize it. The description says that only one skill will be applied with similar effects so Heavy blade and Blazing Durandal obviously won't stack, but will Heavy blade stack with Bold Fighter or Vengeful Fighter? What about Heavy blade with Ayra's sword/Mia's A-skill?
  7. doesn't really exist in the +10 meta. Ranged cavalry units don't get built---because they are fucking terrible for arena scoring. @Hilda that Ayra build is really disgusting. Makes me glad that I run TA3 Nowi and a super defense Lukas.
  8. His tree is actually really good. Overall it gives more stats than Berkut's Lance does and it can be forged as well I believe.
  9. + 3 would be Def and then back around to HP. Based on the rest of your post it appears you know this but just made an error while typing. Effie with a Brave Lance+ can run Galeforce and be a true nightmare for people who aren't paying attention. @silveraura25 I don't think LnD and Renewal works well with anyone. Maybe it could get by in TTs or other multibattle modes, but Lucina isn't extremely tanky and the lower defenses would mean that just about anything would 2HKO her. Fury 3 is a much better option as Renewal and Falchion can keep up with the HP loss from Fury.
  10. go with -Def. There are some units even slower than her that she will be able to double. Defense doesn't really do anything for her at all. No CC means she will just be blocking stuff with her face and bows are either fast enough to double or run Brave which will kill her first regardless.
  11. Defense tiles are the best. In the +10 meta, Mages are really rare so whenever I see 4 melee units and defense tiles I know that my +10 Steady Breath, QR, Close def seal Lukas is completely invincible. I just had him tank and kill a TA3 Minerva, LOL.
  12. Dammit, I have the spare fodder for both of these builds. They are both equally dangerous and could probably rack up a ton of Defense wins, but I do prefer to do my killing on the Enemy phase. The point about the 5150+ score range not having any mages is so true though. My Steady Breath Lukas has been basically invincible. +Res for Amelia would give her her highest BST but it would be wasted for Arena play since there aren't many if any mages to deal with. Galeforce would make a Bold fighter build even more disgusting. Damn, my only +Atk is -Def. I think I would rather run the Brave/Bold Build with My +Atk/-Spd Effie since it fits her stat spread better. And that way I can give her Galeforce and Brave Lance + with just 1 Cordelia. And now I'm right back to not knowing what to do with Amelia.
  13. Anyone have an opinion on the best Nature for Amelia? The more input the better. I just got the last remaining copies I needed to +10 her and I am torn between the +Spd/-Hp that I have been running, and the +Res/-Spd that i'm thinking about switching to. Every Amelia I see is +Spd/-Res, and to be honest, not too hard to deal with. Windsweep is apparently really common on her now and that is a build that I'm not interested in running. If I stick with +SPD, I don't know how I would build her aside from the DC that I have already inherited to her. On the +Res/-Spd build I would run an upgraded Slaying axe (+def) - (double) rally - Aether - DC - Vengeful Fighter - (flexible) - Panic ploy seal/other
  14. Christmas Tharja is like Sophia on steroids, so her best build is probably the Raven tome build. With her better stats and amazing B-skill she can probably get away with not running TA3 to screw over people running cancel affinity. With how armor emblem works, She could probably make really good use of the owl tome, but that is a bit more rare.
  15. There is a fine line for me with LTC strats, and this one is far beyond that line. LOL. Stat rigging isn't completely mandatory. The most important stat rigging is having Nessie and Seth with a combined 30 Str for Chapter 8. As a result Nessie will have the necessary Str for the Chapter 7 clear. I believe average or slightly above average stats will work for every chapter before then. I did my test run on an actual cartridge after all. Franz doesn't need too much rigging. Horace fed most boss kills to Seth, but it is possible to have Eirika get the Prologue boss kill (burn like 100 ish RNs), and it is possible to feed the Chapter 1 boss to Franz. If you compare Horace's turncount to DonDon's 0% growths turncounts you will see how much of a difference having extra stats really makes. Early on, it isn't too much of a difference.
  16. 4 more armors and still no new dragons since Ninian. I really like Tharja's art, and lingerie is a really common Christmas gift (in this case it is a gift for Robin *wink* *wink*). Her skillset is great too. Definitely my most wanted. Chrom and Lissa share a color, boo. An armored healer would have been cool. With the new buff to healers, I wouldn't mind seeing a new healer get introduced. Robin is one of my least favorite characters. Probably because I absolutely hated the Avatar in Awakening. Those new armor only skills seem pretty over-powered. Vengeful fighter is just a super version of Quick Riposte. Amelia will be absolutely ridiculous with it. All of the super whales in the top 1000 are going to be using these skills a lot. Can't wait to see their stats. Santa Hector would be cool design wise, but I feel like he would just be another Armored Axe unit just like his Vanilla self. Anyone else think that there is going to be a 2nd holiday banner just like they did with Summer? This one being only 2 weeks long, and kinda early in the month makes me think so.
  17. Sorry, I'm talking about team sizes. Ignoring multipliers.
  18. Yes, like I said, this was the closest finals in a VG yet. Most likely due to the fact that the 1% multiplier takes away the existence of a clear winner to bandwagon to. Tharja V Robin was something between 60:40 and 65:35 iirc. I wasn't saying that Tharja was guaranteed to win because of her larger team, just that she had the clear cut advantage because of it.
  19. Candlelight's AoE effect is probably the greatest fuck you to enemy phase teams. It can make any weapon a firesweep weapon. As someone who focuses on killing stuff on the enemy phase, all of the no-counter weapons and skills are a pain for me. Staves are especially annoying to deal with lately. There are some speedy and bulky healers out there that can't be easily 1RKOed
  20. So you would prefer that the larger team always wins? Did you enjoy the first two gauntlets? Or have you disliked every one of them? In that case it is just you, among others, who just don't like the game mode. And that is fine. The VG is fun for two reasons for me. One, we get free feathers out of it, and two, we get to use other peoples (hopefully OP) units. Regardless of the multipliers, Shanna did something that no underdog has ever done before. There is no excuse for Takumi. 10 straight hours is way more than enough time to take and/or keep a lead.It is very different from a multiplier coming in the final hour. The multiplier changing to 1% has been successful in getting people to choose their favorites as opposed to just bandwagoning for the 500 bonus feathers. It is the sole reason for why Team Tharja and Team Sigurd were so close in size. It also fixes the problem that the larger teams got screwed out of bonus hours and thus destroying their total ranking. Before I would try to plan out which teams to start with and then switch to to maximize my feather gains. Now it is just a matter of picking my favorites and making sure I spend my flags during the plethora of bonuses. It is never going to be perfect for everyone, but it is definitely at it's best now.
  21. I don't care about whether it was legit or not. That is a subject opinion that varies from person to person. But I will say that I think it was a fair win. Multipliers be damned, the end result was that the scores were basically even with 10 hours to go (Takumi actually had a lead and just had to stall it out) and the underdog was able to come out on top with a very impressive showing of force. It was pretty clear that Team Shanna had more loyal/active members who were ready to go in the final hours. Is it better for the larger team to win every time, or is it better for the team with the best fans to earn the win? I was on Team Shanna and I fully expected Takumi to turn it up and bury us in the final 2 hours. Seeing those 500 bonus feathers was one of the most exciting/hype moments for me in the history of this game.
  22. I use my highest 5* merged units for the first map. two +10s a +8 and a +7. The later fights aren't so bad because you can view your opponents and build a perfect counter team. Having about 100 4* and 5* units trained up to choose from helps out. Try to only use 1 or 2 of your best 5* units after the first map so you have more for later. 4* Gem weapon units like Arthur are great counters and can round out a team well. 4* Gordin with his base kit can be a good counter to flying units, etc. Save your dancers for when you really need them and definitely plan on using your items if you have to. Sometimes you can get away with only using 1 or 2 defensive with healer support if there are defensive tiles.
  23. Seriously?? That really sucks. I was going to watch that playthrough again too.
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