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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Ok, I remember adding you now. I never got or get your lead unit in any gauntlets unfortunately. Ironically, for this gauntlet, I kept getting someone else's Lukas who had a much worse and significantly less fun build for him. I kept throwing him at stuff and I would get extremely confused when the enemies were still alive on the next player phase before I realized that it wasn't my Lukas.
  2. Got the top rewards for Arena and AA again this week. Arena score is up to 5150+ and AA was around 5166. Usually I used Julia for a Reinhardt counter, but after upgrading Nowi's weapon with +Res she can do that too now. Plus I don't see many Reins lately. It's a vast majority of 1 range attackers and my Steady Breath, QR Lukas laughs at them. I run +10 Nowi, +10 Lukas, +8 Ike and +7 Ayra. I was really surprised and happy to see Ayra in the bonus unit pool. I just wish I had Gotten Ike and/or Ayra t +10 when we had the Legendary hero banner. I thought I had an extra day... I got a question for anyone with a good opinion/knowledge on the subject. I have enough Amelias to go to +5 right now and I'm hoping to get her to +10 when she comes back on another banner. I currently use a +Spd/-Hp variant with DC and Vantage, but I am heavily considering switching to a +Res/-Spd with DC,and QR. +Res is +4 and thus gives her the highest potential BST for her and would allow her to be a really effective all around tank. Especially with full armor team buffs/wards. The +Spd however, has it's merits too as it makes her stoopid fast for an Armor. These are her two best natures, imo, but I cant really decide which one I want to go with. Are there any specific match-ups I should know about? I'm leaning toward the +Res build as it fits my playstyle more.
  3. I personally tested the Exp thresholds in the early game and theory crafted an optimal LTC playthough with another user here several years back. General Horace then apparently read my mind and did an actual LTC run along with videos of every chapter. You should search for them, he is a great LTC player. There are a few things I would do slightly different to maximize Exp gains, but they ultimately don't make any difference. Certain stat rigging is necessary for achieving stat thresholds, but not only is it possible to get Franz and Nessie to Lv 10 by the start of Chapter 8, it is neccessary in order to clear Chapter 8 while getting the Elysian Whip in 5 turns as Franz must be promoted. Nessie and Seth need to have a combined STR of 30 in order to break the wall with 1 silver lance and 1 javelin swing. And Nessie needs a bunch of STR for the Chapter 7 clear anyway. Kyle and Forde are going to be way behind Franz at that point and Franz's lower starting Lv allows him to potentially have much higher stats. Seriously, check out Horace's LTC playthrough. The total turncount is something like 67-70. Eirika route.
  4. What the hell, Why did team Sigurd score so much in the 2nd last hour?? Just ~75 million fewer points and Sigurd would have been behind far enough to get the bonus. Too many people panicked and spent their flags. Haha, nice. I didn't know if anyone here had me as a friend. I'm really proud of my Lukas. He's so much fun to use in the Arena. I usually position him so that the enemy Swords and Lances get the defense boost from the fort tiles and Lukas just mows them down while taking 0 damage in return. Are you the one with the +4 or 5 Narcian as your lead? Personally, I felt the Shanna V Takumi match-up replaced the Chrom V Ephraim match-up for the best yet. This one just had the closest team size. The last 10 hours of Shanna V Takumi were super epic. Despite having a significantly smaller team size, Shanna was able to outscore Takumi down the stretch and hold onto her lead without any help from the multiplier. This match-up with Tharja and Sigurd had absolutely no shock value. It was known very early that Tharja would win unless Sigurd happened to have a last hour bonus. Sure, it came close to happening but the only time Sigurd ever scored more than Tharja at neutral was the very first hour and that was by less than 3 million. Everyone knew that Sigurd would lose unless he got a final hour bonus and that held true. Just like everyone knew Shanna wasn't supposed to be able to win without a final hour bonus as well, but she completely surprised everyone.
  5. If Tharja keeps push like she has the past couple hours, then Sigurd will get a last hour multiplier and win. Hopefully Sigurd doesn't score too much in this post multiplier hour.
  6. Ok, I'm starting to see what everyone is talking about with Team Sigurd. After switching I get nothing but red units. At least I'm not getting 3 Sigurds but still, 1 TA3 blue and I'm done. Anyone on team Sigurd who wants my Lukas can add me. I'm going to delete some of these dummies on my list.
  7. I have a +10 Nowi who is +atk/-Hp. I run her with Rally Def/Res - Aether - TA 3 - Bowbreaker 3 - Spur Def/Res 2, and I recently upgraded her Lightning Breath with +4 Res. She can literally do anything except fight greens. TA 3 makes her invincible to reds. Bowbreaker allows her to remove those pesky Brave Lyns and Bridellias. And the Spur and Rally allows her to defensively support anyone in any situation. With the weapon upgrade she can actually tank Reinhardts now too, and it lets her run either Atk ploy 3 or Panic ploy 3 seals. Aether is just for higher Arena scores.
  8. It still has it's uses for specific builds. It just isn't great for arena scoring. That's one of the reasons why I taught my Lukas Steady breath instead. Fury is definitely something you would rather have instead. As long as you are relying on Bonfire or Ignis proc for dealing damage, Fortress Def will work fine.
  9. Fortress Def is only worth 160 SP. It isn't a good skill for Arena scoring.
  10. Darn. If Team Dorcas had gotten the bonus 1 hour earlier orlater we would have won.
  11. Team Dorc-ass needs to stop trying to hold onto the lead. I don't care who wins the match-up. I just want a multiplier to spend my flags on dammit.
  12. Nice, I really like that build. What is that, +Spd/-Def? I have a +2 +Atk/-Res Clair that I haven't really done much with in terms of skill inheritance. Berkut's Lance is like super good among the non-legendary weapons.
  13. HAHAHA, Team Meme King for the win! If you all know what is good for you, you will join Team Dorc-ass. I have a +10 Luk-ass that I will let you use for joining the team. 59 Def on Enemy Phase... Beats all Swords and Lances, and most Axes too... Arrows just bounce off him... Heroes ID in my signature.
  14. I keep getting a friends Luk-ass and I keep trying to play him the same way I play mine... Mine is better. He makes stuff super dead.
  15. Time to delete some so-called "friends" Almost went with Sigurd but I figured the meme-king was the best candidate. Anyone on team Dorc-ass can add me for my +9 Steady Breath, Quick Riposte, Bonfire Luk-ass. Dude has 59 Defense on the enemy phase. Code is in my signature. fun fact: Dorc-ass and Luk-ass are the only 2 units in this game whose names end with "as". I checked because I wanted to make an -ass team. Sadly, I cannot.
  16. 95% of the combat in this game is and should be done on the enemy phase. Staves can only be used on the player phase. And... ^ because of this, staff users should be swinging their staves on every single turn. They might get 2-3HKO'd but they face abysmally low hitrates. The player is also assumed to be intelligent enough to use dracoshields and Angelic robes when they can significantly increase a units survivability. Useful, not even close to essential. A 2nd staff user however is essential for some of the later chapters LTC clears so using them is definitely recommended. Because people make tier lists despite not knowing a game very well. Neimi is easily better than 10-12 other characters in this game. Slow start and all. The thing is that if Seth prevents Franz from ever becoming anything special then Garcia doesn't have a chance in hell of doing anything worthwhile. However on an optimal LTC run, it is best to use Seth basically only for boss kills or anytime that it is absolutely necessary. Overusing Seth in the beginning can actually cause for a lower total turncount than a Sethless LTC run can achieve. It is perfectly possible to make it to Chapter 8 with Seth having gained 4+ Lvs and both Franz and Vanessa at Lv 10 or higher. Garcia isn't doing squat in this scenario. Hell, Eirika can even solo the first 8 Chapters pretty well. Garcia really doesn't do a whole lot even when the team composition is limited. His greatest contribution is probably helping to break walls in Chapter 3. He won't be fast enough to double and secure 1RKO's so he will just clog up the frontlines if you try to have him lead the way for Eirika. Gerik can contribute regardless of team composition and he will never be a liability. The difference between Garcia and Gerik is that Garcia is completely unable to do anything worthwhile and Gerik is able to do things, but he just isn't necessary to do them.
  17. Shit, I fell out of the top 1000. I wish I didn't have to go to work with 3 hours left. I'm really mad at myself because I was on pace for 300,000 but then the update happened. Fjorm and the Legendary banner took up too much of my time. Looking around, it seems I fell out by only a couple thousand points too. Like one stamina potion worth. All in all I have 130,000 more feathers now than I did 2 weeks ago when the TT started. I want to +10 someone with all these feathers, but I'm not sure who to do. Probably a green. Titania with DC from one of the spare Hectors I got is always an option. Or maybe a sick CC Boey build. I do have like 20 4*s of him. One of them is bound to have an ideal nature.
  18. Dammit, I thought the banner was ending today. I wanted to do some more pulls. And I think I left a 9% pity rate on the board too.
  19. as of right now I am rank 1001 with a score of 189k. I really need to step it up. I slacked off too much when Fjorm came. I was in the top 200-300 before.
  20. I wish. I totally would. That's 10%. Which is 25% better than average luck. With the pity percent increase, one can expect to get 5* units at a better than 8% rate as long as they have a large enough volume of pulls.
  21. I've gotten 5 Fjorms and 6 Caedas and still no Xanders. I just want one of that piece of crap so I can quit pulling on blues. Other than no Xanders my luck has been incredibly good.
  22. Haha, that's awesome. They did an amazing job with Joshua in this game. I'm surprised no one else has noticed or mentioned this.
  23. It started out rough for me but after ~900 orbs my luck definitely shifted towards the better. Didn't get my 1st 5* until my rate was 11%. And had a point in the middle where it got up to 12.5%. 21 5* units in all, so not too bad. Probably gonna do another large summon session later. 0 Ikes - 5 Ayras - 3 Celicas - Kinda upset cause I want a +10 red unit and my Ike is already +6. Now Ayra is also +6 and Celica can potentially go to +4, but I might want the Distant defense fodder. 0 S!Xanders - 2 B!Caedas - 3 Fjorms - My plan was to get 1 of each Xander and Caeda and then stop pulling blues altogether. I've gotten really lucky with the Fjorms and a great +Atk/-Def Caeda, but I would actually like to get Xander and be done with the blues. 0 Hectors - 1 Bunnymilla - 3 Deirdres - I finally got Camilla so I can be done with pulling greens, but I wouldn't mind having more Hector fodder and I like Deirdre. 0 Bridellias - 1 Brave Lyn - 3 Gennys - Again, going for a +10 colorless. Genny could potentially be +6 and Lyn is now +5. The Bridellia I have has 0 merges.
  24. If you plan to use the healer for actual fighting, you probably want them to have both abilities at once, so it is best to upgrade the weapon with Dazzling because the Wrathful staff skill is actually available to be pulled from Gennys. If you are using a healer solely for the debuffing aspects and you plan on running a B-skill that isn't Wrathful or Dazzling staff, then you would want the Dazzling staff option. A healer like Azama would fall in this category. Obviously Bride Lyn already has the Dazzling staff skill so she would want Wrathful on her weapon. If you somehow had a healer with enough attack to just outright kill everything, you would want Wrathful on the weapon so you could free up room to use another B-skill. Yes, it is the same as learning any other skill. You're not actually changing the weapon into a different form, you are just learning a more powerful "skill" that you equip. You can in fact learn every single version, but that would require a ton of resources that aren't currently highly available.
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