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Silver-Haired Maiden

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Everything posted by Silver-Haired Maiden

  1. Sorry that it took me a bit to get back to everyone! Thanks for the explanation of SMT to those that answered me, I'll have to look into it. Is it a fun game to play? I know I mentioned Okami in my initial post, but for anyone interested in Japanese mythology and legends who hasn't played it, it's super good (and you get to play as a wolf, that's always a plus). One creature that hasn't been mentioned that I've always loved is the Phoenix. Just like dragons are awesome, so is a giant fire bird and I wish they were used more. Hey, I'd be okay with that! xD The Romans are wild though. I find myself concerned about the ancient Greeks but the ancient Romans are just as bad. Why brooms of all things? ... then again there are several ancient cultures that have things that like that are funny to read about.
  2. BotW Sequel Trailer or RIOT! But no really, can I please get the BotW sequel trailer? Please Nintendo? Please? I promise it's one of the only games I'm actually looking forward to in the future.
  3. Oh that's interesting! I'll be honest, demonology is one of the few things I tend to avoid in general but that's interesting. I suppose it also makes sense then why one of Byleth's monikers in game is "The Ashen Demon". Neat. .... this might be embarrassing to admit, but I don't know what you're referring to with SMT xD As for The Pegasus, I always found it's origin to be strange. It was fathered by Poseidon and came into being by Medusa's death which is.... sometimes I worry about the ancient Greeks, lol. But yeah, I do like the pegasus. Personally I've always preferred it to unicorns. Snipping some of this to keep it from getting too long, sorry. I adore the Fair Folk mythos. Most of my favorite stories deals with them and the land of Faerie. I don't know what types of books you like reading but if you don't mind YA, I highly recommend The Iron Fey series (just the first three). They were Julie Kagawa's first ever novels (to my knowledge) and while they do lean heavily on YA tropes the lore and exploration of the Fair Folk is fascinating in them. Now I love the Nuckelavee and considered putting it in my original list but I decided I'd probably made it long enough, lol. Oh that's neat! I love ghost-type creatures, especially ones relating to the sea and ocean. Unfortunately they tend to really creep most of my friends out, but I adore those myths. My first exposure to the Yuki Onna was actually through a video game and let me tell you... it may have been an RPG Maker game but it did a good job making her out to be creepy as all get-out. It was called Kirisame ga furu mori (Forest of Drizzling Rain) and it was super good. I doubt you can actually play it now but there should be let's plays of it on YouTube if it interests you in checking it out! Snipping, but that's the funniest thing I have read in a long while! xD I've never heard of that game but just your experience with it makes me wish you'd recorded your reactions. Now your favorite roman god list is quite intriguing.... and makes me wonder why on earth they had coverage of cupboards and hinges. There's a reason Greek mythology is so classic and it's because it's full of awesome creatures like the Hydra. It's awesome. Although I do find it funny that it's specifically classed as the Lernaean Hydra, meaning that there might be other types of hydras in other areas. Wouldn't that be fun? Hey, it means a lot when Hades named his dog the equivalent of Spot. Kinda takes some of the terror out of Cerberus if you ask me xD (not that that's a bad thing). Hey, that's my kind of horse/goat/demon monster. I too would like to take drunkards on wild and terrifying joyrides through the countryside. Maybe it would scare them out of being drunkards xD
  4. I'll just list all time as beyond these few games my list gets INSANELY messy as I can find enjoyment out of basically any game that isn't FPS, racing, or fighters (before people call heresy, FPS gives me motion sickness). In no particular order these are: Okami Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Tales of Berseria The Last of Us Tomb Raider Uncharted Spyro Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Undertale
  5. I've loved mythological monsters/creatures and the tales surrounding them for as long as I can remember, having always had my nose buried in various story books. It seems like I always eventually return to these stories and creatures, as things that make my imagination run wild. Some are scary, some are cool, some are ethereally beautiful. I wanted to share some of my personal favorites and ask about yours in turn! Perhaps learning about ones that you didn't know about can help stir some inspiration among the writers of the boards or just fascinate people who enjoy learning about them like I do. These will be presented in no particular order and I'll put most of the information in spoiler tags to keep this from getting insanely long. Also, as a lot of these creatures are classically considered horror creatures, please proceed with caution if generic descriptions of these creatures might bother you. Tlaltecuhtli (I'm so glad I don't have to pronounce that name because I am lost). Baba Yaga Wendigo Kitsune Cait Sidhe The Fair Folk Yamata no Orochi The Mórrígan So yeah, please share your own favorites with me and any stories associated with them that you like! Also if you'd like for me to continue about my own favorites (perhaps some that aren't very well-known classically), please let me know!
  6. I think it's entirely possible that Patricia was a victim of circumstance instead of an active participant. After all, Cornelia isn't exactly trustworthy in what she says. She seems the type to sprinkle bits of the truth in with lies in order to hurt people the worst. Rodrigue and Gilbert theorize that she was part of the Slitherers because she just disappeared without her carriage being attacked but Cornelia asserts that she wanted to get back to Edelgard badly enough to participate. If Cornelia was telling the whole truth, then why didn't she ever return to Adrestia, even after Edelgard was made emperor? As such I feel we're left with a few choices, none of which are more than guesses based on the limited information we have. She was a willing participant in order to get back to Edelgard but something happened to her after the attack that kept her from doing so (likely death). She was at some point killed and replaced by an Agarthan (like Arundel and Cornelia) and after her job was done she retreated back to base. Cornelia was lying and she actually had nothing to do with it and was murdered after the fact by the Agarthans to hide this fact while being able to sow doubt in the future. She was tricked into participating by people she was supposed to be able to trust - Arundel and Cornelia - who used her to their goals and then later disposed of her. I'm sure I'm missing some scenarios but I'm on mobile and a bit busy lol. I just find it hard to believe that someone described as kind and caring (though distant at times) would be callous enough to allow a child she helped raise to be brutally murdered no matter the feelings she may or may not have had for his father. Besides, Edelgard never describes her a being a cruel woman either and I'm far more inclined to believe her over Cornelia. As such I personally lean toward "she was tricked", "she knew nothing about it and was killed after she was no longer useful", and "she was actually/replaced by an Agarthan who disappeared after the fact".
  7. Awwwww! xD Well hey, if it makes you feel better, you at least got a genuine laugh out of me? Don't feel bad! The gatekeeper is a precious ray of sunshine.
  8. I'd much rather support a Lelouch type character. Besides, my opinion of them is less to do with Edelgard and more to do with how cartoonishly evil they are and how pointless they end up being in the actual game (Solon and Kronya both dying so soon, only fighting Thales once, the grand total of one map on two routes the Agarthans end up getting, don't even get me started on Nemesis). If they were rewritten in a way that made them more morally gray characters - or at least more relevant in the actual game apart from backstory - to fit alongside the overall themes then I'd have much less problem with them. As for the BE houses, I adore Petra, Ferdinand, and Edelgard. However apart from them there's someone in other houses that does their jobs better. Leonie is a better archer (and I despise Bernie's character though she did turn out better than Ashe in every playthrough). Hilda is a better axe user than Caspar. Mercedes is a better healer and mage in general than Linhardt. Felix is Felix, there's really no comparison for him. Raphael and Dedue honestly make for better tanks than Edelgard who is the only one you could consider a tank in BE and who works better as a wyvern lord than her canon promotion. Lysithea is the best mage in the game and Marianne outranks Dorothea too. My problem is less with the BE as characters because I do like most of them (Edelgard, Hubert, Petra, Dorothea, Ferdinand, and Caspar are all amazing to fine as characters) it's just that when compared to the other houses they're a little lackluster. So they could use a buff to their bases. As for White Clouds, I say differentiate them for the replay value. I've played through White Clouds 5 times now and find myself so bored with it because there's virtually no variety. The post-timeskip definitely needs to be longer though. More battles please.
  9. For RD: Rebalance mages and their enemies so that they're actually useful. One of the main lords is a mage, she shouldn't be so useless to use! Give the Dawn Brigade more chapters to focus on them so they can actually be on par with the Greil mercs. For the love of everything good fix the supports. I'm okay with everyone being able to support everyone, but some combinations should have support conversations. You can keep the open system but just make it so that some support pairs have unique conversations (eg Micaiah/Sothe/Ike/Sanaki, Ike/Elincia/Ranulf/Soren/Titania/Mist, Elincia/Geoffrey/Lucia). Ike's ending needs to be so different. Fix the laguz Fix availability of units OR level scale them For Fates: Garon. Just Garon. Rewrite him and a lot of problems with the story go away. Also Anankos. Corrin's dragon form needs more incentive to use it. The kids need to go. They made no sense in this game. Either make them entirely not canon or remove them, that dimension realm stuff was so bad. Fix the balance between the regular units and the royals. For 3H: Remove the Slitherers and rewrite the plot to allow for that, please. They're easily the worst part of 3H and serve to drag every character associated with them down alongside them. Fix balancing between characters. There's no reason for so many BE characters to be so bad in combat. Add classes. Please add more classes. Make Dimitri's promotion mounted to balance the movement types (not something that needs to be done, it would just be cool) Fix pacing issues. For example make White Clouds shorter and extend the post-timeskip. Make White Clouds differ in chapters per house. Keep Remire, Flayn, the class battle royales, and everything after Jeralt's death but the other stuff can be changed by house.
  10. Gaiden/SOV: Saber/Celica Path of Radiance: Ike/Titania Radiant Dawn: Sothe/Micaiah Awakening Gen 1: Chrom/Robin Awakening Gen 2: Priam/Lucina Fates Gen 1: Xander/Sakura Fates Gen 2: Shigure/Ophelia Three Houses: Dimitri/(Any of Petra, Lysithea, Edelgard, or Mercedes) Heroes OCs: Hrid/Eir
  11. I'm okay with the new trailer. I don't pay much attention to the story anyway. What was the red haired fairy's name again? I liked her design a lot better than the other one's. As for the banner, it's an easy skip for me. I basically decided that unless the banner includes a good Tellius character or 3H character, I'm not pulling. The free unit really comes in handy for me then lol.
  12. Oh that's not impossible. It's not impossible until you put Rhea up there too and then you get super dogpiled! xD But yeah, all super good choices!
  13. It's an issue because, as a girl, I am sick of seeing all of these hyper-sexualized girls in my media! Stop forcing every female to have her boobs out, stop giving girls incomprehensible armor in fighting games/movies, just stop! Being a female character does not mean it's warranted to treat them as fetish material. Also, by the way, it does hurt actual people and all you have to do is look at the body image issues that many young girls have because of the media they consume on a regular basis. I'm not saying make Corrin ugly or fat or anything because she's in a war game, but thigh cut outs are stupid, she's going to get stabbed and bleed out of her femoral artery and no it is not too much to ask that a guy refrains from drawing all of the girls in his game like that. You can be cute without thigh cut outs, boob cut outs, no pants, etc. Just take a look at art in the older games. The ones that wear armor in those games wear armor. It's not always the most well designed armor, but it looks like functional, will actually protect them, armor. Those that wear the skimpier outfits are not frontline fighters and even then it's determined based on personality! Micaiah is a mage but she doesn't run around with thigh cut outs. Ahem. Anyway, I really liked the Altina banner this month. I always really wanted her to show up in Heroes so now that she has I'm super excited. I don't care for Corrin that much but I voted female because that's the most likely to happen. I'd love Brave Eliwood to show up as I wanted him initially and he never showed up on the Brave banner, that thing hated my guts.
  14. Hi yes, can we discuss this because I haven't seen anyone else bring this up and I really enjoyed it too. They don't interact too much through Radiant Dawn (which is a crying shame they're the two main lords what are you doing FE?!) but the interactions they do have are frankly amazing and people don't talk about it enough. I want the Tellius games remade with voice acting specifically so I can hear this line voiced. That's the whole reason, right there. Well, that and the current voice acting in those games is... bad at best. Personally I really like Dimitri with Felix, Sylvain, and Dedue. For entirely different reasons with all three of them but Dimitri's support with Sylvain is hilarious and no one can change my mind. Edelgard with Dorothea is also super good, and Claude with just about anyone from his house is good but I found I really liked his supports with Petra.
  15. Dorothea, Petra, and Lysithea are all great. As for Dimitri, if you haven't played through Azure Moon yet I highly recommend it. I know some people can be rather overbearing with their like for a character but, as with most things, the fans don't really determine the character you know? Perhaps you'll grow to like him! I will say that I went into Azure Moon with no expectations for his character (I somehow miraculously avoided the spoilers about him) apart from that I assumed I would like him the least of the three. That route really turned my opinion of him around. It probably won't have the same impact for someone who knows what's coming but still, it's a good experience if only for the personal care you get from the characters in the route.
  16. I am in the unfortunate position of wanting to give but being broke. So I take advantage of the charity our church participates in, Operation Christmas Child. I know it's not secular but I really like that one and our tiny congregation (about 40 people) managed to pack 504 shoeboxes this year! 🙂
  17. This isn't meant to be an argument thread so I'll keep this brief. I don't mind Edelgard anymore. However calling her selfless is the exact opposite of what she is, when what she is is stubborn, headstrong, and blind to the truth. I never said Dimitri apologizing made everything alright because, as you said, it doesn't. It's what he does afterward that really differentiates him from Edelgard, in that he actually tries to make right what he did wrong, tries to change and do better. Edelgard can claim whatever she wants, but her actions are selfish, hurtful, and wrong, and her "wearing her sins" doesn't suddenly justify her starting a war, killing innocent students, and helping the Agarthans in their quest to destroy Fodlan. Also, since you brought it up, a song doesn't justify what she did either, it's just a song that helps explain her mindset. Her intentions don't matter in the face of her actions and I find it rather interesting how so many people just skip right over Edelgard's practice of eugenics. Even so, Edelgard is far from my least favorite character in the game. I appreciate her for the morally gray anti-villain she is, I just would never side with her again. My least favorite character award goes to Bernadetta (I know, I just committed treason). If I had to rank the three lords it would go: Dimitri, Claude, Edelgard but they're still at the top of the best characters in the game ranking overall.
  18. I can see how Dimitri losing it can rub some people the wrong way, it's just interesting that it almost exclusively seems to be Edelgard's biggest fans. Now, allow me to view this from another perspective. I actually didn't play Azure Moon first. I played Black Eagles first with every intention of joining Edelgard. Then the reveal happened and I was SO DISGUSTED with her that I stopped playing, deleted the save, and played Azure Moon instead. I didn't go Silver Snow because I wanted my first full playthrough to be with one of the lords. The reveal was not the only reason I did that though, I was growing more disgusted with Edelgard progressively as the game went on, the Flame Emperor was just the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. Dimitri never made me feel disgusted to stay and fight with him no matter how much I wanted to punch his teeth in after the time skip, joining Edelgard meanwhile just made me feel nasty. This is a woman who pretended to be your friend and have the good of Fodlan at heart while simultaneously working with the very people trying their damndest to dismantle it. Whether she thinks this way or not, she had a hand in Jeralt's death, in students dying, in Remire village being massacred and that hand was supporting the Agarthans. She never apologizes, never says anything except "it was necessary" and hell no it wasn't. Now, my rather hateful opinion of her did slowly lessen as I played through the other routes and got to the point I could play CF. I don't hate Edelgard anymore, but it seems rather strange to me that some can't get why people would prefer Dimitri.
  19. Just realized I haven't listed mine! My top 10 in no particular order: Dimitri, Felix, Mercedes, Petra, Lysithea, Claude, Sylvain, Hilda, Dorothea, and Seteth. The only one in that list that's solid is Dimitri at number one. Of course I limited myself to the top ten so I wouldn't list the entire cast minus like 10 characters. Dimitri to me is the best lord in the game and definitely in my top two FE lords. Felix is a lovable a**hole who I kinda want to heckle just to see his reaction. I get people have a problem with Mercedes's voice but she's so lovable! Petra is amazing and deserves better. Lysithea is a nuke and, while she has her bad moments, overall her character is one I really like, she's overcome so much. Claude is Claude, there's really not much else to say about that. Hilda is one of the ones that annoyed me at first but then the more I learned about her the more I liked her, she's actually really sweet and considerate. Dorothea is the sass master I aspire to become. Seteth also pleasantly surprised me with how much I grew to love his character.
  20. You know, I really like Sylvain too. I just find that he's one of the characters that I have to watch my mood for. Some of his supports can be a little cringey for me to watch, not that it detracts from his character at all, it's just that he can be a bit contentious. I love his support chains with Dedue, Mercedes, and Ingrid though. As for Claude, I love how he goes from the least conventional of the three pre-timeskip to your anime protagonist "power of friendship" guy. He's a fun character 🙂 I wonder why it is that many people who love Edelgard hate Dimitri and vice versa... I mean sure they're about as opposite in terms of character as you can get, but still. I personally prefer Dimitri, but I like Edelgard too. I will say that the Black Eagles is my most contentious house in terms of the characters, though that really has nothing to do with Edelgard.
  21. I've been kind of sitting on making this topic for a while now and finally decided that, you know what, it's been long enough and I want to hear what everyone has to say. So! In light of that, please share with me and others your favorite 3H character (or characters) and why you love them so much. Do you like characters from other FE games more than them? There's no real reason for this apart from curiosity and wanting to hear other people's opinions on the characters of the game.
  22. I would really like to have a DLC or something where Edelgard is forced to face the lies she's been fed her whole life, with no options for stubbornly discounting it. It would be interesting seeing a character like her realize that everything she's based her ideology on was a huge lie and having to face the potential consequences of that. That's why I wanted CF to be longer.
  23. Hahahah, at this point that would feel more real than seeing it sitting in the yard! I keep staring at it expecting it to just disappear!
  24. .... well... I got a car. So that's great.. If I seem not excited it's because it hasn't hit me yet lol. I love it SO MUCH THOUGH.
  25. I have been WAITING for Altina since Mythic heroes were announced! I am DEFINITELY going to try and get her, this'll be my first actual summoning session since the Brave banner, which wasn't kind to me so please wish me luck!
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