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Silver-Haired Maiden

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Everything posted by Silver-Haired Maiden

  1. So a good friend of mine is writing his first ever actual fanfic, centered around a more supernatural take on Batman - basically Batman is a vampire. He's getting a little discouraged though because he feels like it's not very good, so I was hoping that if some more people would read it, his opinion of his writing would improve. The fic is rated M for violence if that is something that bothers you. If you would please give it a read and leave a comment if you're so inclined. Thank you much! Batman: Eternal Night
  2. I mean no offense to anyone who wants to go around naked, but no one wants to see me naked. I want to see other people naked far less than anyone else wants to see me naked (so think in the negatives). If people were going around the streets naked I'd probably never leave my house lol. Then again there are benefits to living in the country - namely you can go around naked all you please and no one will care because you don't have neighbors!
  3. Has anyone had any problems with the game being buggy since the update? A friend has been experiencing really bad lagging and people wearing the wrong class outfits. I was wondering if others were having this problem and if there was any way to tell him how to fix it?
  4. Good to know that I ended up in the majority with these guys. Dimitri just WRECKS HOUSE as a Great Lord and I see literally no reason to make him anything else, slap a pair of boots on him (or a march ring if you want) and watch him get that 900 critical hit damage with investment even a newcomer can achieve. Edelgard's canon class would be super awesome if it would just let her use magic!! Alas, it does not, and so Wyvern Lord she shall be. F you game, I make her what I want lol. Seriously though, flying Byleth and flying Edelgard plus Aymr should be illegal. YIKES. Claude has no reason to be anything but a Barbarossa. I mean sure maybe Wyvern Lord but why when he just... gets this class for like no work? Best archer in the game, best class for the best archer in the game. In conclusion, Dimitri and Claude got great canon promotion classes and Edel got the short end of the stick but it's okay because she's easy to make a Wyvern Lord anyway.
  5. What can I say, the Blue Lions just really won me over. It started with me falling head over heels for Dimitri, continued when I fell for Felix and Sylvain, and just got worse as I fell for Ashe, Mercedes, Annette, Ingrid, and Dedue. After that it's definitely Verdant Wind, then Crimson Flower and Silver Snow are so far tied. We'll see how my opinion develops but Azure Moon sits strongly at the top for me.
  6. She's not just "not emotional" she's downright cruel, telling you to get over something that happened days ago when she's obviously still hung up on her own family dying. There's simply no excuse for her actions and that is coming from someone who has lost family in quite awful ways. She did have something to do with it. She's shown agency against TWSITD several times including pre-skip and continually allied with them despite the horrendous acts they made. If you continue allying with someone after Remire, everything they do after that you have a part in, period. Even if it's just an accomplice role, she had a role. She is responsible for encouraging their actions. If she had absolutely denounced them and refused to work with them then maybe you'd have an argument, but she has the power to (again, as she's shown several times) and just doesn't. So yeah, she's responsible for everything but driving the knife in Jeralt's back.
  7. Jumping in to say that how Edelgard reacted after Jeralt's death was my beginning of straight up disliking Edelgard as a person and also was the start of casting doubts on her. Even a friend, who has never played FE before and is now doing a BE run, was majorly put off by Edelgard's actions during those few chapters. Whether willingly or not, she is allied with TWSITD and showed exactly zero remorse for Jeralt's death so she must have been okay with it on some level. She's a good villain but that doesn't make her a good person and yes, in my eyes, she is at least partially responsible for his death.
  8. Definitely going Micaiah. Glad to see her getting some support this past year, it's about time ^.^
  9. You can like Edelgard, don't worry. While Edelgard is problematic she's still a character and there's nothing wrong with liking her character. If there was I'd be in major trouble for liking Light from Death Note lol.
  10. There are some chapters where your lord isn't deployable so that might be what's going on. What chapter and what route are you on? If that isn't the problem, I'd recommend turning the game off and backing up to your previous save to see if that fixes it. Otherwise I'm afraid I'm no help.
  11. I think she's well written and very well designed but.... there's no way I can get behind what she does and what she has a hand in. It was so bad that while I intended to play Crimson Flower first, when it got to that point I simply couldn't stomach it and had to side against her. This sums up my feelings on her quite nicely, though personally I find her more distasteful than either Dimitri or Rhea (though I must admit to major Dimitri bias, he's great). She went from my favorite pre-release to my least favorite after the fact barring Bernadetta who manages to be worse.
  12. Dislike -> Love Dimitri: Not gonna lie, I was expecting from the prerelease to find Dimitri the least interesting of the three main lords. I didn't expect to hate him but I never expected him to grow on me as much as he did. As soon as I met him he won me over (though I did want to strangle him at one point) and not gonna lie, his post-timeskip design is my favorite of the three, not even a competition. Favorite character in the game, 10/10. Petra: At first I thought she was going to be a walking stereotype and I was... really scared to use her. I did though because her design is top-notch and MAN did she surprise me. Not only is she a fantastic unit, her character actually has depth and struggles and interests! She's been a staple of all of my playthroughs and I adore her. Dislike -> Like Seteth: Probably not a surprise, my reasons are the same as everyone else's. I thought he was going to be stuck up and snobby and it turns out he was actually quite kind and honorable. Also he has the only support chain with Bernadetta I actually like. Go Seteth. Annette: When I first saw her I despised her design. After talking to her though I grew to really like her character and her attitude. She may not have been the best mage in my playthrough but her personality was the major winner here. Her support with Felix was amazing and I absolutely had them married at the end. Felix: Speaking of, I really grew to like Felix. I have never been a fan of tsuns before but he's a nice exception. He's so savage and I couldn't help but laugh when he was actually trying to be nice to people and they just freaked out on him. Also his design is super great and he's a good unit. Ferdinand: I figured he was going to be really stuck up. He wasn't. His hair is fabulous. Lorenz: Same as Ferdinand except the hair thing. In fact I still really hate his design. But his character is rather endearing all things considered. Like -> Dislike Edelgard: I wanted to like her. I had every intention of playing her route first and I love her design... but she's almost irredemable in terms of what she's done and caused. She's the only character in the game that I used to like and ended up disliking. The others all stayed the same, be it liking them or disliking them. Bernadetta is a stand out because man do I not like her character, but I always disliked her design lol.
  13. I agree with both of you, but at least Hegemon wasn't such a complete butt pull lol. Like Nemesis showed up and I'm sitting there staring at the screen going ".... okay? Guess we're doing this now..." Like it came completely from left field and was a bit of an immersion break... and I have really good suspension of disbelief.
  14. TWSITD are... not good villains. I was hoping the game would do more with them but it doesn't so I'm pretty content to completely ignore them beyond lore reasons. As for the whole Rhea debate, I've personally always found her to be a better person overall than Edelgard. She left such a bad taste in my mouth that in my first BE playthrough, without knowing about the path split, I just flat refused to work with her anymore. I can't even imagine if they made her worse somehow so at least the Slitherers serve some function there.
  15. Yeah sometimes people will refuse. You can abuse save states for that actually, I had to do it once with Claude.
  16. Chris Hackney (Dimitri) has said that he's marrying Dimitri. Allegra Clark (Dorothea and Shamir?) has said that in one playthrough she married Mercedes and in her next she plans to marry Seteth, claiming that she wants to see her characters with other characters and also that she wants to play as f!Byleth so Shamir is out by default. I don't know about the others, it's been a while since I looked through the threads.
  17. That's actually a bit of a reference to Dimitri's VA saying he was absolutely romancing Dimitri on his own playthrough. Someone had asked Shamir's VA about romancing herself and Joe Zieja got involved and dragged the others into it.
  18. Mark Whitten is Seteth's VA so yeah, they're playing along lol.
  19. Joe Zieja is fantastic. He's streaming a playthrough of the GD path and uploading it to YouTube if anyone wants to watch. But yeah, he's super funny and his twitter wars with the other VAs (especially Dimitri's VA, Chris Hackney) are really entertaining to read.
  20. My intention was to do Eagles first but Dimitri won me over so I ended up playing the Lions first. My favorite BE is Petra. Not only is her character rather endearing, she's a beast on every playthrough that I've used her... which has been all of them. Second goes to Dorothea, though contrary to popular opinion I prefer her pre-timeskip. Blue Lions has GOT to be Dimitri. Great character, beast in battle, deserves every hug. Don't think there's much more to be said (I may be Dimitri trash). Second is Felix. Tsundere guy? Yes please. The Deer is Claude. He's the most entertaining of the bunch by far and his unique class is really cool. Second goes to Lysithea for straight up nuking everything. As for others, my favorite is Seteth. He's a strange case where I didn't like him much at first but he really grew on me. Second has got to be Rhea though which may surprise people. I dunno, I've just always liked her.
  21. The only issue I actually had with the BL route is that TWSITD wasn't clearly dealt with and how quickly Dimitri turned around. They could have stood to have another chapter where he was processing things and in the middle of being conflicted. I quickly got over the Dimitri thing though because quite frankly, he's precious and I was just relieved to have him back lol.
  22. I've been wrecking his crap since the first chapter that he showed up as I had Lysithea specifically trained for it. But before I got her, I tended to send in my stupid fast units like Petra or Ingrid so he'd be less likely to hit and more likely to get crit. Gambits are also always a good idea as they're free hits.
  23. I've played BL, GD, and most of BE, leaving the Church route as the only one I haven't gotten to yet and honestly, while I can get where you're coming from, I think it's because she's meant to be at the very best an anti-villain. In most other routes you're directly opposing her because, let's face it, her methods are atrocious so there's no wonder she's cast in a bad light there. In her own route it's because while they try to portray her as sympathetic, she's still doing all these horrible things. I think it's kinda deserved personally and if I had to pick a lord that the game continually messed over it would be Dimitri. Poor guy doesn't get any help except in his own route and unlike Edelgard they don't even have the decency to give his deaths a scene. Claude doesn't have to die at all. He's the true favorite lol.
  24. I love Dimitri too much not to pick his route. Poor guy was done dirty in the other ones and he deserves better.
  25. Well we know Dimitri lost an eye and has a collection of scars on his back from his conversations with Dedue. He also has a major scar on his shoulder in his own route and numbness left in his hand from it though it's not clear if that ever goes away. I'm pretty sure they're all littered with scars, especially front liners like Byleth, because no matter how good you are you don't make it through Wars like that unscathed.
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