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Silver-Haired Maiden

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Everything posted by Silver-Haired Maiden

  1. I'm happy to see this! Micaiah is probably THE most used unit I have, I love her. She's kinda insane in terms of her damage xD
  2. So for the new Earth map I got it in one go using Zelgius, Micaiah, Julia, and F!Grima. Zelgius won me that map.
  3. Personally I would put Vika, Meg, and Gareth in bottom tier, but that's just me xD
  4. What? No! Don't make me choose! In all seriousness though, to me it's a tie between Ike, Tibarn, Lehran, and Kurthnaga for their skills and strengths. I also really enjoy Micaiah, Nailah, Naesala, and Elincia though I don't find them to be the powerhouses the others are.
  5. Go join the RWBY fandom. It makes most communities seem tame. But seriously, it's not like the word "waifu" is hurting anyone. Let people enjoy things dernit.
  6. I could be wrong but I thought the woman on the battlefield was the new goddess. Same flowers in her hair and hair color, etc, but I could be wrong. Either way, it's interesting the point you bring up about Elincia and I definitely see where you're coming from. I think part of what made Elincia so successful though was how long we were with her. All of PoR and portions of RD gave us ample time to know her character, unlike Emmeryn or Mikoto who die off relatively early (or very early in Mikoto's case) in their games. We care about Elincia and her struggles, her concerns our concerns, her failures our failures, her triumphs our triumphs. If they truly want to make another Elincia they need to make the player actually care about the pacifist queen. That's the only way to succeed.
  7. For future reference, if I were to want to add a character to the RP would that be alright? And if so would I just make a post here?
  8. Personally I'm hoping they wait a month after release to put the new characters in. I can see them doing so before though in order to raise hype/awareness for the game. As for the units themselves I think speculation on that will have to wait until we see more from the game itself. We probably don't know all the new features after all and no matter how they integrate formations it could be cool :)
  9. I have both systems. So I can reliably say that I play my PS4 more often than my Switch. However, it really all comes down to this - Had you rather get Vesperia and FE? Or Vesperia and other PS4 games?
  10. Ohh sorry, I missed it. But still! This is great! I'm so happy people are wearing pants! Also, since RD has some of my favorite character designs I am not complaining about that xD Someone zoomed in on her outfit in the trailer... So it's like she's wearing some type of skirt with leggings underneath? Still! It's an improvement! No unnecessary skin showing that would get you stabbed in an actual battle!
  11. I haven't really seen anyone mention this so.... Axe lady wearing pants!! Guys! Edelgard (is that how you spell it?) is wearing pants! She's dressed sensibly! In fact everyone was pretty much sensibly dressed. This is nice!
  12. Thank you both! ^.^ I guess it just seems like he never actually shows off much of his power in game so... most of that is rather abstract. Not quite suitable for what we're discussing so I suppose I'll have to nail down more concrete powers myself. Thanks again!
  13. The new trailer and system honestly looks awesome. It LOOKS more like a war now!
  14. So I've recently been speaking with a friend about Grima and I realized something..... Other than a few things, I really don't have a clear idea of what his powers are. I know he can make zombies (Risen), possibly possess people (there seems to be limitations), and he's a dragon... Can anyone give me some clarification please?
  15. When news of the meeting had reached young Fara's ears, she had been excited to go and was one of the first to offer. Among the Magic Crafters, Fara is considered a good choice. Despite her age she's excited and friendly, not as aloof and solitary as the others from her homeworld. The young lilac dragon is the first of her people to arrive, having rushed ahead of the others, so she's there just in time to hear the audible gasps of the already gathered Peace Keeper soldiers. Her blue eyes gaze around at the gathered dragons as she takes in what's currently happening, though now that she's actually there she hangs back from the main group, suddenly wishing she hadn't rushed ahead so as not to interfere in what appears to be a Peace Keeper issue. The glint of crystal falling off one of their wings catches her eye as she gazes around and she finds her attention drawn back into the group, gazing at the crystal as it falls from the older dragon's wings and hits the ground. If she were back at home, she'd be asking if she could keep a piece to study, but in this instance she feels it may be rude so she remains silent. With the other dragons beginning to arrive she silently slips to the side, waiting for others of her world to arrive alongside the dragons from other areas. She remains quiet, though she will give a quick smile to anyone who happens to hold her eye for a moment. She's hoping to show that she's friendly without exactly putting herself out there... yet.
  16. Don't worry, she'll mostly be using smaller time spells. If she does use big magic it'll be more likely to help the Gnorcs than the dragons xD If you'd rather I avoid the big spells all together though just let me know. Oh dear lol. Probably more weird interactions since she can be shy :) If we need more I can add a couple others, but I'd like to get my bearings first in the RP if that's alright.
  17. Name: Fara Gender: Female Age: Young adult/Older teen. Somewhere around the human equivalent of 19 Species: Dragon - Magic Crafter Appearance: Different shades of purple and blue. Darker on the top with a light blue underbelly (will try to add a picture later if I can) Personality: Rather friendly but somewhat shy. She wants to be friends with most but has some self confidence issues that lead to social awkwardness. She tries though! Backstory: Fara was born with strong magical powers and her parents were elated, hoping she would grow into a strong dragon. It didn't take long to discover that for all her power she had very little control. She's spent years studying her magic and can use simple spells very easily, but anything more advanced and there's no telling what will happen. She's traveled some, learning about the other worlds, but most of her interactions have been short, leaving her with a desire to explore the world and meet people... and an awkwardness around others that she's trying to get over. She hopes the war with Gnasty and the Gnorcs ends quickly so the world can go back to peace. I hope this works, if it doesn't let me know. Also sorry that took some time, it's been a hard day today.
  18. So what's fun is that I already have OCs that I can twist some to fit well into this universe and I have one that fits each world too. My biggest question is, does it matter what color I make them? Also I'll post my info when I can get to my computer :)
  19. I'd be interested! It's been a while since I played Spyro though so I may need some help with the older game dragons and such...
  20. These have all been great to read guys! It's so much fun to see everything ^.^ And for those who asked, yes, I more intended this to be preexisting FE characters. I'll add some more later ^.^
  21. I've seen a lot of people talking about units they want in the game but not necessarily how they'd like to see them built. So I figured I'd make a thread about how you would build them! I didnt see a thread like this already made but if there was please let me know? So I'll start. Queen's Guard: Lucia Naturally she'd be a red infantry sword, with lower HP and defense than Mia. Where she'd shine is her above average speed and resistance, making her a rather rare sword mage killer as she'd be capable of avoiding being doubled and her high res means mages would have a hard time one-rounding her. Her generally lackluster attack from in her base game is offset by a high magic stat, so those would be balanced to give her a decent attack stat in Heroes. I'm not really sure what weapon to give her, but she may start out with a Wo Dao+ or something similar, mostly because I'm not sure if she should get a personal weapon. Her special would be Astra Skill A: Death Blow or Spd/Res Bond Skill B: Desperation or Dull Ranged Skill C: Queen's Guard - if a flier ally within two spaces is attacked, grants ally Atk, Spd, Def, and Res +3 Bear in mind that this is just for fun and so they don't have to be perfect. I just thought it would be enjoyable to see everyone's ideas :)
  22. I fortunately have enough flags to afford a massive last hour dump. So I do believe that's what I'll do.
  23. TELLIUS FTW! Wouldn't Pelleas be a red mage though? Since most dark magic users in Heroes are red and light magic users are blue? I may would add Kurthnaga instead of Dheginsea and save Dheg for a Heroes Past banner with Altina! Which I really REALLY want. LOL at the Reliable Turncoats xD
  24. Same here xD I'm holding off because I'm hoping to be able to burn them all at the end and potentially boost him if he needs it.
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