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Silver-Haired Maiden

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Posts posted by Silver-Haired Maiden

  1. Ahh Mercedes. I'll tip my hat in here because I feel she can be a bit divisive in terms of how people rank her performance.

    Whenever I play through 3H I limit myself to 2 recruits per house. Mercedes is one of the two every time from Blue Lions. Her healing and magic ability is just that good. Sure she's not the overwhelming powerhouse that Lysithea is, but she has far more bulk in order to make up for it. Also, unlike Lysithea, her good magic and access to physic means that her movement isn't really an issue. Lysithea has to rely on Thyrsus if she wants to keep up (or some other movement booster). She makes a wonderful res tank to boot, which is something I've noticed my standard team builds... kinda need. So yeah.

    I rate Mercedes an 8/10 with a +1 for bias because I love her character lol.

  2. Huh. Hard to believe I haven't posted here. I'll do my top 5. First three in no particular order, then the last two in order.

    Tales of Berseria

    Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn


    Breath of the Wild

    Fallout 4


    I love the Zelda franchise overall more than any as it has the highest concentration of games I love but so far only BotW has broken top 5. We'll see if that changes going forward. As for the others, RD has a story and characters I still love, Berseria stole my heart right from the word go, Okami is so charming I've probably played it over 20 times, and what can I say about Fallout 4? I get to shoot people I don't like. More games need that option lol.

  3. I'm with everyone else. It really depends on the character for me and honestly a lot of the time I'm not sure why certain ones rub me wrong while others don't. I love Shinon but Takumi can kiss my tail. I'd never use him if he weren't such a fantastic unit. I'm not a fan of tsunderes for the most part (like Severa) but I love Felix, perhaps because he comes across less as a tsundere to me and more of a well meaning jerk. Hubert, while funny, immediately hit my "Nope" button when he threatens Byleth in their support. This one is less to do with Hubert and more of a personal pet peeve I've found throughout video games though lol.

  4. 1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Given that Micaiah is stuck in the top, where she cannot reach Ike... that only leaves Laura, who, admittedly, can do great damage - but that's a tall order in and of itself because she not only needs to promote first, she needs to get B in Light when she only starts at E.

    ... Ike moves. Right into Micaiah's range. Now admittedly Laura should be the one using the sleep staff (so you can put him to sleep and attack in the same turn) but that's not difficult.

  5. 6 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:



    Is that even possible? I mean maybe on easy mode, but, like, seriously? Maybe if you deliberately didn't train Ike at all, but...

    It is actually, I've seen it done.

    The most surefire way is to take advantage of his crappy res, sleep staff him, then Purge him. Or if you're feeling really brave, Jill does a pretty good job of whittling him down. But the sleep staff is rather crucial to this.

  6. 22 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

    Time to suggest some mechanic so terrible would have to be controversial. New time-pulse micro-transactions, just $.99 per use, and the game will helpfully suggest you buy some after every death. Don't like a level-up, reroll with another $.99 micro-transaction, add in, heck there are plenty of ways to cancerously monetize this franchise!

    This isn't controversial, it's evil! How dare you make me read this with my own eyes! xD

  7. 5 hours ago, haarhaarhaar said:

    Yeah, your points here are extremely fair. Extended lifespan alone is a significant enough change to be considered different races/species. And I suppose they don't consider themselves human... maybe? Putting Rhea aside, Seteth and Flayn both have endings with humans, suggesting they could want to live as humans do. It still doesn't make them human, but as for their conceptions of themselves...

    My speculation is that Nabateans can change between human and dragon forms freely, but spending too long in one form corrupts that ability. So for Rhea, she's transformed in the last 1,000 years (not sure if there's a reason, maybe just to stretch her wings, but the drawing Claude discovers suggests people have seen her and noted it down) and that's what has allowed her to keep in touch with her dragon form and transform in the present day. In comparison, Seteth and Flayn remained human the whole time (the latter because she was asleep, the former so as not to draw attention to the latter) and now have lost that ability, which is why they don't ever transform. 

    They certainly seem to like humans for the most part and even understand that humans are a necessary part of the order of the world. If being among humans, beings that at least look like them, is easy enough thanks to their more human forms I don't see why they wouldn't at least for the companionship angle.

    Your idea is interesting though. In that case you'd think it would be like exercising a muscle, that if you don't use it you lose it, but if that were the case it would suggest that they'd eventually be able to regain that power. They never seem to, not in either direction when it would absolutely be beneficial. Now one could argue that the Immovable and the Windcaller had no desire to change back but it certainly would've made their lives easier and Flayn and Seteth have no such excuse when those forms would be massively beneficial in battle. The transformation seems to be magical in nature so one would think it has to do with Sothis, but the other two Saints were still in their human forms back then not their Nabatean ones. So honestly I'm just not sure.

  8. 40 minutes ago, haarhaarhaar said:

    Yeah I find this a really interesting question. Dragon people have basically always been a part of FE, but I can't think of a game where we know less about their ways and culture than in 3H. It feels like IS planned to make a lot out of them, but ended up not doing so. 

    Flayn mentions that she and Seteth used to live among humankind (in Enbarr 1000 years prior at least, and perhaps after she woke up but before they came to Garreg Mach). Which would suggest that the Nabateans of old were at least acclimatised to human ways of living, and actually lived among humans. At the same time, Macuil has a cult of humans who live in the desert with him in his dragon form. I guess what I'm saying is that the line between race and species might even depend on the form an individual Nabatean takes. 

    At the same time, being able to live with humans isn't the same thing as being a human. When you can live for millennia and transform into a dragon (speaking of do we ever learn why only Rhea retains that ability?) I don't know that I consider you human no matter your ability to live among them. They don't seem to consider themselves human and I can't think of a time where any dragon species has in Fire Emblem..

    At the same time the Nabateans display more differences in their individual forms than just about any dragon species through FE. I don't really know why that would be? An example of sub species among the overarching Nabatean species?

  9. 39 minutes ago, SRPG Tryhard said:

    Oh you are literally insulting me now? 

    Oh yeah just like you did to others in this thread! Doesn't feel good does it? I'm calling you out on being a jerk to people in almost every thread I see your name pop up in. You can never let things go and you always resort to insulting people and their intelligence as though you're some canon god who is always right and other viewpoints don't matter. Like I said before. Stop being a condescending jerk.

    Edit to stay on topic: I don't care for the Agarthans in this story as they feel like bad caricatures of people and they're really the only group that I can say that for. The others (namely the Duscans? Duscurians? and the Almyrans) are handled a bit better I feel. The Nabateans could've stood some more exploration as well. After all they're basically dragon people and at what point does their biological differences stop making them a race and actually make them an entirely different species?

  10. 29 minutes ago, SRPG Tryhard said:

    I can't imagine someone would be so naive to say that what we read in the game is false even when proof is cited. At this point I don't consider that you are talking about the game at all. You said it yourself, you're making your own interpretations to believe instead. That's probably why so many people are fed up with it.

    I made a mistake to argue in the first place.

    Dude when you're being called out for being a condescending jerk the thing to do isn't double down on being a condescending jerk.

    A lot of the point of these games is that no one here is a reliable narrator. To be sure you've heard of the unreliable narrator trope before. Edelgard is parroting what she's been led to believe, Thales is spinning what he's been led to believe, and Rhea is giving her account. All of them are biased and the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle of the three narratives though personally I'm more inclined to believe the person who was actually there witness to the events I.E. Rhea, though I admit that even she is not reliable as her perception of events were absolutely colored by the tragedy that happened.

    On 9/10/2020 at 8:03 AM, The Exalt said:

    IS bit off more than they can chew writing wise.  Their world building laid a solid foundation to portray bring racism but the execution is a little lacking is some areas.

    I agree with this wholeheartedly. Not that I think this is necessarily a bad thing, I'd rather they try and whiff on the execution a bit than never try anything risky at all.

  11. Personally I would want to include 4-5 characters from games not used in the first one. So mine would look a little like:

    Hector (armor axe), Eliwood (cavalry sword or lance), Lyn (bow), Ninian (dragon)

    Ephraim (lance), Eirika (sword), Seth (cavalry whatever his canon weapon type is), Lyon (dark magic)

    Alm (sword), Celica (fire magic), Mycen (for the lulz), maybe Berkut?

    Ike (sword), Micaiah (light magic), Ranulf (cat laguz), Haar (flying axe)

    Edelgard (armor axe), Dimitri (cavalry or infantry lance), Claude (flying bow), Rhea (fists)

    I don't really know the other games well enough to include characters from them (or they were already in the first one) but I think this is a big enough cast anyway.

  12. Bernadetta. Second least favorite in the franchise, not just 3H.

    After her, Catherine. She grates on my nerves something awful. Cyril gets a pass only because he's a kid.

    Leonie, for much the same reasons as Catherine.

    Finally Edelgard, though not because of her, because of her fans. Like I like Edelgard but many of her fans cause me to groan whenever she's brought up now.

    To rank it would go: Bernie <<<<<<<<< Catherine << Leonie <<< Edelgard

  13. 8 minutes ago, lenticular said:

    That sucks. Fog of war maps are the worst. Part of me wonders why they've stuck around for all this time. I very rarely hear anyone talking about how much they love fog of war, but I assume that someone somewhere likes them, otherwise they'd have been dropped by now.

    *slowly raises hand* I love Fog of War maps...

    I'm weird, I know.

    Also, I hate all the crossbow users in this chapter, though the general plot behind it is great. I wish they incorporated some kind of way to sneak past the enemies here like they did that time in PoR, it would contribute to the espionage feeling.

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