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Silver-Haired Maiden

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Posts posted by Silver-Haired Maiden

  1. 2 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    Black Eagles favoritism exists for a reason. Edelgard is not equal with the other lords. Never was. Never will be. She is THE most important character in the game's narrative, for all paths. She is the most fitting representative for the game, even above Byleth.


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    For fuck's sake, she's the game's main antagonist and the singer of its theme song. For all intents an purposes, Edelgard is 3 Houses.


    Also, it would have been cool to have a villain rep in Smash for this franchise. But no, we can't have nice things.


    Except she is equal with the other two. The game is 3 Houses, not Edelgard + Two Schmucks. Heck, they originally didn't plan for Crimson Flower to be a thing at all, meaning she wasn't intended to be a main lord at all in the beginning. Just because she's the driving point behind the war doesn't make her the most important character. Otherwise you'd have to claim Sephiran is the most important character in Tellius when he's very much not.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Seazas said:


    Oh god no. More Black Eagle favoritism would make my head explode. Putting El in Smash would punt Dimitri and Claude in the shadow realm just when they actually got some equal footing with El.

    As much as I agree I don't see them adding all 3 to Smash. Not without it being like a Pokemon Trainer type deal where Byleth is commanding and you can switch between the three and they only take one character slot.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Skarthe said:
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    The Edelgard/Lysithea ending pretty much confirms that Edelgard's lifespan is also shortened: "With careful analysis of ancient techniques, they discovered ways to recover the years of life that had been stolen from them."



    Well that's... vague as heck. And if it's only in one ending out of how many for Edelgard? I don't know if I take that as confirmation personally, but it is good to know. I've never paired those two.


  4. Are we talking making Radiant Dawn longer? Because like...

    All for that. Sign me up.

    I do think it's pretty fair to say that a lot of RD's problems come from the team being a bit too ambitious in terms of what they wanted to do with it. However I admire them for the effort and feel like they managed to pull the majority of their efforts off very well. Of course I do know several people who already think RD is pushing on being too long so I can only imagine making the game longer would further divide people.

  5. 7 hours ago, SSbardock84 said:

    I had a question regarding crests on Edelgard and Lysithea. I'll put it in a spoiler tag.

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    So Lysithea I recall had her lifespan greatly shortened after receiving a second crest, correct? Was it actually the same with Edelgard or was it that her lifespan was actually increased instead of decreased? Did this have to do with it being the Crest of Flames? Also is there an ending where they actually are able to get rid of their crests? I can't remember if someone tells Lysithea in a support conversation that there may actually be a way to remove her extra crest. So by doing that I'd assume it'd reestablish what her lifespan is supposed to be. That could've been a detail in Edelgard and Lysithea's ending too, but I don't recall. Extra question, if they are able to remove the crests and do, do their hair colors also return to normal?




    For Edelgard there is no direct confirmation. She doesn't speak about it like Lysithea does, leading many people to theorize that she may suffer from a decreased lifespan as well, but since there's nothing said about it in game it's only speculation.

    As for Lysithea, there are certain paired endings where they do figure out how to remove her crest though it never mentions her hair returning to normal.



  6. 8 hours ago, Icelerate said:

    Would you have preferred if RD's story started with the formation of the Dawn Brigade? This way the events in the developer notes could have been shown instead of hidden away in some obscure notes. Furthermore, people will gain a stronger attachment to the DB if we see how they came to be from the very beginning instead of being thrown in the middle of their story. 

    Yeah that would've been fine had they intended to go that route. It would be nice to see how Micaiah got such a reputation firsthand. But I still don't feel it would've been necessary if they'd have just added actual support conversations.

  7. 41 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

    My opinion was that RD's writing is too fast paced, especially in the Micaiah parts, even before reading Alastor's arguments but now I'm even more convinced. Deltre also pointed out this flaw of RD's writing in his LP when juxtaposed with PoR.  I think these are good arguments for why PoR has a better story than RD. Unfortunately the common argument is that blood pact sucks so PoR is automatically better but that's a reductive argument.

    However, I'm not the biggest fan of PoR's writing because I felt it was too slow paced when I first played through it but it's been a long time when I played it so I might change my mind.  

    I mean that's fine, but I played PoR as recently as a year ago and RD just a week and a half ago and I still hold that opinion. To me it feels appropriately paced, especially since the plot does canonically take place in a rather condensed time frame. I'd like some padding for purely logistical reasons if it gets a remake (mostly to more organically gain levels for the DB) but the plot itself? I don't feel like it needs to be slowed down.

  8. You've mentioned several times feeling that the writing in this game was rushed but in all the many times I've played RD it's never felt that way to me. Perhaps it's because I enjoy a fast paced story and so the speed here is more comfortable to me, but many other FE games (especially PoR) felt very much like they just dragged on and on. I found myself wishing other games would just get to the point already and RD never gave me that feeling.

    As for the spirit charmer stuff, that's explained in Part 4 if you recruit Pelleas.

  9. I have a legitimate problem with the whole "they're fictional characters so it doesn't matter how I objectify them" mindset. Namely that what is allowed and encouraged in fiction will, over time, leak it's way into being allowed and encouraged in real life because it becomes normalized to people. It's a very fine, slippery line that I think people cross far more often than they should, especially in the JRPG community.

    Anyway, on topic I'd hardly say I have a "waifu" or a "husbando" but my favorite girl in the series is Micaiah. Second favorite... probably Petra or Mercedes.

    Favorite guy is Dimitri, Felix and Haar tied for second for different reasons.

  10. Glad you're looking forward to Radiant Dawn! I hope you enjoy your time in the Tellius continuation! As my first FE game it remains my favorite.

    As to your questions:

    1. Radiant Dawn is overall much harder than PoR. However the translation was messed up when labeling the difficulties. So in RD Easy = Normal, Normal = Hard, Hard = Lunatic. Honestly it's up to you which one you'd like to try your hand at but know that the early game is notably harder than the later game.
    2. I'm no LTCer or big math person but from my experience the stats work similarly to PoR. Someone else can probably give you exact numbers. Of note, you can take skills off units in RD and move them to other units without losing the skill like you do in PoR.
    3. You switch armies several times throughout RD. For the most part your convoys are kept separate but there does come a time where the convoy is merged between all the characters. So long as no character dies you do eventually regain access to all of them but there are some that have such low availability overall that they're not worth using. Those units include Tormod, Vika, Muarim, and a few of the Part 2 characters but everyone is able to be worked with if you give them enough babying thanks to BEXP.
    4. Sorry no clue, I have a physical copy.

    I would give you more advice and tips but I find that RD is the most fun to play through when you go into it pretty blind. Others will probably tell you more though. I wish you luck!

  11. 33 minutes ago, Yexin said:

    i'd be down for less units if that means more original classes and characters tbh

    that could also help with the "too many supports -> low quality supports" problem that's been a thing since Awakening

    That's fair and while I personally would be fine with that I can see the complaints already if they actually did it.

  12. 1 hour ago, Yexin said:

    on the contrary, i think unique classes would be much easier to remember, and the reason is precisely because only one character has it
    that character's strength and weaknesses are clear the secon you deploy them on the field and engage combat

    recycled classes, while easier to remember because you already know those archetypes on a general line since you already have experienced them in past FE games, force IntSys to give characters with the same class differences so minor and stupid you shouldn't even bother considering, and the only result is to make those characters dull and boring, with no real quirk that differentiates them from other
    also, the moment you chose to dump characters because you've already been using another character with the same class due to earlier availability, imo that's really poor game design

    if you have more characters with unique classes, you don't even have to consider the "male-female" stats difference, to name one: they are made unique by what they are and what they and only they can do
    and yes, this makes characters more memorable

    My biggest issue with this is that if everyone's unique, unique stops being important or memorable. Unless you majorly downgrade the number of units the game gives you. With a cast of 20 or more characters though it would become a bit of a slog more than anything unique or memorable.

  13. 40 minutes ago, vikingsfan92 said:

     There have been people bashing all three lords not just here but pretty much everywhere on the internet.   It really doesn't help to act like its exclusive to any one of them when that is not the problem. All that does is make it look like you are not going to listen to people who support that lord who have also been on the receiving end of some nastiness.  

    Yeah but in recent months it has been the Edelgard fans being the worst. And if it seems like I'm not going to support that it's because I'm not. No amount of nastiness your favorite lord receives is a justification for you being nasty in return. They're fictional characters and people need to get over taking criticisms of fictional characters so personally.

    21 minutes ago, Troykv said:

    Well; we can't deny that indeed happened. I think this is part of the reason why Edelgard's Reddit is like the only character-specific FE Reddit that has activity beyond fan art, (some people ended up abandoning Main Reddit during these times).

    This where I believe this whole "Edelgard paranoia" (for the lack of a better term) started.

    In the end, it had a big effect in how discussions about her are started and done until the present day (from both sides. I'm not taking one right now).

    Reddit definitely had a big effect on it, on all sides of the matter. Unfortunately it seems like Reddit problems refuse to stay on Reddit where they belong and have this nasty habit of leaking onto other forums like here... >.> But the fact remains that the Reddit mindset in general is pretty toxic (a lot of the time, not always) and leaking it other places generally just makes everyone look bad.

    Ah but anyway, as I mentioned before there are plenty of legitimate reasons to dislike or hate all of the main characters. My personal favorite to bash is actually Claude and that's just because he's the weakest in terms of connection to the story. Still love the guy.

  14. 54 minutes ago, Nickdos said:

    How DARES anyone defend Edelgard??

    Who are you to say if anyone is allowed to defend Edelgard or not pal?

    To me it more looks like there are some people around here that are so obsessed with hating Edelgard that have now moved on to hating her fans as well.

    You haven't been around the 3H forums much I take it?

    This has gotten bad because of Edelgard fans continually bashing other characters in their defense of Edelgard while also making excuses for most if not all of her actions. That makes her fans look bad and reflects badly on her character as well. Edelgard is a well written character that is taking a pretty hard knock because many of her fans refuse to allow people to hold even a somewhat negative opinion of her. They'll claim that it's because people always talk crap about Edelgard but that hasn't been a thing since the first couple months after the game came out and now even legitimate criticism or disagreement with her character and actions are "Edelgard bashing". That's why her fans are catching so much crap.

    There's plenty of reasons to hate each of the lords, not just the main 3 (including Rhea in this because she's a main character too). Edelgard is stubborn and arrogant with a savior complex, Dimitri goes insane and slaughters people, Claude, Rhea kills dissidents in the church without much of a trial and refuses to talk to those she feels betrays her.

    Just kidding, though Claude is the least problematic of the 4 he's not everything he's talked up to be and leaves at the end of VW in what is the dumbest ending for a character since Ike in Radiant Dawn.

  15. 4 hours ago, whase said:

    A lack of dark mages is not a reason for why it would fit Micaiah.

    In previous games dark magic was tied to knowledge, in Tellius it seems tied to pacts with spirits (not confirmed but my theory). I see no reason why dark magic is tied with chaos.

    Yune has an affinity? I mean I know she is called a dark god, but she isn't really, and I doubt that's what you mean. Is there some unused data in RD that confirms Yune has a dark affinity?

    While thematically that sounds cool, there is no reason to think magic is inherited. Let alone over that many generations. Besides, her sister mains in anima magic.

    Only valid reason I see, but not enough to convince me dark magic fits Micaiah's personality.

    I think it is.

    That's your theory. But if light magic is tied to order (Ashera) then dark magic would logically be tied to chaos (Yune)

    Check her on Heroes. She's dark aligned there. I know it's not RD but it's the closest we've got to her being playable and no one is arguing Ashera's heaven (light) alignment. Yune, as her opposite, would be dark aligned.

    Her sister also isn't the apostle. And there's nothing saying it isn't either. Also Micaiah is the only person with such a close connection to Ashera and Yune since Lehran and already has two of the 3 things he's got SS rank in. Just add dark magic.

    Nothing's saying it has to fit her personality. It sure as hell doesn't fit Pelleas's personality, he's far too meek and timid for the majority of dark mages and yet he uses it and thunder magic. Also for some reason you seem to be falling into the pitfall of dark = evil and light = good and that's obviously not the case in RD. I point you to Ashera.

    Also in terms of gameplay it would finally give her weapon triangle advantage against the anima mages. Light magic gets disadvantage to anima magic in the game so her having dark magic would make her more adept at fighting off those other mages.

  16. 2 hours ago, whase said:

    How would dark magic work for Micaiah? Sounds very out of character for her. Besides, I always thought the game implied dark magic is exclusive to spirit charmers, which Micaiah is not.

    Giving Micaiah more speed would be a shame in my opinion. I'd rather see a more creative solution to make her more useful, like increased HP and more special conditions and make staves heal less overall, that would make sacrifice a lot more interesting. (Also maybe increase exp gains from sacrifice.)

    1. Dark affinity
    2. Lack of dark mages (you get two and only on a second playthrough)
    3. She's the voice of Yune, the goddess of chaos, and Ashera, the goddess of order, logically granting her access to light and dark magic
    4. She ends up becoming the vessel of Yune after having a much more personal connection with Yune. Yune's affinity is, you guessed it, dark
    5. She's Lehran's descendant, someone who can canonically use staves, dark, and light magic
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