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Silver-Haired Maiden

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Posts posted by Silver-Haired Maiden

  1. 10 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Personally I suspect that Corrin is largely the cause of Michy getting more recognition. They are in a somewhat similar situation and Corrin handling it so much worse retroactively reflected really well on Michy. I don't really recall much Eirika hate aside from that one point in the story where she took some stupid pills. 

    That may be the case, but I noticed her popularity rising once she was in Heroes as such a good unit. So it was probably a combination of the two. Though I personally find the comparisons of Micaiah to Corrin to be offensive, Micaiah was never that bad >.> As for Eirika, I noticed a lot of hate for her back in the day. I was never a fan of her game so it kind of stuck out to me just how much she got comparatively to everyone else, at least from a somewhat outsider's perspective.

  2. Frankly, she isn't. Divisive doesn't equal hated, she even won CYL her first year being out.

    You want to see hated female characters? I point you to Micaiah after Radiant Dawn came out. Or Eirika. While the hate for these two has calmed down significantly the past several years (with Heroes playing a large part in Micaiah's) those two had so much vitriol spat at them that it makes Edelgard discourse look downright tame by comparison.

  3. I've been over this several times, but what could one more time hurt? This is not everything, just to keep it from getting too long.

    General fixes: Nerf enemy resistance stats to actually make mages worthwhile, fix balancing, add a way for the DB to catch up to the GMs, be it either through auto leveling or through my proposed idea for a Part 2 rewrite in other threads, add support chains to certain character pairs (eg. all the GMs should support, all the DB should support, all the Crimean army should support, and then add other ones that make sense and leave the other characters that don't without support chains), fix Part 4 to add more development to the enemies and Ashera and wtf is going on. Part 3 could stand to be multi-routed like others have mentioned with an option to pick which group you want to follow with the other units auto leveling so they won't be under-leveled come Part 4. Stop with the second playthrough restrictions.

    Fix Micaiah. She's a main lord, she needs to be better. Bump her speed, give her better magic that isn't just Thani, possibly give her access to dark magic so that a grand total of 3 characters in the game can use it. She should have support chains with all the DB, Sanaki, Pelleas, Nailah, Ike, Elincia, Soren, and Tibarn at the very least.

    Sothe could stand a better promotion and better capped stats to make him actually useful come later game. Also maybe give him access to bows upon promotion, that would be cool. He needs a bigger part in the story and supports with all the DB plus some of the previous support partners to see how they've changed and developed over the years.

    Pelleas needs to not be a second playthrough character.

    The rest of the DB needs a slight buff and they definitely need supports to fill their characters out.

    Elincia needs a bigger part in the story (ergo Part 2 rewrite and more presence in Part 3) and of course supports.

    The Greil Mercs are mostly fine, just add supports and for the love of everything good in this world fix Mist. I'd like to actually be able to use her, thank you very much.

  4. .... I don't think I have ever had this much good luck from a banner. In 160 orbs I got:

    Fallen Ike
    Fallen Lyon
    Fallen Lyon
    Fallen M!Corrin
    Fallen Julia
    Fallen Ike

    That means I got all 4 focus heroes in their debut banner and got multiples of 2 of them. I have never had that happen before.

  5. You get someone with an Ike profile pic immediately followed by someone with a Micaiah one, so it's safe to say I'm biased as well lol.

    Radiant Dawn is personally my favorite FE I've played, including FE3H. It has a sense of scale and world building that is frankly unmatched by any other FE game I've played, the characters are great, the difficulty is there (anyone saying RD is too easy is... strange. It's been considered one of the more difficult classic FE games for a while but I personally find it to be a comfortable challenge), the maps are well designed for the most part and quite thematic. Also I like the animations but I get they're not everyone's cup of tea.

    PoR wasn't quite as stand out to me. Not only was it more basic without quite the same sense of scale as RD, I also found the maps to be a bit lackluster, especially around mid game. The character supports are where PoR really shines, it gives the characters a grounded, realistic feel that makes them still some of the best in the franchise.

    All in all, I'd definitely recommend playing them. Like any games they can be a bit divisive, so really it'll be down to your personal preference.

  6. It is established that the Agarthans can make artificial crest stones. They're mostly used to create demonic beasts so it's not surprising that they might have advanced enough to make an artificial crest of the beast. Besides, it's incredibly unlikely that the Nabateans were walking around with two or more hearts, that would've been stated and they would've made multiple weapons out of each in that case.

  7. My first FE game was Radiant Dawn.

    I got real good real fast thanks to that lol. Now I usually do several run throughs of the game and will only play on casual mode for grinding purposes or to just focus on the story if that's what I'm after. I don't really enjoy maddening difficulties but I can play them with virtually no resetting. I also don't really do challenge runs, I use who I want and don't worry about LTC or any of that crap.

  8. Blue Lions here as well. It has the biggest concentration of characters I love in it (Dimitri being best in the game, Felix being second best, fight me). Dimitri is my favorite male lord, Felix is amazing, Ingrid has a surprising amount of depth, Sylvain has a great character arc, Mercedes and Annette swiftly became two of my favorite female characters in the game, and Ashe is precious. Dedue is really the only one I'm "meh" oh. They all work well together, they're competent even for beginners playing the game, and their supports are mostly top notch.

    Next would be Golden Deer. I love Claude, Hilda, Lorenz, Lysithea, and Marianne. But I'm eh on Raphael and Ignatz (they seem like good guys but they're not as interesting) and Leonie can be annoying at times. It's a good middle ground.

    Last is the Black Eagles. I really like Edelgard as a character but cannot support her as a person which lowers her ranking a bit. Hubert is entertaining but I also want to punch him sometimes. Caspar and Linhardt feel like they could have been excluded and nothing would have changed. Bernadetta is one of my least favorite characters in the franchise (losing only to Soren). Ferdinand, Petra, and Dorothea are truly great though, absolute standouts in the house and characters I always try to recruit. The only truly redeeming members of the Black Eagles are Edelgard, Ferdinand, Petra, and Dorothea. So the BE has the fewest number of characters I like the highest of characters I don't.

    I don't have the DLC so no comment on the AW.

  9. 3 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Then I misunderstood you, and I am sorry for that. 

    Me too. I got a bit snappy there, my apologies.

    Anyway, back on topic.

    I do find Rhea to be quite sympathetic as a character. She's someone who has managed to hold herself together for a very long time to do what she believed to be right, even as the very people she's trying to help go and spit on her teachings. She dealt with the loss of most of her family and had to watch their bones be made into the very weapons that were used against her. I cannot even imagine how damaging that must be to someone.

    That being said, I don't think she was right to install herself as the head of the church for so long. I understand why she did it, she genuinely believed that getting Sothis back would be best for the world and honestly she might have been right. But we can't know that and her obsession was a major problem. She needed to be removed from power, I don't think you'll find anyone who will argue that.

  10. Just now, omegaxis1 said:

    Again, the same logic applies to Dimitri as well. It's bad writing on both parts. Please don't try and think that it singles out to just one. 

    Also, I know what happens. Rhea was weak, but not harmed. So no experiments, and certainly no torture. And bad writing or not, that doesn't change the fact that the game still does present that she got better mentally as a result of this. 

    So either way, it doesn't change the core point. She started to get better as a result of the imprisonment. That is fact. Are you still insistent on trying to pretend that it isn't?

    First of all, I never mentioned Dimitri. We were not talking about Dimitri, and believe it or not bringing him up does nothing to help you. I do agree that they handled his recovery very badly.

    Secondly, just because that's the way the game presents it, doesn't mean I can't find it dumb as all hell and think it makes no sense. It may be a fantasy game, but that particular lesson it teaches is so ungrounded from reality as to be potentially harmful to someone suffering with problems. Same as with Dimitri since you want to keep bringing him into this. Love alone doesn't fix mental health issues, isolation definitely doesn't.

    Third of all, I never tried to pretend jack. For someone who talks all the time about people twisting his words, you sure do the same thing to other people a lot. I said it made 0 sense, not that it didn't happen.

  11. Since none of you seem to want to believe me about what isolation does to people, here. You want a more practical answer? The isolation we're currently going through has caused depression and other mental health issues to skyrocket and that's only been a couple of months with the ability to still go out and get groceries and other essentials.


    Read up on some of the articles. It's not me saying it should've made things worse, it's science saying that. It's bad writing that it somehow made her better. Oh and by the way @omegaxis1you can literally see that she's in really bad shape. So bad that it takes her weeks of rest and healing to get enough strength up to even talk to you at the end of VW and SS. That's in the game, it's irrefutable. Not in the best condition is an understatement and unharmed is a misnomer at best, a blatant disregard for what we see at worst.

    My point is, it's insanely bad writing for the 5 years of imprisonment to have made Rhea better.

  12. Just now, omegaxis1 said:

    Well, you have to remember that she's a literal DRAGON. How exactly do you IMPRISON a dragon? I doubt it was very easy, but likely keeping her confined alone is all they could do, as otherwise, Rhea would just break out. Edelgard definitely wanted her alive and not dead. 

    I highly doubt she was experimented on, as the Agarthans touching her would result in her being torn apart and turned into a weapon. Especially given how Seteth states that Rhea is unharmed. 

    Honestly, we're more making really harsh ideas on what Rhea's imprisonment is going through, assuming it's the absolute worst. But how bad was it? She's unharmed, she wasn't dead, and if anything, she got better mentally. If anything, Edelgard didn't treat her horribly despite imprisoning her. 

    Maybe they didn't experiment on her, but getting better mentally is not how prison works and if you think it is, you need to do some research on solitary confinement. People are pushing for it to be outlawed as it's basically a form of torture and breaks people, it doesn't make them better. Her being a dragon doesn't really have any bearing on that, we all know dragons throughout FE history degenerate and considering how weak Rhea is in every route after you rescue her, she certainly wasn't treated well.

  13. Let's also just take the time to point how how warped it is that 5 years of imprisonment apparently made Rhea "better". That's really not how 5 years of isolation works on people. Just take a look at Dimitri. Flayn and Byleth escape the insane negative effects of years of isolation by being in a magical dragon sleep and there's nothing suggesting that Rhea ever was, meaning she had to go through 5 years of imprisonment, likely entirely alone save some people bringing her food and possibly even experimenting on her. That should have driven her insane, not somehow magically fixed her.

  14. Just now, omegaxis1 said:

    I think it's a bit much to compare this to World Wars, which is a MUCH higher level of war than what Edelgard's war is about. However, it's not like designing a new form of government is done overnight. An entrenched system of nobility that's been around for 1200 years isn't easily dismantled. So Edelgard spent years, dedicated to reforming things and improving the lives and livelihood of the people of Fodlan. 

    Cause the thing is, that's all she CAN do. She can't bring the dead back to life. All she can do is work for the future she made the sacrifices for. People had suffered, and they'll need to learn to heal from this. That's how people have been. They experience war, and sometimes wonder if it was ever worth it, and then just cope with the losses because that's all anyone can do. 

    The end justify the means or not has been a contested debate done by philosophers across history. We STILL have not yet reached a conclusive answer. Cause history has proven on both sides to have a point in matters regarding it. 

    The simple reason is that there's a time where the ends do justify the means, and other times that they do not. Cause just as taking violent action can make people suffer, taking a morally righteous action can still make people suffer. 

    Cause at times, results DO matter. If the morally righteous actions don't get results, then the morally righteous actions isn't so morally righteous. It's just as bad. 

    You talk about the victims of war, but what about the victims that suffered under the oppressive system that didn't get reformed for them? They would do the same thing in regards to what you said. Just spit at the morally righteous action because they would develop their own hatred. 

    None of that means you get to dismiss all the bad shit she did as "UWU Edelgard is an innocent flower who feels bad about what she did so it makes it all okay". No. Two things being bad doesn't make either of them good. You can debate which of them was worse until you're blue in the face, the fact of the matter is that they're both bad and need to be acknowledged as such. It was not okay for her to start a war. Obviously you have no idea what war entails, the decades or centuries of suffering that it can leave whole nations with. What the people not sitting in a palace or away from the combat experience. You may argue that sometimes war is necessary and maybe it is, but that does NOT make it okay and it does not make the aggressor right to declare war.

  15. Just now, Blackstarskywalker said:

    What are those crimes? In our world, war crimes would be the following: Executions of prisoners of war and hostages, forcing civilian populations to carry out forced labor, genocide. Of course we are debating a fictional fantasy world inspired by the medieval age, yet Edelgard does not go to such extremes.

    Crimes like waging a continent spanning war for instance. Helping the Agarthans, who she knows do awful things to people because they did it to her and her family, allowing them to turn people into crest beasts. Her feeling "bad" about doing these things does not change that she did them and the ends do NOT justify the means. If she or you think that the result was worth it, I want you both to go to the victims of a war and tell them that it's okay that their loved ones died because it was "worth it in the end". No. Most of them would spit in your face and for good reason.

  16. Hard agree with @Crysta. Edelgard feeling bad for doing something doesn't absolve her of her crimes. It just doesn't. You don't get to murder my mother and then just say "Well I feel really bad about doing it so it's okay", that's not how that works. Is there anything she can do about that? ... No, probably not. It's just something she, and you two, are going to have to live with.

  17. 8 hours ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

    At the end of the day boar Dimitri is the representation of the concept I hate the most in the world, the idea that evildoers must suffer for justice to occur. It is sadistic and self-righteous. However sorry I feel for Dimitri, it is muddled by the fact that I will never ever approve of these type of actions, even a little bit. I am glad he recovered from this darkness. The truth is that if I personally witnessed what he planned to do with Randolph. I would have killed him on the spot. Not out of hatred, but because I would be worried about what he would do in the future. If I didn't know the future already I would be worried, he would do the same to Edelgard. Killing is one thing, but torture? I could never allow that. 

    Congrats, you've answered why some people simply can't like Edelgard.

    The simple fact of the matter is that no matter how justifiable and "purely intentioned" you view Edelgard as, people are going to disagree and read her actions differently. She's not a purely good character and at this point it seems a lot like you're making excuses for her and trying to make her out to be a lot more lily white than she actually is.

    What she did still matters. Arguably more than her hang ups. She doesn't like that she had to start a war but she did it anyway and will trample anything in her way to achieve her goals. Her not liking it does NOT change that she still did it. Also I disagree with her goals being noble in the first place, they come across instead as arrogant and selfish to me. If I knew Edelgard was planning a continent spanning war that was going to spit in the face of people's sovereignty and lead to thousands if not millions of deaths (of innocent men, women, and children, let's not fool ourselves about what war entails), and the loss of so many other people's livelihoods I would have killed her on the spot.

    None of this means I don't like her as a character, but I could never support her. Also I would like to point out that at some point you need to take a step back and see if your strict defense of Edelgard might be having the opposite effect of what you want. It is with me.

  18. S tier: Micaiah, Nailah, Haar, Tibarn, Zelgius

    A tier: Ike, Jill, Titania, Shinon, Tauroneo, Lucia, Naesala, Stefan, Caineghis, Giffca, Sephiran/Lehran

    B tier: Nolan, Ilyana, Sothe, Aran, Zihark, Geoffrey, Kieran, Danved/Devdan, Oscar, Boyd, Skrimir, Ranulf, Pelleas, Bastian, Nasir, Ena, Kurth

    C tier: Edward, Leonardo, Laura, Tormod, Muarim, Elincia, Marcia, Nephenee, Brom, Calill, Rolf, Ulki, Sigrun, Tanith, Sanaki

    Most laguz tier (seriously that charge bar sucks): Rafiel, Leanne, Nealuchi, Mordecai, Vika, Lethe, Kyza, Lyre, Reyson, Janaff, Gareth

    Meg and Fiona tier: Meg and Fiona, Heather, Makalov, Astrid, Mist

    S*** tier: Soren


    Most of this is a combination of unit usefulness and how much I enjoy their character. If I really enjoy a character it can majorly effect their ranking, overriding unit usefulness (see: Micaiah and Soren) and if they're absolute monsters or suck in game-play it can override how much I like or dislike them as a character (see: Giffca and Mist)

  19. 1 hour ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

    The alignment in Dungeons & Dragons technically corresponds to cosmic forces, that much is correct. Good would be defined by the good aligned gods as a unit, there are also forces that basically manifest the evil alignments. Though hilariously enough under my interpretation Asmodeus, the ruler of the nine hells and basically the embodiment of lawful evil might not actually be evil aligned as it does seem like he does truly believe that he is providing a necessary function for the universe and does what he thinks is necessary to fight against the threat posed by the Demons. Asmodeus is all about order and tries to corrupt mortal souls in order to send them to hell. So he can use them as foot soldiers in the eternal war to protect the multiverse from the Demons. So he actually doesn't have the worst of motivations.

    Still, I would argue that alignment that very nature is subjective as it is ultimately the GM who is the arbiter of what counts as what alignment. But it is fun to discuss these things. But would totally be the type of GM would remove the Paladin's powers for killing orc children thinking it was okay because orcs are all of the chaotic evil alignment. Same with slaughtering a village full of Tieflings, don't care if they have the blood of devils or demons, killing someone because of their species is an evil act.

    Excuse me, did you just try to argue that Asmodeus isn't evil? Just because someone "provides a necessary service" does not make them NOT EVIL. We're talking about a figure that tortures, executes, sacrifices, and who was evil before ever becoming the ruler of the nine hells. He wants power. He wants control. Just because he recognizes the Abyssal threat does not make him not evil. HaarHaarHaar is right about D&D morality, in D&D the ends do not justify the means. Evil actions are still evil actions no matter your intentions and your DM comment is still a bit erroneous as there are actual rules. The DM can choose to discount those rules but they still exist in canon.

    I'd also like to point out that, by D&D alignment standards, very few people would fall under true neutral. It's also important to recognize that just because someone may do a couple of things that are outside a defined morality, that doesn't make them not that morality if the majority of their actions are otherwise. That being said, I don't actually like the morality alignment system because it feels a bit too rigid and I tend to prefer the systems that have more options beyond the standard 9.

    Anyway, I guess I'll give a few of my own opinions.

    Edelgard: Lawful Neutral
    Dimitri: Lawful Good (I don't count PTSD based mental breaks as permanent morality)
    Claude: Chaotic Good

    Hubert: Lawful Neutral
    Dedue: Lawful Neutral leaning Lawful Good
    Hilda: Neutral Good

    Rhea: Lawful Neutral
    Seteth: Lawful Good
    Flayn: Neutral Good

    Now here's the interesting thing, I don't consider the Agarthans Lawful Evil. They're all Neutral Evil, self serving a**holes.

  20. Eh why not, I'll jump in on this.

    Black Eagles


    Edelgard: Went from expecting her to be my favorite and possible competition for Micaiah, to having such a major issue with her that I dropped her route, to liking her character even if I didn't agree with her at all. Now her fans are slowly pushing me back into dislike her territory. Needless to say, my track record with Edelgard has been.... volatile.

    Hubert: Thought he was creepy at first and that opinion hasn't really changed. Other than that I'm kinda indifferent to him. Wish his character had more to it than "Serve Lady Edelgard".

    Ferdinand: Expected to greatly dislike him, then I ended up liking him the best out of the Eagles. I love his character arc and he's just a generally good character. So yeah, I like him.

    Caspar: He's..... okay? He kinda gets on my nerves. My opinion of him didn't change though so at least he stayed consistent and didn't get worse.

    Linhardt: Wanted to like him. Ended up disliking him a bit. He's not only boring, some of his supports come across as creepy.

    Dorothea: Best female Eagle personality wise, hands down. I expected to like her, I did like her, I still like her.

    Petra: She's a monster on a wyvern. That alone is enough for me to like her. Add in that she's generally a sweet person just trying to do her best for her people and she's all around likable.

    Bernadetta: 0/10, worst character in 3H and worst female in the franchise to me. Opinion has not changed. She's still the worst.

    Blue Lions


    Dimitri: Went into the game expecting to like him the least of the 3 lords. Wouldn't you know it, he shot up to my favorite male in the franchise. Move over Ike.

    Dedue: He's sweet but his character was really hurt by his disappearing act. Thanks to that he goes from "good character" to "meh character". Sorry Dedue.

    Felix: Second best male in the game. He's amazing. I love him. I didn't expect to as I usually am not a fan of tsundere coded characters but he just won me over and didn't even blink doing it.

    Ingrid: I liked her at the beginning, I like her even more now. It's not very hard to make her a good unit and I find her conflicts to be quite believable and relatable.

    Sylvain: I didn't like him at first but as the story went on he grew on me... a little. He went from dislike to begrudging acceptance of his presence. I still don't like his general attitude toward women and while I admit that he's a good character, I don't see us ever being able to be friends.

    Mercedes: I love her. If you hurt Mercedes, I will fight you. She's a strong person who has been through so much crap and is kind to everyone because she chooses to be that way, no matter what other people have thrown at her.

    Annette: I didn't expect to like her as much as I do. She's amazing, genuine, and a sweet heart. I relate to her family struggles way too much and her supports with Felix are pure sunshine.

    Ashe: I didn't pay him much mind at first, but the arc with Lonato when I played the BL for the first time really endeared him to me.

    Golden Deer


    Claude: Expected to like him the most of the males. Now he ranks below Dimitri and Felix but still top 3 so there's that. I just expected him to be a bit... more. Also his ending really soured me on his character. Sorry Claude. You're still great overall.

    Hilda: I did not like her at ALL when I first started playing. Spoiled, whiny, pampered, lazy types are not my cup of tea. However, between reading more of her supports, seeing her genuine face with her friends, and her being an absolute beast of a unit she grew on me. Now I always recruit her when I can.

    Lorenz: I kinda felt bad for him from the start so I approached him with more of an open mind. Thanks to that I can honestly say I started out liking him and still like him.

    Lysithea: Great character, great mage, that has not changed. She's great.

    Raphael: Indifferent to him. He seems like a good guy.

    Ignatz: Also indifferent. Sorry buddy. You also seem really sweet, but when you're surrounded by such personalities you need more stand out moments.

    Leonie: I wanted to like you. I tried so hard to like you. I don't.

    Marianne: I know everyone likes her a lot but I just find myself feeling kinda indifferent about her character. Like she's okay, she's certainly better than some of the cast, but I just don't feel a huge attachment to her.



    Rhea: I was unsure what to make of Rhea going into the game and my first route had me very indifferent toward her. But as I played through the other routes she really grew on me as a character. I feel bad for her and feel like I can understand the choices she made. So yeah, like her a lot more now.

    Seteth: I expected to hate him. I really did. But no. He's amazing, a logical character with a good head on his shoulders alongside a good heart and some of the best supports in the game.

    Flayn: I like her as a character. I really should use her more...

    Catherine: Second worst character. Only Bernadetta is worse than her. This opinion has not changed through 6 playthroughs of the game.

    Shamir: Started indifferent, ended indifferent.

    Cyril: He's okay? I don't get a lot of the hate for him. The fact that you can S support him is still creepy.

    Hanneman: I started out not liking him, but then he grew into that grandpa esque professor from college that you just can't help but like. Also his moments with Manuela are hilarious.

    Manuela: No. Sorry, I do not like her. She's not the worst but she's certainly in the bottom.

    Alois: That funny uncle that you love to see at family gatherings. How could anyone dislike Alois?


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