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Posts posted by arachnophobia

  1. I'm a shy muffin and want to get better about posting art and getting critique! All feedback is very very appreciated!

    I have a somewhat rarely-updated deviantArt here: dA linkeroo ; though I mostly take commissions off a dragon-collection/breeding website called Flight Rising (ooooh boy, the obsession runs deep but that's an entirely different beast LOL I even made a fan-dragon for Chrom).

    Here's my latest, a sketch of Lon'qu. I'm been pretty sad/anxious and unmotivated to draw so I did this today to try and psych myself up! Still trying to get the hang of coloring in SAI ver2. Everything after this one was done in SAI 1.




    A commission I did for someone of their character:




    Sketch of my OC Kantor ❤️ ❤️




    My OC Idunn 😄




    Another commission:




  2. 3 hours ago, Slumber said:

    Probably Aptheosis, but it's mostly because it being the most difficult one, is the one I remember the most. I haven't done the Awakening DLC in probably 4 years, so my memory on most are a bit fuzzy.

    It's a... long, dumb story. Basically, I'm a Biochemistry major. One of the classes I need for my degree, Analytical Chemistry, I first took in my junior year in the spring of '16. The professor's grading curve was ridiculously harsh, and there was one week where I spent probably a combined 45 hours of work studying for a test, which I failed, working on a lab, which I got a 0 on, because the professor decided that if it wasn't 100% completed and ALL of your work wasn't shown, you'd automatically get a 0 on the lab for the week, and doing homework, which I did fine on.

    Despite this, I was still sitting at roughly a C for the class, but I was spending so much time working towards that class that it was eating into my other classes. My Microbiology grade specifically began to slip. So by midterms, I had to decide if I wanted to stick with Analytical Chemistry that semester and risk my grade-based scholarship, or drop and improve my grades in my other classes. I decided to drop it.

    Big mistake. The next time it was offered by my university, which was this last spring, it conflicted with one of my other required courses lab hours, and I was already taking Biochemistry 2 and Molecular Cell Biology, which are lab-based classes. So I opted to postpone graduation and take the class somewhere else in the fall. I talked to the Chemistry head at my university, we found an equivalent class at a local community college, and I was gonna take it there. But then the school canceled the whole class 1 week before classes were supposed to start.

    So now I'm stuck taking a gap year while all my friends are off to med school and grad school.

    I see, thanks! 

    That sucks...
    Given that you had that sort of scholarship though, it sounds like you made the right choice to keep up your grades. That's super annoying though; having to pick between getting funding or waiting until the class is offered again. Did that community college cancel the course for good / will they offer it again? 

    I hope you can get the units soon. ;_; That's similar to how my linux administration course only ran once every 3 semesters or so... 

    What're your plans after graduation?

  3. 20 hours ago, Slumber said:


    Just some advice, most of the DLC for the 3DS FEs is for grinding purposes and extra skills/classes that don't really add much to the game. For Awakening, there's a lot of decent DLC challenge maps and people tend to like the alternate timeline DLCs that expand on the story of the children, so just know ahead of time before you go and spend a bunch of money on DLC that you don't really need like I did.

    And grats on graduating. I was SUPPOSED to graduate in the spring, but my plans got royally screwed, so now I have to postpone my graduation(Again) until next fall.


    Ohh that's super good to know, thank you. I may still pick up the alternate timeline DLC then; I'll think about it. Did you have a favorite DLC map?

    Dang, I'm sorry to hear that D:
    What happened, if you don't mind me askin? I had some issues with transferable units at the end there. Ended up taking a full load of math courses at the local community college in Summer along with the planned programming courses at my college at the same time. Never again...


    8 hours ago, Ycine said:

    Welcome to the Forest, TreblePoe!

    Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

    Hey, thank you so much!!

  4. Hello!! I never know what to write in intros.

    Sacred Stones was my first game, then I went through FE7, PoR, RD, Awakening; started FE6 and Shadow Dragon... I'm still sinking hours into Awakening though; so fun! I'm thinking about getting the DLC or getting into Fates. 

    I'm 25, graduated college this year. I love drawing, writing, anime, tennis, cooking, tea, Odin Sphere, Monster Hunter, Pokemon, astronomy, and of course Fire Emblem! Oh and I have two cats: one is slightly cross-eyed and likes to burrow himself in blankets. The other is 6 months old and runs around the house at night like his butthole's on fire.


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