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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance

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  1. just played chapter 3-6, and omg that was ugly. Micaiah somehow managed to survive by dodging 2 tiger attacks on last turn, but everyone but her, Sothe and BK were killed. North was blocked by screwed Nolan 20/1 and Zihark -/5 (C support) and the right side was blocked by Sothe -/5 assisted by Micaiah and Volug (C assist Aran). BK came in this side to help. Fot thr fun I saved on a new file after the map. Now is it possible to survive chapter III-13 ? For the record Fiona, Edward 6, Leonardo 6 still live.
  2. I started a new HM PT, and Meg died from a tiger who had 14 (12 ? she was doubled) spd. I, as usual positionned her in the upper right door of the central room. A couple of missed hits from Ilyana, Leonardo and Aran on before the first tiger did that. Couldn't do anything to save her. I'm not the best FE player but well...
  3. Lately I decided to play a new PT to chase personal problems, and I just ended today. No particular goals, at start I wanted a final 20/20 Gatrie but gave up near map 18, i just wanted some transfers for RD (from a hard mode to a hard mode) Trying to speed up things too when I could You can see my ending results here. if you are interested I have one question : what are the low turns record anyway ? How many 20/20 characters have you been able to pull off in hard mode (in a decent turn PT ie no bosses abuse of something) ?
  4. I've just uploaded my RD and PoR results on Youtube, mostly for personnal uses (when a saved game is deleted for a new one, well, it is deleted), but perhaps someone here could be interested and have a look. These are not spectaculars PT or low turn based ones, but i tend to finish as fast as I can without any Jeigans (there are the super powerfull characters like Titania in PoR isn't it ?) I'm not sure if I can post somethink like this, but I hope it won't be unwelcomed. My playthroughs
  5. OK, does someone (everyone) that every magic user has a Laguz blood ? - Micaiah : telled in story - Sanaki : telled in story - Illyana : we don't know, but she hasn't growed in 4 years - Calill : her daughter wasn't stoned and it is said she has some powers - Soren : telled in story - Tormod : story often does reference how he is still physically weak and has not growed a lot in 4 years (conversations with Ike and Sothe plus others) You may argue there are some problems(flaws?) in my theory : - Pelleas : he clearly says it was a pact with a spirit ; perhaps druids are the only ones who are not Laguz branded. - Stefan : he does not use magic ; for me that's a special case, he's the only know Lion Laguz branded, may be Lion branded can't use magic after all... - Zelgius : same case that Stefan, for him I think he is wolf branded. - Bastian : hem don't know. - all the ennemies magic users : well, hem Anyway, I think every magic users have Laguz blood, but not every Luguz descendant can use magic (but is skilled in another area) Same opinion here ?
  6. Weird ? The fact that the BK fight was hard/stressful in PoR and fucking easy in RD, and the game tells exactly the opposite ("I let you win before, now I'll show you my real strenght". OK I prefered when you didn't showed your real power). Honestly, I expected an epic battle and I ended to think that the BK fight in RD is the easiest boss of the whole game. The fact that every time you are just to the point to get attached to a team, you use an other team for several maps, and process repeat again.
  7. Make Soren fight Micaiah in Part 3 Chapter 7. What ? How can you possibly do that and survive ? I mean, there's already the difficult Ike/BK fight to initiate. BK will kill Soren as soon he is in range. Unless may be if you drop him at turn 11 (it's a 12 turns map ?), when the BK is already in poursuit of Ike and perhaps out of Soren's range. Never tried that. Thanks for the information.
  8. Despite the fact I asked about Aran, I think Gatrie here is not completely off topic. I too usually pair Neph with Gatrie and I compare them among the game. Anyway, during my last 3 HM PT, Aran weren't able to make the final roster ; I think he's clearly usefull until chapters IV but his lack of speed and quite unable to naturraly take points in speed clearly disadvantage him latter.
  9. In which chapter was the conversation please ?
  10. For me, I never thought that before I saw the 3 portraits/faces(?) (Soren/Kurth/Rajaion) together. I just said OMFG ! But now it sounds like an evidence. Soren and Pelleas seem to have around the same age ; it's pretty an evidence that Soren is a Goldoan ; the story says that a Goldoan going out of his country is pretty unlikely, the only one who did that was Almedha, and the only one who ... fucked for fun made love with a Beorc and had a child was Almedha, and this Beorc was Ashnard. You can't be 100% affirmative, but hey, the story pieces are matching well I think. Soren's (innate?) personnality is unfriendly (or was it because he was left in his childood, or both, we'll never know), like (and that's a metaphor) Ashnard. May be Ike had a hint about all of that, and let Soren be with him during the rest of their life (Soren was the only character who were still with Ike (? I'm not sure about that)
  11. Is he Ashnard's son ? What's your point of view with that ?
  12. I try again my duo Zihark/Nolan to see if I can bring them to 4-E this time. I won't do reference here to 3 successive (following ? sp ?) hit on Nolan at about 32% that killed him because he critted one foe at 3% crit. Each time I soften ennemies by using Zihark (want to get experience kills for Nolan), Zihark activate Adept AND Crit (twice adept and twice crit on Knights) so Nolan can get fu...cked. EACH TIME ! When you want the skills to come to save your ass, they don't never come. This is specially sadistic.
  13. Okay, Chapter III-10, the map where Elincia fly directly near archers to be killed. Anyways... I am referring to Geoffrey ; in a previous map I left him with a killer lance. On that map, if I remember correctly, he did 1 (0?) crit on about 8 fights. On chapter III-10 where you don't control him, each time he engaged a foe he critted him, instantly killing him. In a row. Ninth (9) times in a row. Odds are extremely low for that. Does Geoffrey got mad for someone else wanting to kill Elincia ? Or what ?
  14. It was my case ; FE9 was my 1st FE and I played hard mode. If I Remember well, 2 characters died (Soren and Largo), For Soren it was on his incoming map (ch.4 I guess), and I waited severals map for him to return before learning that in FE when a character is dead, he's dead.
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