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Everything posted by colossus86

  1. Generally when weapons have cannonical stat boosts they conpress them into +3 form regardless of how strong they were in their base games (see like every jugdral weapon as an example). But since the weapons here don't really have any lopsided effects we can probably replace the stats with suitable full effects. I'd reccomend replacing the def on Tarvos with a safeguard +7 def on enemy phase. Lughnasdh can probably replace its speed with Darting Blow 3
  2. Used L!Ike B!Lucina Myrrh and B!Lyn. Just used spd boosted Ike to bait out the entire left side. Myrrh and Lyn to pick people off when necessary. Thought it was a healthy challenge overall Could probably sub out Myrrh for a well built Beruka and B!Lucina for Marth/Corrin (supported to Ike) for a mire accessible approach
  3. Well given that Ryoma and Tiki are probably the least popular characters to be made legendary, the one thing we can be absolutely sure about is they're going to play it extremely safe with character selection. My bets are on: Sword Cav Eirika RTome or R Dragon Corrin RBow Alm
  4. @ILikeKirbys Oliver's weapon raises an interesting balancing question. Great Flame's "Earthsweep" as I've seen it called, was considered a lopsided effect (see my previous post on those if you need clarification) on its release, and we don't have much of a reason to think IS' stance has changed on that. While certainly possible I don't think Great Flame's effect would be paired with another full effect let alone that of a 240 SP skill. On a Semi related note, while we have seen GHB units get refines for their existing weapons, we have yet to see a limited unit receive a new prf weapon when they did not previously have one. Again there's no reason it can't happen but it should be noted it hasn't happened yet. (RIP Finn) Additionally, Azama's staff is very out of line balance wise. It has 4 separate effects instead of the standard 2, and we now have 2 prf Staves to show Staffs don't get to play by different rules @GreatKnightEcho While stat boosts, like Res +3, might not be the strongest effects around, they still aren't considered free effects so Sully and Canas would have to drop theirs to be in line with current balancing standards. Bolting having duel effectiveness of all things is curious, as the only prf weapons with eff damage are those who have them in Cannon and some made up ones. Additionally, I find it somewhat doubtful a Firesweep weapon would be paired with anything but a Stat boost as they don't even allow current Firesweep weapons to be refined, and they don't seem comfortable completing the set. (We're still waiting on Axes, Daggers, and Tomes) There are cases like Odin were a unit receives an unprecedented weapon, but Odin was awful, were as Ursala's only real problem is limited availability. As noted above with Azama, Staves play by the same rules as everyone else, so Lissa would have to drop one of those effects.
  5. We deserve this, the price of our memes
  6. well since we're closing in on November and version 3.0 i figured I'd throw a few more into the ring. PALLA(NEW):Base effect is an owl sword. Refine:Special cooldown count -1 at start of turn 1 for any flyer allies with at least 1 hp fewer than unit. Palla's non minmaxed statline is one of her primary issues, but with an owl effect, it can be a blessing in disguise. 2 adjacent allies will push Palla to a 35/35/32/30 statline which will at least allow her to hold her ground against some contemporary threats. Currently flyers have their special activation very restricted as they can't run Wrath, Breaths, or any of the cd effecting C skills that currently exist. This refine would give Palla a niche support role which is the best most old, poorly optimized units can hope for. SETH:Base effect is the same as Camilla's axe, but for Calvary and Infantry Refine:Suprise it's the same as Camilla's but for Calvary and Infantry. IS isn't above a simple reskin if they feel like it makes sense, and in this case I feel it does. Similar to Camilla, Seth has a middling statline that leaves him in no man's land as there are better options for both player and enemy phase Sword Cavs at 4 star. Also like Camilla there's nice lore flavor here as Seth looks after the Royal twins (both Infantry who promote into Cavs) and was responsible for training the playable cavs in Sacred Stones (Franz Kyle and Ford). OGMA:Base is a 16 Mt Sword with Swordbreaker 3 Refine:Sturdy Stance 2 I would imagine that as a former gladiator, veteran mercenary, and arch rival to the infamous Navarre, Ogma has seen his share of duels and this presents him with the unique opportunity to run duel breaker skills. It's also worth noting that a weapon breaker plus Ogma's 34 base Spd will protect him from things like bold fighter Zelgius.
  7. We don't see weapon ranks but Edelgard has access to steel weapons at lvl 3, and given the unlikelyhood of her having a C rank that early, I'd assume bronze weapons are gone
  8. Uh sure, but I'm not sure why you quoted me. I was talking about Grima's Truth
  9. It's a family heirloom, though now that i think about it, it also would have made sense for a Robin refine but owell
  10. I mean none of the Ram crew fare too well as mages in the long haul
  11. Gonna need to grab one of those Colorless duel skills for my Jaffar. Suprised they didn't skip Loki, not suprised they skiped beast units
  12. The main issue with Serpent tomes (and any other generic tomes you're waiting on) is just that IS releases very few non seasonal mages without pfr tomes. I can't even remember the last one off the top of my head.
  13. It could be a Civil War or Rebellion type thing. The map we have shows three prominent names that could be sovereign nations or large subdivisions if Fodlan is under some sort of united rule. From what we've seen, it looks like the game at least starts at some sort of military academy that has students from all over, (if we're correct in our assumptions about where our three lords come from) so the political climate could be something akin to the holy roman empire, with a large number of semi-autonomous states bound together by some central government (maybe the church?). I Think it could be a lot of fun to see a HRE type place torn apart by controversy surrounding the church, catholic reformation style
  14. Called it Marisa up next. Wonder what the 4th category will be though, seasonal or legendary maybe? One tinfoil idea i have is that it will be a hero primarily foddered for their B skill. Berkut is usually foddered for his weapon, Hinata for his A skill, and Marisa for her C skill.
  15. Since they gave us a permanent pool unit then a ghb unit i wonder if they'll delve into TT units. Marisa (Infantry Pulse) or Joshua (CC, Windsweep) would be awsome
  16. Nephs attack isn't awful in the context of the entire game, but its the lowest of all lance infantry in the permanent pool. It might also be worth noting that she is very popular and 5 star locked. Part of the value of the refinery from IS's perspective is both to make popular characters who aren't the best units better, and to retroactively justify various units being 5 star locked. As for Shiro, what they do with him and his banner mates will be intetesting because, correct me if I'm wrong, but they haven't given refines to units with gen 2 bst yet have they?
  17. Rath:the rarity of his class alone will get people's attention. Will probably want to give him high atk and def dumping spd and res to differentiate him from B!Lyn. He could also introduce the Short Bow, which could be the wo dao bow. Marcus:Axe cav that tanks spd for respectable mixed bulk to seperate him from Titania and Freddy. Could also introduce a Berkut/Reprisal type weapon for axes since they don't have any. Other than that i can't say i care. FE6's class system doesn't leave much room for unique typing and outside of that straight powercreep and really unique prfs are how you stand out. Maybe throw in a Florina alt since her fans aren't terribly happy with her base form and she's a popular character
  18. I'm not sure they'd give Lucas free eff damage. Neph, Clair, and Caeda all have very poor atk for their class and eff damage is meant as a way to situationally circumvent their bad Atk. Lukas doesn't have that issue. That being said, what you suggested is probably more likely since we know IS isn't above simple re-skins for refines
  19. That's true but those are rare seasonal weapons that also don't have a slaying effect built in. Full guard, at least to me is a bit strong of an effect to have paired with another very strong effect on one weapon. It's also worth noting that many of the unique effects introduced by seasonal weapons, like duel spurs on the New Years weapons, never made it to permanent pool weapons in any capacity. I could certainly be wrong, but I'd rather undershoot than overshoot
  20. SELIPH:Upgrade base effect to Brazen Atk/Res 3 Refine:Infantry Pulse 3 This wouldn't totaly turn Seliph around completely but i honestly don't know what could. It WOULD give Seliph the unique ability to run double Infantry pulse which at least gives him a niche. Also he could potentially run double brazen atk/res to be a potent force against dragons. ELIWOOD:Upgrade base effect to DB3 (don't think we'll see 300 SP skills on weapons until distant counter refines come through) Refine:Chill Def 3 Not much to say, just makes Eliwood better at doing Eliwood things. Also adds some ultility to help the squad out. LUKAS(NEW):Base is simply a 16Mt Slaying Lance Refine:Skills with "effective against Armor" are effective against this unit. If foe has no skills with "effective against Armor", Inflicts Special Cooldown charge -1 (Does not stack with similar abilities) This is nod to Lukas promoting into an armor unit for people that haven't played SoV. Helps Lukas stay safe from specials while freeing up his B slot. DELTHEA:Base effect remains unchanged Refine:Infantry Rush 3 In my humble opinion there's not much IS could reasonably do here that could out perform a blade tome in terms of pure offense, so we can instead double down or her support role. Infantry Rush is a rare skill and synergizes with Dark Aura's base effect. SAIZO(NEW):Base is the same as his native smoke dagger but with 14 Mt Refine:If unit initiates combat and foe uses dragonstone, tomes, or staffs, grants +20 Res during combat. Allows Saizo to debuff and use his native poison strike while having some hope of not instantly dying to magic.
  21. Just had the pull of my life on the TT banner. In 29 orbs i finally got Mia (pity broken 5 times at least in the past), a Neutral IV Myrrh (mine was +HP -DEF, literally her worst set) and a horse Chrom for chill DEF fodder
  22. Male Morgan, (Along with several other heroes) are in a rough spot as far as weapons go. That's because based on what we've seen, their weapons already have 2 effects and aren't eligible to be refined. Grima's Truth is what I've come to call a "Lopsided Weapon". These weapons generally have effects that IS feels are a bit overturned as a single effect, either in a general sense, or just in the context of who the weapon belongs to (i.e. Great Flame is a great weapon because it belongs to Myrrh, put a similar weapon on Clair and its garbage). So instead of granting these weapons a "full" 2nd effect, they just get a +3 to one stat in order to not be overbearing, or at least that's the idea. In some cases you can argue this approach is warranted. Blizzard: While it may not be as easy to set up as a Bladetome, remember that Blizzard can give Gunnthra 35 additional damage on attack (-7 to all stats plus RES debuffs having double effectiveness, like how Bladetomes essentially double the effectiveness of ATK buffs) Great Flame:Denies doubles duel phase and with no HP Threshold. Also worth noting that Myrrh has an easier time with defense checks than most units since she both has good base DEF and can increase her DEF in so many ways (Flier buffs, Dragon buffs, Tactics, etc.) Flame Siegmund:Grants doubles duel phase with no HP Threshold, or any restrictions beyond positioning. Now that's not to say there haven't been issues. My guess on Grima's Truth is that they felt the effect was a little strong for a tome and didn't want to give it a full second effect. It's also worth noting that while the above examples still hold strong imo, many other "Lopsided Weapons" (someone please make a better name) have fallen into disrepair due to their lone effects not aging well. Mulagir isn't considered a very good weapon by modern standard since it's effect isn't that crazy and doesn't have much coverage, though its important to remember its one of the first Dull effects in the game so IS prob didn't have a handle on how valuable those were/are. Additionally many feel B!Lucina's weapon has lost a lot of shine due to Marth's Falchion being far less restrictive and M!Corrin providing superior buffs for a single ally. But again it's important to remember B!Lucina's weapon was the first of its kind. THEN there's the absolute worst of the bunch, Leif's Light Brand. While it's understandable IS had some trepidation in Light Brand introducing a brand new effect to the game, they hilariously over estimated its potential, so much so that they added a generic weapon with an identical effect months later, and ignoring weapon type differences, a DEF refined Shining Bow is objectively better than Light Brand. (Sidebar: you really gotta feel bad for Leif, not only was he the last MC added to the game, he was overshadowed on his launch banner by an alt, got a pfr skill that is situational at best, AND IS butchered his signature weapon). With all that being said, I won't say "Lopsided Weapons" will never get refines, but it's hard to think IS won't focus on other areas first, and it might not happen until we get gen 3 weapons, or at least not until they're willing to give DC weapons refines
  23. Well not counting OCs and beasts we'd be looking at Owain, Aversa, Kliff, and Haar. I'd bet a reasonable amount of money anyone but Aversa is the GHB. Free units screw extreamly heavily towards males and Aversa is a unique typing (R. Tome, Flyer) for the permanent pool. There's too much money to be had there. I'd believe Sutr though, he was top 100 and we have every other deceased OC.
  24. That's not true, the holy war banner that introduced Sigurd and co. was a paraloge along with several older banners. It's been a while but it's something that's certainly on the table
  25. It will be so interesting to see who they would actually put on a farfetched 2, if in fact they're doing one. There are so many complications and who they exclude would tell us alot about were IS' head is at Loki: she's the highest voted character not in the game but would they really release an OC not on their own terms? Owain: he's the most voted male "not in the game" but it's not entirely clear if IS would consider Owain an alt or not and if he's eligible for this banner or not. Beasts: any way you slice it the beasts did really well in CYL 2. But would IS introduce beasts with so little fanfare and not on a banner dedicated to them?
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